Zurich Herald, 1917-02-09, Page 3TALE OUT IWatch Your Sneeze! It may be the forerunner of OFFQANCE bronchitis ora bad cold. It i is nature's warning that your body is in a receptive con- dition for ;erns. The way to fortify yourself against cold is to increase warmth and vitality by eating Shredded wheat, a food builds healthy muscle red blood. For break- with milk or cream, or meal with fresh fruits. 1 CORRESPONDENT SI i N T 7 t CO I;T) Ia., NEWSPAPER WRITES FROM FRONT. Henri Bazin Writes: "I Have Come From the Somme; Evideneies of Certain Victory at Hand. I am visioning that sacred thing, the soul of. a whole people. Many of those aiding in the baring are uncon- scious of the treasure they reveal. It is exemplified in so many countless ways! Among the cultured and among the illiterate, the rich and the poor, the whole gamut that comprises a na- tion. After the war this sacred beauty will be covered again. A few poets will have noted it, written of it. Only these, and those who note without the writing, will have been privileged to see. I could cite you countless in- stances, and will tell you one, A Soldier's Story, I talked with a simple soldier the other day; indeed, I talk to many, both of the rank and file. This man had been born in Paris, He had never visited the village in the north where, his mother was born, although fre- quently promising himself to so do some time. Not long since he saw its ruins -as part of a conquering batta- lion, who, with their blood, bed re- deemed it from the barbarians. There remained not one standing house, and the church wherein his mother had been baptized, confirmed and married, showed one jagged corner of tower reaching up toward a gray sky. Be- side it was the village cemetery, which had been the scene of a bloody battle. He found among the wreckage of tombs those of his grandmother and his great-grandmother. To conclude, in quoting him, he said: "Monsieur, I knelt there and prayed for their ,souls and my dead mother's soul, and for my body's preservation as le bon Dieu might will, that it be longer able to serve France. The broken tower of the church still held in perfection the face of its clock. It was stopped at twenty aninutes to nine. Just below it, without a scratch, was the niche containing Notre Dame de Lourdes that Mama had often told me of. I prayed to her, Monsieur, I that when — was rebuilt its church tower would show two clocks—one to marl;: the time and the other to record ee. 4seenetee ,minutes to -nine bow. Ger-, that and fast any Made in Canada. many hacl destroyed God's house with iron." Reverence for Sacred Things. And as be spoke I thought this young Frenchman in his reverence for his ancestors, his country and his God's house was not only typical of the thousands and hundreds of thou- sands in his land, ill their work of driving evil out of France, but that, c.oming from a trench, covered with mud and blood, his prayer beside the tombs would not only be answered, but that the act of praying carried his spirit very close to on high. BRITAIN TO GROW FOOD. Great Effort to be Made to Enlarge Agricultural Area. Three Government departments in London are working in closest co- operation, and are prepared to an- nounce the plan for revolutionary methods of feeding Britain with home- grorvli foodstuffs. These departments are those of the Director of National Service, the - Agricultural Secretary, and the Foocl Controller. Neville Chamberlain, Director of National Service, will announce very shortly the classification of all indus- tries into essential and non-essential classes. Workers, including women, from the non-essential industries will be enrolled to till the land and become real food producers. Mr. Chamberlain has been relieved of the necessity of organizing the nation's military .forces and will direct his energies toward the civil side and the work of trans- forming consumers into producers. The railroads are offering garden plots along their right of way upon application to ally station..master. 'Wherever possible public parks offer- ing suitable soil are plowed and plant- ed with early wheat. A prominent bishop of the Church of England has announced that church lands hereto. fore beautified and held as parks, will be opened as parishioners' gardens. Bar Women From Bar. Women will .not be permitted to practise law in Britain if the lawyers gran prevent them. At a meeting re- eently of the General Council of the (lar, over which Attorney -General Sir F. 1+,. Smith presided, a resolution ask- ing the General Council to "consider a report upon the desirability of making provision for the admission of duly qualified women to• the • profession" Vas overwhelmingly defeated. Fashion Fads having been used over and over again are still counted among fashionable materials. Green seems to be good for early spring wear and ranges from the pale chartreuse to the deep forest tone. One of the fortune tellers of fashion predicts that queer and intricate cutis, laxge collars, straightup and down lines, and a lifted waist will he fea- tures of spring styles. Tussur and pongee have few rivals among the materials for suits and dresses. With splashes of bright colors in huge dots or squares against a white or natural background, they make the most fascinating sports suits. The striped and dotted de - For the Boudoir A negligee with angel sleeves is one of the latest offerings for the woman who loves to b daintily and becoming- ly attired in her boudoir. A sketch is shown here, The negligee is of crepe de Chine, with fine ;:ace edging around the collar and pockets, and sleeYes of deep lace flouncing. The pockets and sleeves are weighted with. silk tassels. Boudoir caps of net, chiffon and lace trimmed with ribbon are still seen in great numbers. A very pretty cap of blue chiffon with a pleat- ed net ruffle and long streamers of blue ribbon is a recent importation' from Paris. A large pearl ornament was placed in front. Another cap of cream net was trimmed with narrow blue ribbon in lattice effect around the edge. Tiny pink rosebuds held <doven the lattice where the ribbon erosded itself. A ribbon bow on the crown and a soft ruffle to frame the face completed this dainty trifle. Steep caps are easily made from scraps which you may have left over. in the house. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer of from the McCall Company 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. i bile Crepe de Chine Negligee with Angel Sleeves signs are very striking and introduce From Up Among The Yukon Snows Comes Advice to Sufferers to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Glacier Creek Lady Says They Have Been Her Stand-by for Sixteen Years and She Has Never Known Them to Fail. Glacier Creek, via Dawson, Yukon, Can., Feb'y nth (Special.)—`North of fifty-three where doctors are long distances apart and those remedies that are a very present help in time of need are the reliance of the settlers, Dodd's Kidney Pills have es- tablished an enviable reputation. Hear what Mrs. A. Armstrong, a well- known resident of this place, has to say: of 'then! "Dodd's Kidney Pills have been xnv stand-by for sixteen years," Mrs. Armstrong states. "Both myself and. my family have the greatest faith in their medicinal qualities. When any of my friends complain of even a headache I treat them with Dodd's_ Kidney Pills and they never fail 'to. do good. "It always gives me pleasure to say a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills from backache to rheumatism, Bright's disease and heart disease. These troubles come from sick kid - an entirely new note. Some of the 1 neys. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills designs are distinctly Oriental in ef- fect. Silk and wool jersey are oth- er important fabrics which in spite of ZAM-OHI( cunn IN 2 MONTHS After e, Years' Useless Treetnseyit. Th.aliling power of Zam-Buk is so much , ter than that of other oilata gaentes,4te t it has cured in many cases whoa 1 other ointments hove failed. One fits Instance Is that of Mr. Earle zior of Hl Cr Marquis, Seek., who. , s sl tivrltes1' :" leer two -years I rsiifferod with a had attack of salt -rheum on my feet .: uring time two years I tried, (Ivory known remedy, but could and nothing that would cure the disease. Thee( 1 heard of Zarin-Buk, and cora. Deended,:tieing It, After the first fey/ applications I noticed an improve, inept, slid this encouraged mo to con, tinue.. Although I had suffered for two years, after only two mouths' treatment with Zaire-I3uk I am cow pletele*eeured," Zatii.13uk Is equally good for eczema, ulcers; abscesses, blood -poisoning, piles, cold sores, chapped bands, chilblains, teruptione etc. At all drug etores, 50o. box, orefron Zara -Bilk Co., Toronto. lines. The shipping firms of Denmark, I Norway, Sweden, Holland and the United States, notwithstanding losses, have'°"grown fat and powerful on war I rates, ,without heavy taxes or requi- si ionet,Britain's trade supremacy de- perds ion whether it can keep pace in tbe>tconstruction era with its com- peeitoetin the aggregate. The intima- tii n 1 f lIrrt i' British naval authorities that .as„.teon.as the immense energy deyote:to warship construction can be tarried to building merchant ves- eels, temarkable output is assured, may evell be believed. During the war a irtliliilxi tons of new warships, from giafit ;super -Dreadnoughts mounting i.7-inell.guns, to destroyers and sub- meames; has been launched. • This 'erierl;y applied to the turning out of D0114001 01 merchant vessels, would speddreedietance German and neutral compe boli. Tn) ?e grand race for markets, for comrie*ial: recuperation, the country witTtt xlie dominant merchant marine, able fo seize the carrying trade of most.'ef the world, will triumph. It is oflxiinost consequence that Britain specie4Ze in heading off German am- bitionein this direction. gea A Pleasant Healthful Habit 'A daily ration of Grape -Nuts and cream is a splendid food for those who want vigor and energy. GrC c -Nuts i s a concentrated health -food made from choice whole wheat and malted barley. It retains the vital min- eral elements of the grain so essential to thorough nourishment of body and brain, but lacking in many other cereal foods. Every table should have its daily ration Of Grape -Nuts. "There's a Reason " No change ie price, quality, or size of package. peatrinvismatimakeposouskresmstaapeolt cure then!. MERCHANT NAVY'S UTILITY. Tie Stopped 'Em. Th following story comes from the front', ;'-et one part of the lines, where No Me 's Land was merely fifty yards or so i* width, the Germans one night happeeed to be in a very talkative moodeand the wind blowing towards our lints their jargon exceedingly ir- ritants one of our mien. The latter, a fine ed. '.soldier, absolutely without i.`€al; fie it for a time, but :finallyin Ingt ' 1 i'or a walk. The 'ser ;eant gave &knowing smile as he saw the masa disappear over the parapet with a bomb: Fe landed the missile right ?i in the mid of a batch of Germans, and after he firing had died down reappears on his hands and knees. "That's stopped their bloomin' talk- ing!" -was his only comment. It had. MIReWLES OF DEVOTION: Amazing Sacri1icee Made by the Wo' men of France. French women, particularly the poor, were represented by Ernest Lavisse in his report to the French Academy on the distribution of vir- tue prizes as having during the war honored France by the virtue they have shown. "Women --nearly rill poor --school mistresses, working wo- men, domestics, have worked miracles of filial piety, devotion and charity," said he, "Servants, faithful to their employers, Wien into distress, serve them without wages, and even in cases aid them by sacrificing slowly accumu- lated economies to pay their debts. One of them Is raising seven children of her dead employer. Another 80 - year -old servant is raising five or- phans. A widow, mother of three chil- dren, has taken charge of six orphans. One mother of thirteen children has extended her maternal care to fifteen orphans." The Country With Largest Merchant Marine Will Lead Post -War Trade. That British exports in 1916 should have been of record volume, about $2,500,000,000, speaks with clarion note of the war -time service of the British merchant marine, The British Admiralty had under requisition a l month or two ago about 60 per cent, of the merchant tonnage. The Gov- ernment has compulsorily purchased many vessels. Government orders re- quire 80 per cent. of space on British freighters in ordinary service, to be reserved on home -bound trips for Government material—foodstuffs and munitions. British freighters are for- bidden to carry neutral freight be- tween neutral ports without special permit. German submarines and raiders have destroyed two million tons gross of British shipping. In fact, the British merchant marine has had to undergo a most extraordinary com- bination of losses from enemy activ- ities, of requisition for military ser- vice, and of cargo restrictions in the national interest. That it should have also carried record British exports de- monstrates a capacity and endurance little short of marvellous. Serving British and Allied interests magnificently in war -time, the British merchant marine will be Britain's main dependence after the war to re- cuperate its economic strength. Ger- man. shipping interests are calculating on extraordinary building, to restore Germany's lost trade. The rivalry in warship construction being ended by Britain's unchallengeable supremacy, Germany will undertake rivalry in merchant' ship construction. But the British shipping firms have to face, not only the burst of German energy, but formidably strengthened neutral Silnerd's t.ininient Cures Diphtheria. Urgent Business. siness. "Your honor, I admit that I was ex- ceeding the speed limit, but I was afraid of being late at court." "What was your business at court?„ "I had to answer to a charge of ex- ceeding the speed liulit." • Delicately Eliminated. "How did you get Mrs. Bounce out of your bridge club? Did you sale her to resign?” "No, we didn't like to do that, but we.r`til resigned except Mrs. Bounce, and, then we all got together and formed a• new club." reGranulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by (Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 500 per Bottle. binririe Eye SaiveinTubes25c. Forlleek ot,heLye&eeask Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Ce„Chicago Telegraph Message. Assistant (to old lady, who has handed in a badly spelled telegram) --- What's this word, please? Old Lady—Never mind that, miss; it's none of your business. They'll know at the other end. lBlinard's Liniment ,?oro® Garfrat int C rw The Nova Scotia Lumber King says. "I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the best LINIMENT in use, .1 got my foot badly jammed lately, I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. Fortune smiles on some men merely because they paid no attention to her frowns. 61tivielPA010 �� � uaR4NYO,D oY.n ped^ MADE IN CANA4A Nae been caul !ti's favorite yeisel for more than forty years. Enough r$.t a e o produce 50 large loaveti of fine, wholesome nour- ishing home made bread, Do not experiment, there is nothing a t; ~" \� just as good. .� 111�91dI E.lt4!TORONTTO OCO.LTD 0'S } fu $liV, WINNIPEG MONTiIIAl.-armor .11,. �,,i1lUll� At the Opera. Rich Lumberman (at the opera) By jinks, Mame, that's music such as I calls music. City Niece ---I hardly thought you would appreciate it, uncle. (lumberman --Why, by jinks, Mame, it sounds jest like my three sawmills on Beaver Creek all runnin' at once. =bawd's Liniment Cures ColL.e, Etc.. lrEWSPA2nau'8 BOB BALD BlOftlelsaNnWgdOntarioasfor lei towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses, Full information on piny, 73on to West .Adela.ideon 1�St Publishing To onto. MISCELI,AYd7 OUS CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Writ®. CoI imited, Cofore too ilingwood, OOnt.rnaMedical America's 1'ieilr II. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dag Denman n 118 West 31st Street,New York BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed Sree to any address bF the Author Book "PatentProtection" 5'ree Formerly Patent Office Ennuiner. nste.b. 1871 99 ST. JAMES ST., MONTREAL Eranchess Ottawa and Washh gtorn The most expensive way to buy any- thing worth while in this world is to get it for nothing. Minard'a x lniment Cures Distemper, Absolutely. "People should marry their oppo- sites." "rMost people are convinced that they did," In Assain an oath is taken stand- ing within a rope circle, to imply a wish to perish as the rope does if the witness does not tell the truth. For Dyepepsir, , linili oath n, T'ieartburn, Relching, Sour Stomach, ties 7lsuratel Magi 'dalcinaitthalftlglassl of of hot witCer after eating Is safe, Plea- sant, anti harmless to use and gives in- dlsonder�tSSoldi by druggists evexy�vi ere. •p Guard Your gay' Health Cheerful, Chubby( Children Make the Home Happy Weak, puny babies are a constant care to tired mothers and arc subject to many diseases that do not affect healthy children. Keep your children in good health. See that their howxtlt, uaure regularly -especially during the tset`:ingperiod. This is a distressing time in the life of every child and the utmost pre- caution should be taken to keep them well and strong. By the consistent use of Mrs. ` i low's s of syrup it is possible to avoid many childish ills now so prevalent. Itis a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and other infantile ailments. It soothes the fretting baby and permits the child to sleep well and grow healthy, It brings comfort and relief to both child and mother. When buying your Piano insist on having�anI OTTO -� amL" PlArig .. - OILO. Artificial Teeth Bought Send ns your old false teeth. plutrs and gold. 'We remit best wash value by return r,taU. Gold Sr Platinum Refining Co., 20. Adelaide St. Wc> t, 'Trento Mrsa 1 h io 's Soothing Syrup Nukes Cheerful, Chubby Children Is absolutely non-narcotic. It con- tains no opium, morphine nor any of their derivatives. It is soothing, pleas- ant and harmless, For generations mothers in all parts of the world have used it and millions. of babies have been benefited by it. Suy n bottle: today end have it handy Relieve and Protect Your Children Soda by all druggists in Canada and throughout the •..t orld Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen ('issues, Curbs, FilledTendons, Sore- ness from Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Docs not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2.00 a bottle at drvct:ists or delivered. Book 1 M free. AB3t`RBINE, JR., for mankind—ata Antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen Veins or glands. It heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drug- gists or postpaid. Will tell you snore if you write. Made in the U. S. A. by ly, p. y0Ur,, ; , C, r . "' ; tymes nig , Nearest, Ona, astatine and Absorbinc, Jr.. err Sada in Canada,, ,;7 1BII LARGEST F1.RER00F h'iL°ORT, i,. ,i, i:e NOEL 111 THE WORLD�,w ecru Tho Spirit of Amorioa at play: Magnitude and Cheerfulness .S.M.T..RACCAN PxA1,7 launO?L AZT PLAN S White, Pres. ;r W. M',Rott Mgr. u, ,ate sr. ^ ==,,m . 95 eel Upward q ll@I#•.'.. arieitean fi FULL Cl ARTEiD S E PAR AT R • A SOI,In ritoi'OSI i ION to send n ew, well 1,17;io, easy runnit3s, � :17.1,!,. new, ticrfert nitimndr.g separet;rr f" LIti.1 (lowly stints w::rn1 ,r,,r16 rx,kr:ahrtny or 11,410: er n7. Boul a sl,'n hat`!/ Ml4Y7')'E'1, e asily cleaned. utftrrcut from pic'..re, aalucs s h,or,trs 1.rr,rrr capacity n iwitme . S.o ear easy MonthlytPay'inentPlan K'1ilar:cr y 79:1` or,nv1y from d11r,adnagn aa.,Tetonte, Ont, r0:1 SI'. rein,, I. P *Whether 7. lief oe' ee i.i 11, ,r i red -easy p. rnent AxitTC;ICAN SEPARATOR CO. S '.os Ba1' nbtidgn, N. l rr : -1 sa,y