HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-02, Page 5DAM -WOOD Mr. -J. E. Henry of London call.e' on friends in town +Thursday. Mr,Henry Willem has been laid np with an abtaek•of lumbago. Mr Norman Kellerman made a bus - MOSS trip to London on Saturday, Nord was received here of the .death of Mr 'Fred Goodman of W'rav- City, Mich, He was a former :;xdn t of this village for a number years. About four years ago he to reside with bib daaighter Traverse City Where death took Pigs: Mr and firs 0 Stade spent Sunday in Zurich with relatives, Mr Wilbert McBride is visiting at his horns in Blake, where he is recup- erating after an attack of pneumonia. Mr Fred. McEaoben"of Elkton, lllich is visiting with Mr and Mrs Wm Held at present, Wedding bells will be'ringing in the near future.• BLAKE Messrs John and Jake Gingerich (are at present cutting. wood for ,Mr.:\Laing Poster. Mr. Mike' Kennel is visiting un- der the parental roof, Miss Isabel Manson, accompani- ed by her brother, Lorne, spent !LOCAL NE ITOUSS FOR SA De•lrnhle brink +dwci t,:, house 31, and three .10;ts for sale, situated, in Zari.:h. Goad f1^. ;rile . land good well and r i .an on A. shipment of stamped craws .to hand new patterns, Ruby&•Gas ho. Now is the .time to , e:.• u. subscriptions to your '.a. y a: v, eekly (vapors. Look , t r ori: clubbing list and you wi.i ,eh,c we can save vo mo re, HENSALL On Jlan. 19th Wm. ]3u`shanau r,a .- sed away at his home ee in 'had his 79th year,. been a resident of this section ,since he was 10 years old. :Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Murdoch of High. River, Alta., are visiting re- latives here. Mr. Alex. Munni of Hay town- ship has purchased G. C Petty -is house in the west end o• we.. a The Observer has cc•ased lication for the present. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. James Boyce has word that his son, Pte, Boyce, of the 1,61s•t, has wounded. . Mrs. Jas,. MoLinchey, Sr., is the wedk endo t the home or"" Mr. laid up at present as the result of .Geo. Sparks, 1 a fa;+l, and as Mrs. McLinchey is s it makes Fran.., bee cr. Mr, Christ Bechler, who met 'With a serous accident a few weeks ago, is Improving nicely. 1VIr. Douglas Sparks left on, fruesdiay for the we&'t with a car- load of horses. Miss Pumroy of the Bronson I4ine, ncirlth;, •ep1nt to few days at Ithe home ;of Mr. Ross Johnston. Mrs. Peter Douglas, who has teen visiting friends in Zurich, has returned home. Master Abraham Z�apfe, who has leen quirt ilk, is able to be out; again 1vIrs Zapfe is ,also improv-, nig after her recent serious ill- ness. Zurich vest •r tL.ET P`r' sh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc highest Cerasin Price for Wool CASH . FOR SKINS & HIDES The his ran ce Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policvhalders $19,536,177 25 Insures your barn against damage by }wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for o0 cents per $100 for 8 years.- No premium note and no extra asspeernPnt gnaranteed, G. HOLT T`AAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods well advanced in year 1 ,the case more Serious, but we 1 hope fog her speedy recovery. • iWil'lie Johnston of Bayfield line and Geo,Reid uple of of Parr weeks with ine are spendingga friends in Hamilton. Will Reid has secured fartj b in the shell factory at has moved to •Seaforth for lhe. winter. Quarterly Sacramental Ser'.iccs will. be Ihe1d in, the Varna Meth-, odist church next •Sunday. The:, services will be withdrawn from. Goshen and Kippers. Mr. J. E. SIarn.well, who has been spending the past few weeks with. friends around here, left last week, with a carload of set-, tiers effects, for bis home«in Al- berta • leme7StIONS .The Dominion Government has appointed is Board of Pension Commissioners .for Canada with offices in Ottawa. As rhis Board, wish to caude as little delay as possible in deleiling with com•muni- cations with regard to .pensions. they wish the .public to corres- pond dir•e-,t y with the Board of Pension Commissioners, Ottawa. A. great deal .of delay may be caused by communications being sent through other Depart ments of the 'Government. The Patr;otic Pond Association a.nd the Military Hospitals Com- mission have kindly consented to give information and assistanee to those wishing to write direct to the Board of Pension Commission- ers. These ' aocie•ties have office es in certain localities throughout Van,ada. In addition, in order to faeiliate the granting of pensions, the Board is openning Branch pensions offices in Vancover, Calgary, Ed- monton, Regina, Winnipeg, Lon- don, Hamilton, Toronto, Barrie, Kingston. Ottawa, Montreal, Que- bec, St. John and Halifax. All information. with regard to pen.: sions may be obtained from these offices. We aready. 1 We have stocked our store with a large range of goods suitable for cold weather wear. We are ready to supply your wants in, these goods. Come and see. Heavy Rubbers SI -10b5 We have a large stock of men's ar Boy's heavy rubbers and wool clocks Alt sizes and prices ,are right. Carl artt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and khaki trousers for mon and boys, No better made. _ Get. our prices. aTIRTsSni\- - We have a nice line of shoes for young Yuen. Come in and see these styles. Also everyday shoes for inen, women and children at righ prices. Sweater Coats See our lines of Sweater Coats for men and children many styles and colors, Special values. Slue liepairinJ of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. PHC)N I 1 c-1) dale premiseg, Fruit trees and • land State of cultiva ea Sit meted opposite sech.00i Ouse. For parlienlars ali+p(ly to Ma.tin.Wurrn' or Mary Prang. Execu"ors,Zurich. FARM FOR St<..: Comprising 15336 acres in Stan- ley ,Township, 1% miles north of 131ahe, with good buildings, 133rn 40x60, With good straw slued, 40x86, driving shed 2;x:0, with hog eon ,• ..:erneath and a cider shill i,i good running order Stab: .es are cemrn t, also floors. Good stone house 1.1 rooms, will gaol cell1r, hard anal soft water i::si Je. A- bou' -.0 a::res of goo I bush of mix- ed limber, maple, b. e h hemlock, liessvoorl.e1oi and *hi ^ ash. The inn is well drained and fenced, a- bout 3 acres of orchard-- apples., plums reaches, ate ea acres fall wheat, 6) acres plowed • and ebou 50 acres seed in grass. Will: be col:? at .arenson:iblT, pri^e. For particulars apply on the premises , { D. Steckley, R. R. No. 2, Zurich 1gg9 FARMS FOR SALE Hess C 'JEWELL' fiS AND OPTICIANS Reye iris - a ecaaliy 'T1ter3 are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Laeka— Let us install your hay track for you now. Terms are ti.iifT il:•:,f;Tlliacite Coal We same at if installed next t tipliug, viz . Sept. 1,t, X917. lot 8, con,. 13, Stanley, Mcnuo `E1dVL d " 4 ?lily of all sizes: tove and Chesnut Cantel® Henson House Phone 10a WATER FOWLS Litter Carriers STANCHI6NS ....ETC„ ETC.... We handle and install all the modern conveneienccs for your stables. See our lines B--T Flay Tracks and r'ars Fine 170 -acre farm known a the &elicit farm, being lot 16 an• north half lot 15, eon 12, Tia-, Also 60 acres, being part loc 4. con. 15, Hay. The latter familia:. 12 acres fall wheat 40 aerec p'o\v.'' ready for seeding and the ba'a;n.'e grod pasture, 1Wi11 sell on case terms. For particulars apply tr, Ji, J. Merrier, Zurich, FARMS POR SALE I offer my two farm's for sale, one being south half of lot 3, con- taining 8134 acres. and the other being the north half of Iot 4, con- taining 79 acres, both in the 13th em., Stanley. ,The former has 10 acres good bush, and ther latter 8 acres. •Both in, good state of cultivation and good buildings on both farms,. Barna have' stone -foundations and lots of water on .premises. For pa rtigialars. g a to Christ Zirk•e, '13,. R. No. 2•Zurich LO K! •Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. G. F. CASE SzS FIIONE SB Ply Cie" We handle pumps, piping, etc, L. ZURICH THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW 3-a-sAvE.. 1M O lel. E,Y ..FOR ;THE JAN. Q. 1957 NEXT WAR LOAN DEPARTMENT OF F,NANCF• OTTAWA HENSALL ORD R YOUR W 1SKEY BY MAIL Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG An now taking orders for winter delivery. The past season has Jgain shown that Basic S'aggives best malefaction for grain and beans Por reverence ask farmers in this locality Who have used it Ontario Fer ll Bier I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the la -g- est Canadian Compani -s Age icy for Commercial Fertilizers for every purpose JOSEPH Ii:0 R R. ). 2, Zurich. APOLOGY • Jan 30th, 1517 I, David Sahwartzentruber, an reported to have slandered the character of Mrs. Jacob Kennel, ,which ,I ratite as an untruth. (Signed) David Schwartzentruber. APOLOGY •Jlainy. 30th, 1917 It was imported by David, Schw,artzenaruber ;drat Sam 'Hey stole oats from my barn which I •say is an untruth, tSigr•edr David Sc' wart- ent•-a'.0- QUICK SERVICE EXPRESS PREPAID PLAIN PACKAGES ,y4 ..•.yire :are ,the ONLY wholesale liquor dealers in Port Huron. Send your orders by letter or call + perSanaily at our office and leave orders, Located one block west of Postoffice. Entrance for ,1« Ladies. 'The quality. of these goods is V. ell known. You: o de • is haled d;rect from distillery, by 1 PAS: `:EXPRESS, rrepai3, I '-ep this price list for future reference. + CANADIAN CLUB ( • •' 15er case sof 3 bottles _.. ... •--$4,25 1 1 1- t ( • 'ler case of 4. bottle ... ... ... ............ 5.25 Per case of 6 bottles ... ... ... ...... ... ...7.00 .Per case .of 12 battles ... ...... __.i... .,_ 12.53 1. Gaal. faits ... 6.25 2 •G,al. Jars ...11.75 IMPERIAL Per ,rase of 3 bottles ... 3.10 Per case of 4 `bottles ... ... ._.... _.....,. 4.25 Per case of 6 bottles ... ... .....:.... ... 5.50 Pier ease sof 12 bottles ... ... ... ...... ...9,53 1 Gal. jars ......5 2 1. 2 ^Gta1, Jars '-- .. _. Alcohol (Pure .Spirit) 1 Gal. Jars e ... $8 5) Alcohol (Pure Spirits) 2 Gal. Jars ..- 16.59 } Seagrainls 83 Seagram's Star .SEAGRit$ S , Seagalam'ls !White Wheat . I ,G.&W.• :• G•ooderthalau & iWorts" rye .. Goodeilhami, & Worts' Specilal t„ WALKER'S OLD RYE Per case of 3. bottlers ... ... ... $3.00 Per ,case of 4 bottles Per case a: 6 bottles ... Percase of 12 bottles 1 Gal. Jas ... 2' ,Gal. Jars 5 Gal. Jars 3.9} ... 8 75 ... 4 5) ...8,50 ... 20 75 ORDINARY ]:CY1 2yrs. Old , 1 Gal Jars. 2 Gai, Jars 7 5 Gal. Jars 17• MALT .WHISKFM 1 Gal. Jus ... a ...$l5) 2 Gal. Jars .. .J ..,8 50 5 Gal. ,Tans 12 BOTTLI J6 Bottles 4 Bo"ttiete) 3 $11,00 • $6.25 $4,50 . , .,. 9.00 4,.75 3.90 ... , ... 11,00 6.00 4.50 )' = $9.00 5.00 4.00 `... ... 11.00 6,25 4,50 ,a . 4. +A1lotwiahce fox empty jars returned, freight prepaid, in good condition as follows; 1 gal. 30e; 1 2 .goal, 50e; 5 Bial, $1,25 each. Make remittance by money order, marked checque or registered 1 `'' letter. . 25 years in the trade. References; 13radstreves, Dun's, or any bank in city. Send all l .. Oraters 4k 1 l '� ,.� " fib. �;1 J. ,�' y .; 4. 4. i 1 Bottles 4. $3.50 ( 3.90 3.50 3.25 3.50 4. 111 • Cor. Water and Seventh Sts. PORT HURON, Michigan, U. S. A. I