HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-02-02, Page 1fa.• `lol.XVI I R ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, ` FEBRUARY 2, [917p NO 31 Seasonable HARNESS Goods SEMIOMMEMISIIICZOKAZIS See our large range et SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS .of all kinds Our prices will be found re- son:able. 'Also a full line of MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and sizes. TRUNKS SUIT CASES, .,AUS, etc. Sweat Pads, Curry Cornbs,1 Axle Grease, "Gall Cure R F. S'TA D E ZURICH wvaishmumwamadvamiwwwwwami I Ti in full force at E. Appel's Clothing Store. Everything must go. See page 5 for particulars. Mr, E. G. Krueger in • command. APPEL ZURO THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES 4,1,mwkwifitsvmAmmimwimimmAmmk F LOCAL NEWS O You wit find it on page 5. Mr. ?Wml. Brown y has returned from. a trip, to Michiglan. T. L. Wurm is holding a special clearing stale. ]dead ,hie •ad, on page 8 -. for particulars. Mr, and Mrs, Ezra.Koehler .have returned from a visit with relati- ves in "Tavistock and Kiteh,enei, Dr. Milne, of Blyth, was (sleeted warden for Heron county, at the meeting in Godernlch, last week., t: Dr E. S 'Hardie, dentist, wit `be NOTICE; --Your Accounts Is'e ready .for you, please call and sejtle ,sgme. IS, E. Faust. r. 0, (Fritz was called to Guelph, u. r Sunday owing to the ser- ici'Gt!i il'h esls of his brother. 7oal is earning in f'asft'' ', at preieat and people whop;` sIhont a a .getting in :small aid Mrs. Henry 'Walper, of Benson aLine, returned lash nom a visit at New Ham-. F. '. Silber, M. P. •P., of Cred- a in townn, Monday, at - the Hay Fire Insurance at the Dominion House, Zurich, oil ;Moyzewnt is under way at. Wed'hesday, and Wednesday of the n�d ,o,om tc,C,Alave the morning train following week. {; rix4n. Lojtkiep to IWinglia.ni ,put Mr. and Mrs. John F..Riekberl P30� ,�RePO: ' . returned on Tuesday from an etc- {.ani ".Mrs. Christtian Stade, tended visit to points in North o' :D hlvoo.d Were visitors at the Dakota and Michigan.e.„ home 0? `their son,.' Mr. R.F.Stade, Mr. Cha,x x Charles :0 1ci . Weber b r leee'S �d ave�•n a . d word { y on Monday that his son, M:Pte. KT T3 ;: Maurice Weber, was slightly Ali htl t hand when the bell rings �e'�rupest plants are always pick - wounded in the leg accidently, onOfist, doors; open. att 8'.30 a, m. Jan. 20tJi in France and has been lay,. Feb. 9th. E. Appel. admitted to Camiers At a, special (meeting of :x, the Zurich Police ITrust,ees held ore Tuesday, a resolution, was passed authorizing the Hydro Electric Commission to purchase the nee- essary material needed to constr- uct lafnd equip the proposed power line to be built from E peter to Zurich. - The coming season is going to be marked by High prices for all: efarin..produce, It WM be your interest towatch the market dos ely. The Farmer's Sun, . Toronto,; as a' farm xnarket paper hap' .ne equal. It has saved its readers Manydollaps by le rr i ItysE�il"'adz o" the "-Vend offices; There never was 'a time ewhen this information was of Such value to the farmers of the Province a now, (Those 'who read The Sufi. regularly •fimld it ia. business pro osition that means money to thenfif Your substcription for the Sun (can be left at this office. •r: Protect Your Shoe with a pair of good rubbers. Shoes are advancing in price. A pair .of rubbers will make them wear longer. We have all sizes and styles. Also Heavy Rubbers for Man or Boy. Prices Right Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. Ce F'ITZ The Home of Coon.! £hoes .4. @arziffate°4f*, u:P!�i1R11811ilIIIa!bl.I!!illlfl;iEllllllllillli{rll!b1:��6(II!Ili!I!!91it;,�„•a;ni'Ii�lllill.: �, ildl.nll.Ii':,II'IiV,• Il i!iillNlll.l:a ! !' !!!Ih„':,'d' Ill, Ilii!�'.IU!�IIIIIIiltllttfl�•I!I'll !lU�l ri,,agmaziassommiffsaimumman _3 Incorporated 1855 The BOL,SONS ANK ITA.. and RESERVE $8,800,000 95 Branches in' Canada ,genera Banikind " . Pia c5r i'r e24tc .;IRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT 1:'.PN113 liC1CPY CRLE. oogs Bank Department ;I TiiferCst at highest current rates urich Branch R. -T: DUNLOP, Manager tide take this opportunity of t7tcr.?thing OUP Customers for their patronage duriiz1 the yectr 1916, and ash you to kindly continue the sa772e dzc7'ing the present year. tiVe are selling goods to reliable customers 072 credit as formerly, but offer special in dzwwernie7its to czGstoime7's Who my spot cash. R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 821 BLAKE _ 'ii!�II!!lilfill(f"!hli!Iplllll1111111!!IIIIIIIIIGIGIII(III!IIIfl11ii1111HllifIll;1!!lIIYIllilll9l11!11!IHIIIIi!IIUI{it!I!IIICIIICIIIillllllllllh!iii'r'iilili!itlliiliilll{;!NSllii@ il!Gli!IllllilllllilIlli!(ILIIlI!IlNlllllltfi!Irlliifn113 4444++++4,•F +++++1:•>~sr4•+++++++44+++++++++++++++++n-+++++++++++++++++++++++++ •i4•1w++•l•+++•H+++•F +•>~-F r iA�-P : t o�� o� �� II € Fdr� 3 0` *, `�` ti"ff~.•�'�`'4••F•�•>r•�•�3�•i++: i ;•d +o� i s •: �'r 3 3 : o�+�r�Ln d: <3 oL+ i �Y +÷.1"1.+++++++."4""+++++++++ : II o�•+ Fy y 2 oT� :-A i•:••• �P• i +IIS Stoves, etc. We carry a full line of Ranges and ,Heaters. ,See our new Pen- insula Range "THE LIGHTER DAY" with high oven and all mod- ern improvements. This stove is giving Universal satisfaction. Also the Gilt Edge Pe•ninsula,none better or neater on the market. We a's)i sellthe famous Happy !Thought range.. All kinds of iitseburn•ers and oak heaters, etc. J. PREETER 1144 -4-1044.140444 for a OUR HEAR Christmas Suggestions in the Hardware section Useful and Reasonable in Price CASSEROLES $2.50 TO $4.00 WM .ROGERS SILVERWARE CUT GLASS BOWLS. CARVING SETTS, Special at 84, GZLLEITS AND LV..Rir READY RAZORS O CEDAR POLISHING MOPS. CARPET SWEEPERS. BOYS ANDGIRLS SKATES, HOCKEY STICKS. POCK] ET KNIVES. 1 PY rt T WISHES Prosperous one and II HANECHIEFS HANKERCHIEF§. OF :EVERY FILMY FASHIONABLE KINDS, A. veritable Christmas garland of them, beauteously embroidered, smartly initialled, or so:"t.y edged with lace Some, too; are torment and children.. Side Board Covers and Centre Pieces A splendid showing of sideboard e •ei a anc centre 'pieces, which are suitable br Xmas. gifts. ,Prices from. 2.i•. up FURS FURS Mens Fur Coon Coats at the old pikes, $50.00 and up, Ladies muskrat coats --- ...$60.00 " Fur Muffs •-- 5.00 to 12.50 Fur setts - 11.00 to2.1.00 Fur scarfs at reduced priced • tr highest GLOVES Phe knitted w.,o' gloves in p:ain black, blue, red and white at S5e and 35c. Flalnellette Blankets White or gray f',annelette blan- kets, pink or blu'L: borders, sizes 04x72 inches, $1.75 and 2.00 a pair Just a few more all wool ulank- eis to clear out at the old price, ranging iron $5.50 to 7.00. Xmas Ribbons Holl• berry and leaf designs, chiefly -in narrow widths for ty- ing pact;ages, 5 yd. rolls at 15a each. Xmas Candies Also a large as'sortnrent candles, nu'.3, etc. Price for Produce. 1.414..% �.�'�' � i �:'�'o 'fi'v:3"li++31' i .:.a.441""i .,:•>4 O 1 : '.' .. � 8 '. • r . , T C:(• y ••+•.,':L�'i-Tj•.4' �_U S Phone 444 +4414 44,++++++++44444 J'.c`7%ieci/61- ! LPUNIWILLErCAN. BUFFALO. ^N.Y. Sweater Coats A splendid range of real good qualities in rlain and fancy weav- es, new plaids and striped and in scores of color coral inations from $1.25 to 6.50. Christmas China We have en display the finest chinaware and dishes of all kinds and all prices. Watch for our of window display of odd Pieces at €0c each, 4. 4 4. 4- 4. 4. 4 4 4 .. 4 4. 4 4 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4. 4. 4 4. 4 4 47M 'h 4. 4 4. 4 4.