HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-09, Page 8,, ruary ...,� learing ,; ale .44 M61.1 egirming Feb. 1st, for Two Weeks Only WE WILL HOLD A. CLEARING. SALE OF MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, SWEATER COATS, BLANKETS AND GENERAL GOODS.' DO NOT MISS THIS SALE, If WILL MEAN DOLLARS SAVED rTO�YOU, HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE OFFER.. WE HAVE NO ROOM TO ENUMERATE THEM ALL, t r's``� ! thi bil.J 4: !:.. DRESS GOli f. bO yds. grey Serge 46 in. wide, 6De yd, 100 yds. black and navy Serge, 40 in. wide, regular 85c. yd. now 60c, yd. A few pieces of 60c Dress Goods for 45c yd, Gingham's, Prints 50 yds apron gingham, 38 in. wide, to clear 15c yd, 6 pieces gingham. while they last 10e. yd. A few lines of print at 1234e. yd. REMNAN T eS In dress goods, prints, flanel- ette, shirtings ,etc. Come early lard get best choice. Fia eHettes and MELT'S SUITS Wrapperettes Snaps in men's snits, only 10 left, About 300 yds flannelette at 10c. Reg. $15 to $18 suits, no "old stock All 15c and 18c. wrapperette to selling now for $8 'to $12. clear at 12,1c, per yd. Sive.,., ter Coats For Men, Women, Boys Girls, all sizes. Regular $5 coats for $4 00 " 4 '' 3.25 2.75 A fete men's coats left to clear at $1.25 each. Boys and girl( +coats at from 430c, to $2,00. and OVERCOATS We are overstocked in ,men's+:ted boy's overcoats so we are*cit: t n prices away down to clear, ,." If in need of an overcoat, don't` >X 1ss this sale, Woollen lanke s r llp All .wool sheeting in white and grey, reg. price $1.25 per yd. for 95c a yd Woollen Blankets, reg. $6.50 a pair for $5.75 a pair II „ „ 5.00 a 4, 4,25 If u u „ 4.75 „ ,f 4.00 ,f Grey Blankets 6.25 „ „ 5.50 „ 1 only black plush coat, size 40, reg. $28.60 for $23 2 only Zibilene cloth coats, reg $18.50 and $20,50 now for $12 and $15 3 only Astrachan lined, marmot coilar reg. $22 to $24, now for $17.50 Cloth coats from $5 to $12,5 Special ,gzah " 1 only wool rug, 3 yds by 8' yds for $4. 50 1 only wool rug, 3 yds. by 2fr yds for $350 Men's wool socks,;good weight at 25c a pr underwear, old price, 90e :.. broken sizes to clear at 6'5c Only 6 boy's overcoats, sizes 28 to 31, at $1 50 e;:., Corsets at 50e each 200 rolls Walt paper 10c a roll 100 rolls Wall paper 5e a roll Abaut 200 yds silk ribbon at 5c a yd: n n �'ctz.•tj who. P. one 17 \ THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING. INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA BEBE *IHS STOCK 5 IIS SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable lst October, 1919. nterest cheque e (freenfyt change le half-yearly, � nly,lst chartc eel Bank inril and tCOctober ana a) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. o ers of c have the privilege of surrendering at, par and accrued ' as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any a under any futurewar loan issue in Canada, other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. to re ncommissionond of stock brokers on allotmenter cent will s eallowed made in respect of applications for this stock which hear their stamp. a apply to the Deputy Minister of Holders this stock will 1 interest, S allotment made daft security. one-quarter ton For application forms Finance Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th, 1916. Cream, Eggs and Batter WANTED Will pay highest cash price for Cream Butter and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the Week. L -HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH §eCeseeMe •N `i3'ss1i 3> MARRIED WRONG DIAGNOSIS The physican had been called in haste to see a small negro who 'Wla3 ill, After a brief examination the doctor announced; This boy has eater. too much watermelon. "Oh,. doctah;" expostulated the parent of the ailing one, "dey ain't trio such t'ing as too much water - Mellon, Dat niggah jiar ain't got tootlgh stomach," 4 Smith--Desjardine--,sit the Evan- gelical parsonage, Zurich, on Feb 6th, by Rev, F, B, Meyer, Miss Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iZach Desjardine, to Mr. Emer- son Smith, all of Ray township. Desjardine--.Sielnom� .At the Luth- eran parsonage, Zurich, on Tues- day, Feb 6th, by Rev. R. Rembe Miss Annie Siemon, of Zurich,to Mr. Eli Deisjardine, of Stephen +township, n10c -r 161st GO AS UNIT 1, MARKET ,vcsry Th[.f, l3uti 4o u1, Yut„LVt tt . .....,,, t U.r U; o jf,! 