HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-02, Page 3• BEQUESTS OF FAMOUS PERSONS BEQUEATH THEMSELVES FOR CAUSE OF SCIENCE. Cµrious Instances of Great Men and !. Women. Who Have Willed Their Bodies. Some pople are not content to be of use to their fellow -creatures in life. They take the only ineans in their power to be of use after death by be- queathing their bodies, or some part thereof, for medical dissection or pre- servation, says London Answers. The latest case of this sort was contained in the will of Sr•iVictor Horsley, who died in Mesopotamia from heatstroke. He desired that within twenty-four hours after his death a post-mortem should be held, and that his brain and skull should be given to and preserved by the Neurological Society of London, and the xemaider of: his body should be given to the Museum of University • College for the preparation of such specimens as the curator might fancy. .: .But, though his is the latest case, it is by no means unique. • That good story -teller, the late James Payn, tells how Marriet Martineau an- nounced her intention of leaving a certain scientist her ears. "But, my dear madam," observed her doctor, "you can't do that. It would make your other legacy worth- less!" ••l:e refused to the fact that she had already willed her head to the Phreno- logical Society—for the sake of its "bumps"—and had left her doctor ten pounds for cutting it off and pack- ing it! Naturally, doctors have been rather given to this sort of bequest. That odd creature, Dr. Monsey, of Chelsea, for instance, left his "mortal coil" for dissection, and it was actually carved up before the students of Guy's by his old friend, Mr. Foster, in spite of the old admonition: "Never cut a friend!" Old Dr. Ellerby, a Quaker physi- cian, pretty well known in his day, went even further, for he not only left his body for dissection, but ex- horted all the doctors he had left be- hind in this "weary world" to do like- `:P, them -plairxly,::...that..tb,ey. ':uughto regard their dead bodies as "the property of surviving brethern." Heart of Louis XIV. When Louis XIV. died his heart was removed, embalmed, and preserv- ed. At the Revolution this gruesome relic passed into the possession of an English nobleman. One day he showed it to Dean Buckland, who, like his more famous son, Frank Buckland, was an ardent naturalist, and asked the old man if he thought the thing was genuine. The dean's favorite test was by taste. The heart was small and shivelled, and the good dean actually swallowed it accidentally! The dean was interred some years later •- in Westminister Abbey, which therefore contains more Rc.yal remains than people generally suppose! A curious story went round some years ago about Gambetta's eye. He bad his right eye removed by the famous De Wecker, and had a glass optic ii: its place. One of De Weck- er's pupils who assisted at the opera- tion took possession of the eye, and sealed it in a bottle. Presently Gam- betta became the most talked -of man in Europe and the darling of the French, and the one-time student sold his eye to an American millionaire for a very fancy price. He had an eye for a good bargain! Visitors to the Museum of Univer- sity College, the institution to which Sir Victor Horsley bequeathed his body, find alreiy in its possession the skeletons of eremy Bentham and Dr. Southwood. So they are quite rich in celebrities. And everybody knows that the mighty skeleton of the Irish Giant was bequeathed to the Museum of Trinity College, Dublin, where it is still on show. Tolstoi's Will. Tolstoi didn't seem to care a hang what they did with him when he was gone. Here is a bit of his will, and, as he ie the most :famous, perhaps, of ,all Russians' it is of particular_ in- terest at present: • "Bilry me where I die; if in town, then hi the cheapest cemetery, hi the cheapest coffin, like a pauper. No tlowg s, no wreaths, no speeches, with- • outMilries•ts or liturgy is possible; but, if this is distasteful to those burying me. bury me according to custom, with liturgy, but as cheaply and sim- ply as possible." A good many of Tolstoi's country - Men have had cheap burial si11Ce then, lint they have, like our own brave fads, bequeathed their bodies in the est sense to their country that upon them the Temple of Freedom may be built. Who's to Blame for the High Cost of Food ? Zt may be the farmer, it may be the middleman, it inay be the weather -but never mind—you have Shredded Wheat at the same old price, the same high quality, the one per- fect, complete food, sup- plying more real nutriment than meat, or eggs, or veg- etables, costing much less and more easily digested. Cut out the high -price foods. Eat Shredded Wheat for breakfast with milk or cream. Eat it for dinner with stewed fruits and green vegetables. A deliciously nourishing meal for only a few cents. Made in Canada. Novelties to Dress The dress of broadcloth in the sketch shows one of the new overdress styles worn with a guimpe. A full box - pleated skirt is attacked to a straight - hanging jumper a little below the nor- mal waistline and the whole hangs from the shoulders. The worsted em- broidery on the front of the jumper and on the pockets is worked in black, red and yellow. Rich embroideries pure well -oxidized blood. The mus - continue to figure very prominently cies, glands and nerves of the stomach in all dresses. One of the fates work only according to the quality of niodels in oyster -white tussor had a the blood. wide embroidered panel front and back The most common cause of indiges- tion is lack of rich, red blood. Not only does impure blood weaken the muscles of the stomach but it lessens the product of the glands of the in- testines and stomach, which furnish the digestive fluids.. Nothing will more promptly cure indigestion than plenty of pure blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the safest and most cer- tain blood -builder. A thorough trial of these pills gives a hearty appetite, perfect digestion, strength and health Speaking of Georgette. --this sheer fsbric is put to all sorts of uses, and does, not stop at dresses but appears to be quite a favorite for underwear. The most appealing shades of pale blue, lavender and flesh color, fashion undergarments of every description.. Though they are hardly practical, there are many who find it impossible' to resist these dainty undergarments. Underwear seems to be getting more and more elaborate, and the very. latest fad is the combination; of silver lace with Georgette. Beadwork, too, has invaded underwear, and it has been seen on the new pajamas and night- gowns of Georgette crepe. There are, however, some exceedingly dainty pieces of lingerie which are .quite practical after all. Among these are the silk and wash satin undergarments which are very practical as long as they are carefully laundered. The delicate shades must be washed with care to preserve their colors, and there is nc denying that it is well worth the trouble for the satisfaction that one feels from possessing dainty lingerie. These patterns may be obtained frcnl your li nal McCall Dealer or from the McCall `Company, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, Dept "W." HOW TO CURE STOMACH TROUBLE xLIAlqVIIE BABY AGAINST COLDS To feu;gid the baby against colds nothip,g;,cei equal Baby's Own Tab- lets, T eTablets are a mild laxative that lwkll keep the little one's stom- ach ani 'rowels working regularly. It is a reogniued fact that where the stomach; and 'bowels ° are in good order that cd.41 will not exist; that the health teethe little one will be good and thathe will thrive and be happy and gooti'-natured, The Tablets are sold by.nedicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- Hams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, LONDON IN 1977. Extertt;S.r treater London Sixty Years Prom To -day. The is something almost breath- taking, n the statement by Mr, Arthur Crow,,ina lecture to the London So- ciety, ;th!t, in less than sixty years --- that ls, Liming the lifetime of not a few, of on' readers—London will have a popuiaiion, of twenty millions. A ccl'Itcley ago England's capital held, rc!lirphly, a million people. To -day she coup three million more inhabit- ants trial's Ise whole of England held wllilxl xf'�th reigned. Tl l e e eeetiially more people in nine 'eetWkanidon of 1916 than in Scotian• and' Wales, combined; a mil - The Common Cause is Lack of lion an a half more than in the whole Blood—Therefore You Must `of •Australia, .