Zurich Herald, 1917-02-23, Page 4THE HERALD issued every Thursdayaftern an ! to the HERALD PRINTING victoria St. Zurich,b ANDgEW F. HESS and CHESTER L, SMITH SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR L. S• $ubscriptoe tir,5o strictly in advance, R . ADVERTISINGTERMS. S Rates for display and contract advertisements will be NCO 00 appllanon. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci tc , so cents per line to: first insertirn and 5 cents e ice for each subsequent insertion. GREATER PROFITS FROM CLEAN SITED 1 If Good Crops are Expected, t Good Seed Must be Sown. '; F'FICE ----- The quality of seed grain. sown I ore the farm next spring will de- 1 pend ;upon the tawnier himself. . frhis is amaitter which is entirety, in Ms own hands If good clops to be expected, good seed must be sown, The farmer should prepare the seed now for the spring sowing During the winter .months, ivheo other farm wort: is not press:ng,is the best time to clean the gran for seed. The b.s. grana gr..wn on the farm siould be used and it shoule• be put through the fanning mill two orehree times at least, or until all of the light or shrunken grain and the weed seeds are removed. There is a distinct loss in sowing weal: seed and it is much more profitable to screen out the shrunk- en and weak grain and feed it than to sow it .and lose it. It is also essential that weed seeds be not sown if weed growthis to be pre- vented. The increase in total yield is practically all profit. A crop of Retires of entertainments, socials etc. at which an Idmiss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken will be charged for at the regular advertising ra tes Sotices of religious or other meetings the object o which is the benefit of the community and not for per. anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly inserted free. Advertisments without specific directions will be isnerted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran meat advertismenrs must be paid for in advance. stray advs. $r for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. ,thnnges for contract advertisements must be in the alike by 6 p. m., Tuesday, otherwise, they will be left error untilthe tollowing week. Address all commnnico ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, FEB, 22, 1917 11357 19 7 SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS AND SUCCESS lWe have established a reputation for fair and square dealing and are now prepared to {meet existing conditions by offer- ing our hiogh grade trees and (Tants direct to customers at ROCK BOTTOM Prices. Don't delay planting fruit trees and 1plants, as there is nothing pays ibetter. Send for our illustrated eireulars of hardy varieties which 'you can order direct and get the d;,enefit of agent's commission. Our prices will be sure to interest 'you. The Chase Brothers Co. of Ontario Ltd. Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont. lasting •+++++++++++++000000040++++. HONOR ROLL 144.1WANION, C. E. d°THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice Weber f We have been asked to add to the Honor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who have enlisted in battalions in various parts of the country and who are serving their Zing. Arne Brenner (killed in action) Emerson Brown Peter Randall Emanuel Holtzman Abe Bender Albert Bender David Stelck Frank Uttley +'d. Fisher N 5'rman Prang BF, Sierran Aa'aie Hildebra ..lt 118 rrshall Zell; • 'It Gordon Goetz. Norman Johnston W Livingoofi 'kilted in Loy Geiger Alvin Surerus. aiYl, C Denorn'm.e ' In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 161st but were re- jected as physically unfit, If the above list ie not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed to add any names we have omitted IiE?RESENTATIVE WANTED +At once for Zurich and district ii or "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' 1priug 19,17 Planting List now ready. wheat from ordinary seed may yield 25 bushels per acre, and costs 20 bushels per acre to produce, leaving five bushels per acre as net profit. If, by sowing well cleane.1 seed, the yield is increased one bushelper acre, the increase ;n net profit in 20 per cent. The cleaning of the seed in spare time during the winter does no`tadd one cent to the cost of production. 