HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-02, Page 4THE % ER.L.i,D
Issued every Thutsdayaftern m the Vin Sahsnolc returned to Da
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Rates for display and contract advertisements will be
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Transient notices such as lega1 corporation, soca
te., to cents per line fot first insertirn and 5 cents
me for eat,h subsequent insertion.
i'totices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an
*amiss ion fee is charged or a special collection tanen
will be charged for at the regular advnrtistng ra tes
;Notices of religious or other meetingsthe object o
nrsecta tan interesfit of t or gala,twill. be- cheerand not for fuly
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*saw untiithe following week.
Address all communics ions to
THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont.
THURSDAY, MAR, 1, 1917
1857 19 7
fruit after spending a week with his
family in the village.
Mr Alex Manson of Toronto spent a
few days last week with his mother ,
and other friends m tbie vicinity: CEEDITON
111r.1 A T Douglas and children
spent the week end with friends in M,rs, 'W, Wenzel is visiting reg+.
Rensan. tatives in Detroit.
Mr John Desch of.l3iggar, Sask., is A number •of people of the vel -
visiting friends in this vicinity. loge +are }laid up with the grippe.
11'1r H C Zapfe visited friends at Frazer Brown, of Kitchener,
Grand Bend last week. spent a few .days in town last
Mr Gilbert Freckleton spent the week.
week end with friends in Hamilton. Miss M. 'We.nzel is attending the
millinery openings at Toronto.
Mr en Albert Keys returned home after (The recent thaw has spoilt our
spending the winter in Galt, good sleighing.
Miss Mamie Schenck spent a few .1•-4+
days with friends in Zurich. ST. JOSEPH
COUNTY NEWS Mr. Arthur Jeffrey, of Goderich
,4.—+ who has been visiting reeatives a
'W Mellen' citizens are agitating long this line, has returned to his
for hydro power. home.
The 'spring assizes open at God- Capt. J. N. °satin, of the-iiilit"'Mg
erich 'on March. 13th before Mr. ary staff Headquarters, London,,.
Justice Middletoin', spent slundav at his bonne here. n
Pte. E. A. Brokenshire, of Cred- The continued co'd 'weather leak
iton, was lislted as wounded in the. made fishing through the ice n•;
casualty gist on Monday. the
the lake a paying business. La`'-
Henry ,Turner, a highly res eci- duan ities of herring have b
del resident of near Varna passed caught
SIXTY YEARS OF 'away oln Feb. 15,th in his doth year. Our sleighing has been spoilt
He was ill for only a Short time. the thaw.
His wife, four sons and three Maple syrup weather will soon,
daughters survive hila• be there.
+We have establisliec: .^i ; sieng 1 The mother of the family stood EXETER
+reputation for fair a'r J ' 1•,aare in the reception hail, with her eyes
dealing and are now reen eeed to fixed on the applicaint for a pos-
s itior., ':Why were you discharged
paeet existing; condi' ^• st;,.eer-
tag our hiora 'De. fio.n your last place? she asked.
plants direct ' at Because I sometimes forgot to
!ROCK BOT"' eoele wash the children, meow" "Oh,
Idelay plant's, eand mother," came in chorus from the
the stairs,
!plants, a
°: .Reviva' meetings are being held
tri the Evang• e ca'l church a ibis
• Mrs Wm iElalersi is a+. present
visiting in Detroit,
7 Ir. L. IShum•acher attended the
funeral of a relative in Pigeon,
Mich., last week.
'Several 'from here iattere eel he
funeral of the gate Jno. Ree l+,
of Usborne on Tuesiday.
Quarterly services were con-
ducted by Rev Litt of Kit _h •ncr
in the lEvangelicaal church on Sin -
day last.
dlIiss Pearl 'Tiernan hard the
risesfortune to sprain her ank':eon
' Dr. R. H. !Taylor mlade a r'•!p
.:;to Detroit last week.
