HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-23, Page 3FPS FROM ENGLAND SEWS Bit ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE, Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. A large portion of the King's Nor- folk estate has been ploughed up for war -time cultivation. No less than 2,250 men have gone to the front from the parish of St. Mark's, Camberwell, Hundreds of rabbits have perished owing to large tracts of lowlands in Yorkshire being flooded. There is fear of an outbreak of an epidemic in London, owing to the non -collection of garbage. With the addition of the name of Sir Douglas Haig, British Field Mar- shals now number eight, Lord Derby has given instructions to plough and sow in wheat about 100 . acres of his deer park at Knowsley. The magistrates of Nottingharn have had recourse to the birch as a punishment for juvenile criminals. There have been some very heavy snow and hail storms recently in South Durham and Cleveland dis- tricts. A large observation balloon from IHorburg landed on the Danish Island of Strignoe. There were no passengers on board. The late Augustus S. Churchill has left 1,50,000 to Harrow School for two scholarships, one in Classics, and one in moderns. The Amalgamated Society of Car- penters and Joiners have decided against the admission of women to their society by a majority of 4,799. The Great Western Express be- tween London and Plymouth ran 22G ' miles in four hours seven, minutes. This is the world's record for a non- stop. run. ,\4 memorial has been sent to the Prime Minister by the London Cham- ber of Commerce, asking for the ap- pointment of a Minister of Commerce and Industry. New silver coins and baby dolls which were mixed in the Christmas and: New Year's puddings sent to the amen at the front, are being carefully ee• by the soldier& n rom'"errlistirig air*th'bgroeinds at' he :only weighed. 101 pounds. He was told he would do first-rate for tank fighting. BUY FROM CANADIAN DEALERS. Plan Garden Now and Order Shrubs and Seeds From Home. Stocks. The Canadian nurseryman carries in stock every known kind that can be relied on to give success in the Canadian garden or orchard. The Canadian stock has the distinct ad- vantage of being horse grown --raised in the northern climate. Stock from farther south may or may not give satisfaction. Stock that is home grown will give entire satisfaction if properly planted and cared for. The nurserymen are ofiferirig many new kinds of lilac, in new shades of bloom. Some of these are guaranteed not to throw up shoots from the roots. It"is because of the tendency of the ordinary lilac bush to do this, that the most magnificent of all early blooming trees has been banned from many lawns. The newest lilac is the Japan- ese production, with fern -like foliage and bloom of exquisite tint, and pro- mises to become popular. Trees and shrubs, if properly placed in the lawn, enhance the beauty of the home sur- roundings; they are not expensive, and besides adding to the exterior beauty, will supply a wealth of bloom suited for interior decoration. Roses are not expensive nor difficult to succeed with, providing they are properly planted in a well-prepared bed. The nurserynian will advise you as to the best kinds to select. You need not fear that he will take ad- vantage of your ignorance and pawn off inferior varieties. The Canadian nurseryman is here to stay; the future of his business depends on satisfied customers, and it is as much to his in- terest as to your own that the roses he sells you should give complete satis- faction. Don't delay the placing of your or- der, be it large or small. Every tree, shrub, bush or vine planted about the premises will add to the beauty and value of your property. Place your orders with a Canadian firm that your money may remain in your own coun- try. The thousands upon thousands of dollars that go over the border each year for seeds, plants, trees, etc., go to build up American industries, to give e,'nployment t� Anierican citizens, and ttrl help support their families. Money paid' to. Canadian firms helps build the Ca,tadian industries that employ Can- adians, that are the fathers of Can- adian boys and girls. "Keep the home fires burning." "Going up on High?" TOKIO'S BEST GHOST STORY. Better try the low gear first, have the right kind of fuel - The human engine must food, Power to do things comes from food that is rich in muscle -building ma- terial, that is easily digested. Shredded Wheat is a high- power food, the kind that fits a man or woman for the day's work just enough muscle -making material, just enough heat -making mater- ial to keep the body in top- notch condition. Shredded Wheat is ready -cooked, ready -to -eat. Two Biscuits