HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-16, Page 4TUB BBRA,LD COUNTY NEWS +South Huron L. 0, L, members I6suodeiray'l;hut'sdayaftern m the t at tthe annual meeting .held at 1 ERALR PRINTING FFICI Victoria St. Zurich,b ANDREW F. MESS and CHESTER L. SMITH ;` +17BECEI'TIOI3PRICE $1.00 A YEAR Y. S• subscripten $t„ro strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS., hates for display anti contract advertisements will bra w ',ten on appliat,r,n. Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soci tel to cents per line fol first i�+sertirrt and 5 cents , se for endi subsequent insertion. Notices of entertainments, socials etc. nt which an tadmiss ion fee is chargedor a special collection taken willbechargedfor at the regular advertising ra tes klotices of religious or other meetings the object o 'which is the benefit of the community and nor for per. veal or sectarian Interest or gala, will be cheertuly *tserted free. Advertisments without specific directions will be Ieteerted untitl forbid and charged accordingly. Tran seat advertismenrs must be paid for in advance. stray advs. $e for three insertions. So paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. ..t.hanges for contract tdvertisements must be in the *lace by 61 e. m., Tuesday, otherwise they will be left sa..r ant Lithe tollowing week. Address all communes ions to 'rHE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURS1)A.Y, FEB, 15, 1917 18 b 7 191? SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS AND SUCCESS We have established a lasting reputation for fair and square dealing and are now prepared to -meet existing conditions by offer- ing our hiogh grade trees and {plaints direct to customers at ROCK BOTTOM Prices. Don't belay planting fruit trees and plants, las there is nothing pays .better. Send for our illustrated eireulars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and getthe benefit of agent's commission. Our prices will be sure to interest Tau. the Chase Brothers Co. of Ontario Ltd. Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont. �T••f• i•>.-�o.g..'s•.rr>rsr.i•d-�3• i•-:� �•:• i•�•i•.1•.1.,'r., HONOR ROLL 15lst BATL'ALION, C. E. F. eeceenreecareOsee 1 Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice WVeber We have been asked to add to the Honor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who have enlisted in battalions in various parts of the ,country and who are serving their Ring. Arne Brenner (killed in aefioa) Emerson Brown Peter Randall Emanuel Holtzman Abe Bender Albert Bender David Stelck Frank Ottley Ed. Fisher IV.rnaan Prang Sierran An ale ITildebrs it 111 srsbell Zellc, Gordon Goetz. Normans Johnston ••W Livingooea ikilted in action) lioy Geiger Alvin Snrerns. • tf,&. C. Denomaue In addition to the above five from Murich joined the 1Gist but were re- jected as physically unfit, If the above list is not coluplete kindly inform us and we will be pleas - td to add any names we have omitted *14++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Af.t once for Zurich and district toe "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Sprint; 1917 Planting List now ready. Splantii .1 last of hardy Caned:an V 1tlt a;+? teroaniental Stock in -- eluding McIntosh Red A.pplt, Si. ruegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent on .application. Start now at best selling time, .liberal Propositions. Stone & Wellington The Foothill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO Exeter decided to ce lebrate the 12th July at uotierich this year. Mr, and Mrs, 'Thomas Stephens, of the Queen's Hotel, Seaforch, eel -1 ebrated their fifty-secony an- niversary of th.eir marriage, on Dx`'aYSDA,14` Tuesday, January 30.h, 111r. J. R, Howard of Goderichis A terrible aeoiden't 1 a,Ppened at the owner of le bred -to -lay lila • . the home of Mr. Chas. ,Lapel,!ta last red Rocks pullets, which laid 3,—Thursday, which eas.' this d.x,int.n 49t3 eggs in 12 ri:onths, 'i l eae pul- ity into deep gloom ! rs. La - lets laid every day in that time. poy'te was busy doing the werh.