. Mr. 'Wm. He f1miam die i his
home on the 16th con on n 1;2Y
�ldght, following a short: i .less
Ile is survived by his sot t ie
sltvife and family. The , tine 'al
Aga place 1Wednesda.y of r1 ,on
the Lutheran cemetery. elev.
se ' upnier officiTated,
• Om Tuesday evening ,l+eb. 20th,
sle gh. 'loads oz the rn��m'�ers
if the Ladies' Aird of the Evan�'el•-
aal church, Dashwood, deo dove ov
Pr and spent 'the evening ws;tt. Mr.
land Mrs. E. Brolderich of the Gosh -
Mrs. D. Russel, Steed.' on the icy l en Line before their leaving for
t;idewalk near her home and Tract, 'their new home near Zurich. The
lured her arm. Ladies giving a good program;
Harry Piper, son of Mrs. Grace
consisting of readings and singing,
Piper, of this village, died athis' Miss Lilly Meyer •gave a number
home in Mitchell. Deeeasedv was.of instrumental ydleotions. A
short a'ddress was also given by.
the Pastor, Rev. P. Meyer A
pleasing feature of the evening
was the preeent�ation from the Lad
4es' Ale of a sold meat fork to Mrs,
Broder'ek. leers. J. Kellerman
made the presentation and Mrs.
Edighoffer read the following ad-
To Maly. E . Broderick.
Recognizing as we do that you
rare 'so >rt tc leave our midst and
ibei'n+g ever mindful of the kind-
ness, cheerfulness and goodwill
whieb we have received
ons (you, we eviish to press
pays children hanging over e s ah t ill for only four days with
^crated ,`please eug,age her!" i• 9
A sarcastic ,Massachusetts will ereumoma.
1 ;eel ;Wnn. ,Rid lost part of his finger
willch • leaves a ,dollar to a cousin,
the 'other day while iassisting T.
' he ,memory e, the 'day when I vas Houlden tb haul logs. The fin-
,s1Op• i flat broke, and had no place to I
sleep, ,and I tasked; her fora loan gel got caughtliettveenas a chain
tie- Chase
Nu "ser
of Ontario
rne, Ont.
d Ill d she refusedi)rand n log
of a
few + o ars, ash Last Sunday was observed 'as
!Those Chlneee big brass coins .Men's Sunday in 'iJame's St. Meth,
!are meow 'worth more for metal (.dist church.
t f Mrs. E. 'Wells', of Detroit is vis-
- - !them for money, and 6,000 one o ; itin her parents, Mr. and Mrs S.
;g,�,�,�,,:,,y+ »t,++++•II. ,h�+tt,4„t-e-se eee'them care g;oiteg into Jlapan every,; 1, P ,
Mrs. A• A. (Turner, a residernt of
Centralia, passed away on Tuesday
of last week he her 28th year.
i .1st BATTALION, C. E. F
3 1It HMO S'
Andrew Price
Thos. Davidson
Lennard D',.'idson
George eTeBride
Milton Johustona
Daniel Tien nett
Maurice Weber
We have heel, asked to add to th
Boror Boll the names of the boy
from Znrich, who have enlisted it.
battalions in various parts of the
country and who are serving th;.•ir
Arne Brenner (killed in action)
Emerson Brown
Peter Ra,tulall
Emanuel Holtzman
.Abe Bender
Albert Bolder
David 1'telck
Prank Utiley
Ed. FPihr
Iv 'man Prang
H ; Simian
13h ;lie Hildebrs lit
IVi lrshihll zone
Gordon Goetz.
Norman Johnston
W LivingooC Veined in action)
Euy Geiger
Alvin Snrerns.
l%I, C. Denomirta
In addition to the above five from
Zurich joined the 161st but were re-
jected as physically unfit,
If the above list is not complete
kindly inform us and we will be pleas-
ed to add any names we have omitted
At once for Zurich and district
for "Canadaes Greatest Nurseries'
Spring 1017- Planting List now
`Splendid list of Hardy Canadian
sfelult a.rf Ornamental Stock in -
eluding McIntosh Red Apple, St.
iEegs,. Everbearing Raspberry,
Kind many other leaders.
' New illustrated catalogue sent
Ms application.
Start now at best selling time.
Miberal Propositions.
83to.ue'r Wellington
The Fonthill Ntlseries
(Established 1837)
T 0 Int 01 T
month to be smelted for munitions Hardy
+The Chinese i+are thus experien.ee
keg much inconvenience in their
monetary Matters
ley 1- ;ling.
s d.
t '�N .
.. N 'L,:,: eine a,,ra r'� 1
given at a New York auction the
other day for a five -cent Hawai-
ian missionary stamp of the issue
of 1851 iWhen- the early mis-
sionaries went to Hawaii, they
looked .ahead to manly things,
but hyrtily to the 'sale of their post
age stamps at prices -higher than
their salaries for a year.
