HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-16, Page 1-Vol. XVI I ZURICH, FRIDAY: MOF • ANG; FEBRUARY 16, 1917. N0 8a (Seasonable HARNESS Goods See our large range of SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS of all kinds Our prices will be foufnd re- ,sonable. A1ro a full line of MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and sizes. TRUNKS SUIT CASES, C:AUL ,SAGS, etc. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs,? Axle Grease, ;Gall Cure R. F. STARE ZURICH T ®T CALL You may never again be able to busy clothing ,htsuch ridiculous low prices Boys Regular $3.50, Boys .Regular 4.50 :and 5.00 Boys Regular 5.50 Boys Regular 6.00 and. 6.50 Boys Regular 7.00 Boys Regular 8.00 .Boys Regular 8.50 Boys Regulag 9.00 Boys Regular 10.00 Boys Regular 11.00 Boys Regular 11.59 Suits for $2.99 Suits for -$3.79 Suits for $4.19 Suits for $4.99 Suits for $5.39 Suits for $5.99 Suits for $6.39 Suits for $6.63 Suits for $6.75 Suits for $7.98 Suits for $7.98 ONE LOT of Boy's Suits,hrokeu lies 5iZes up to 30, Reg. up Clea''• .a. APPEL ZUROII THE STORE WITH A. CONSCIENCE re. re. re. arae•a.4-7o4T►411174• m41. LOCAL NEWS � Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21st. Lent begins on Wednesday of next week, " Next Tuesday will positively be the last day of Appel's Big Sale. Messrs. E. D. 'Wurm and R. T. Dunlop were in Goderieh, on Mon- day on tininess. Mrs. Hahn and daughter, of North Dokota, are visiting 're= latives here at present. Messrs. .P Kropf and Alex Post- er, of Ki'tchen.er, visited at their respective homes here over Sun- day. Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentiet, will be at the Doinini:)n Howie, Zurich, on We: nesday, and Wednesday of the.„ following week. 1VIr. .J J. Merner, M. P., lxas re- turned from Ottawa where the Dominion Parliamentt was in ses- sion. The House has adjourned for a month. At the opening of the Ontario parliament on Tuesday, it was announced that a grant 01 $1,090- 000 would be made to the Canad- ian Patriotic Fund. It is reported that Zurich will have a fox farm in, the near fut- ure. Fox farming is an interest- ing business and .many have made:, large fortunes through it. :WT'orcl was received here of the death of Georg. Wing, a brother of the late Mrs. C, Brill, which sad event . took place at his home near Tiimanagh, Mich. De- ceased had reached tteee age a: $7. years Many Neearl o he was residenit ll eefl.. ' :t'Tdel .I1e'lii, of Mildmay, -who had charge of Ruby'8; Gascho"s Millinery department 'last season, has purchased the stock of mil- linery of the stores in the village and has rented Mrs- McCormick's storewhere she will open up a millinery parlor for the coming season. Miss t rein, of Mildmay, was a vise h, in town this week. GET , ,T PRICES are tacked or. eve*, ..6Ni'713 '71 Suit or Overcoat at ee APPel Miss ryulster and .M Koehler ate tiee'l g relatives and friends e. at D e t 1, at present. to mie,ekleebeen received here of ll�,e 1 '� llness. of Mrs, Goetz, who'en-make of the house of Refuge Clinton. A iatt tF a, tuber of fish ha's e been log " c fishermen along the lcee o'iuron tli.e past few,' t� eel p" +He ing and trout are lid gfered for sale. ,o..aai fa4ixx�.^.a lay •ai+, } ' . 'reeeed of my bus,- o- me• eaa ties indebbed to 'ane. '�'xu , F"� .f settle same at once, 1� cap;; ' sore. Office at C. Ea'Je sto'ie�. S E. Faust, 7�ur�a ' "''•�� 'ik1k ieart i ;that took 'a horse- 201 orse - bl iil , "pm zn:y , cutter on Satur- 'x'4' 94 fe 4444 u+ 444 k1t 4 43'�ef v' ,gl..t hast' at Edighoffer's. r m r F stabl.t' +;x"19.. . -4 etuixn same at once J.,IIt,i0,,,6,{i iu...i ilt}„Il,fiil,ll, !