HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-23, Page 1• ZURICH BALD Vol. XVII ZURICH, FRIDAY 11/WANING, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. NO34 M.ra.A.rr Seasonable HARNESS Goods See our large range of Also a full line of.MITTS SWEAT PADS BLANKETS and GLOVE, all styles and ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and sizes. HALTERS of all kinds Our prices will be foudnd re- TRUNKS SUIT CASES, sonable. etc. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs,: Axle Grease, 1Gall Cure R. F. STAD►E ZURICH Men! ,attention! Wonderful Values in Men's Pants You.thhs dark pants/ in neat striped patterns, Regular $2,25 Sale price $1,7.94 Yo'ixth's regular $250 pants Sale price $1.89 5 LOCA'Z NEWS. Have you read Appel's ad? Mr. Henry 'Weber of Preston, visited relatives here this week, Mr. ;Wm. A. Siebert of London. spent Sunday at his home here. Services were held in the Luhh era church on Ash Wednesd1yi, Feb. 21,st Mr. ,J Preeter is attending the, Ab. -Geiger ',is seriously ill' ("'84r4�ga� r4i4 �Mr 44 IIF4441 1f4i at 'present. M1+, Wxn. J. Fee, of Henlsall, was a iruusi'ness visitor in town on MO:x- 4. Protect Z1our [t Y o, 1 doh', : , I ,'.._inn. Lehman of London, i; Visiting `his mother here this Ofr, and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer enjttertained a number of the;r. fs,iends to a social evening last .e. I (iTh ure dla>y, Mr, D;a'nt tantzie and Miss Ma. 'Hardware men's convention at' I tie 1'an'tzie, "d Mr. Abeb�mi�Lh, Hamilton ,this week. It vden'+ vilsiited relaltives in $ tatvit:rnit,y this' week. i Mr. and Mr1s.. C. Eilber and child r1'hdusands of dozens of fish wen, of near Crediton, visited re- I mare been !caught by fishermen on Datives here ion. 'Wednee'day ,r, with gble Line through the :Ice QV Ir. Louis ,Weber, rvlho xs wox.l ;r Z n ;tlie fake the past few weeks i!ng in Detroit, spent a few dqv. i 1 have :decided to continue at his home here this week. ' 9..^'ISale for another two weeks, Mrs. Hogarth and children of fi ill ' sell clothes at unheard 4" ��� , S, Revelstock, B. C., are -visiting, at the •Ofeek must go. E. ; �; eI9',, A the home of Dr. B. Caanpbell this ` d week, ;r+,;+I. • Galeter'S auction sale of 4*.410011.4114901011144 41164.4146410414004411101916114 . 44 44f11r1041/4i111apl44. e 'Pim • Saturday was well at- ;; ip, .,II'!!"!l!!91i1Gi;NIIIPIIIIIVIII!III!19111111111!111111111iIIINI II!IIIIIIII' VIII pail " ,� i iI' of „i li nu l m I 1:r , ILII .II . ,, I11II��I,L,II II.II Illllll.11llll11ul 'Soxne ,fine Jersey cows ' with a pair of good rubbers. Shoes are advancing in price. A pair of rubbers will make them wear longer. We have all sizes and styles. Also Heavy Rubbers for Man or Boy. Prices Right_ Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. 1 e. FRITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes 1 Dr. E. S. ;Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dona nion Houae, Zur;chf olf 5•Vednesday, and Wednesday of the following week., The many friends of Miss Vic toric Johnston will be pleasedbto hear that she is recovering from a recent serious operation. According to the MunicipialBul- letixn issued by the Department of. Men's regular 2,75 pants Sale price $2.19 Agricultural the population of Hay To wnship in 1916 was 2,767. Men's regular 3.00 pants Sale price $2.39 Quarterly - communion service` Men's regular 3,25 will be held in the Evangelical g pants Sale price ,$2,59 church on Sunday evening; anti Men% regular 3.75 ;and$4pants Sale price 2,99 Preparatory service on Friday ,CAPITAL and RESERVE "� $8,800!,000 Men's regular 4,25 •and 4,50 pants Sale Price $3,19 el ening. As 1 have disposed of my bus - 6 Branches in Canada iness, all