HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-03-02, Page 1Vol. XVI I Ic ZURICH, FRIDAYMORNING, MARCH G, 1917. Seasonable HARNESS Goods n -r .a •m.a,leVt. See our Large range of SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS of all kinds Our prices will be folnd re - sortable. Also a full line of MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and sizes. TRUNKS SUIT CASES, .,n•.AS; etc. Sweat Pads, Curry CGrnbs,''] Axle Grease, ;.Gall Cure R. F. STADE ZURICH tten Wonderful Values en's Pants Youthla c1•ark pants in neat striped patterns, Regular Sale price $1.79; Youth's regular $2.50 pants Sale price Men's regular 2.75 pants Sale price Men's regular 3.00 pants Sale price Men's regular 3.25 pants Sale price Men's regular 3.75 and$4pants Sale price 1Vlen's regular 4,25 and 4.50 pants Sale Price $1.89 $2,19 $2.39 $2.59 2.99 $3.19 $2,25 E,_,A, ZUBIliq WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN • r-Airmmora. 0t -0. 's464.4 -s s. C LOCAL NEWS �741/o " 4r7 Hay eloun'cil wig meet. for it .sL; rurday, March 3rd. N, Mr. S. E. Faust is visiting re'<att-,`. ves and friends in Stratford, and Elmira. Mr. E. A. Deichert, who has spent a few an•ox+ths at his home lieze;,. left on (Wednesday for Detroit.?- Pr. etroit.r-Dr. ,E. S. Hardie, dentist, will bs+ at the Dominion House, Zuriel), on Wednesday, and Wednesdayof"the`.' following week. Mr. Jlolvn J. tGallman has purch!a! ed the dwelling house and lots ,anu.; :ataess shop to the saand formerly. the west end of the village, ow.u+ ' • yapied by ;Mr. S. Faust as ed by Mrs. Patulinla Faust, of .Dam a dace shore. ;Grange, Illls., and ,occupied sz present by e. +Sei'ms. „Ruby & Gascho ,, who have con- rThe Ontario Government ant,'; tatted a general drygoods bus- ntounces that they are appropriat4 s do Ourich for over fiveyears ing one milaion dollars to assist re- turned soldiers to go on theland.� The money will be devoted tq� establishing training schools, to help the amen clear the land N035. Mr. Geo. Two, of, town, is un-' fitst* rt 04144 44 it 44 4491Y .r44 4.6 ♦p• der the doctor's care at present. Have received a 'shipment of one ton seed corn on cobs. Call early and get your supply. J.He,,•. Jr. The Notional Service Com,m.is- si:: n has extended the time allow - .ed Lox the return of the national sery ,Ct cards to March 1st. lFOICSALE-1 davenport, 11eat'.:- •er rocker, 1 leather chair. ,These wil'1'be sold .at a snap. Any one :wishing to see :them can call at tray house any time and have a look at them. S. E. Faust j. Mr. R. F. !Slta,de has moved his; ave dissolved partnership and [r.. Jos. Gascho., . of the 14th con., as taken over Mr. 'Ruby's share. the store will be conducted in the shame nuinner as heretofore,an:l Northern Ontario, stock their fat . John 'Gaecho will be the man - ons and make whatever improv -7 'a er. l ements may be necessary. The aommatasartazempraimmmaommemmeam money will be advanced and pain` back in instalments,. ahe Uniform Promotion Examin- ations for the public schools of: Huron willbe held on Thursday and Friday, March 29th and 30th, 1917. Papers are provided for Junior and Senior Second and" ;Third Classes ,and Junior 'Fourth Class. Teachers should notify their School Inspectors soon stat- ing the number of papers needed for eael. class`. • Postmasters have received not ification from the National Servsc:e Conian6ssion, that the time allots*e'd, for the return of national seraiee registration caads has been e tf ao z• h ,xur��, ch. i ,.. Pos tmast�rs: • asl ecr ..ten �a:� , cards to those who have not fil- led them Out, !as it is desired to, make the registration as coin:plete as possible. (These cards can be setons on application a 1 tion to the local Incorporated 1855 The h r t �i> l $. "r , S I3 S YK CAPITAL, and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CR©DIT BANK 119.ONEY ORDER filbert:set at highest current rates Zurich Pra.nch R. T.DUNLOP, Manager Protect Your Shoe I with a pair of good rubbers. Shoes are advancing in price. A pair of -.rubbers will make thein wear longer. We have all sizes and styles. Also Heavy Rubbers for Man or Boy. Prices Right Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. IT 9 � riel The Hon -if of Good Shoes '4130194431a0.0242 tr144Dlett' 48 44 3Gfita*Pri40-w a 44q� •:i' ul!I!!