The Book That Standardized All the
Dialects of Britain.
Before thc'rinting of the Bible there
was no English language. It was the
Bible that standardized all the dia-
Ic.•as of Britain and that bound them
together into a living sipeech, and it
was the Bible that was the foundation
of the education and culture of Eng.
land. As the English historian Green
says, "The English people became a
people of a boot. and that book WAS
Use Bible."
To n large degree the same is true of
Germany, but it is not necessary to go
back to the middle ages to find the
Bible forming a nation's culture and
axing its language.
On many of the mission fields, espe-
ciaily in Africa, the language of the
natives had never been reduced to writ -
Eng mail the missionary provided them
with an alphabet in order that the
Bible might be translated into their
tongues. The Bible has then become
both the language textbook and the
spiritual guide of these African na-
tions. In mission 'schools the world
over the Bible is the language text-
book. The people of the mission lands
Want their children to learn the west-
ern tongue, and they send them to the
school. They learn the missionary's
language, but in the learning they find
the missionary's God.—Christian Her-
The Test of Greatness.
When Elliston, the theatrical man-
ager, went from London to his own
theater at Birmingham he was known
to scarcely a member of his own com-
pany. On .reprimanding one of them
sharply the irate actor threatened to
kick him ore the stage. He rushed to
the stage manager and 'asked who that
man was.
"Mt A," said tee manager.
"A. great man, a very great man,"
said Elliston. "He threatened to 'dee
me, the lessee of Drury Lane. Sueh a
man as that must go to London. He
mustn't waste his energies bora" And
he engaged the actor en the spot tor
Drury zoned
Massey4larris TrrrLLole�ents
taa �a .e3091.�.,....,...�. =.1M . zsx r•.�.+r•,xas;r ar.6
We have been re -appointed Agents for the above
name:! Ifnplements and are prepared tc take orders of all •
kinds of Massey -Harris ma chines for next season.
• •
We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and
Our Prices are always righ •
Cutters, end We repair the'same class of goods,
H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman
F. Hess & Son
The Old Stand
®tS719Cza•d9®t�0000000000 it2®19000064300652%00008000000,
nosition in the local branch of the
Molsons Bank.
A successful bazaar was recently
held by the •S'oldier's Aid Society
Over $195.00 was realized.
A pretty wedding was solemniz-
ed in Coven. Presbyteran church
on Feb. 21st, by Rev. S. F. Sharp,
when- Miss Anita Kinsman became
the 'bride o'! H. S. Nicklin, 13a, Sc.
of Action. They will reside in
Mr. Jacob Snider, a highly es-
teemed .pioneer of this section,
Ipa✓ssed eievay on Monday of this
week. Deceased was confined to
bed for only is short time before
his (death. 'Mr. Snider was one of
the early settlers of the Bauble
Line and by This (fair dealings and
honest life had wou the esiteeln of
a large circle ,oF friends,. One son
Joshua. of near here, and two
dan.ghters, one at h'olme and one
in California, srt "wive hilnmi . .
IThe concert held in Goshen ,Scho
of House 'last Friday evening wash
well attended and the :pa+ogra:m
which was given by the young
people of the .neighborhood, Weis
very entertiaining. IThe pro-
ceeds .alnmiounted tlo $40,00.
Rev A, L. ,Smith, 'of Victoria
College, ;Toronto, will preach 9n
the Methodist church Varna at 2.30
o'clock next Sunday Mar. 9th. He'
will speak in the interests of the
Educational Society. Service will
he w(ithdrrawn front Goshen, church
for +tihst day. ,
-iMr. and Mrs. S. H. Pollock and
Miss Lottie •Pollock of Canoe
S•ask., who have Been visiting re-
latives in this vicinity for the
past few weeks, were' called home
suddenly hast week owing to the
illness of their daughter, Miss
.V erna Pollock.
Mrs. (Wim,. ,Stog,dilll has reyurn-
edhome 'after an extended visit
,with Wends near Chatham,.
Mies 'Ella Doevsers, who; has been•
visiting her sisters, Mrs, W. H.
IStogdill 'Of Sutton ,and Mrs. Oscan
Wrightyof Kenmelworth, has re-
turned home..
Mr. Lloyd tFdrigh:offer of Sea -
forth. spent Sunday with his aunt
Mils, J. C, Reid, of Varna.
et... _ 4.. - Ass=.1W..e•. ees,,,,,,se-r-FCB!
