HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-16, Page 3ON Y WOMAN IN SEMI ARMY SHE IS MISS FLORA SANDS, A SCOTSWOMAN. Sergeant in the Serbian Army, She 'Went Through an Arduous Campaign. In a clear) and comfortable bed in the Military Hospital At Salonika, amidst comfortable and quiet sur- roundings, lay last December a come- ly, motherly -looking little lady, Her bed was in the nurses' ward of Mili- tary Hospital, Camp No. Al., and the little lady was a patient --the only • patient of her sex in a camp that has accommodation for 1,600 sick or wounded Serbian men. Oise day a royal aide-de-camp came to her bed- side, and, on behalf of the Prince Re. "gent of Serbia, pinned to her breast, with much ceremonial, the gold and silver Cross of Kara-George—a rare badge that is only given for conspicu- ous bravery on the field of battle. The whole right side of her body, • from the shoulder to the knee, was lately a mass of torn flesh and shat- tered bone—the work of a Bulgarian hand -bomb that chanced upon her as she was helping the Serbs to clear out an enemy trench, • But it healed as satisfactorily as any surgeon could wish. Miss Flora Sands ---that is the little lady's name—is a Scotswoman. Work- ing in Serbia as a hospital nurse since early in the present world -war, her sympathy* was so keenly aroused by .the . sufferings and heroism of the people that, when the hospital units were broken up during the great re- treat of October -November, 1915, :.he solicited and obtained permission to enlist as a private in the rearguard that protected the withdrawal of the retreating army, Before that army reached the Adriatic shore she had won promotion. Become Sergeant Sands, she stood high in the 'regard of both officers and men of the crack regiment to which she still belongs. On the Macedonian front she went through the whole of the arduous and successful offensive campaign that ,began on September 12. Rt was' in the decisive assault on "iehest crest of 'Bill 1212 that agAeresseeas y'Lul s,io , tits this.'happen- ed let her relate in ter, own words. Le,d Her Troops to Victory. We had been crouching in our shal- low pits for hours, waiting impatient- ly for the order to attack. At 7 a.m. the order came. ' It was snowing, and the snow lay on the ground. I was out of my pit in half a second, and running as fast as my legs could move. I am always the first to leave cover, It is my duty as a non-com- missioned o •dicer. But, unfortunately, I ani not as nimble as most of my men. So it happens that I ant gener- ally among the last to reach an enemy trench. • Well, I had nearly reached the brink of the Bulgarian trench in which, our men were already at grips with the defenders. I was one of a small group of laggards—perhaps half a dozen—when a well -aimed grenade fell in our midst. A couple of men besides myself were in the radius of its explosion and fell wounded, but I seem to have got most of the scatter. Yes, the shock was awful. Yet I don't think I lost consciousness for The Business of Being a Boy is a strenuous em- ployment. Sturdy boys and ;iris are not built- out of books alone. The best food for growing youngsters is Shr=edded Wheat, the whole wheat food, that builds healthy tissue, good bone and develops sound teeth and healthy gums. For breakfast or any meal, with milk or cream. Delicious with preserved fruits. Made in Canada. For Bright Spr i0; Days A. sports frock in all its glory is here illustrated. It may be called a versatile design, for it is as suitable for the afternoon frock of plain and figured pongee or foulard as for the morning frock of plain and figured poplin. McCalt Pattern No. 7643, Ladies' Blouse Dress. Pattern in 6 sizes; 84 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your Local McCal1 dealer or from the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario. "Dept W". Some folks are satisfied to be just acquaintance and sometimes that ar- rangement is perfectly satisfactory to both parties. more than a minute. And I was not "'".".em.". left long untended. A young officer of :my battalion had seen me drop. He crawled up towards me on all fours over the snow, and, seizing' my hands, pulled me over its smooth surface to the shelter of the rock. Yes, the torture of being dragged ,by the hand of my broken arm was acute. Yet it was not very much greater than what I had already been suffering. It had to be borne, and thee strain was soon over. Wonderfully deft and tender are Serbian soldiers in dressing wounds on the field. A couple of them, men of my own com- pany, did me up in the quickest time imaginable, and I was soon lying on a stretcher on my way to the nearest field hospital. LAND OF MANY REPTILES. Australia Has 1.00 Species of Snakes, But Only Five Deadly. Australia has 100 species of snakes, three-fourths of them venomous, says the National Geographic Magazine. The big pythons and rocksnakes