7v.i .. 65 1 00 ,t 4.75 6.25 >•. 133 OU `en 87 uu 125 i.7U i -e., bag 2.50 Lite r, liensall 18 25 6L..dt lJra1 News @'Q' s .D1: S A R • f, :v el-STEMON On eu .ray evening, Feb:, Oth, at the .1•::aeran parsonage, Zur- ich, rte.. .i. lienibe performed the ceremony which united in m;ar- riage Nieseenanie Siemon, of .Zurich airrd Mr. Eli Desjardine, of Stephen Township. The Herald Tains nd- with their many friends in exte i.ng best Wishes. SMITH-DESJARDIN 4 quiet wedding was eolrnni ori iTuesdaay, Feb. 6th, at •angelical parsonage, Zuri when Rev. F, B. Meyer united marriage Miss Edna, daughter Mr. anti L'iirs,. ;Zech. Desjardine, the Babylon Line, and Mr. Bin son Smith, of the Goshen Li $forth; Both are popular you people and have the best wishes a host of friends. LATE MRS. MARY HILL Mrs. letariy Hi11, who hap been making her home with her sister, Mrs. H. Vollan,d of the Bronson Line, died rather suddenly last Friday while on a visit with fri- ends at Crediton. She was much respected by a large ci=cte of friends. .The remains sere brou- ght here and on Sunday were in- terred in the Bronson Line cemet- ery. Rev. 'H. Rembe, pastor of he Lutheran church conducted he services. BUSINESS SOLD Mr. S. E. Faust disposed of his hoe business and stock last week o Mr. Chas. Frits, who has re- oved the stock to his- ow;n store, t is reported that Mr. Faust will 'sit the Western provinces in the spring, where he may locate if ouditions are promising. Last Saturday, Feb. 2nd, was t. Swithin's Day ,or the day when he groundhog crawls out of his; inter home and takes a look at he world, .11 he can see his shad-, w, back he goes for six weeks ore. He could see his shadow sod and plenty on Saturday and ow for six snore weeks, cold oar) weather. P, S. REPORT The following is the report for e month of January. The nate.. are in order dol merit. Sr. II-- Greta Werner ; Ruth enner, Frances Mittelholtz Delia llfas, Ethel Hess Austin Sch-- alm, Madeline Meidinger(absent) erald Bedard. Jr, II -Edmund Bedard, John rc enry oochems, Ivan Y ungblut glees Ze�ttel Irene Decher. Sr. Pt. II -Dorothy Brenner, •n:a M'ittelholtz, Leonard Wag-,, r, Wesley Collies, Freda Howes, Cl Meidinger, Arson Keller.r. Pt. SII -Austin Hey;Frances, eitrieb. Sr. I -Lorne Foster; Alice Deitz Jr... f a Beat- e Geiger, eat - e i Iern�er, tW This lr'eeb, Hazel ed!ar.d,b, Jr, I -lMhggie Zettal, Dorothy ttel J, W. Veitch, Teacher, D CROSS WORK . he portion of the grant for y iT•ott n::ihip made by the co- ty council at its last session for d Cross purposes amounts to 3.05, if oeieties throughout the trn�sh.ip have 'already arranged various su�tns and it is desired, :fact it is imperative, that the ole amount be worked up be- e the.lu.vo ;session of the coun- iSect:ons of flay township are ng their duty nobly, but somemmunitre:, have made no reap - se to Lir+ urgent appeals . It o would faciliate matters great - if bher t' would be some central eivit i. rtion for Hay where Red f oes work could be gath- d and tete shipment made of the ods. .1.s it is at present Ray es not receive credit for the full aunt of work done, as the east - section sends the supplies to 0 -:;a110 -:;a11 an the south-wes'•e,n ec.e- n to (rr:+•rirt Bond, The sum of ney derail' by