parties indebted -to inc will call and settle same at once": General Banking by cath or note. Office at 01 - Business Transacted Hartleib',s store. S. E. Faust, ROULAR:LETTER OF CREDIT. Zurich. BANKMONEY ORDER .13 lon cline, as purc�iased theS': � i�`i1", 50 -acre farm of his brother xn:-. Ynter"est at highest current rates Iaw, Mr. Jacob Battler and gets. '" possession. on 14Larch 31st next, Zurich' Branch !This farm adjoins Mr. Dietrich% R. T. DUNLOP, Manager I farm ( NIIPPRf(mfilM111111141111111.1111111!1111ilIBiII�iIIIIIIIIIItQHIu MIGilti IH1111141111111111114111111111111111111WiNINIVIIIIIIIIfiM11CIII1111011fi'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 33DII1II+wd+•3HAII0£e11§idII ::ro3I€rII+313FI1 +++:3sg�IIgIgp+3ifikIIII�g3��r�F:I:�iiI��rkF:•a,.;++1'+l£+•+i+§?d?>d+>g1+* •E•2•4i•.•i.;•:•II:1Fldoz�2r� wi ..sold and high obfY( ned. Q.1 prices were Incorporated 1855 The QLSV NS BANK WHERE; QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN Special Sale ., of Wall Paper Beginning Feb. 26th, we are putting on a SALE of Wall Paper at prices below manufacturer's prices today, for the purpose of makin z room for our new 1917 paper. . Anyone intending paper- ing this sprip.g should secure some of these BARGAIN S. 1 l 4 1 A 1 a a • 1 '! 1 • BLAKE Stoves, etc. We carry a full line of Ranges and Heaters. See our new Pen- insula Range "THE LIGHTER DAY" with high oven. and all rnod- ern improvements. This stove is giving universal satisfaction. Also the Gilt Edge Peninsula,none better or neater on the market. We a's,i :ell the famous happy Thought range. All kinds of baseburners and oak heaters, etc, J PREETER ,40 • highest Price for Produce. OUR HEARTIEST WISHES for a Happy nd Prosperous New Year +�y�t t�ne and 11 .a r� Christmas • Suggestions in the Hardware &action Useful and Reasonable in Price CASSEROLES $2.50 TO $4.00 WM ROGERS SILVERWARE CUT GLASS BOWLS. CARVING SETTS, Special at �•I, CFI LLE1T.3 ANJ LV_ Ri'READY R AGOfSI C CEDAR POLISHING MOPS. CARPET SWEEPERS. BOYS AND GIRLS SKATES. HOCKEY STICKS. POCKl ET KNIVES. 1 HAN�CH1EFS HANKERC1I� S r -OF ji'VERY FILMY ?.AS%rIONABLE RINDS. A veritable Christmas garland of thwnx, beauteously embroidered, smartly ini aped, or so_t;y edged with lace Some, too, are for men and children.. - SideBoard Covers and Centre Pieces Z. splendid showing of sideboard o -ei s anc centre pieces, which are t,uitable foo Kmais. gifts. ..prices front 25s. up FURS FURS Mens Fur Coon Coats' at the old prices, $50,00 and up. Ladies muskrat coats .-- ... _..$00.00 Fur Muffs ..- 5.60 to 12.50 " Fur setts --- 11.00 4.024.00 " Fur scarfs at reduced prices .• GLOVES Fg re knit;:ed w.o' glovcs In pain black, blue, red and white at 25e ,aiad 35e. Flannel tette Blankets White cr gray f'annelette blan- kets, pink or blue borders, sizes 41x72 inches, $1.75 and 2.00 a pair Just a few nacre all wool lalank- ets to clear out at the old price, ranging from $5,50 to 7,00. Xmas Ribbons Holly berry and leaf designs, chiefly in narrow widths for ty- ing packages, 5 yd. rolls at 15e ea elb. Xmas Candies Also a large assortment of candies, nuts, etc, .,j i;'!•.$+a=#•* + 44,•+'ia-2=+++ i i+1.i ++':I•. +.l•4- t -4- 04+W ' +4..z,;d, :4 .4.^d,~+•42 "-at-,'-;: ,1 s ,4; ; ... tiR�w 1L d •,..' .p 444, Aoriordemisommismkrorait Phone r 1 4.04NNV1LLE. CAN, etIFFALO. N.1R Sweater Coats A splendid rang& of rcal good clualitie in Illi!a and fancy weav- es, new plaids and s'riped and in scores of color comlinations from $1.23 to 6.50. Christmas China We have on display the fines* chinaware and c'ishes of all kinds and all prices. Watch for our window display of odd pieces at 'Az each. �'-`+; tia;Leti>" •.'ti• .^= •++4,•:-4-4444'++ + ++4 ZURICH