-'s In the matter of the Dungann- washing and a little 5 -year e old' on bridge, the county of Huron boy was playing around her, She has won its appeal from the dee.s: ; had set a boiler of boilb g water on of Judge Dickson that said on the floor for a few minutena nd' bridge should be anain:ained as a I whet her ba e:c was turned tl.ei'tle county bridge. tot, in his pray, fell baeldwal•t'; en Bruce County Council has voted- , the scalding water. lvlel,iaa1 $75,OJu to tae Canadian Paulo tic aid was hurriedly surintiOned'.but Fund, $6,u00 co the Canadian Real the burns were too severe and the Cross >i`und, $1000 to the Belgian i little one passed away ixi In a r, Befell, 42,OJO to the Sailors' kte:eif j The funeral was held on Sew{ eediy Fund, and $14,000 to be held in I to the Drysdale cemetery.' edict . reserve for similar purposes. I and Mrs. Laporte have the thca, fame; .pithy of a large circle ce l'rseaids in their sad bereavoinent Lake Huron is covered marith ine and fishing has been very "ooze Mr. Solom:on''. Denomy4,,eWti� troit, has been evisetiair,releeeives along the line this tst;el,.. t (From special : conte' A very lan•guisb.in happened last Sunda.' while two inoteworth In a letter received from Mel- gentlemen from ths e vide McCiymons to his parents, on their customary d - Mr; and Mrs. James McClymont he, Joseph. The speedy il 4 tells of the first draft from the proceeded them. was a.,a., ail ,. 161st of which he was one as being I ghtened by a ligur• , •txch in the first line trenches. ,He peered as a ghost to-'t'he on ZaiJ says they are well looked after era. On approaching theewieeeb,e4 and when they cone out of the friends discovered this ceke: ilt5 ,' trenches with st et feet 'there. is mark to be a kecksy, 7`1,I,e nr always a dry pair of stocks fon ran but a few yards whenr i`t;`sedes them to put on. The wet ones are recaptured. The boys then Cont then washed and When dry passed tinued their night's ramble. Nei- on to some other needy soldier. ther of them eeeeived any injury In fact he !advises his mother roc save the loris of a few rubbers. to send him any more socks es Any person finding these lost-ar- he close.n't need them. Eviaentiy titles will pleas leave them at the best place lo send the Ftoces our much honoured meetingplace is •to the receiving department. Louis Brisson's, and oblige. Gordon Gould, son of Missionary A rumour has lately sprung up Mr. Gould, of Formosa, is said to that strange cries and unfamiiiai have had sent twenty-five pairs. noises were heard in this district When last heard from Gordon war during the retired hours of the in a hospital. !past few days. This will nattir- IThe annual nzeeteng of the Hur- ally cause a nervous effect ” oto on (Weather Insurance Mutual Co `-many for cures cake a box ,, of nt,pany was heed. in Hensell on Jan.! "Houle Made" pills, sold by til 31st, and was largely attended.The our dealers. - 43.Ye 'a"'tee ~dere eleg 'r'o —the banks o;. 'tide""great expans T`8 most favorable in the history of waters. Over twenty foxes were the company, the losses consider- shot here, during the past week: ing the amount of property in -1 Mr, 3. J. Pneumonia with Fife mired and !the severity of the, and family from Kansas, Ohio, are storms which passed over the ter- close relatives in this vic- ritory covered by the company,. were not large, amounting in all to $2,038.87, while the business writted in 1916 was a very oonsid erable increase over the previous year. h1'e officers appoin' ed for per at the former"s home. We (the coming year are as follows,; all thank this party for her kind - President. James Stott, Cromarty; nese. vice-president, Benson 'Williams. The young men of this Vien3,1'0 I'aaac, Stephen!. Exeter; sec -treasurer, A. G. Sail lie have confirmed their inborn 1e1; i : iThree cars of horses have been Seaiorth; directors,} Roger North -I itimate ideals. They have ars i.: shipped to !the walk from this cott, S. Token kir,., D. Fottiermg were, awakened tenderness in o, ;station.. ham, Moses Geiger, 'W. B. eiatt1 r, l n•esv world which is designated in Vi . T. Caldwell; CTen..rrtl Agent S. a foreign tongue "To ego pouion" ' `!Samuel Sandees, a highly re- „spected citizen of Exeter, passed away .on Feb. ash in his 83 year. Deceatsed had been in failing °health for about a year. Beside the.. widow he is survived by a family of four• daughters and fear sons, all grown up. GORE PtNi.hENOE In Kincardine on Feb. 6th James Dewar, aged eighty-i'ouv years leas Led away. The remains were brought to the home of hie son, David Dewar, of the Sauble Line, Stanley on ;Wednesday morning and interment took place to the Bayfield cemetery. , Rev. A. Macfarlane conducted the services at the house and grave. KIPPEN s DASHWOOD ®OD Miss Catherine Finkbeiner i visiting