elle coutlty coun- up t :17 ,Tanuary meeting for pplies frur Ray amounted to 3, wlrl.rh has alt teen worked zed the eh, in Ai of er- ne ng of t t 8 T m I 'VI C I Si t W t 0 ne 44� g n Z. th es Br OaG 11 A: n ne C J D ' iTic I3 Ze RE iT Ha an Be $45 to for 111 wh for ell. dol c0 on ale ly Tee all ere go do am ern He tio, •Ylla Cil su Ilile PIIIRONS GET ACROSS TO PRANCE AS UNLT The 761st Huron County Bat+a'i- on, under Lieut. -Col 1T. B. Combe has been sent to France as a com- plete unfit. The fact that the16'st is in France as a .unit instead of being broken up into drafts, is once of the finest compliments that a Canadian battalion could receive This is the third battalion front: Western Ontario to receive the honor of being sent over as emelt. the other two being the let and 18th battalions. The ,members of the 1601h, Bruce coan'ty, battalion are In hopes that they will be con- sidered efficient enough to tee ceive a similar honor. Friends of the 161st are delight- ed with the mews and predict a glorious career for .:the baLtal:ori;, DIED li t -Ac Crediton, on Feb. Pth,,Fires. Mary :OM, , „ia-iterlOth ;year, Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, high closet, tied back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven tharrnoueter and a large oven, 20x22, Best Stove on the market, only $50. Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout prices. Call and see before you buy. All stoves guaranteed or no sale. ,. =�y , 4 TL ,i wb StoveThe Question We were lucky olaee more in hey - Ing contracted for about 50. -stoves of all kinds a year ago, and since then stoves have greatly advance, in prices, We are still selling at . the old prices. Ca•11 and Pee the BIG STOVE BARGAINS 51717 OUR Cook stove with reservoir for $20. " extended for '' $25. Ranges complete for $33. PHONE 13 ZURICH 83t11ROISPSIl.,,,9R0EST COMBINATION STORE YOUR f©LLA$ 1 -'N A-17 E FRONT. B Ulf r. I 11 rg3m=emeasa =cm,i THREE -YE it IROS TIFIC T S $ 25.0o FOR $21.50 So.00 " I.00,00 e' . as. oo INDIVIDUAL, PURC1-;A5E5 LIMITED TO 51503. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 Fi NA.NOM COMP'ARTM ANT OTTAWA z Go! en 0 ort e Great Ladies' Coats, Menss Suits, Furs and overstocks at a great saving., Mens Tailored Ladies' boats Suits Values in These shits are well made, first crass trimmings and sell at $23,00 and $25.00. On sale at $16.50 and 18,50. Tweed Overcoats Regular $12.50 On " 10.00 " 8.00 1 only boys 7.00 Sale at 77 n 8.50 7.00 4.00 3.50 Men's Fur Collar Overcoats Regular $22.00 On S.1e at $17.20 " 20.00 77 19.50 Now fora Bargain 20 Ladies' Costa Regular*, prices froim $10.00 to $16.00' While they last $4.00 each. 1 only Ladies Esqum,ettepausli coats, Regular $25.00 for 19.50 1 only Ladies plush coat with sable dollar, Reg. 22.00 for 16.0a 1 only ladies velvet coat Reg 15.00 for $10.50. 1 only Ladies Cloth coat Reg„ 15:00 for $10.50. Ladies' Rain Coats Only 5 left in stock your ehoice for $4.75. FURS! FURS! 1 only Natural Wolfe Sett Regular $25.00 for $10.50. 2 only Sable Muffs 8.50 for 6.00 . 1 u 7.50 for5,00I We have still in stock abou.t•• 1 ''7 10,00 for 8.00 20 emit lengths which we are 1 Sable Stale 8.50 for 6.0a • going to clear at lass than cost 1 Sable Stolle .7.50 for 5,04 of raw material, 3;¢ yds in piece. Regular $3.00, $4 00,+� Coats and $5.00 per yd. now $7.75 to $11.50 a piece~ Coats good quality, $4,EU and kap, BIG VALUE IN HOIELWARE 15 doz. soup plates, Rege $1,75 for 1.00 a doz 5 doz. 8 inch plates 1.85 for1,20 10 doz 6 $ 50 . ].0 doze 5 " �. ,for $tl 1.25 for 75 These plates are extra va1-. rte, They are heavier than the ordinary gates... - NOW IS MBE TIMID TO FEED YOITII STOCK AN.0 POULTRY WITH DR. ITEM" OTOCR; 'OO) t,ND POULTRY PANACEA EVERY PACK- AGE �-11.A. v,AlsTIEED, t 1 WURMPhone, 28 - Men's Engliele make Rain