with milk make a nourish- ing meal at a cost of a few cents. Made in Canada. TORTURE OF PRISONERS. Terrible Cruelty Inflicted on Captives by Germans. Hideous in the extreme, and only equal in awfulness to the frightful horrors of the Inquisition of the dark ages, is the story told in a semi-of- ficial communique of the tortures in- flicted upon French and English pris- oners in German prison camps, says a Paris correspondent. Examples are given, as follows: In reprisal camps of occupied dis- tricts of Russia this treatment has been applied with terrible refine- ments of .ruelty. Thus, a mattress was at times placed between the stake and the head of the sufferer to render his position more exhaust- ing. Sometimes the victim was tied bareheaded at midday with his face toward the sun, and with the points of barbed wire arranged so that they penetrated his chin, At Landshut seventeen Frenchmen were enclosed in a cage four metres long by three metres wide, exposed to all weathers. .As a result, several of them went mad. Punishment of the pit. The" vic- tim was forced into a hole in the earth, of an average length of one metre and ei hty centimetres deep. . T4,4sharp stones and the walls" dowered with barbed wire. In Courland the lashing was ad- ministered on the. loins of prisoners. At Stargard on Sunday mornings the wives of officers and other per- sons were invited to witness the bastinado. Pursued. Girl's Father (sharply)—What are you driving at? Nervy Suitor—I don't see why you continue to misunderstand my mean- ing; I have tried to make it plain en- ough. I want to marry your daugh- ter, that's all there is to it. Do you follow me? But there was no need of this ques- tion, for as the young man turned to leave, he had tangible evidence that Ms prospective father-in-law was fol- lowing him closely. combined with good judgment counts in business now -a -days. r cNut FOOD supplies balanced nourishment for sturdy muscles and active brains. "There's a Reason" No change In price, quality, or size of package. Wandering Spirit of an Unhappy Japanese Bride. japan, like other lands, boasts of haunted houses. They are tearing down a house in Tokio because no. tenant can stay ill it longer than a. °week, so full of parading ghosts is it after the midnight hour. This is the story told the East eine West News by the neighbors to the latest tenant, a lean named Kashio: Some years ago a ramily lived there who had a daughter just married. From some cause or other, the father forced her to divorce in spite of the love between the couple She was overcome with grief and asked her father to 'send her back to her hus- band, but he refused. He even for- bade her leaving the house. She had nothing else to do but to saunter around the rooms of her home. At last in sorrow and mortification she resorted to the final thing. Wear- ing her white wedding robe in memory of her, happiest day in the six mat room, she plunged a dagger into her throat, which ended her life. c - Now the house is being torn down and a new one is to be built in order to abolish the haunts of the spirits. She Does Her Bit Patriotic Work And Tells of Benefit Received Front Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mrs. I1- A. Standish Strong, Hearty and Enthusiastic at Sixty-two, Ad- vises Others to Use Dodd's 'Kidney Pills. Ayers Cliff, Stanstead Co,, Que., Feb'y 19th (Special.)—Osie of the most enthusiastic patriotic workers in this district is Mrs. II. A. Standish. Though sixty-two years of age her splendid health enables her to keep house for three hearty men and still have time and strength to devote to the welfare of the boys in the trenches. And Mrs. Standish will tell you she owes that abundant health to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I must say that Dodd's Kidney Pills are very good for sick kidneys," Mrs. Standish states. "I have recom- mended them many times for rheuma- tism as they helped me;very much for that disease. '•coir can'say for 'are that Dodd's KidneyPills are beneficial for everyone who is troubled ..with bad kidneys." ' The kidneys are the keystone of woman's health. Keep the kidneys right and the rest will be right. Dodd's Kidney. Pills keep the kidneys right. Loyalty. The first great work (a ,task per- formed by few) Is that yourself may to yourself be true. ore Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by elurine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. v. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. lilurine Eye SalveinTubea25c, ForUookof ibeEyeFreeask, Druggists orMurineEye Remedy Co. ,Chime SOME IRISHISMS, Unconscious Humor Is a Characteristic of the Irish Race. "I met aur ould acquaintance," said a .plan of County Clare to a friend, "and was sorry to see hint almost. shrunk to nothing. You're thin, and I'm thin; but, sure, he's thinner than both of us put together!" The Irishman w:10 said to his chil•. dren: "Ye pays no more attention to me than if I was a dumb baste talk- ing to yez!" was as unconscious of saying anything funny as the Irish baronet who boasted that it war "hereditary in his family to have no i children"; and the domestic who eom- p plained: "En.joy slape, is it? Hoe, could I, now? The minit I lay dowr I'm aslape, and the minit i'in aslape 1 have to get up. Where's the time fat enjoying it?" Be we are not so sure of the man who, when asked by his • employer; "Well, Patrick, which is the bigger fool—you or I?" answered: "Faith, 1 couldn't say, sorr; but it's not maself"; or of the groom who, to the question: "You say your present master treats you better than Mr. Smith did?" re- plied: "'Yes, sorr---and oftener." It was Sir Bryan I'Loghlan who was responsible for the startling statement that "a verbal agreement ie not worth the paper it is written ons"; and the 'immortal Sir Boyle Roche who, in a de- bate on a proposed tax on leather, de- clared "the bine-footed peasantry of Ireland" could avoid the tax by "hav- ing their under -leathers made ` of wood"; and who, when discussing the relations between England and Ire- lanld, said: "He is an enemy to both kingdoms who wishes to diminish the brotherly affection of the tw r sister kingdoms." That the sante unconscious humor can survive even death is proved by the following, among other epitaphs: "Here lies the body of Lady O'Looney, Great-niece pf;Surke, Commonly call- ed the Snbliri r. She was bland, pas- sionate' and keply religious; Also she painted in ,yeater-Colors, and on sev- eral picturee to the exhibition, She was first cousit'i of Lady Jones." "Often, brethren," said an Irish clergyman, addressing the mourners at a feneagl,; ;`have I dandled the corpse enemy knee"; while another reverend or.Ji;tor, pointing to the coffin, said solemrtiy "Here, brethren, we have before ue a living witness and a ,standing monument of the frailty of human hopee * . , TO STP BAD COUGI soo,r s D%tZ Y$iRITATED THROAT WITH V. IX5INT SYRUP. &Airs Teles o t `ASHIONMD COUGH mope, eon xs TUE HEST, We are told that the old time remedies are bestand invariably contain less harmful' -;:yet better medicine than those which. are to ur a to -day. '.Phis being so, undaubf'edlly, the foilot+r'ni old fashioned recipe widen is quioic acting will be welcomed .by„lgirriy as there seems to be a regular epidermic, or coughs at the present gime. Secure From your ,drug- gist 1 ounce iarnxtlnt (double strength), take this *twine slid 'add to it a quarter pint of hot w.rer and 4 ounces of granu- lated stat„ 4` 4 '. until,, dssalved. Take e taUl $l?�1ErYif •'l iut' tunes a day. No gritli •s'vlaole' bodywith a r egs,trus should open, air ur'helad should clear and beoorne easy. Parmfnt 1. .to take, easy to pre- il< E veol, person who elrttglr hard cold or ea- tir,rshould give this bre- I.Ijin supply you, or a bot - un receipt of 76c. postal tr der.. Address Interna - es, 74 St. Antoine St, 3nor a )r cough!, 4. passat s your b7,e9 syruP"S'a nate and ec has aet, ,; tarrh #n scrip -tin .`u Any dru tlei1{ icy note of e:'' :pi.' ,liorrtrea,. Cat 41+ Ve stable Sponge. The het flat lands of Bcuader pro- duce a .vine yielding a fruit which when dried, dorms a sponge said to be superior to .animal sponges. >Y[iut►rd�s .alalment Cares Distemper. Row ? "Truly, sin I the first girl you ever kissed?” "You are, my darling, and it makes me happy to hear you say I am the first man who ever kissed you." "If I an the first how does it hap- pen you do it so expertly ?" "And if f am the first how do you know whether I do it expertly or not?" Maesonville, June 27, '13. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yatmeafh, N, S. ectentlerh ft affords.. me great plaasu ,,,.�,tic ;tnust,4Kn•-,`satff3''?nt;•�7-to,_ you , to''etste' r that after using 36 bottles o. lour Liniment on a case of paralysie \r rich my father was afflict- ed with,. d, --';as able to restore him to normal condieion. Hoping other suf- ferers may be benefited by the use of your Liniment, I am, Sincerely yours, ' 'GEO. H. HOLMES. Minerals in Mexico. The mineral resources of Mexico include gold, silver, capper, coal, platinum, graphite, petroleum, as- phalt, sodium and marble, M card's moment Cares earg'et to Cows • A11 -Pervasive. The.t et.her's last question was meant, it)s%o a scientific poser. , "Whittle it that pervades all space," she suit,"'which, no wall or door or other "Substance can shut out ?" Nee oile lead an answer ready but Freddy STiaxpe. "r`Cliq smell of .anions, miss," he said promptlysF, , Ad;irlord; kittlimsat