HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-02, Page 8W To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario -.severe Vegetable for Every H ar en e IN this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food, and. Canada is the great source upon which they rely. Everyone with a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables . r It saves money that you would otherwise spend for vegetables. 12. It helps to lower the "High cost of living." 13. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for export. 4. Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others 1 whose eliort is needed for other vital war work. 1 IThe Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of _Agriculture appeals to 'Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; menu- facttirers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home.'' 1. Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In ewes where it is impossible to secure suitable local speakers, the Department of Agriculture will, on request, send a suitable man. i t The demand for speakers will be great. The number of available experts being limited, the Department urgently requests that arrangements for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot be secured, sed applications promptly. 4, The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prizes for beet vegetable gardens. It is prepared to assistin any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production on vacant lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert advice in the field. To any oneinterested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about implements necessary and methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free of charge to any address. 1Write for Poultry Bulletin - 1 Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you. will be highly repaid in fresh eggs. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens. . Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agricul- Lture,Parliament Buildings, Toronto. \Ontario, Department of Agriculturel r W. 11 Hearst, Minister of Agriculture eeee Parliament Buildings Toronto lo 31;1231.90.1.11...11. Owing to Dis- solution of Part= nership this store will bOlosed from Tionday, Mar, 5th to 'jhursday, Mar. 8 for stock taking. 11 rt's e asc S, E. Faust has two tek nes for sale. 1These phones eks in good order. You can buy., hese at a snap Mr. ,and Mrs. Ben Pfile• unce the imarriage of theirje,eeeel ',est daughter, Clara AngelinfiViza, Garnet Jazobe. 1The eved1,X .,. to take place latter part of OATS FOR SALE Hensali Flour Milis 11 Cook, Sons, and Co regular monthly meeting on Sate :The remains of John Rhode, a farmer of Usbrone township, were.' interred in the Mennonite cemet- ery on the GOshen Line on Tues- day. iThe deceased .was, ill for only a shan't time. Previous to his 'moving to Ulborne he lived west of DaShwood. Begin to plan at once for the cul ivation of every Loot of avai:p able ground. Nearly everything that cell be grown in a garden I away up in price this year. Do not et it occur agasn. It is ,pos- LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursdo, Butter.85 Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade bag 2.70 45 05 1.26 1.60 1.70 65 70 1 00 1 25 4.75 5.25 $40 00 85 00 Live ilugs fob llensall 14 00 Local News OUR MAILING Lisr .Has been corrected up to Feb. 21st. All payments for subscri- ptions should show on the label. If you have renewed and have not been, credited, let u3 know at once. BUY FENCING NOW fWe have in stock a car of the celebrated PEERLESS woven . fence which we are selling at less than present wholesale price. Any one wanting fencing will do well to lay in their tock before March 15th as prices are sure to be much higber later on. Special prices till the above -date. .J Preeter. DECHER-GAISER An interesting event took place on 1Wednesday, Feb, 28th, at Cor- bett, when Miss Violet, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Geiser, of Ship ka, was united in ;marriage to Mr. Decher, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. John Decher, Sr., of this village. The bride was supported by her 'sister Alice, while Harry Hess supported the grooms Only the near relatives of the bride and groomwere present at the cee emony INVe join in extending best wishes. Z, P. S REPORT Report fro the month of Feb- ruary. ;The names are in order of merit. Sr. II- Greta Merner, Frances Mittelholtz, Ruth Brenner, Gerald, sible for every one in town ese Ledard Elda CaL1fas, Madelena gro r enough,. garden stuff tp,P-ast thton.gb the next winter. ttflia al] see that this is done, andemuch nice' ee, will be saved, besides pro iclia,g a surplus for sale to those who cannot grow their own. An ext en sive campaign to in duce thrift in production will shortly be commence.' by the provincial government. ''eseeese,esssssseasteeerere..ee-e:e.e.ses.seaeee.,eee.„eeeseeeeeser 1'41 TO I ESTO S `a ' THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR SOMINION se frill i Fe :gf:Zi!Min ri i a re, a SP.4=1111M ;W., ii E ER;Fie...4 e zaMii=felse*..-ree Z"afe eMese:3gess-Wee"31*C.-5"k41E:Ot VL-1*i*ZiA 03:E E:86Z3* erseesze... 