'When well cleaned seed is sown in place of ordinary grain, •the gain inyield is, of course, much more than one bushel per acre. The net profit has often been increased 50 leer cent or even doubled. This is one way of increasing production and pruiit. —la' C. N. EGGS IN HEATED RICE. A Way the Chinese Have ror Hatching Ducks and Chickens. The Chinese method of hatching as many as 500 duck and chicks► eggs in one sitting has not yet been adopted In this country. Unhusked rice Is used for the pur- pose, and when this has been roasted it is either cooled by a fanning process or the wind is allowed to blow through It until it is lukewarm. The breeder then, sprinkles a , three Ufa rus...'ta� er---.0 .�1�! " e-=hu°`''lie"uot'toin Of a - wooden tub. and on this surface places about 100 eggs; another layer of rice about two inches thick is spread over them, and on this layer eggs are also placed, and the tub is filled in this way until there are six layers of rice and five of eggs, making 500 eggs in all in the tub. Every twenty-four hours the rice has to be heated, and for this purpose the eggs have to be removed, the bottom Layer this time being placed on top and the other layers one row lower down, the eggs that occupied the central po- sition in the tub now being placed at the edges. There is some difficulty in gauging the exact time at which the eggs will hatch, and unless care is taken some of the young ones are likety to be smothered. This is, of course, the point at which the ability of the expert is shown. CORRESPONDENCE) EXETER A; Petitions for Woman Suffrage have been circulated 'around,town and have been signed freely. Pte. C. Triebner, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Triebner of Stephen, has enlisted with the 256th rail- way battalion, •1VIrs. W. H. Levet t, who 'with lief husband recently moved to Zein;; don, recently underwent an upei -ation for gall stones and one hen- died and twenty of the pebbles, were removed. Her friends + e pleased to know .sfhe is doing Well after the operation. Antos Poplestone, formerly of Exeter, and son of the late John Poplestone, was killed by u-.stxeet car in Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newell at- tended the funeral last week r n London of the late Richard I ep son and Mrs. James Scelieel5tne their uncle and aunt ieapeetietly The former was burr:don iiespay� and the latter on Wednesda action) SpleniiiI 1ist of [hardy Canadian tenet ar:'i Ornamental Stock in- luding 14I.clntosh. Rcd 9.pplt:, St. Negls Everbearing Raspberry, lantd many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent An .applieation, Start ,now at best selling time. liberal Propositions. Stone & Wellington The Ponthilt Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO John Mallett has been t Clinton where he has beeo'.e inmate of the house of refit CREDIT ON Mr. C. W. Baker has been e`on fined to the house with la giipj?e. Rev. E. Becker spent a nee, days in Detroit last week. Mrs. Hy. Hoist fractured her . arm in a fall recently. DASHWOOD An interesting event was cel- ebrated on Wednesday of lasth week when Miss Ella 'W inert was united in marriage with Mr. Ed- mund Kraft. Both are popular young people of ,thio village and have the best wishes of a host of friends. Mr. Earl Guenther was on the sick lisp a few days last week. Mr. E. Tiernan received several Chevrolet cars last week. (Miss Addie Ehlers of London is visiting at her home here. Quite a number from here at- tended the dance at Zurich Thurs- day might. . Miss Dora Kraft of Lnodon and Mr. Otto !Wil'lert of Ailsa Craig, ,}attended the lWillert—Kraft llttlp- etials last week. Herman +Zimmer of Strat- f rd- visited her parents, Y Mr. and. Ire. H. Wil+lert over Sunday. Miss Lydia Schroeder of Ex- eter is• visiting at her home here. ' .