her sister at Sa"ria pre -seat, Mrs. Gabel and daughter, •of Shakespeare are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gabe:l this week, Mr. Roy Neeb has accepted a p:osition with Mr. D. Tiernan at the hardware, Mr. IL Wii1ert is still confined to the house with lumbago. Miss Beatrice Graybeil visited with relatives in 1-Iensall several days lash week. Mr. Russel (Wanner and Miss Mat ilda LaFond were united in mar- riage at Grand Bend on Feb, i th. Mr. E. G. Kraft has moved into. Mrs. F. Preeter's house„ Mr.' Fred Elsie is also confined do the " house through illness. Mr. Milfrecl Mcisaac of Detroit visited at his home here this wen'; He left! Tuesday. for Ingersoll ,Whezre he has accepted a positions ,e. C. Baumgarten left for l e- s teoit and Battle Creek on Monday; uI'tg' r ,fter visiting his parents here. r7,ynrkt ,srom there he will go on to Mel- ita•,. Man, Mr. .0 Restameyer and Me. Mur- ray of London are busy wirin :elle houses' of this village for hydro, elderssirs, John and Ezra Bender attended the funeral of a relative at Ayton, east week. Mz'. Harry Guenther left Mon- ,da:i for Windsor where he has ac- cepted a position with the Con- nor Machine Co. Miss McDougal visited at her home in Bayfield over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Statton enter- tained a ,number of their friends to an oyster supper Friday even- ing. The workers of the Dashwood Red Cru a ,ot tree) tivaie ia, big shipment of tiupplie:- t,u TLutsday of this week. The lot cousibted of 32 pillow cases, 30 tuweie, 113 sheets, 18 helpless shirts, 12 pajama Emits, 10 d.ty shirtsand ,30 lar of socks. - .-Gerald Fitton has Ief1 for Tor- onto, where he will cakea special three mo'nth's :dental course. A. L. Bobier, of Sask., visited. here last week. J. E. Harvey has resigned as superintendent of James St, Meth- odist 'Sunday School of ter six years service in that position. A 700 -ib. live hog was delivered at the station the other day by C. s at inuty. A very pleasing reception was spent lash Monday evening, wheel the president o.. the Young Peo- ples' Society gave a delicious sup - g hardy, Exeter. Early every mo'ning they • ' leaee TO TEST YOUR OWN SEED formal reception of c tiers,. In the SSe^:d Labatory grain is and go to visit their nets ',They tested to determine the percent- are overwhelmed with axle areeee age of vital seeds by placing onl, ion of spirit at every ist t11`y huitare l kernels between b_o.tors, catch. but overwhelmed. wish avis keeping' ,them ata suitable teat- , row at every lost one, This has been very proslpereus, perature and supplied with the! has been reported and found let. proper amount of moisture in be true, that one of our newly s.pec.al gcrtuin d ed chambers The started fishermen has caught 'up proportion of the seeds are t ii, a+, to 99 dozen and 9 Pis+h in one net but a more :accurate idea of the( Although the people are makiri value 'of the grain for seed could! g' be tiinecl from a soil test. Suelt' considerable money, fiehing hae. g I led to pathology, as many have tests are not practicable in a lab- La Grippe, but we hope they oratory where thousands of samp- continue their work in helping the les are under test at one • time, needy and that the sick be on the Any one can test seed for him" path to recovery. Self by putting one hundred seeds taken "just as they come" front, the gra in he wishes to test, in soil hTe following is the report of in a flower pot, box or other c.:n=� S, 5, No. 5, Stanley. The names. venient •reeeptable, and keeping is i are AU order of merit. moistened, but not wet, in sora'; Sr IV— Pearl StepSLe ahen,son 375' place where it will be not ton' + , warm in the day time, and +trlicre eay Pollock 150, xri ssed one exatn- it will be cooler, but will not freeze int'ation freeze at night; the alternation of tam Jr. IV— Elinor McKinley sle6; perature favours germination. By. Myrtle Armstrong 1.11; Wilmer noticing •the number of plants pro_ McLinchey 42 missed one examin- ation,dueed, whether they come my quickly and are strong or weal., Sr. `III— Edna MaLinciiey 95, Mabel Calver, 51. orale can determine the suitability i of elle grain for seeding per poses more accurately than frons the re- sults of a test which he does not see. If seed !that is known to be of strong vitality can be planted tntder exactly the same Conditions. as the seed whose vitality is being' determined, the test will be more valuable Cleaning grain over a. good fanteingmi 1 to remove from once -third to one-half of the bulk inciucling all the light, shrunken SCHOOL REPORT Jr. III—(Willie McLinehey, 83. Jr. II—Frank McLinehey 241; Alice McLinchey 221; Clara Steph- enson 184; Ernest MckLhtchey84; Part II— Mabel McLinchey Primer—Irene McLinchey, The beat spellers in the monthly spelling nnaitch were; Sr. IV—Pearl Stephenson. Jr. 