- with. New Zealand thrown :ir,;'and three tunes as many as in M7'way. Accer•iing to Mr. Crow, such as - Build Up the Blood. There is the most intimate relation toundini.figures will seem almost con - between the condition of the blood tem tib ` to the Londoner of 1977, and the activity of the stomach. The when tilpopulation of our capital blood depends upon the stomach for will be' rea.t;cl. than that of the Brit - a large part of its nourishment; while ish Isles; in''the year of Waterloo, and every act of digestion, from the time when he>rt,leople •'t5lill outnumber those the food enters the stomach and is as- of five i opean.countries to -day — sirnilated by the blood needs plenty of PRINTED IN ENGLISIkL New Russian Paper to Have Weekly Edition in English. Another daily newspaper shortly makes its bow to the Russian public. It will be called Lutch, and published at Konovalofl' by a Moscow merchant recently vice-president of the Duma' and a Petrograd banker named Grube. Maxim Gorky will be literary editor and Prof. Vinogradeff foreign editor. It is proposed to is'"sue a weekly bul- let hi in English. There is a growing demand among Russian readers for an up-to-date presentation and discussion of the issues raised by the war. Noth- ing is more characteristic of develop- ments in Russia to -day. Vinogradofff is a distinguished Oxford professor in jurisprudence, Did the Stonecutter Carve? "Did you stay long in Venice?" she questioned: "Only. a couple of days, but I saw everything worth seeing," replied he, loftily. "Really? Then you saw the Lion of St. Mark's, I suppose?" "Rather! Saw him fed." Minard's 3asaiment Cn.ves Garget in Cows, Discouraging. Hobbs—I don't know how to thank you for this loan, old man. It seems as if I could never properly repay you— Dobbs—Say, if you'd talked that way before you made the touch you'd never have got it. The publisher of the best Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: HollantiDc-nmarlc, Norway, Sweden, "I would say that I do not know of and Stie. D l mark, Norwa a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It Plea ers 5711E neve, tIOrn ? MADE I N CANADA Don't save all your smiles for the parlor—use a few in the kitchen! No man has a right to expect his wife to be a good cook unless he is that kind of a provider, NEWSPAPERS z'02z ra x.n I)ROFIT_MAKI O NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The moat useful and interesting of all businesses. 11'u11 information on application to Wilson Publishing. Com- pany, 13 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISSCE LE+lliTEOVS ll.d{ 7'1EcEs FOTt FANcyWiillE, assorted colors, Large bunch, 35c postpaid. Win. Forbes, 13 Gratton ave.,. Sydney, N.S. (1ANCER, TU1'IORS, LUMPS, ETC., internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write Co.. Limited late. o linpwood, Ont Medical The Ifandon of those days will. spread ever an area more than four tunes a' large as the county of MiddIesx. competitors and imitators." ivard niniment Cures Colds, Eta has been an unfailing remedy in our cog Rumens household ever since I can remember,neaseen and has outlived dozens of would-be STORY ABOUT LORD CREWE. _ Nearly Correct. HisAbepnt-Mindedness Cost Him Johnny came running home one day 'tars -e4;." His Dinner. with a book under his arm. His moth- er said—"What's that, Johnny?" ' Johnny—"A prize mother." "A prize, Johnny. Whit fur?" "For natural • history, mother. The teacher asked Mg th tresh ones may be welcomed. me how many legs an ostrich had, and Here is proof of the Vim of these In "y, t X'Spy,'" Lesile I said three. "But, Johnny, an est- �' i .r""... ,e rS of ' Jlls ��� a, {7.✓'La�.�'.- ,. ,� t "tr`iia` ,."�.. 1wta;+s;lltrllCtSidL:..,xww+;:.«T1Gi7'��.S;ollly;.t�,r21.£�u,`"a,r, tt�..,.. 7Y .SC,,b.-jZf.;.'ll .11•�?L . l�f�+titi:.