•Mise Maida Routledge attended e'tl}e millinery openings at London id las.t week and at Toronto this' elt:a�eek. Jacob Eilber, of Corunna, Mich. is visiting his mother who is still ill . H. Eilber, M. P.P., is attend`; the sitting of the Legislature: Toronto. HENSALL Mr, .3 W. Ortwein, president of the S. S. Association of Huron, Adis in Hamilton recently attending the Seconfd Biennial Conference. Miss Margaret Stelek is visitng her cousin., Miss Margaret J..;) INSECT TRAVELERS, Moths, Butterflies and Beetles Make Long Distance Journeys. Mr- William Evans, a Scottish natu- ralist, who has made a lifelong study of the fauna of Scotland, obtained from a dozen Scottish lightbonses 241 species of insects, which include two butterflies, 159 moths, eighteen caddis flies and lacewings, forty diptera, ten beetles and a dozen other species. Most of the specimens -were males. To reach the Isle of May, in the Firth of Forth, where Mr. Evans collected most of the insects, many of the speci- mens must have flown across several miles of sea. In his records Mr. Evans calls atten- tion to several other extraordinary flights of insects. Thus, the "painted lady," or thistle butterfly (Pyrameis cardul), has been known to cross the Alps; the red ad- miral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) has landed in numbers on the deck of a vessel 500 miles from the coast of England; the common white butter- flies cross the English channel in clouds; the famous milkweed butterfly (Danais arcbippus), abundant every- where in the United States, is said to make the 2,000 mile journey from California to the Hawaiian Islands and has gradually progressed by way of the south sea islands as far as Aus- tralia. A death's bead moth has boarded a steamer 200 miles oil' the Cape Verde islands. Clouds of ladybirds miles in extent, so that they resembled smoke from a steamer, have been seen at sea. A. swarm of locusts that passed over the Red sea itt 1889 is Said to have ex- tended over 20000 square miles, and it was es_tma$ed to weigh 42,860,000,000 tont •° t g it •Mks -s" Florence Pope was gli eta a miscellaneous shower by her friends the other evening: 1. A humorous play entitled "The Minister" will be given in the Town Hall to -night, under the auspices of the Ladies' Patriotic League. Mrs. Thomas Dick, of near here is seriously ill at present. • Alex Purest, who has been vis- iting relatives in this section, has returned to Ms home in Tuxford'- Sack. Mr. Jas. Johnston left last week for Alberta. with a carload of settler's effects. Henry Busch, a much respected resident of this village for many, years, passed away last week ,;fin' his 00th year. GOVERNMENT ISSUERS OF AUTO LICENSES ALL OVER-'. PROVINCE 'a !With the objection of fanult4a ing the securing of rmetior es, Horn. Finlay MacDia'rmid, m»n;. is'ter of public works) and b1gh' ways, has a'ppro'ved p:(ane aof.Itlie highway department for the, it=: suing of licenses through sores forty offileers of the department scattered throughout the province By the new plan a motor car own- er, instead of having to write to Toronto for his licensi,es will be able to apply to an oftficial in his home conn.ty. The renumeration of th.e agents will. be in the form of a fee of 25 cents for each lic- ense issued, except those issued in Toronto, where only 16 cents each will be paid. In addition Le the county officers the depart ment is 'appointing six customs of- ficers at border points as issuers and !paying them 50 cents for each permit isslued to foreign tour- ists cdntin•g Mr. Sam Elsie and sister Miss Mabel, of Detroit ,visited their father, who is very ill. Mr. Jack Bidt of Ailsa. Craig ,spent Sunday with his family here BLAKE Mrs: C. Haugh and don of Bruce - f ield ppent Friday and Saturday at the home of Mr. Robert Allan. Mies Myrtle Meyers and friend of Seaforth spent Sunday at the, home c f Mr. Chasi. Meyer. Miss Selenla Teuran.d, who is teaching; lachool in Dashwood, spent .12 e week end under the par- ental, r Mr. 0. Freckleto,n. spent IThur- sday ee ening at the home of Mr. Walter Madge. Miss Hele\ri. Tough called on fri- ends in the •village •on Saturday lash. '':eecoroapamaea'' ny.11.[x Sma'th, spent: JarnitZe an,d sister of Bade.n. • 111 • • • • • 0 • • ° We have been re -appointed Agents for the above • • named Implem.nts and are prepared tc take orders of all • kinds of Massey-Harrismachines for next season. •• • WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY • • HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS, •• • • • • 0 •• • •Square • • • • • • • Deal • • r • • • • ee•s••s••s••s••A••••a•••roeelle•••••eos•••••o••ee.SS••• Massey -Harris Implements We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the salve class of goods. CANADA'S PAPER HISTORY The progress lthat Canada is making towards becoming the world's cent.