'V --Myrtle Armstrong Sr. III—Mabel °siilver Jr, Ixi ISI'il'iie McLinchey ' 7 IT--Alice4cLineh.ey, and imm:altui•e se©ds, will greatly improve its duality as seed. --Seed] Vit, IZ—^'Drab©1 DAC LitncRoy. Branch, Otta;w'a, r R. Ilicnettte, Tes.ehap, HE1mSALL Wu,. H. Bossenberry, who has conducted the King George hotel -here for some time, gave up pos- ession last week and will locate elsewhere, Mrs, Peter 'Woolley, of this lage, 1s very poorly at present. Her many friends hope for a com- plete recovery. Pte. Gordon Gauld, who has been overseas for nearly two years, and who is related to Mr. and Mrs. R, Meals, Kippen, and Mr, and Mrs, C. 'MeDonell, has been awarded the military Cross for gallant serviee, .John H. Rohde, of Usborne, has been seriously ill. Mr. ,and Mrs. Jos. Case, Dr. and Mrs, Sellery, and Mr. Geo. Case, of Toronto, attended the funeral of ,the late Wenn. Moir here. On Feb let at the home of his, daughter, Mrs, F. A. Sellery, Tor- onto, ,there passed away one of Hensall's pioneer and most esteem ed residents, in the person of Win. Moir in his 80th year, A paralytic stroke during the pass: year left him; completely helpless. Two daugh.t errs, Mrs. J. S. Case and Mrs. Set- lelry survive him. When Hens'all was first surveyed he owned the fine Earful on the corner of the Lon- don -and Zurich. Roads, which he sub -divided into village lots. Re Was buried to the Henslal'l Union cemetery the following Saturday, 005400 f) 4. 0 as QD eu 0 rim t38 0 4. 18 0 0 ao CJ s 0 0 till 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. s, v meee 0000000(30ODO*0 A© Massey -Harris Implements L� w We have been re -appointed Agents for the above nnme.l Implements and are prepared tc take orders of all to kinds of Massey-Harris-inach.ines for next season. to WE ALSO ICEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs Cutters, and We repair the same clue of goods. and ,o Our Prices are always ri gh t • IT, DATARS,. Travelling Salesman F. Hess eise $b ET A Som. 4. • The Old Stared ++++++++++++++++++++++++++!+++++++++++-:-++++++++++++++ 3• ye. 4• 50,000 feet good hard Ix�apte saw legs .a" + wanted. Will .-_. 4. payii lest ca 1prices. Also of other kgs wanted. Custom Sawing our Special y t..- .- F. ICAL FLEISCH I ii.i+. P ONE • r, e = .!1•++++++++1.+++++++++++++++ •€• 0++++++++4.+44.0. ? +++++++4 FEET 1.4 TD 7-UR!CH 4• We have stocked our store with a large range of goods suitable for cold weather wear. We are ready to. supply your wants in these goods. Lome and see. Heavy Rubbers We have •a Large stock of men's and boy's heavy rubbers and wool socks, A11 sizes and prices are right Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Oarharlt's Overalls and khaki trousers for plan and boa's. No better Inacle. Get our prices. L. BRTSSON SHOES We have a nice line of shoes for young men. Come in and see these - styles. Also everyday shoes for men,, women and children at righ prices. Sweater Coats See our lines of Sweater Coats for men and children many styles. and colors. Special values, Shoe Repairind of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. PHONE 1 on 86 Drysdale SSafety .s'/rst Nothing isrnoroimportanttotheFur Shipper than doing business with an Honest—Reliable—Responsible—Sate Fur house. "Ship to Shubert" the largest house in the World dealing etielusively. in American Raw Furs, where you w,1l aiwaya reecivo an Accurate rcsinlhSaleFiMarket• and Liberal "Shu'rt° Een Speedy, Courteous oarvlee. Write for the latest edition of "Elio 164nhert 011fpper' containing valuable Markt information you must have. A. B. S & V H D id , Jnc 25-27 E. Dept, C364SCHICAGO 4'J,S ih. c t. , Min t., ......+t�.:,.., LondonLife Policies are "GOOD AS GOLD" Ninety-seven per cent of the public when they attain ad- vaneed age have little or nothing to live upon, and are either dependent upon relatives or public charity for support. Protect your future by a popular insurance policy in tho London Life. All the popular plans of insuranca written,. For particulars apply to . Andrew ( Uess, Local Agent ti i r