� , aim a in"y , `5.:1�-^s,., +,•; K . rel:]5ext+✓r, Lzvel 004 N. , says :—,�, tells a! good ,storj*"about Lord Creir,.amoo, tri. x..,;. -N..;. r'Yra rest, v`the'erase- "For several years I. was a great suf- Lora'r '3rewe's extraordinary absent- mindedi pss was proverbial, and, since he was not aware of his weakness, ether people 'often took advantage of Abseiiii -m nded' persons —usually professor ha.'ve"become common figures „in the world of humor, but their adventures are usually so amus - S oo>i. ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author Il. CLAY GLOVER CO.,. 118 West 31stStreit, alt Yaric� The Soul of a Piano is the Action.�ayinsig:,roa►rtt the " O. y 6 TO HIG L 9 PIANO ACTION ferer from indigestion. I was great- ly troubled with gas on the, stomach which caused disagreeable sensations. I was also frequently troubled with nausea and vomiting; which were very distressing. As a result of my trouble my appetite alinost completely failed. and what I did eat caused me .constant pain. I was continually doctoring but did not get any benefit, and bad about made up my mind that I would suffer for life. One day a friend asked me why I did not try Dr. Williams' Pink it. He used to dine at the Athenaeum said fotiver, and I was the nearest" Minard's ninixaent Cares Distemper. Heard in an Office. G''lub, usually,"at the same table. An- "Aren't women greedy in some closet room for her clothes. Does yours?" "Oh, she allows me a sort of park- ing privilege for a suit or two." other member came rushing in one ws? M. s? wife monopolizes all the ay day to obtain a place for dinner for himself. All being engaged, the waiter was obliged to refuse the late comer, when the flurried member pointed to an extra seat. "Oh, sir," said the waiter with apologetic: deference, "that's Lord Pills, and while I had not much hope Crewe's:' "Never mind," said the urgent would-be, diner. "Tell him when he coniats that he's dined!" 1t ls"'to be supposed that the man 1603 pills, and in less than three months I found a' way to, make the deception was as well as ever I had been, able to worthwhile, for when Lord Crewe ar-1 a hearty meal, and to feel that life rived the waiter mot hum with surprise'; worked in thin silk in a close design was again worth living. I had also and cluiet expostulation. 1 and giving a strong Oriental effect. been troubled from time to time with "Ha've you forgotten? You dined The: panel was finished at the ends, attacks of rheumatism, and the useeof an snoop ago, ndy lord," he said. with a fringe of the colored silks used in the embroidery—dark red, dad•': L'ue and gold. In old -gold Georgette was a won- crfully attractive dress decorated of a cure I deciders to do so. I had only taken a few boxes, however, when I found they were helping me. Very gladly then I continued the use of the . Overdress with Box Pleated• Skirt cl with blue and gold beads; another in light gray trimmed with old rose b c the pills cured this as well as the in- digestion. It is now over a year since I took the pills, and in that time I have had no return of the trouble." Dr. Willfanms' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six 1 "So - I: did," murmured the poor victim,s'h, turned away and left the; diningrpom. "Wait and See" in French. The Phrase, "wait and see" has 1 ?'othereil the French newspaper cox- eacis carried out two very delightful boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- respond;=nts in London lately, says odor schemes. Hams Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Before starting the youngsters WAR FOOD FLOWER BEDS. to school -give them a piping hot . Homes Plant a cup of Convalescent I s e a t G< rderis in Potatoes. Instant st School teachers, doctors and food experts agree on two points --that the child needs a hot drink, and that the drink Shouldn't be tea or coffee. Postunn MIs the need admir- ably and its very extensive use among thoughtful parents, coupled with the child's fond- ness for this fla'srory, nourishing food -drink, show how completely it .meets the requirement. "There's a Reason" o cg1nrlge in price, qualify, or size of p4civage. Sir Alfred Mond, the First