Cures Colds, Etc. } Magic Saking Powder Costs no more than the ordinary kinds. For economy, buy the ono pound tins. E,4f,GILLETI COMPANY LIMITED \YIIi NI MCO O,TO,SOHTO. OfR. MOMTM NAL Encouraging. He was ane of those young men who never seem to know when to go home. She bad tried yawning, but even that failed to get rid of hirn. Presently a clock outside in the hall began to strike in low, deep tones the midnight hour. "Oh, I say, Miss Goldilocks," said the late -stayer brightly, "is that an eight-day clock?" Miss Goldilocks smiled coldly at him. "Well," she said, stifling another. yawn, "why don't you stay a little longer and find out?" Hang lumps of suet in the trees for the birds to feed on while the ground is frozen and food scarce. Fasten the suet securely or the blue jays will take the whole lump. Sparrows and finches like ordinary bird seed. This must be scattered over feeding shelves. gunard's Liniment Cures Wax- thesis. When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HiGELa" PIANO ACTION vase America's Pioneer flog Remedios ii$ Test 3lst Street, New Yarth .BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Walled free to any address ty the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Int. �nawn no a.uU" DUQCx1iyTFe Sovereignty Recognized. Agent—"Is the boss of the house in?" Proud Father—"Yes; he's asleep up -stairs in his cradle." Canary islands now have a telephone system. You will find relief in ;Cain-Ruk It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and hrtngs ease. Perseverance, with Zara. Suk, means curs, Why net prove this? 4U Draggiate and Stoma..— .60o Lox. 3eIw2PAPZIZIS Ton 8d:L5 piROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOBA Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Pull information on application to l'frllson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide $rreet. Toronto. IITISCMLIkANIEOUS (YANCEIt, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETES. internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late, Dr. Hellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. WANTED 2-3 LBS. Write A, BARBOUR, 243 College St., Toronto 'i Book "Patent Protection" 1 Formerly Patent Office l^ tirrner:•"-7' ci 99 ST. JAMES ST., MONTREAL Branches: Ottawa and Wasli ngtetli • t• `h j;IHIE LARGEST FiREPR0Ox"' RESORT ek y!r�" ROM IN TILE WORLD d1; '. The Spirit of America at play: Magnitude arta Cheerfulness ZL11a;EISICAbr PLAN 17U50PIEIAN PZ,lt17 D, 5 White, Pres a, w 7,Zott, Mgr. ..,..u�., o. 33:x. .e:.xyx, a u' -,t !" . a.. t Will reduce Inflamed, Strained, Swollen Tendons, Ligaments erMusclee. Stopsthelamenesoand pain from a Splint, Side Bone of Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair 1F'h gone and horse can be dead, ifz a fi�tt; bottle at druggists or delivered. De - a'>' scribe your case for special lnstruc, done and interesting horse Book 2M Free. ABSOR ie EIJR,,theantisepticlinimentfor .mankind, rednces Strained, Torn Liga- ments, Swollen Glands. Veins or Dtusclest Renis Cuts, Sores, Ulcers. Alloys pain, Price 31.00nboctantn^:,•morti-rid, linnk Evlderre" h -c W F. YOUNG, P. O. F., 516 Lyrtans Oldg , Montreal, Oss• thsorblce sad Absorbinc, Jr.. ars wadi la Donde. Illiili�fiilh811;►111l�Ililll?Ili I,iIII � lied aching feet feel rep frothed after an application of Sloan's Liniment, do not rub, it penetrates and soothes. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, does not stain the skin. Have a bottle handy for rheu- matic pains, neuralgia, gout, lum- bago, sprains, strains, toothache, bruises and muscle soreness. At all druggists, 25c, 50c, and $1.00. von ALL BMR LEATHER EUREKA HARNESS OIL is unexcelled for pre- serving and length- ening the life of black leather. This scientifically prepared oil makes harness a rich, inky btaclahiny, soft, tough. Tics IMPERIAL OIL COMPANxi', Limited Branches Throughout caseate ED. 2', issu ; 's-•°17. E NATI FUTURE Depends Upon ealthy Babies Properly reared children prow isp Co be strong, healthy citizens 1Iany diseases to which child- ren are susceptible, first indicate their presence in the bowels. The careful [pother should watch her child's bowel move- ments and use Mrs. `;.`.• male's Soothi ."+ g Syrup It is a corrective for diarrhaa, colic and other ailments to which children are subject especially during the teething period. It is absolutely nonnarcotic and contains neither opium, morphine nor any of their dr- rivatives. Mars. Winslow' S;. otili ng Syrup Makes Cheerfu4 Chubby Children Soothes the fretting child during the trying period of its develop- ment and thus gives rest and relief to both child and mother. Buy a bottle today end keep it bendy Sold by all druggi.rtt in Canada arra thror hsut the ¢'os-'.'