0 CreamEggs and Butter 0si WANTED . Will pay highest cash price for Cream Butter and Eggs delivered at my residence, liD W I. HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH i ,................,. ' sztoloo.mg3crocKomemoopowaslogivwx:304306390:31x3* OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable helf-yearly, 1st April and lst October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any alletteeet made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock arc for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications fur this stock which hear their stamp. For application forms .apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th, 1916. ;74 1 Zurich, at any time during the week. ; • t Mr, idir, ger, Ethel Iles, Austin -Schwalm • - • .1r Il a- Edmund Bedard Ivan, Y113 ghlut John Henry Kochems, Agees Zettel, Irene Decher. Jr. IL b- Wesley Callfas Anna Mittelholtz, Leonard Wagner Fre- da Howes, Claude Meidinger Dor- othy Brenner. Pt. II Aarson Keller, Austin Hey, Francis Deitrich. Sr. I- Lorne Foster, Alice Deitz. Jr: I.- Mildred Geiger Beatrice Merner, Hazel Bedard, Willie Neb. Miss 3. Veitch, Teacher: Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, high closet, tiled back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven thermometer and a large oven., 20x22, Best Stove on the market, only .90. Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout prices. Call and see before you buy. All stoves guaranteed or no sale. tee The Stove Question We were lucky once more le h... Ing contracted for about 50 stoveli of all kinds a year ago, and since then stoves have greatly advanced in prices. We are still selling at the old prices. Call and Fee the BIG STOVE BARGAINS SEE OUR Cook stove with resevoir or Pe. " extended for Ranges complete tor $33„ zP HONE il 13c HURON'SILARCEST COMBIN F TOPE 1•••11••••••••••••••••• 5 CENT TOLL The new Tele of 5 cents for all connections over the Hay teleph- one system with Bell subscribers in Hensel]. came into force ort March 1st. iThat is, if you are a subscriber of the Hay system and want to talk over the telephone with a business man or Bell sub- scriber in Henson the connection will cost 5 cents. This arrange- ment is emibodiecli in the new ag- reement with the Bell Co., the old agreement having expired last Augusts Connections with sub- scribers on the Tuckersmith sys- tem though Hensall are free, and it Will greatly faciliate mattersif subscribers who wish to be con- nected wit th the Tuckersanithsys- tem, instead of calling Zuricle and saying Viva me Hensall," will give the number a,nd ring of' the party they want to be connected with. Have you renewed your sub- scription to the iHereli for 1917? In the last 'twenty years the eight traffic through the Sties canal has more than trebled while the lumber .of passengers has in-. creased about 85 per cent. We received another shipment of Smoke Extract for smoking all kinds of meat and sausageL.Bat- ter than the old system of smok- ing es the insects will not bother after smoking with this prepar- ation, at Hartleib'a E YOU ILLARS AT THE FRONT, THREE-YEAR <4;r,CEr,TIFICATES $ 25.00 F 0 R $2 1 .50 So.clo ' -43.00 100.00 " 80.00 INI3IVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO $1500. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST Oe:710E JAN. 9, 1917 Fri NANC:41E DEPARTMMN'T OT -AWA ilsemotommetsimemetueamemma..onamr. Grez.t. Values in Ladies' Coats, Men's Suits, Furs and overstocks at a great saving. Me s Tailored [Suits These suits are well made, first class trimmings and sell at $23.00 and $25.00. On sale at $16.50 and 18,50. Tweed Overcoats WILL ENCOUBAGE SHEEP RAIS- ING The Onter:o department of ag- riculture is hard 'at work upon plans for encouraging the sheep - raising and wool industry. Fol- lowing the recent indoreation by the Ontario Sheep Breeder's As- sociation of the co -operative sell- ing of wool, the winter fair build- ing at Guelph has been secured for assembling wool The live stook branch of the de- partment of a.gr1cn'ture at Ottawa sunnly experts for grading a,nel classlifying the wool before it is sold In order 01111: farmers Will have first-hand information the district .reneesentatives of the department 'will be summoned to discuss 1 -he matter of two confer- ences, lone for the east to be held. Ottovria on. Marell 6 and T., and the other at Guelph on March 12 and 13 ' - Regular $12.50 On Sale at " 10.00 4 " 8.00 1 only boy's 7.00 7 8.50 7.00 4.00 3.50 Men's Fur Collar Overcoats Regular $22,00 On S Ile at $17,50 11 20.00 14.50 Now fora Bargain We have still in stock about 20 suit lengths which we are going to clear at less than cost of raw material. 3)4 yds in piece. Regular $3,00, $4 00, and $5.00 per yd. TIONV $7.75 to $11.50 a. piece, IG VALUE IN 15 doz, soup plates, Reg, 5 doz. 8 inch plates 1.85 for1.20 10 doz. 5 17 1,25 for 75 rue. IThey are heavier than NOW IS THE TIME TO POULTRY !WITH DR. HESS1, PANACEA. EVERY PACK - Ta L WORM Ladies' Coats 20 Ladies' Coats Regular prices from $10.00 to $16.00 While they last $4.00 each. 1 only Ladies Esquinette plush coats, Regular $25.00 for 19,50 1 only Ladies plush coat with srable collar, Reg. 22.00 for 16.00 1 only ladies velvet coat Reg 16.00 for $10.50. 1 only Ladies cloth coat Reg, 16.00 for $10.50. Ladies' Rain Coats Only 5 left in stock your choice for $4,75. FUR51 FURS! 1 only Natural Wolfe Sett Regular $25.00 for $19.50. ' 2 enly Sable Muffs 8.50 for 6.00 1 e 7.50 for6.00 1 e 10.00 for 8.00 1 Sable Stole 8,50 for 6,00 1 Sable Stole 7.50 for 5.00 Rain Coats Men's En,glieth. make Rain Coats good quality, SCE() and up. 1101 EINAR E $1.75 for $1.00 a doz. 10 doz 6 1.50 f or 8 iThese plates are extra val., the ordinary plates. FEED YOUR "STOCK AND - STOCK FOOD. AND POULTRY AGE GUAT1F-ANTBED, att.. hone zu