•,!''a.;,'t'� 0'dl tr,�!!,.I,tl':�'lil'i!;!tltil!Ir.'!a:h",.alsli,ilt+lh'� '.iil':Ili�, 0 u�l'u;�, "',t11!itll' ''!i!t�� t.�, , , iCi�htitP;10(l:IIIi11C'lill� -• S eCia Sale Beginning Feb 26th, we are putting on a SALE E. of Wall. Paper at prices below manufacturer's prices toclay , for the purrose of inakin' room for our new '...D177 paper. Anyone intending paper- . ing this spring should secure some of these BARGAIN S. PHONE 11 on 82; BLAKE posirmraster._a" " 1";,:'.!l!li!!lllilll11:1101ilOOlhi'Bi11114iUlfallillldllli!;;hilfi(!OI4 fttt ifd:G H' }' .!dri!! Il 'i•<itLrhtit!'I!i'iI1011191ifl�llf fi4. i , F 3 d : : o° g oe g i�+ : •:: a F : ' i 3 : i ::. fi , 1 � £ f o+ i ; � l i i i .: l � f l 3 ��•i..'rda :�F F •F y� : d d �II••i•� .F II. t ,c .p •:.1.� foe g .II•.II•yi••3••€ •i •,dr � �II y :.� g rr : &>� •€ dr , �° ; d -;-3 : ? e r g .,� ; .i F « i } l••z � :• € oa.l § � � r A a i i 1 � : s r :: iq t• � Y t ^ i��•a!••b. • mom^--•^�...®� We carry a full line of Ranges and Heaters. See our new Pen- insula Range "THE LIGHTER DAY" with high oven, and all mod- ern improvements. This stove is giving (ulniverslal satisfaction. Also the Gilt Edge Peninsula,none better or neater on the market. We a'so veli tl:e famous Happy Thought range. All kinds of baseburners and oak heaters, etc. UGC WTI Christmas Suggestions in the Hardware saction Useful and Reasonable in Price CASSEROLES $2',50 TO $4.00 WM ROGERS SILVERWARE CUT GLASS BOWLS. CARVING SETTS, Special at Fi, GILLEIT,3 AND LV_R Z READY RAZORS 0 CEDAR POLISHING MOPS. CARPET SWEEPERS. BOYS AND GIRLS SKATES. HOCKEY STICKS.. POCK) ET KNIVES. J. r ST SHES ne ems 'is :mess =1",¢vr =...-..._-..-..-,.-c. AN E CHEFS HANKER&IEFS OF :EVERY FILMY' FASHIONABLE KINDS. A veritable Christmas garland of theta, beauteously embroidered, smartly ini:,alle., or so:t:y edged with lace Some, too, are for men and children,. SideBoard Covers and Centre Pieces A. splendid showing of sideboard e I ,et s anc centre pieces, which are u'.i:a Isle ' i Xmas, gifts. .Prices from. 25 up FURS FURS Mens Fur Coon Coats' at the old pLices, $50.00 and tap. Ladies muskrat coats ---- •-$60.00 "' Fur Muffs --- . 5.10 to 12.50 yi Fur setts --- - 11.00 to24:00 Fur scarfs at reduced pri-es highest Price for Produce. !,1,...t++++4.440144.444++++444 34++444444•+4 3444 4444+444 +'R + • «t•. + •4+++4 4+444 44 GLOVES File knitted w..o' gbvcs an pain black, blue, red and. white at !;'5c and 35c. Flanneflette Blankets Wh:te or gray flannelette blan- kets, pink or blue borders, sizes 64x72 inches, $1.75 and 2.00 a pair Just a few more all wool blank- ets to clear out at the old price, rouging from $5,50 to 7,00. Xmas Ribbons Holly berry and leaf designs, chiefly in narrow widths for ty- ing pa -Rays. 5 yd, rolls at 15c each. Xmas Candies Also a large assortment of candies, nu'.s, etc. , ,OUNNYILLE. CAN. BUFFALO. N.'! Sweater Coats A splendid range of real good clualitie'l in l,bin and fancy wean. es, new plaids and griped and in scares of color coml.inations from $1.23 to 6.50. Christmas China. We have on display the fines!; chinaware and Cishes of all kinds and al] prices. Watch for our window display of odd pieces at 20c each. ++++++.1.444.4..+4.44.1.;&,+ 1.4.44+,w.t.+.,,+a.;{..w4-44.$'4.?,+ ++++-f.444444 q . Z +. •,,•.s. t.:+ 1.4-44--1.2:4-4444 ;C t!..1.1"--1; 4 4' ,g+. :a. A A .2