are harmless, but as one travels from the tropics southward the dangerous var- ieties increase in number's, and in Tas. mania all are venomous, though only fire are really deadly, and, fortunate- ly, those arc rarely seen, Tho continent is also abundantly supplied with lizards. Three hundred and ninety species are recorded, and they may be seen not only hi woods and prairies and rlesel'ts, in the water, anion t•delcs, ai,d in trees, but also in the less frequented city streets. nuCam S rine' at the ill effects of caffeine when you change from tea tlnd coffee to POST M "There's a Reason" mw.drwiw Y,M.C.A. BUTS AT THE FRONT. Wholesome Recreation Provided for the British Soldier, The following is an extract from the London Tinges: After a spell in the trenches our )nen are moved back to get some rest. From a military point of view alone it is just as vital to revive the spirits of the soldiers as to renew munitions. , . . Folk at home should see the men as they come out of the trenches. Photographs and cinemas lead people to think that "Tommy" or "Jock" is always smiling. They must get rid of that idea. I have seen many, very ninny, trudging back from the line dazed and done. They look like men who will never smile again. They look like men who have done with life. That is the story of their eyes. It is uncanny, it is piteous. Their lips tell another story. Grimly set, they express a purpose alive in Death, as it were. "Stick to it," they say. Erect a hut. The effect is magical.., Shelter, warmth, light, refreshxneiit, and, above all, amusement, act like a talisman. It is the relief from pain. . Strained nerves pass from the. ab normal to the normal. WOMEN WHO SUFFER Can Obtain New Health Through the Use of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. Every woman at some time needs - a tonic. At special tunes unusual demands are made upon her strength. Where these are added to the worry and work which falls to her lot, weakness and i11 health will follow unless the blood is fortified to meet the strain. Weak women find in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the tonic exactly suited to their needs. Most of the ills from which they suffer are due to blood- Iessness--a condition which the Pills readily cure. These pills save the girl who enters into womanhood in a bloodless condition from years of misery, and afford prompt and per- manent relief to the woman who is bloodless, anal therefore weak. Mrs. Wm. H. Wagner, Rosenthal, Ont., writes:—"After the birth of my se- cond child I suffered from troubles whish melt motlaarlasiLtingegtae, 1 fol °vrliuo a dttiending me said - all - operation would be necessary, but as .1 dreaded this and as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had been of great help to my sister I decided to try this medi- cine, and I can truly say that after using the pills for some time they made a complete cure and made life more enjoyable than it had been for a long time. I think every woman suffering from the ailments of our sex should give D. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial as I know from my own ease the great benefit that fol- lows their use." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by nail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CANADA AS A PAPER MAKER. Capacity to Produce Pulp Wood in Enormous Quantities. Indications point to Canada as one of the most important pulp and paper producers of the world for many years. There is no reason, except apathy respecting fire -protection in the pulp producing regions, why Can- ada should not produce perpetually a' large part of the world's paper. The large spruce forests in the east and north including the sub -arctic forest which has value chiefly for pulp, show Canada's capacity to grow suitable wood in enormous quantities, sufficient with any kind of protection and man- agement, to supply the demand of all time, Pulp forests are, however, particularly susceptible to fire, and need careful protection. It is gratifying to see that some of the most progressive pulp companies are successfully protecting their lands from fire. On account of the coin- paratively rapid growth of pulp tim- ber to a commercial size it appears that pulp companies will be the first who can prove that scientific forest' management is good business for a private concern. The increasing production of pulp and paper in British Columbia con- tinues, and it is announced that the plant of the Empire Pulp and Paper Mills, at Swanson Bay, 100 miles south of Prince Rupert, will be turn- ing out chemical pulp in commercial quantitiesthe daily output when the plant is in full running order being between thirty-five and forty tons. ,SCA GREASE Ma tis your wagon run as ,i t hast gall bearings. It . ,the: Mica that do l;, Mica makes a 5111AvltJIs bearing sur- face tt " xt longer wearing Dealers every- 'L�rBlra' sell sis ,� F l.)IL-'C'QMI'ANY ;i," ; Limited lsrtA • 'S a gissioUGn0UT +'see ADA car iCi+ti factariT. ")slits i t1 �. mese 6;rsystar Industry. old t dative•Madagas- ''*li rapixhe culrt p' and manu- 'Tito what is called be in Malagasy or clothing, and crnlf Y "Lansbemena" is mac'o iron 4;eai+ grey native silk premise 'lv: t eiisileo country, in ,the senesese's of the Central Pla- teau 1 i z ,riot' ,.ial was originally used f g,4�a's .shofar •the bodies of pro- enineri 4 Gyylt eta Tor burial. The more eelebl ed ;0'wealthy the deceased or his ret } tik-ea hare, the more lamba- mens a s Vitt ,tr, but this eustom is be- ing gr.'lti'all, 11'idcontinued. odhan Y ur Eyes Need Care .N 9r+t:inek^se tedlcino.NoSmergo g --Feels Fine Acts Wieldy. Try it for Red, Weak, Sorel ;es and iOranelated nyelids. Marine is contp,.dnded l:•,, our Oculists -•not a "Patent MeMel he'—butused inauceessfal Physicians' Practice for many years. Now dedirated to the Public and sold by Druggists at 50e per Dottie. Miuiue Eye Salve In .Aseptic Tutors Pse aa9 50o. write for book of the Ere Fret, Murine Eye Remedy Cornea ny, Chicago. Adv. F" t in Sontething. Act er•dirt • to their own account, the children were (teat in something at school: One was 'first in reading, an- other in arithmetic, another in sports. Bertie alone remained silent. "Well, Berrie,' how about you ? his uncle asked `,`nrt'zi"c yt,u first in aliid .,a,,se ids d }•.rz,cr,in: '',., '� •_ _. out of: the building when. the bell rings. Minarrl'g nini ueet Cures Piphtherla, Abusive: One day after the brakeman had been explaining the scenery, one of the passengers whispered to the conductor. "Conductor, can you tell me how that brakemen. lost his 'finger? He seems'to be a nice fellow." "That's just it, ma.'am. He is so obliging thot he just wore his finger off pots 1 an+ out the scenery along the line."` - Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902. Minaxd.'s'Liniment Co., Limited. Dear'irag•--We wish to inform you that we 'tiotisider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a, very superior article, end we tiny it asea.sure relief for sr thiaksat •aiedi; chest. When I tell you I would not -be without it if the price was one,-clollar it bottle, I mean it, Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON, Our'Puzzling Language. "Navy,, said. a teacher to his class during a lesson in English, "can any - Ione give mea word, ending with sous,' I meaning full of, as "dangerous,' full of danger, and `hazardous', full of haz- ard?" There' was silence in the class for a moment. Then a boy sitting in the front row put up his hand. "Well," said the teacher, "what Is your word?" "Please, sir," came the reply, "pious,' full of pie!„ IA these to be no reptrr '., th:: wrongs? Is peace t . - basis --that the greet, world's hi;atoey is to g':' .. punished 7' To Relieve Catarranh Deafness and Head Noises If you have Catarrhal Deafness or head noises go to your drug- gist and get 1 ounce of l'o.rmtnt (double strength), and add to it I Pint of )tot water and 4 ounces of granulated aue,rr. lake 1 tablespoonful four limes a das This will often bring; quick re- lief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, bren.thing become easy and the mucus stop dropi,ini into the throat, It is easy to Prepar,,. c'ot'ta litt]e and is plear+tnit 10 take. Any one who hos i'atartlutl Deaf- ness or heats noises should give this prescription a trial. Any druggist can supply you. or a bottle will be sent on receipt of 76c. postal note or money order. Address International I abotato. ries, 74 St, Anteinu St., Montreal. Canada. 1'tATS LEAVING .SEIIP. Austrian. Imperial Family Storing Treasures in Neutral Countries. A Swiss correspondent of the Agen- zia Libera, of Rome, reports that a great sensation has been created at Vienna by revelations published in Austrian papers, to the effect that treasures and money to the extent of many millions of kronen, belonging to the Austrian Imperial family, have been deposited in banks in neutral countries. The despatch declares that the news has been fully confirmed. It appears that money, valuables and securities, worth more than 150 mil- lion kronen (over $30,000,000), be- longing to the Emperor and certain Archdukes, have been sent into Swit- zerland and Holland. The "Corriere d'Italia" learns from Berlin that the news has caused a very bad impres- sion even in Germany. AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- lent medicine for little ones. They sweeten. the stomach; regulate the bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, cure constipation and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. E. Quinn, Parame, Que., writes:— "Baby was troubled with constipa- tion and nothing helped hire till I began using Baby's Own Tablets. They are an excellent medicine for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. res - First Undergraduate --Have you telegraphed to the old man for money? Second Undergraduate—Yes. "Got an answer?" "Yes. I telegraphed the governor: Where is that money I wrote for? and his answer reads: In my pocket. ininare:to /duiment Caren Colds, its. Speaking of Appetites. A huge eating competition had been held by some brawny sons of toil in a , country town in Yorkshire, and one of the competitors had succeeded in dis- posing of a leg of mutton, a plentiful supply of vegetables and a plum pud- ' ding, the whole washed down with copious draughts of ale. He was unanimously declared the ssebite 3"hd !vas being triumphantly admirers; and said: ”Ah say,"'Iads,. don't thee say nowt of this to my ole woman, or she won't gie me no dinner!" His Accident Policy. "You stepped right lir front of that automobile. If the driver hadn't turn- l ed sharply you )night h:.ve been kill- ed," "True. Very true." "Were you trying to culnrnit sui- cide?" "No. I took .ut an accident insur- ance policy yesterday, and I was just experimenting to see what sort of Pro- tection it would give ole. By jinks, it worked like. a charm!" FENCING THE HIGHWAYS. A Conspicuous Evidence Of )Plow Can- ada Is Being Rapidly Settled. In a journey to -day across the Do- minion, one is impressed by the miles of farm .fencing, particularly in the far west. It seems but a day when the vast stretches of our West'$rn ter- ritories from Manitoba to the Coast were one wide field. To -day, for hun- dreds of miles, in any direct.n you travel, railroad and other property is substantially fenced; it shows to what extent these vast areas have come under cultivation either for clop; or stock. No heater evideece of enh- stantial growth could he had. It is also a tribute to the quality of :fencing to be had of Canadian manufaete er;;. Mlnartt'a Dtni:ttent Cures r]istenlpar, ' The Difference, "Well," George,." said the president of the eompany to old George, "how goes it ?' "Fair to middiin', sir," George ans- wered. And he continued to curry- eomb a bay ]corse, "Me an' this here hoss;" George said, suddenly, "has worked for your firm sixteen years." "Well, well," said the pre idem, thinking a little guiltily of George's. salary. "And I suppose you are tenth pretty highly valued, George, eh:" "H'm," said George, "the both of ; tt vas took sick last week, and they get a doctor for the boss, but they just dot•k- ed my pay." Would you like to end that ter- rible itching, that burning pain; to heal those horrid sores? You Have tried all sorts of fatty : r . letup>aud powde'.iur•e n` ehsnee as represented Zani-Buk is made from herbal es- sences; is a natural healer. Is not something you have to send to the end of the world for, and pay a heavy price! Dvery druggist will soli you Zam-13uk and for 60e. only. Just give it a fair trial and incl- dr-rtly give yourself ease by the quickest route, Sec name on box:--- nrnx,P Vi.axvriD. 1,1 PIS W.\NTxt' To DO PI IN nriut lir 1,1 sf-wtlg :rt home. V, 1 „l,t CI Rt,- ti,at,-. , nil 1>n, nag at:t The finest harbor in the world is sift rl l,etac,. ] ,r is Isne. s t,l Said to be That of Rio de Janeiro, atuts, t',,, 1+a,: sir „+, rations) ,1 ..O - Brazil, facturing 2r0WSPAIMISS 702, SAWS 11110. rIT-151{+ KI ii NEWS Atilt JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of ail businesses. Full inrormati:+n nII application to Wilson Publishing Co n- pany, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. rt5ieard'a ninimeat Cures t araret In Cows. The Government of India will ex- tend its 'wireless system until every army post has a station in the charge of a trained officer. 1'ixSCEI,DANSitT.15 CANCER, TUMORS, 1.li11IPS. T TC.. internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home trattinent. ii; rite us before too la's,:. Dr. })chosen Medical f'n . Limited, Collinnwoatd,Ont. hcum atismi attacks the "outside" man, Pains and aches stiffen his joints and muscles and reduces his efficiency. At the first twinge let Sloan's Liniment, e.lsy* to apply, it pene- trates autttnoat rabbrng and soothes the soreness. After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply Sloan's Liniment to those stiff idlers, aching wrists and arms. For gout, neuralgia, toothache, bruises, sprains, cold feet, it is promptly effective. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.000. America's lzis::tcr H. CLAY Geos' -:t CO., 'rts. Dog Rerstliis 1I8 West 31 st Street, New k os i 1)Ooli ON 'DOG •� DISEASES I And How to .°.' ec J Itaitat rre,a to say rdsr, the Author The Soul of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the OTTO H 1 -L PIANO AOT ON e +3 Flitl'•,ar.00F REa" 3 "' )BOTH. ll4 THE W0Fa..DD c+' snie Spirit of Anterioa at riny: NXaguit::se anti Chow:flllatme It 1L14xSy+s.Yv,t\Ps Px..0.1.7 it rayser Ja.bl' 3.3X,AXP Z. 0 w,aito Pres. S w. lrsott, r/ � t';?S*".".�seM udia•5'',�.'�. 9v..l.a, ars'`.s..t'"Ge TM°�8b'"i':; :'. • ED. 7. ._- ISSUE •- er a 4 4 1 4