HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-23, Page 5The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, !German -.. ••• -- 9.45 a. m. •Sunday School 11.00 a, m. Z' Service English ...7.00 p,m, Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. 7.30 port Tuesday, Y. P. A. -•• 8.15 p. m. 1Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice ---• 8 30p. m. Ladle's Aid, First :Tuesday of each Month, ... ...... 2.30 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool •-- ... 2 p.m. German Services, Sunday 10 30a.m, English Service Sunday, 7.00 p.m. Luther League, Friday 8. p. m. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. m, Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH' FOR SKINS & BIDES T`lua%lut & ReichertI Andrew F. Hess' CONVEYANCING, ETC. :•$'IRE INSURANCE PZ,ATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PF,EN.ANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT 11.7SURANCE Herald(Office Zurich Paid-up Capilta1;$6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177,25 Insures your barn against damage ky wind or tarnado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 yeara, and your thouse for 30 cents per $100 for al years. No premiutza note and no extra assessment guaranteed. Si HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING' Prompt Service Moderate: h.at'gea Tailor Shop and Laundry W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario FARMS FOR SALE I offer my two farms for sale, one being south half of lot 3, con- taining 81y acres. and the other being the north half of lot 4, con- taining 79 acres, both in the 13th en,,; Stanley. ,iThe former has 10 acres good bush, and ther latter 8acres. Borth in good state of cultivation and good buildings on both. fames. Barna have stone fo'andations an+l lots of water on! crenxisep For particulars apply to Christ 'girl&, Ii. 1, No 2,Zuri:h' 'LOCAL NEWS _ 7.I' Fend the Herald to y,our absent relatives or friends, NEW .AD1S—E, Appel, R. N. Doug, las, L. 'Prang, •Auction Salle. Messrs. P. Lamont and C. Fritz. were Grand Bend visitors on Sun- day. The ,Government's urging to save tin cans may save many a dog from a calamity. 1 have secured the services of Jas. Barry of Dunnville, an all around blacksmith, and my shop IND! be open for business from now on. J Deichert. We received a carload of ideal fencing. We are sealing it 5 Bents a rod less then the wholesale price to -day while the car lasts. C. Hartleib. It is not disputed that the bear having seen his shadow and con- cluded that it wowid not soon be spring, is something of a weather prophet. The annual Seed Show under the. auspices of the South Huron Agrie ultural Society will be held in. the Town Hall, Hensall, on Thurs- day, Mdareh 1st. The weather has again turned fine after the sleet storm on Mon- day night. The winter has be- en a steady one and the open winter tprophe!ts have hiked for cover. Fire destroyed the Lutheran church in Ellice township on Sun- day evening Feb. llth. The pas- tor, Rev. A. Blunck, was retiring and noticed the reflection of the light. It is supposed that the fire started in the furnace room. The loss 'is $15,000 with $7,000 in- surance. Pigs, instead of being ready to eat anything, are among the most fastidious animals. Out of 575 plants, the goat eats 449 and refuses 126,; sheep, out of 528 plants, eat 387 and refuse 141; cows out of 494, eats, 279 and refuses 2I8; horses, out of 474 plants, eat 262 and refuse 212, while pigs, out of 242 plants, eat- only seventy-one and refuse 171. Ferdinand Desjardine, the Ste- phen township man lying under a criminal charge in connection: 1raiiiiiat9, xl riiCkt eft,aaite; *as brought before , ,: isMagistrate 'An- drews An-drews at Exeter on Wednesday of last week and was committed for trial at the March assizes. The charge against him is culpable homicide Crown Attorney Seag er appeared for the Crown, and Mr. .J G. Stanbury for the def- ence. ef- ence. .p —d - MARRIED Willert—Kraft—At Dashwood on Feb. 14, Miss Ella Willert to .Mr, Edmund Kraft, both cf Dash wooer. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, .Bug- gies, Cutters ,etc., the contents of the King George Hotel, Hensall, at the viilagc of Zurich, on Sat- urday, March 3rd. E. Bossen- berry, auctioneer; W. S. Johnston, proprietor. Igli CLUBBING LIST Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 " " Weekly Globe 175 " Daily Mail and Em- pire 3 75 Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 3 25 " Daily News 3 25 Weokly Star1 75 Loddon Free Press Morning Edition3 60 Evaning Edition8 60 Weekly Edition 1 85 0 London Advertiser Morning Edition3 60 Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Fanners Advocate2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star Weekly Montreal Witness 185 Canadian Country - c< C1 CC CC CC CI 4.1 CC 1 85 Haan 50 CEMENT WORK 0 atm prepared to do all kinds of. cement work, such as silos, tanks, stable floors, etc. C+ET MY PRICES H. B OCH Zurich, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE ^ Desirable brick !dwelling hausie and three .lets for sale, situated in Zurich. Good frame stable and good ,well and cistern on premised. Fruit trees and land in good state of cultivation. Sit- uated opposite