+.i f tl., li n L;ii'I,' before.k' a srlr j ;further 'trouble, as; the• : 4n.1, 1,.art"y, is known. Wm. 1}avids'd?n., .1. _ 4fisa4 4104$041(1100011,4.0061341. Orti 4421640414.111101012}4H174:4614 fi Protect Your3 h with a pair of good rubbers. Shoes are advancing in price. A pair of rubbers will make them' wear longer. We have all sizes and styles. Also Heavy Rubbers for Man or Boy. Prices Right, Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. eo IT f9 .°i The Home of Good Shoes Inc rporated 1855 The OL.,'', „BANK CAPTAL and RESERVE : , ' 800 000 hes in Canrida Rankin w, €a e,ss, r nsa tett 'Saving Bank Bapartnrient Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch 4; R. T. DUNLOP, Manager We tape this opportunity of t7tan'h.i.•rzc3 our .0c/stoners for their patronage during' the year 191G, and ask you, to kindly continue the scc-na,e daring t1ze7»'esen:t year. TV's; ar°eselii'r1.y ,goods to reliable customers on,eredi,t as fo7'i))er1y, but offer special i'n- (lzr•ccr)t ents to customers who pa rJ spot cash, R. a DOUGLAS . PHONE 11 on 82] _ BLAKE iiinli,ll!iblill'1liiit'Itrtsllo i'i!;"4 .i4 uh1,i,,,ll,ligir iniiRl iiiiiia;G'lll'.!iii,r',!I iinii ti.'t:G't .!L{6iiiPui(i�!!II wi: 4 1.4444444+444444+4444444444 +44444 44 £•4 € + 4.44++444 4+44444 q°444+44+4÷444444.444.444+444d.,,'.+.;.+..,. p,+++•.1•4 e..F,.;,.;,.;. •..:• ; Y ' ••'ad,.: ��?•_;.' d• • : '.1. ' i•o'• . •i •i44":":"..e 44+4.4. lad ✓� "i"1.÷".+++++++++++++÷++++ .., -4. .4 ^�F 4 •4 .4 ..4 mss-. 4'' '* 4 4. ere 4 .,o .,. w <3 4 4. a NL. U HEART, y E;•. ip e .lt'aa,,c,•. WISHES We carry a full line of Ranges and 'Heaters. See our new Pen-. insula Range 'THE LIGHTER DAY" with high oven and all mod- ern improvements. This stove is giving ulniveralal satisfaction. Also the Gilt Edge Peninsula,none better or neater on the market. We as) cel tee famous Happy 'Thought range. All kinds of baseburners and oak heaters, etc. Christmas Suggest ns in the Hardware smtioa - Useful and R.easol:able in Price CASSEROLES $2,50 TO $4,00 Wel ROGERS SILVERWARE CUT GLASS BOWLS CARVING SETTS, Special at ee C'ILL 1TS AND LV R READY RAZORS C CEDAR POLIS?+: ,'(T MOPS. CARPET SWEEPERS. BOYS AND GIRLS SKATES, HOCKEY STICKS POCK] 'ET KNIVES ETER mm hig HANKERCHIEFS HANKERCHIEFS OF :EVERY FILMY FASHIONABLE KINDS. A veritable Christines garland of the --m, beauteausly embroidered, smartly ini alle:t, or soyt'y edged with lace Some, too, are for nen and children.. Side Board. Covers and Centre Pieces A splendid showing of sideboard , .ee y ane centre pieces, which are F tete Isle i 7i Xmas. 'gifts. ,Prices from 23. up FURS FURS Mene Fill' Coon Coees' at the old p,cices, $50:00 ared'e,p. Ladies muskrat coats --- •-• •-•$60,00 el Fur Muffs --- -. .,CO to 12.50 1+-`ur setts --- - 11.00 to24.00 at Fur scarfs at reduced prime GLOVES Fixe ktit::ed w .a' gl.w,-s in pain black, blue, red and white at 25c and 35c. Flanneiiette Blankets Wh.'te cr gray f'annelette blame kets, pink or blue borders, sizes 64x72 inches, $L75 and 203 a pair Just a few mere all wool blank- ets to clear out at the old price, ranging 'ram $5.50 to 7.00. Xmas, Ribbons Holly berry and leaf designs, chiefly in narrow widths for ty- ing p t kages, 5 yd. role at 15e each. Xmas Candies Also a large assortment of candies, nu'e, etc. t Price for Produce. e .e-14-• • ; •ice Phone 9 ACNINNVILLE. CAN. BUFFALO. N.Y. Sweater Coats A splendid range of real good qualitiee in hlii:t and fancy weav- es, new plaids and s'ripod and is scores of color comeinetions from $1..i to 6.50. Christmas China We bave on display the finest chinaware and eishes of all kinds and all prices. Watch for our window display or odd pieces at £02 each, rr4•±i 4144'41.4-1.4,44' 4.'44II444,4'•44,:^ :3*;r44?.3�•i*�.ey�v+'4 ,� 4. 4 4 4. 4• 4. 4. 4+ 4. 4• 4. 4. .1110, 7• 04 4n, 4ti 4.444'