Comm:s- sioner of Works, London, England, is an example to local authorities ett'n setting gp in dealing promptly with food produc- tion in parks and open spaces. With the King's approval he has given in- language in Europe. The English structions for the grounds of the Con- version on such occasions is always valescont Home for Officers of the muck shorter than the French or Ital- Navy and Army, at Osborne, Isle of Wight, to be planted with potatoes. Before the war those portions of the grounds open to the public, not- ably the Swiss Cottage gardens, were a blaze of color all the summer, Very little gardening has been done since, but the decision of the First Com.• missioner of Works cannot fail to be an object -lesson in the use of idle ground. Worcester Cathedral schoolboys during the Christmas holidays dug up the Cathedral close, an acre -plot, whose ancient elms were bldwn down last year. A fraternal Land Insurance society t!tad Orotects its members in accordance with iho ntario Government Standard. Sick and fur:oral benefits op d oast Authorized to obtain members and charter lodgeain•every Province In Canada. Parab. Canadian. sale., sound and a,cono- wlcaa. 11 there is no local lodge o4 Chosen Friends in your district, apply direct to any of the following officers; Dr.3. W. Edwards, M.P. W. F. Montague. Orsud Counct:lor. Grand Rocarder W. F. Campbell. a. H. Boll, M.D., Grand Organlacr. Grand Medical En, HAMILTON . ONTARIO aON ward TRIAL �Ame'L°'i{S�:a%rn n FULLY GUARANTEED CREAM" ore shoulders, lanae baelca stiff neck, all pains and aches the Maltctlester Guardian. No account i yield to Sloan's Liniment. of the 'Crisis, of course, would have Do riot rub rt. Simply apply to been complete without it, yet only one 1 the sore spot, it quickly penetrates correspondent, M. Coudurier of The and relieves. Cleaner than mussy Journal de Geneve, has attempted to !plasters or ointments, it does not translate it. His version is "Attendez, !stain the skin. et vous verrez ce qui arrivera." Thir- i Keep a bottle handy for rheumatism, teen syllables against three! It is a sprains, bruises, toothache, neuralgia, gout, curious fact, always brought out, for, iiimbag ands ere stiff muscles' c and ,1.00, gh ••io oP� al •lot vers lis instance, by thepolyglot the resolutions of international so ; cieties, that English is the tersest A Definition. "Pa, what is diplomacy?" "Diplomacy, my boy, is the art of being disagreeable pleasantly," tan. At 'the beginning of the war, whenall. cables had to be in English or French, the Italian and Russian correspondents in London chose Eng- lish, and found their cabling ex- penses much reduced, )When Your Eyes Need Care 17eeltturine e/tied!eine. No Sin arting—Neels Pipe --Ants Quickly. "Try it for )led, Waa1r, Sore :Evils sand Granulated Eyelids. Murine is compounded byyour Oculists --not a "Patent medicine, aattsubee to suoceesf Physician al Prnatlec for manyears, Blow dedicated to the Public and ewebyDruggists at 105 per Bottle. Murillo Ere Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Rye And ISa, 'Write for book of the Paye Bra. Merino Eye Remedy Company, Ohlosgo. A,dv. It's hard Wolk ening to the top of the ladder, but it's often harder work to stay there. 1ti iiistxd'd tuiraestt Owen Dtphtlierna. Kix LARGEST !'flII1R0O MORI 1 ora.U1UIIE WOW The iSpinit of Axnaatiea at plays Magnitude And Clteeri?uattesJ AMEGBIVIAN MAN BUIEfi3'BAN MAN 'Alto, Prot. IS, 'Vl' ;aro tt, Kai SEPARATOR ASOLID PROPOSITION to send ,WW, well made, eery cattm,ng, perfect slimming venerator for only $18.98. Closely skim= warm r• or cold milk. Slakes heavy or light 1' cream. Bowl asasitsry nmrr:l, easily eieanad. Different from picture, which ifiustratea larger capacity machines. Sec our ennY onthlyPayment Plan Shipments made promptly from nipoq, r3an.,Torunte, O,st, and St. Jahn, N. B Whether dolgag to laic- or small, beadsome fres catalog and easy payment plan. AMERMCAN SEPARATOR CO, Roz 3208 Bainbridge. N. 7. FAR s Ail Over the Country Remember the Car Shortage if You Wait Until the Last Mint, To Order Out YourFertilize]. You Might Caret Left! ED, it, ISSUE a•---'17.