HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-02, Page 4A, • FIERC Tnith is Mighty and invincible iways With prices of raw material constantly increasing and a serious Tendency of labour, prices will be prohibitive in the near future. This is anopportunity which presents it- self:once 2n a life time. Our best advice is, to lay !in a supply for all time to come. You can make bigger interest here in a day than a year in the Lank., E. G. KRUEGER Prices stuqt to pieces all along Ole line. E. APP has placed this t Hi LOOK! REA, v THU! AND ACT QUICKLY ItF.flJ.UFARTED SALE but an EXTRA -ORDINARY EVENT, positively the largest BAR- GAIN FEAST in the history of Zurich. Thousands of dollars worth of seasonable merchandise will be - offered at phenomenally low prices that will be the wonder and talk of the community for ten days and long after. E. APPEL. AND sof St ck eN reg over 3 Po 1 V; Si MoTKERs ATTENTION! isters of the home cannot afford to .ordss. this opportunity of cloth- ing your children at a fraction of the fcqm,er prices.; Boy"s suits Regularly 4.50 Sale 2.95 frfr • 7 2 7.50 '7 5,9 , 277 10.00 " 6.75 Yon.th,',s uits wild overcoats at equally low prices, lack of space xlpes not allow to itemize. LEATHER miTTS Of dependable quality. Reg. 50, 75, 1.00, 1.25 going at 39, 59, 19 and 99cenis per pair. rammastasszasawaueneneommem.ev, BARGAINS • Beautiful iLies i•n, very latest de- signs and colors, Reg. 60 and. 75 fin319 cents. Hook -on -ties Reg. 25, 35 for 19c. Rubber collars Reg. 25 for 19c. Reg, 35e. braces going at 19c 50 " 39c. rlore Bargains Cashmere sfrox, not on market now. Reg. 50, 60 for 43e.—while they last, No Need for Cold:Feet when we are offering a heavy Wool sox worth to -day 65c, for 29c. Come early for these. FRE" At 8.30 itn., Sharp. r •••4Y -4(1'0 '147s.4(.. ,t ),ro_c „a, Slrk te-46.-ti5 Or• alr-trArtcy ree oil Friday morning to the first tencustomers buying a suit or overcoat worth $8 or 9ver atsale price. Ready -ma e Suits OUR !STOCK COMPRISES THE VERY BEST STYLES AND 1VI..kKES, ALL SIZES ARE HERE. WE CAN SAVE YOU FROM FIVE TO. TEN DOLLARS ON A SUIT,. SUITS WORTH $10 AND UP TO $20,00 WILL BE SOLD FOR $4.25 UP TO $14.99. • en's Pantmgs NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE BEEN ABLE TO SHOW SUCH A FINE ASSORTMENT. PRIC- ES RIM FROM $1.49 TO $1.69 PER YARD, FORMER PRICE TICKETS READ AS HIGH AS $2,50 w.U.rear „ ONLY TAB FAMOUS' BRAND, NATURAL WOOL, .Y1' 99e. .AND $1.19. YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE WORTH TO -DAY. War- Weather- Underwear MUST GO T00, BALBRIG GAN UNDERWEAR, ' REG. GOc, LINE GOING AT 39c. Raincliats Too! GUARANTEED COATS, ENGLISH MAKE,, BUY ONE NOW. ELSEWHERE IWILL PAY DOUBLE TRE PRICE. NE .ARE 'ASKING $5.63 AND $8,95. Here's Your' Chance YOU VIEW'S FLEECE 'UNDER -WEAR WORTH 65 AND 75o. YOUR'S AT 39c. PER GARM- ENT— YOU WILL HAVE TO COME EARLY FOR THESE. Now Then! OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP SUIT ENDS SUPPER IN THIS PRICE CUTTING CRUS- ADE, THE FINEST WORSTED AND TWEEDS GOING AT LESS THAN THE COST OP RAW MATERIAL — APPEL'S PRICE $8.19 UP TO 12.59, fit 1 PROCURE THESE NOW AND GET TREM MADE 'up LArrER, • , • • ;,• ,•;o PL T NT THE STORE WILL .BE CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY AND 'THURS- DAY FEB. 7th. AND 8th. TO RE- ARRANGE AND MARK DOWN STOCK, REMEMBER EVERY ARTICLE IN STORE IS GOING AT COST — COME EX- PECTING BARGAINS. Orti6.416.11104.POW Phone 2 11 Matters Not where you live or what the weather conditions may pay you to be on hand in order to secure your full the Bargains. No Postponements! ur ;Terms HERE YOU ARE! Right in the heart of the season when other merchants are reap- ing a harvest, we offer you our Overcoats at Mid -Summer prices All styles and Imakes are repres- ented. Reg. 1.2.50 to 18.00. Appel's? prices $7,99 to $12.99. Men's Dress Shirts �n the finest patterns Reg. 1.25 for 93e. A few odd lots to clear iat 5e. WARM CAPS Walrna caps in the most pleasing colors and Styles. — Reg. 60 for 39; Reg. 75 for 59e. maim, SSICESEOSSEMLIMININEiormiMMIREMIIIMssmessimummesffamegesza., be, it share No Disappointments! are strictly CASH. Our prices are rock-hottorn and will not permit credit. No goods exchanged during this sale. PEL SEE HERE! tWE WANT YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS.. OWE ALSO GVARAN- Tan EVERY ARTICLE TO BE AS REPRESENTED. COME, TEST OUR PROMISES, MARK DOWN TIRE DATE. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT AND THEY WILL MEET YOU AT APPEL'S, ZUR,j- ICH 5 J9 ( 0 SI Pr