school house. For paarticulars appfly to Martin Wurm or Mary Prang, Executors,Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Comprising 1534 acres, in Stan- ley Township, 1% miles north of Blake, with good buildings, Barn 40x60, with good straw shed, 40x36, driving shed 2'x'l with hog ren underneath and a cider mill in' good running order Stables are cement, also floors. Good stone house, 11 rooms, with good cellar,. hard and soft water inside. A- bout 30 acres of good bush of mix- ed timber, maple, beech:, hemlock,; bass'wood.elm and white ash. The farm is well drained and fenced, a- bout 3 acres of orchard— apples., plums, peaches, etc. Ten acres fall wheat, 60 acres plowed and about 50 acres seed in grass. Will be sold at a reasonable price. For particulars apply on• the premises lot 8, con. 13, Stanley. Menno D. Steekley, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. eanareas LO OKs Why rly,c1 use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal: Good supply on hand. EL F. CASE & SON,. NONE 35 HENSALL Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC. SLAG Am now taking orders for winter delivery. The past season has .'gain shown that Basil Stag gives best satisfaction for grain and beans, For reference ask farmers in this locality who have used it, Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of L'ertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Compani=s. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose JOSEPH RAH R R, lit ). 2, Zurich. Classified Ads j LEGAL. :CARDS. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich, Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDFOOT, K. C. J. L. KILLORAN. H. J. D. Cooter. Mir. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL'CARDS JR A. J. MacKINNON late Hous* Surgeon, Erie County hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office. Zurich, Ont. R. Hess & Co. +—+ JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS kk Re)airing cz Sj5ecialey PREPARDNESS :There are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- wana, Anthracite Goal We hake, supply , of all sizes: `f°°g,^.. Steve and Chesnut ,Cantelon Hensall 0:-,` House Phone 10a FARM FOR SALE :Lot ,8, con. 4, lataniey, 100 acres 80..a'cred cleared. Good 12 roomed frame house with kitchen and woodsbed, frame barn, 40x60,ba:n 30x50, on stone foundation. •Twq good wells, orchard, and small fruits, This farm is 3% miles from Brucefield antd Kippen and is 6 miles from Hensall. Easy terms. Apply Will. F. Alexander, R. R. No: 2, Hensall, phone 6-82 Save the wood asheta and keep; there in a day place. They are a splendid fertilizer. INTERRUPTED,_ THE SERMON. d' AB er Father and Son Incident In O • ld Plymouth' Church. R. Charles R. Brown in the Con- gregttionalist relates an interesting incident of the past in which Henry Ward Beecher; the famous minister of Plymouth church, and bis venerable and hardly less distinguished father Owned, Many years ago, he says, one of my friendswas present in Plymouth church when the incident occurred. It was in the days when Lyman Beecher had come to make leis home with his illus. trous son, and every Sunday he was in the pastor's pew. One morning Henry Ward Beecher was unfolding some as- pect of the uew theology, as be had come to hold it, 'when suddenly up rose Lyman Beecher,'saying, "Henry, may I say a word just there?" Beecher paused in his sermon and, with,',,Iook of filial affection, at once responded, "Certainly, father; say on." Then Lyman Beecher turned to the congregation and said, "Henry puts it that way, but it is not that way; it is this Way." And he proceeded to state the truth ashe saw it. henry Ward needier stood listening to bis dither, with an expression on his face�}at blessed the listening, won- clerin`• tligregation more than many a sernidn. -.'And when Lyman Beecher had ccwcluded be paid a beautiful trib- ute to his4, father's influence upon his oiln, ife;Arid then resumed his sermon wharb he had been interrupted. A 'SNAP on Farm Wagons I PURCHASED A NUMBER O F FARM WAGONS AT A BAR. GAIN AND AM GOING TO GIVE .THIS: FARMERS OF THIS SEC- TION THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PURCHASE.. IF NEEDING ONE CALL EAE LY AS I HAVE ONLY A LIM- ITED NUMBER. Two De Laval Separators at old price TWO DE LAVAL SEPARATOORS LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take advantage of this ALSO (I'WO NEW BUGGIES FOR SALE AT THE OLD PRICE; Bargain on low-down manure spreader LOW DOWN MANURE SPRD ADE'IL AT T:?C OLD PRICE. DO NOT MISS THESE ':iNAPSi We handle pumps, piping, etc. L. PRANG ZURICH •l•-:.:+.z✓•..,<.•r., +.; . +ao>r +4..-n• ;.•<oo4. 6-.:,.++:r.; .p:;.., . .pa..Y ,.+.;.... e 3•✓r•+ During 1917 MAKE YOUR BUSINESS MORE SUCCESSFUL AND MORE SATIS- FACTORY BY USING NEAT AND APPROPRIATE STATIONERY. WE PRINT EVERYTHING YOU REQUIRE AND OUR WORK I,5 RIGHT, GIVE US A TRIAL OR- DER, AGENTS FOR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND OFFICE, SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. The Herald Zurich .l."1-+0 `:•{C��"�i: a,✓.'af+44 F +++¢4+i sl^T. i'1.r$+'++3dl`l1 THE MINISTER OF FINANDti REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN JAN. P. 911 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE orrawA