*ark c 'of the esteem that you are.
held im• by sus, It i:''si not for its
mere value that .you should trews-'
+tire it, but for the hearty good
will and -kindly feeling which
a.ctinates us, in giving it to you.
;We th',uslt that your years may be
m+a'nv and that when the grey
haiiiai of a ripe old age that mss"ke..
the rewartd of a well sheat life,
shall be yours that it will hrin.g
back so your 'mind memories of
the 'p.ait and th,osfe• of us who are
niow han"ily numb'rerl among
your a°sef sutler and frienrls,
Mrs F Meyer, Pres:: M"a J,
Kell, mhn V. -preys.; Mrs Cr Ed-
ighoffer. See.; Mrs. N""b, 'Beer oi.,
After lir' b. a�.l 'left for hnmet
ttriyhrin,e. c'eTe ;'and Mrsr Brodc'ic'k
e han'vr .111 nrosp•erou,st life in
their new home.
++++4.++++++++++++4.+4.+4.+++'W e4— i••€,+•.;.4 }.+•1•,a , +++++4-e4•d- . '++•N
,1. '1'
4' 4.
fi• +
i ,;
50,000 feet good hard maple saw Fogs
anted. Will dray highest cash prices.
Also all kinds of other Fog:. warted. a�
Custom Sawing our Specialty
"`7 1SALL
,Dr. P. V. Ham'im- of Toronto vis-
ited at the hone of Mr. R. Bon -
on lest week.
ernes Tripp has nearly reco v -
d from his serious illness.
he concert given ven in the Town
Hall last Friday .night was well
attended. Over $170 was taken in
at - the .doors. The play "Tyle
New ;Minister" was presented and
all taking part ;did splendidly. The
play will be given again this,
Friday ,night.
+lf. .J McDonald his moved into
his fine new dwelling just east of
the .village. +:
iJ W. Ortwein his purchased the
.Shortt .dwelling on S. Riehmond
St. and is having it im•proved.'It
will be occupied by Milton Ort-
wein, .
Mrs. R. D. Bell has returned from:
a visit to Bloomsburg, Pa.
A number of new houses will he
erected in the village during the
coining sulnliner.
On Monday afternoon last Mrs.
John McFarlane deed from the
Weds of a paralytic altroke
of a few iday's :previo id. The de-
eea'sed was well advanced in years
amid was Elle ,relit+t of the late Mr.
John ,McF,a,rlane, cloMiIng - from:
Scotland some tye'are ago. She!
was 'most highly respected for her
many tine quantifies, and although+
leading a very quiet and retired
life Will 'he grealtly, rissled.
rmatint ��
+.‘1.4.4-144-14.14-1-444,44s I d• ,a 1 1 •i •. -�.1 1•� �•4 i- �r i •A• h ; ^a r
We have stocked our store with a large range of
goods suitable for cold weather wear. We are ready to
supply your wants in these goods. Come al,d see.
Meavy Rubbers
We have a large stock of men's
and boy's heavy rubbers and wool
socks. A11 sizes and prices .are
We handle the celebrated Carhartt's
Overalls and khaki trousers for men
and boys. No better made. Get our
We have a nice line of shoes for
young men. Owe in and see these
styles. Also everyday shoes for men,
women and children at righ prices.
Sweater Coats
See our lines of Sevea.ter Coats
for leen and children many styles
and colors. Special values.
Shoe Repairin>3 of all kinds
1 on 86
Safety First
Nothing 1smo eImportnttotheFoe
Shipper than doing business with an
Fur Boase.
"Ship to Shubert"
the largest house in the World dealing
exclusively in American Raw Fore,
where you will always receive cin Accurate
and Liberal Assortment, theUiahe,tMnrltet
Prices and the usual "Sttubert++ Efficient,
' Speedy, Courteous service.
Write for the latest edition of "Wile
Bliuhert Bitha.trr'• containing valuable
Market information you must have.
A. B. aS VBERi s Inc2e7CICGDptC354,HAO U.S AVE.
London Life Policies are
Ninety-seven per cent of the public when they attain ad-
vanced age have little or nothing to' live upon, and are either
dependent upon relatives or public"charity for support,
Protect your future by a popular insurance policy in the
London Life.
All the popular plans of insurance written:
For particulars apply to
Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent