HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-02, Page 7BRITISH TAKE COMMANDING POSITION N 1E 1'Iore Than 350 prisoners Taken by Gen: Haig's Troops, All the Objective Attacked Being Gained With Slight Losses, While German Casualties Were Very Heavy. With the British Armies in France, =l'an. 28. -In spite of the hard weather conditions, a gallant attack was made Saturday by British troops against a strong Gerknan point on the Somme, resulting in its capture with three officers and more than 300 men. The i Germans apparently did not anticipate an attack and were somewhat off guard, owing perhaps to the heavy frost and strong blizzard sweeping over the snow-covered field. The Ger- mans remained snugly in their dug- outs, ,probably believing that the Bri- tish would do the same. Outwardly there was no movement within the British lines, but in the trenches the troops were waiting for a sudden attack; which had been well prepared for and organized before- hand. Suddenly, the ordinary desul- tory. fire of the British batteries was concentrated in a terrific drumfire, flinging shells of enormous destructive force upon the German trenches and defensive works. The barbed wire before the German positions was cut as though by sharp shears, Following the curtain of fire, the English troops went briskly out into "No Man's Land." The breath of the risen looked -like a smokecloud as they went across the field of hum- mocky snow and shell craters filled with solid ice. The British troops had been cold but fresh with the heat ofi battle they moved forward like, a machine and carried out the operations with preci- sion and self-control, Trapped in Dugouts. The Germans were trapped in their dugouts. The English boys were over and around the position before the Germans could get up to bomb them or fire upon them with machine guns. The whole garrison of the strong point surrendered almost without a fight, seemingly thinking that resist- ance was useless. The British troops suffered few casualties and sent back the prisoners in triumph. Meanwhile, the German gunners had seen signais of distress and pre- sently they became aware of the fact that the strong point had been cap- tured. They carne out of their clug- PREP ING DRIVE FOR FARM HANDS Two Thousand Workers Will Be Secured in the United. States. A despatch from Toronto says: Any other "drive" for farm hands is to be made in the United States this Spring by the officers of the Ontario Depart- ment of Colonization and Immigra- tion. Arrangements have just been completed to send five agents into the states, three into New York State and two into Michigan. The start is being. made over a month earlier than last year and the work will be continued for three months. In •that time, it is confidently ex- pected, from fifteen hundred to two thousand farnli hands will be secured to meet the pressing scarcity in On- tario. The department's agents • will travel all over the two States, adver- tising in local papers and using any method that suggests itself to^ attract men. They are authorized to guaran- tee farm work at $35 to•' $40 a month for experienced men and $15 to $25 for inexperienced men. Last year about six hundred men were brop,ght outs and began firing at the captured into the province as a result of a. stir. ,osition, but the visibility ,was bad, weeks' campaign. owing to the whitish :fog and the Ger- Although but Winter work is Bo- man drumfire was not so intense as in ing done on the farms now the • .rig former days on the Somme front. mend for workers is so large that two The British troops had taken pos- hundred applications have been rteeiv, session of the deep underground rooms ed from farmers anxious to get' first,, within the German position. In this call on the men gathered up.; Most off` way, the officers laughingly said, they them are prepared to sign good Men on at once. a celebrated the Gerinan Em'peror's birthday. LAURENTIC SUNK MANY AUSTRIAN SOLDIERS. I' RO%EN TO DEATH IN TRENCHES OFF IRISH COAST Vienna, Jall. 28: I'leavy snows Arid �.� i1)tense cold have resulted in a slaClt:- British Auxiliary Cruiser a Mine or Was Submarined. ening, and here and there a total ces- sation, of the military operations on Hit all the war fronts where Austro- Hmlgarian troops are engaged, Bliz- zards prevail in East Galicia, Buko- wina, the wooded Carpathians and Rumania, the snow being several feet London, Jan, 28. -The British aux- deep. The temperature is the lowest Mary cruiser Laurentic, of 14,892 tons known in years, which is true also of gross, has been sunk by a submarine the northern sectors of the Italian or as a result of striking a mine, ac- front and the Balkans. cerdiztg to an official statement issued On all these fronts both sides ap- to-night by the British Admiralty, ( pear to be finding the Winter their Twelve officers' and 109 men were sav- worst enemy. It is almost impossible a togreat �dartillery the e owingg use. to The Laurentfc before- entering the cold, vi2lile cases' of men frozen to ;British naval -service was in the ser- death are plentiful. vice if the Ocean Steam Navigation Company of Liverpool. She was 550 BRITISH PENSIONS feet long, and was launched at Bel- $250,000,000 A YEAR fast in 1908. - The Admiralty statement adds that London) Jan. 28.: When the new British Pensions Minister,. G. N. Barnes, unfolds his new, pensions the: vessel went down off the Irish coast last Thursday. v ' scheme next month, it will be found GERMAN U-BOAT FOUNDERS that it will cost the country not less ()FF THE NORWEGIAN COAST. than £50,000,000 a year. According to Mr. Barnes' forecast of his scheme, London, Jan. 28. -The crew of 34 of there will be a minimum of £1 per a German ;_ubmarine, which foundered week to widows of soldiers and sai- off the Norweedan coast, was landed lors who are unable to do any wage - yesterday near H•ammerfest, Norway, earning work, while adequate sums by a Norwegian motor -boat, accord- will be paid to disfigured and crippled ing to the announcement of the Nor- men, irrespective of their ability to wegian Minister of Marine, transmit- return to active civilian life. ted by the Reuter correspondent at e. Christiana. As the Germans were 100 RUMANIANS DEAD transported on a neutral boat, they 1N WRECK OF TRAIN. will be liberated. Berlin, Jan. 28. -More than 100 MOUNTAIN IS NAMED Rumanians of high rank lost their AFTER YPRES VICTIM. lives in a train wreck near the Ru- manian station of Tshura, according A despatch from Ottawa says: The to a despatch said by the Overseas Geographic. Board of Canada has giv- Agency to have been printed in the en the name of Carthew to a moan- Russki Slovo. The locomotive of a tain in Alberta, after Lieut. William train carrying the Rumanians to Rus - M. Carthew, an Edmonton surveyor, sia jumped the track and the cars who fell at Ypres. tool: fire. RUSSIANS SMASH THROUGH TEUTON LINES IN MOLDAVIA Many Prisoners and Much Booty Taken From the. Invaders of Roumania and Austro -German Forces Compelled to With- draw on Golden Bystritza River Front. London, Jan. 28. --Russian forces ; the enemy's fortified positions on a after artillery preparation assumed front of three verses' Prisoners and the offensive yesterday against the ' booty were taken, the extent of which Austro -German fortified positions on is being ascertained." both side of the Kimpolung-Jacobeni "On account of superior Russian road, near the north-western fron- pressure directed against the Teuton tier of Moldavia, and after stubborn j lines in the Meste Canesce sector on fighting broke through the Teuton the Golden Bystritza riven front, in lines 'along a front of nearly two !Rumania," says to -day's German of - miles, says the official statement is-iticial statement. "the Austro -German stied to -day by the Russian War De-; forces yesterday were compelled to pertinent. Prisoners and booty were I withdraw to positions nearer the east taken by the Russians, the extent of bank of the river." which has not yet been ascertained. The Rumanian War Office report The Russian War Office report : said: reads ( "In the Kasino valley our troops at- "Rumanian frbnt; Our detach- tacked the enemy, and, , in spite of idents after artillery preparation as- I severe cold and heavy snow, succeeded shined the offensive on both sides of !alter 11. hours of desperate fighting the Kimpolung-Jacobeni road, and !in driving hint south of the Kasino and. after a stubborn fight broke through ; Suchitza valleys." BRITAIN BUILT 510 SHIPS IN 1916 PART OF OTTOMAN SECOND LINE SEIZED BY BRITISH AT THE K World's Tonnage Reduced by About Two Hundred • Thousand Tons. A despatch from Washington says: Loss to the world's merchant shipping In 1916 through war causes exceeded the total tonnage constructed, accord- ing to estimates prepared on Friday by the Federal Bureau of Navigation. Vessels sunk are put at 1,149,. of 2,-. 082,683 tonnage, and those built at 2;5.06, of 1,899,943 tons. The. net re= duction was about 200.000 ton,,s,one or � .; and one-half per .cent. cif 'the world's i' total. The figures were „gathered from many unofficial sources, but are declared to be approximately`: correct. Great Britain led in ship building with 510 vessels of 1319,000 tons. The United States was second with 1,213 vessels of 560,000 tons. Ships built by all other countries are given as 782 in number, of 720,368 tons. German construction of 26,000 tons is admit- tedly a low estimate. ARSENAL .AT DRESDEN REPORTED BLOWN UP 1000 German Women and Young Girls Said to Have Perished. Paris, Jan. 28. --The Dresden arse- nal has been blown up and 1,000 woi men and young girls killed, according to a letter taken from a German soldier dated December 30. The letter was written from Dresden '11 .k Losses Were Very :Heavy, Four Furious Counter -Attacks Which They Launched Being Repulsed. •A despatch .from London says: i of the Tigris, south-west of Kut -el - Eleven hundred yards of Turkish first ! Amara and a considerable length of line, trenches south-west of Kut -el- i the second line, sustaining only slight Amara andortions' of the Turkish losses. P The Tlirkisli forces west of the Hai Second line trenches in Mesopotamia i River thereupon delivered four furious have been captured by the British +counter-attacks, the 'first and third forces in severe fighting, in which the 'lurks suffered heavy losses, according to a.British'oflicial communication is- sued Friday night. The communica- tion. says: "By a determined assault Friday morning, under cover of an intense beenbardment, we seized and consoli- dated 1,100 yards of the enemy's tremely heavy. Seventy prisoners first line trenches on the right bank were taken." being broken up by our artillery and machine gun fire. The second and fourth attacks gained momentary suc- ceases, but our troops, returning to the offensive, regained much of the ground from which they .had been temporarily dislodged. Throughout the day the Turkish losses' were ex - VPDUN BATTLE 'DIVIDING BRITAIN ". A VIOLENT ONE IN SIX DISTRICTS Braine Points Was in Nature Civil Marshalling of Forces to of Band -to -Hand combats. Carry On War at High Pressure. ,tnadespateh from Paris says :-Ac-1 A. despatch from New 'York says :-- ,*el ng -to' late 'reports of the attack The Sun on Thursday morning publish- lauitched by the Crown Prince's forces ed the following special cable from in ihe' i erduri,region recently, several London under Wednesday's date: Get pian regiiuents participated, and The first steps toward civil mobi- 'tt dome points the two forces fought lization indicating Great Britain's ha"id-to-hand. Altogether the engage- adamantine determination to fight to tient appears to have been the me st a finish and 'to victory have crowded ilnportant offensive movement under- out any discussion, of the attitude of treed on' the Franco-Belgian front in the United States toward distant several' weeks, . The movement was launched along a rather ww;ide front, being delivered at four points between Avocourt wood, on the extreme left of the French lines about Verdun, and Dead Man Hill, a distance of more than 31,2 miles. The Germans gained some ground, but next morning as the result of a desperate counter-at- tack most of the positions captured by the enemy on Hill 304 were recaptur- ed.. ein IRISH -CANADIAN RANGERS ARE CHEERED .IN DUBLIN. -despatch. m :Dub1n sane S e chess of Cohaught's Owf-Irish- enadian Rangers, 700 men and 28 Officers, arrived in Dublin Thursday afternoon and marched through the principal streets to Wellington Bar- racks. 'Crowds of workers watched The first tali for volunteers un them March along the quays. When few days ago. There is no age limit, the battalion turned into Westmore- y g land Stneet the music of the bands i and both men and women are accept - brought large numbers of people from ed. Speakers are spreading all over shops and warehouses. The fine ap- the country to carry out a campaign of gestates of the men created a favor_ recruiting similar to the early days of able impression. Also at College the war, when soldiers for fighting Geeen and Great George Street crowds were recruited. As fast as recruits collected. From here until Welling- are gathered they will be drafted into ton Barracks were reached the men battalions according to their fitness were heartily cheered. for various kinds of work, the strong- est women becoming members of the DIET OF PRUSSIA Land Service Corps and the weaker ones joining the munition -making BOASTS OF FUTURE. al my. LEADING MARKETS Breanstulf0. Toronto, Jan. 30,••--Inanitobe. wheat -- New No. i Northern, 32.06; No. 2 do,e $2.03; No. 3 do., 31.95 No. 4 wheats 31.86. track Ilay ports. Ofd ocean trading 40 above new crop, Manitoba. oats -No. 2 r.., W., 71e; No. 3 O.W., 611e; extra No..1 feed, 671c3 No. 1 feed, 67c, trach, Bay ports.. American corn -No. 8 yellow, 31.13, shipment within 30 days• (Inttrrl° oats -No. 2 white, 64 to 660, nominal ; Ni. 3 white, 63 to 65c, nomi- nal, according to freights outside, • .Ontario wheat -NO, 2 Winter, per car let, 31.so to 31.82 ; No. 3 do.. 31.78 ,ter • 31.80, according to freights outside. Peas -No. 2, $2.35, according to. freights outside. • Barley --Malting; 31.20 to 21.22, ac- cording to freights outside, :Buckwheat --$1.29 to $1.30, noMieal, according to freights outside. Ttye-No. 2, 31.40 to $1.42, according" to freights outside. Manitoba flour -First patents, In lute bags, $9.90 ; second patents, in jute bags, $9.40 ; strong bakers', in jute bags, $9.00, Toronto, Ontario flour -Winter, according to sample, .31.40 to 37.50, in bags, traok Toronto, prompt shipment ; $1.25, bulk seaboard, export grade. Millfeed---Car lots, delivered Montreal freights. bags included -Bran, per ton, $34; shorts, per ton, 235 ; good feed BOW', per bag, $2,70 to 32,80. Ilay-No. 1, per ton. 312 ; extra No. 2, per ton, $12 to 313.50 ; mixed, per ton, 210 to 511.50, track Toronto. Straw --Cyr lots, per ton; $9. track Toe 1'01110. Country Produce -Wholesale, Butter ---Fresh daily. choice, 37 to 390' creamery prints, 44 to 46o ; solids, ,4d" to 431c. Eggs -'No. 1 storage, 42 to 43o ,torr • age, selects, 44 to 46c ; new -laid, .in cartons, 58 to 605 out of cartons, 65 to 57e. Cheese -Large, 261 to 26c : twins, 26 to 261c ; triplets, 268 to 263c. Dressed poultry-Chiekens, 22 to 24c; fowl 18 to 20c ; clucks, 20 to 2'2c squabs, per doz., 34,00 to $4.50 a tur- keys, 25 to 34c ; geese, 16 to 18e. Live poultry -Fowl, 15 to 17c ; slack- ens, 17 to 20c, honey --White clover, 23-1b. tins, 14o 6 -Ib. tills, 13 to 1330 ; 10 -ib., 123 to 130 ; 5u -lb., 12 to 130 ; bucktotteat, 60 -Ib. tins, 9 to 93c. Comb honey --extra line' and heavy weight, per doz., 32.75 • select, $2.611 to 32.76 ; No. 2. 32 to 32.25. Potatoes• -Ontario, per bag, 32,50 to 52.60 ; British Columbia, per bag, 32.60 ti $2.75: New Brunswick Delawares, per bag, 32.75 to $3,00. Beans ---Imported, hand-picked, per bush., $5.'25 Canadian, hand picked. per, sate league schemes. hush., $7.00 Canadian primes, $6.00 to p g 30,60 ; Limas, per ib., 10 to 104c. Labor's support, expressed at the Manchester conference, has greatly Provisions• --Wholesale, gratified the Government and will nuked meats -Hams, medium, 25 to 26c clo„ heavy. 22 to 230 ; cooked, 3R • pave the way for Neville Chamber- to 87c : t'oltti, 19 to 'uc breakfast rain's fast -maturing plans for mobi- lizing all industries and cutting down the numbs of men working 'n non - bacon, 20 to 25c ; backs, plain, 26 too, 28c ; boneless.19 to 32c. Lard -Pure lard, tleroes,,213 to 213c ; tubs, 213 to 22c ; pails, 22 to 221e r ` compound, 163 to 14c. essential trades to the minimum and (aired meats --Long clear bacon, 1 8 to increasing to the maximum the effi- ciency of all the vital trades. Mr, Chamberlain's scheme contem- plates dividing Great Britain into six d'istri'cts, Wales and Scotland each constituting a division, the other cen- tres being Leeds, Manchester, Birm- ingham, With t fn •ham and Bristol. g , points' as besi"s;`he intends'te push' all the war work and food production to the. limit of the, laborers' capacity and $4.1.00. I3ay-No. 2, per ton, car lots, maintain high speed until the. war • $13.00. Cheese -Finest westerns 25 e ; ends. finest eastern,. 26c. Butter -Choicest ca eamery, 43 to 4330 ; seconds 393 to der 403'e. Eggs -Fresh, 50 to 65c ; selected, the National Service rule was made a 44c ; No. 1 stock. 40o No. 2 stock, 86c. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, $2.25 to $2.50. 1Sle. jrelb, ; clear bellies, 18 to c. Montreal Markets Montreal, Jan. 80. -Oats --Canadian 'western, No. 2, 71c No. 3. 69c; extra' 31.03No1 feed.B 31.30. Flout' -Mani- toba•,. tuba malting, Spring wheal patents, firsts, 510-3 seconds, 39.50 ; strong ,bakers', 59.30 Winter patents, choice, 39.26 straight to • 4 o5. .: Rolled A its- - 3b I.,- $ �.Okatolls$8.50 to 38.80 , 'do bags. 34,10 • 90 lb 3.40 to 0 7 2 do., hags, lbs., $ $ Bran,' 333.00:. Shorts, '336.00. Middlings,' 338.00 to $40.00. Mouillie, $43,00 to A despatch from .London says: The :'resident ' of the Prussian Upper idt}xltb, in a speech at the opening of _ and the writer said that all the winthe session, expressed hope that the An official report from Petrograd dows within a radius of twelve stii1es ; present Year, "despite its disappoint - says: -"On the Black Sea one of our were broken by the explosion 'Ile 1 i;.beginning, might bring peace, ac - submarines sank four schooners near added that the authorities were le epe caO ding to a Iterlin despatch to Reu- the Bosphorus. Three other saloon- !ing the news secret, and that liar rail- tel' S' by Way of Amsterdam. After tershe that were encountered by the sub - road tickets were being issued for ceminestting on the rejection of Ger- marine were obliged to beach them - Dresden except for urgent reasons;,; lnany's peaee proposal by the Entente, selves, breaking up in the prevailing • ] • h f teful hour PARIS IS IN THE GRIP 1,430 GERMAN PAPERS cared on us• and to -day we, a more SUSPEND PUBLICATION. A' despatch from Paris says: serious and matured people, accustom - France is in the grip of the severest ed to victory;.�are standing behind the cold weather for many years. The Emperor. Our iron will shall turn thermometer in Paris registered 1,7 to' deeds and the sharp steel of a clean degrees Fahrenheit on Friday; and sword in -our hand shall hew the way even in southern cities like Marseilles.to a more prosperous future." and Bordeaux there were several de- ' • - SEVEN TURKISII VESSELS DESTROYED BY RUSSIANS trip :'resident said: e a term." OF ARCTIC WEATHER I` ;ie second time war has been de - bete German Empire is approaching, s Winnipeg Grain. Winnipeg, Tan. 30 -Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.79 ; No. 2do., 51.7553 No. 3, do.. 31.71: No. 4, 31.583 ; No. 5, 31.373 ; No. 6, 31.063 ; feed, 71e. Oats - No. 2 C.W., 570 ; No. 3, rte., 550 ; extra No. 1 feed, 550 ; No. 1 teed, 64e ; No. 2, do., 53e. Barley --No. 3, 98c ; No, 4, 92e ; rejected 79c : feed, 9e Flax - No. 1 N.-W.C., 32.631 ; No. 2 C1,W.. 32.601. United States Markets. Minneapolis, Jan. 30.--W heat--MaY closed $1.363 ; July closed 51.803 ; cash. No. 1 hard, .878 toh51 � 03 ]. 91o. 2 North- ern, $ ern, $1.8433 to $1.903. Corn -No. 3 yel- low, 97 to 1180, Oats -No. 3 white, 553 to 3030. Flour unchanged. _1$ran, $29 to 339.50: Duluth, Jen. 30. --Wheat •• No. 1 hard. $1.89 ; No. 1 Northern, $1.88 ; N. 'L Northern, 31.33 to 31,55 ; May. 31.86. Linseed -To arrive. 52.903 . May. 38.933; July, $2.9.13. Live Stook Markets Toronto, Jan. 30, -Choice heavy steers, 310 to 310.75; choice heavysteers, $10 to 310.01 ; do., good 39.50 to 39.75 : butchers' ,'tattle, choice. $9.'66 to -310.00 do., good, 81'.tu to $9.511 : dn., medium, 38 50 to 58.55 : do.. common, $7.75 35,11) ; butchers' bulls. choice, $8.26 to 39.011: do.. good bull~ 37.00 to 38.90 > . do., rough Mills, 35.15 to 55.35 ; butcher - cowws cboh'o 37,75 to $5.25 ; dn., good. 37.::5 to $710 do oteitunl, $1,32 to 10.60 ; smelters. 36.25 to 57.25 choice A despatch from London says: The feeders. $7.75 to 8$.511 , cannel's 1111,1 out- $n it Milkers, choice, each, $71) to 1.100 ; (11,.. coal. and tied., 1,430 German newspapers and peri- eaelt. $4 1 ,10111 3611: springer £5,1.011 to .; , o- 1 �1u sheep, Cologne Gazette says no fewer than tC1" $4.75 a1 sloe ; light etwe., 3 ..0 t1. teeL, odicals are no longer able to appear. heevt,6 to 37.50 • .-sites, goo,l kis chole.•, 311 ,5 to $14, lambs, ,'t10100, 313.50 to 315. 115.. medium, 91.75 th $lt) -, hags, red and watered, $11,25; ,lo,, tt ighed off eater 814 00 do„ fi,te.h„ 313 1 , Montreal, lust 31/.•-iltoive steers, $10 to 310,50 , gvltld, 99 10 $111: choice hoteliers cows, 34 to 35.50 ;;cared. 37 to $7.501 tanners, $5 eltoi,•e totters. bulb 39.25 to'9lt; Food, $7 to $S : can- 'lent, $5,51) 11, 34 ualve•s, 95 10 36 grees of frost. The number of deaths v from cold and the sufferings of the RST BRIT AIN TO REQUISITION Parisians have been aggravated by the coal shortage. Edouard Herriot, Minister of National Subsistence, has. taken energetic charge of the situa- tion, co-operating with the city au- thorities. M. Herriot has decided to sell a large part of the reserve stock of fuel to the public and has lent military auto wagons to carry coal to the small dealers who have no convey- ances. The cold has brought packs of wolves into the department, and bears are ravaging the fields in the Loir Valley. RATION SYSTEM NEAR IN UNITED KINGDOM. London, Jan, 28. -William C. An- derson, Labor M.P., speaking to -day at Leicester, said he was giving away 110 secret in stating that the popula- tion of the United Kingdom would at a very early date be put under a ra- tion system. NECESSARY FOREIGN SECURITIES ITIEa Voluntary Mobilization Scheme Having Failed, Compulsion is to be Applied to Holders. A despatch from London says: The sons not ordinarily residents of the Official Gazette announces that by a United Kingdom. The list of securities required by new order -fin -Council the Treasury is the order will be published within a empaweted under the Defence of the few days, and at an early date all Realm Act to requisition any foreign holders will be required to make a strengthen Great Britain's aecurities which may be required to full return of their holdings. Thefinancial terms and conditions under which the position and also to require holders of securities are requisitioned will be such securities to snake a return on identical with those existing in the them to the Treasury. voluntary mobilization scheme, which, The order further forbids the trans- despite the extra two shillings in- fer or sale of each securities outside come tax levied, apparently failed to the United .Kingdom, The order does bring in sufficient securities, and hence not apply to securities owned by per- the application of compulsion. milk -red, 31'' 1c $11 ; isntbs, 313 to 314 ' choice ;34.1.•t hogs, nil . a1'. $11.00 to $i r1. 51'.tR TO ENI) IN :1UTIMIN. Sir Gilbert Parket' Says Eeonott ie Coif ._ lapse of Germany Pending. A despatch from Montreal . ave, Sir Gilberts Parker, Canadian niivelist, and member of the British House of. Commons, arrived in Montreal nn Wednesday from New York, %Otere lie'''. landed from a steamer on Outlay. Sir (filbert predicts thtlt the war edit end next autumn, if not e little earlier than that, The end will const, he says, through the economic collapse of Ger- many and the smashing or the ('ler. elan lines on the westerly from by the Anglo -F reneh f orcee,