- for the Manufact- ure o; pulp and paper is indicated in figures recently published by the Department of ti'r'ade and Com snerce, Por the year ending July 1916, th.e export of paper amount- ed to $21,678,868, of which 88 per. cent Ito the United Kingdom. This total is An lecreaae of 31 percent over the figure's; for till) year previous. • , a few' drays visiting friends in this vucimity. Mrs. beech, Sr., was called to Detroit last week ,owing to the serious fulness of her son. Mr. Peter Duriand and sister, spent Slatulyday evening at the holme of Mr. A,. T. Douglas. Mr. Donald Manson of Winnipeg, spent a few days with his mother; recently. Mrs. Mans!oln's many friends will be pleased to know that she is improving after her seriolus i"ITIpess. M•• Thos. Meyers spent Sunday under the parental roof,. Mr. and Mrs. Hey, of Zurich, spent Monday at the home of Mr. Sam Hey 411E6 Irene Douglas of Zurich, :spent Sattur;day at the home of Mr. .J A. Manson. Wars. Fred Turner and little son sOnit 'a few. days witch. Mrs. Tur- ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ;Johnston. • Quite (a number, of our young people h'a've been sight seeing a- lo'ng the Bake shore the last few; WIeekis. Mrs. A. 3. McDonald is' at pres- teint nursing in !Zurich, Mr. 'ah,d Mrs. Wm. Douglas vis- ited friends near Hillsgreen re- centtly. A very interesting Valentine party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston,near Blake, last wednesday evening. About thirty guests were present. Games, songs and other entertain- ing amusements we -re on the pro- gram and all report a very pleas- •atnt time. • • iii Our Prices are always right It; e. H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son s The Old Stand �7 +•l I ++ : +3.3••'r•l•4-44••1-•'o4•'r.; : •. •41l hr+ti ++d.+++,g ++++++ i•+•i4l•1•4•+ 1. d• 1- fi 0 .l. 0 0 0 000.0 g .t..I..., 0,+ t•:••' 0000++000000+_'b 400000+++0000 f0400+•g+.l..t.44" 50,000 FEET MAPLE SAW LOGS WANTED' 50,000 feet good hard maple saw logs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty C. PHONIE 19 �Ea'. /1 L 'rrr. 1!LEISC 4 4 4 .t� ZURICH are ready„ iii We have stocked our store with a large range of'. goods suitable for cold weather wear. We are ready to supply your wants in these goods. Come and see. Heavy Rubbers We have a large stock of men's and boy's heavy rubbers and wool socks. All sizes and prices .are right Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and khaki trousers for men and boys. No better made. Get our prices. L. BRIBBON SHOES We have a nice line of shoes for young men. Come in and see these. styles. Also everyday shoes for men,, women and children at righ prices. Sweater Coats See our lines of Sweater Coate for men and children many styles and colors. Special values. She Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. PHONE 1 on 86 Drysdale 0-0 HURON COUNTY STANDS HIGH Possibly it is not known to ev- eryone that Huron is the third richest Coutt ty in the Province of Ontario. Below we give the am- ount of the last equalizer asses- sment value of a few of the most progressive counties in Ontario. Huron .-. $42,500,000 Bruce ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ,,000,000 Elgin --- .. 26,000,000 Grey _ 32,700,000 Kent ... ... ... ... ... 28,000,000, Middlesex ... .., 27,600,000 Oxford 29,300,000 Perth ... ... L•. 32,000,000 Silmcoe .., ... ... 43,000,000 Waterloo 30,000,000 W ellit gton ... ... .. .. ... 29,400,000 York ... ... ... 549,000,000 Ontnrio .., .., ... ... 20,000,000, 1 Safety First Nothing m0,M1� oreimportantt ethePur Shipper than doing business with an Honest—Reliable—Responsible—Safe Fur House. "Ship to Shubert"' the largest house in the World dealing exclusivelyin American Rave Furs. where you will always receive an Accurate and Liberal Assortment. thon.,gheatMarket Prices and the usual "Shubert' Xv§t1ent, Speedy, Courtcoua ovice. Write for tho lateerst edition of Mhz. Sfiubrrt F�fli{+}!rr" containing vetunblc Market information you must have. A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. WET AUSTIN Dep 7 C 45 CHICAGO, AVE. Anligair LondonLife Policies are "GOOD AS GOLD" Ninety-seven per cent of the public when they attain ad- vanced age have little or nothing to `live upon, and are either dependent upon relatives or public"charity for support. Protect your future by a popular insurance policy in the London Life. All the popular plans of insuranea written, For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent