HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-26, Page 8Fruary Clearing Sal Beginning Feb. 1st, for Two' Weeks Only x2TVW'IO V U tOH TVAi a -Ad; NG SALE OF ]MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, SWEATER COATS, )3LANTKFTS; AND GENERAL GOODS. DO NOT MISS THIS SALE, IT ;WILL MEAN DOLLARS SAVED TO YOU. HERE ARE ONLY .FEW. OF (THE MANY BARGAINS iW(E Ok1FER. WE HAVE NO ROOM TO ENUMERATE THEM ALL, DRESS GOODS to yds: grey Serge 46 in. wide, 60c ,yd, 100 yds. black and navy ,serge, 40 in. wide, regular 85e. yd. now 60c. yd. A few pieces of 60e Dress Goods for 45c ,yd. Oinghams, Prints 50 yds apron gingham., 38 in. ;wide, to clear 15c yd. .6 pieces gingham. while they last 10c. yd, A few lines of .print at 123e. yd. REMNANTS Indress goods, prints, flanel- ette, skirtings ,etc. Come early la7nd get best• choice, Flannellettes and MEN'S SUITS Wrapperettes About 300 yds flanelette at 10e. All 15c and 18c. wrapperette to clear at 12ec..per yd. Sweater Coats and For Men, Women, Boys Girls, all sizes. Regular $5 coats for $4.00 ,n 4 Jr 3.25 „ » 2.75 A few meals coats left to clear at $1.25 each. Boys and girls( icoarts at„from 60e, to $2.00. Woollen Blankets& Sheeting All wool sheeting in white and grey, reg. price $1.25 per yd. for 95c a yd Woollen Blankets, reg. $6.50 a pair for $5.75 a pair „ „ 5,00 „ „ 4,25 „ 114.75 , „ 4.00 ft Grey Blankets 6.25 ,, 5.50 „ 1 only black plush coat, size 40, reg. $28.50 for $23 2 only Zibilene cloth coats, reg $18.50 and $20.50 now for $12 and $15 3 only Astrachan lined, marmot °oiler reg. $22 to $24, now for $17.50 Cloth coats from $5 to $12.5 Snaps in men's sluits, only 1.0 left. Reg. $15 to $18 suits, noold stack' selling now for $8 to $12, OVERCOATS eVe are overstocked in boy's overcoats so we arl prices away down( to el in need of an overcoat, this sale, "THE ADULT BIBLE CLASS OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL AND '1HE HOME FIRES" While our soldiers nue lighting for the- principals ace iueals' which Clew da loves and represents the leaders in church and Sunday Sehool at home are, not resting on their oars, It is little short of marvellous how the Sunday Scho- ols keep up their averages, and carry on their work with such large "Honor Rolls" of their or- iginal staff drafted for service overseas, Realizing the urgent need of in- teresting the men and women who have answered the home call of duty, in the loud call for leader- ship which comes from the young- er brothers and sisters, and also to keep the "Horne Fires Burning'It for the home coming of the boys from, the front, the Sunday School leaders of Ontario have arranged for The Second Biennial Co-oper- ative Conference of the Adult Div- ieione of the Sunday Schools to be held in the Wesley Methodist; Church, Hamilton, Tuesday, Wed-, nesday and rPhurs'day, Feb., 6, 7, Naiad 8. The Conference is, under , e.aiuspic;es of a Promotion Com- e ut1 e, the membership of which nee:tides every denominational and ?tp;k'1ncial :Secretary • in the Pro- iill'Oe'as well as other leading rkers, nomg the leaders who take AIR, sessions are Rev. Geo. gear, D. D. of Toronto,Pres• Special B irge-a 1 only wool rug, 3 yds by yds for $4 50 1 only wool rug, 3 yds. by 2?: yds for $3 50 .. Men's wool socks,g_good weight at 25c a pr „ „ underwear, old price, 90c broken sizes to clear at Op Only 6 boy's overcoats, sizes 28 to 34, at $1 50 eaali Corsets at 503 each ! ? nasi4 200 rolls Walt"paper 100 a roll 100 rolle Wall paper 50 a roll • .:32.2.0 cell ' About 200 yds silk ribbon at 5c a yd Ruby & Gascho, Phone 17 3 rte- s 37F-BEstscarai> is+ tiE NOCIS 3C311311UP431.161 Cream Wiggs alb B ltt r WANTED Will pay highest cash price for Cream Butter and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. T HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH 0 0 D 0 3E38$13k 3E•3Q0101 /3f3F3ri 1=10069 i 101011M DE3F 3i sE3E 4-:•+++++++++++4.•++++++++++++ 04++++++++++++++++++++++++ • 4. 4▪ . 4 .i4 it 4. y4 4. 4. 4. +'r 4 4. 4' 4. 4. 4' 4 During 1917 MAKE YOUR BUSINESS MORE SUCCESSFUL AND MORE SATIS- FACTORY BY USING NEAT AND APPROPRIATE STATIONERY. WE PRINT EVERYTHING YOU REQUIRE AND OUR WORK IS RIGHT, GIVE US A TRIAL OR- DER, AGENTS FOR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AND OFFICE SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. The Herald Zurich 1'• Ci'. . Y3 , .4-7'444 •i d'"91`' 4-+++il• x, .'•t'4+44++i `i'. LOCAL MARKETS - Corrected every Thursday.. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran 1.60 65 of the Social Service Co- t -Pegg of Canada; Capt. H. A..Pear- san r t'wo years senior officer of he .Y. M. ,C. A. work in France; ev. Pl. H. Bingham, London, mimnster. Talbot Sreet Baptist Ch'urch.'• H., H. Burrows, Guelph, $nprt,. Visitation Department Ont- ario Sunday School Association ; Mrs. Emma Gary Wallace, Aub- urn, N. Y., a former Ontario pub- lic school teacher, member of the International Sunday School As- socation Adult Division Com- •mittee; and Mr. W. C. Pearce,Chic- ego, founder of the Adult Move - Menet and its Superintendent from the beginning. ' The programme of the Confer- ence in its scope includes not Malec] delegates. There is an en - he Home Department and Parents 'lasses, which refers to the effort ao v''being made to provide co - tri s` of study, bearing upon the swing child.' Dr. Pidgeon's. ad-• 1ence, will be on "Evabgelism the Petl`sonal :touch and appeal" Capt. Pearson will speak on "Our after - the -war Obligations and Oppor- tunities." 'The railways have granted the igular reduced rates to credent- ialed deligatea There is an en- rollment fee, and entertainment to Iiinited number of delegates on the Harvard Plan (lodging and break - 6 "fast free.) On (Wednesday even- ing Twin Banquets will be arrang- ed for (mein and women. Information in detail may be secured from any of the denomin- aitio!nal Sunday School officers, or from. •the Promotion Committee Secretary, Rev, E. W. •Halpenny, 299 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario. Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, high closet, ti'ed back, scroll with mirrors on . top, oven thermometer and a large oven, 20x22, BestStove on the market, only $50. Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout ,prices. Call and see before you buy. All stoves guaranteed or no sale. The Stove Question We were lucky once more in hav- ing contracted. for about 50 stoves of all kinds a year ago,, and since then stoves have greatly advaeleer1° in(prices, We are still selling at the old prices, Ca11 • and . see the BIG STOVE BARGAINS SEE OUR Cook stove With. rettievor for $24. " extended for ' $25. Ranges complete for $33. @. I4ARTLEIB, zugicn HUROIiJ'S1LARCEST:COMBIR1ATION.,4 TORE E3 3£ME3i3E38400 EE3EW3sMCCI E 3 38108k#3E3E3,103E3aE3F3E New Confectionery Store _ � Dashwood Bread and Cakes. Stratford Bread. Neilson's Chocolates & Candies Choice Confectionery & Groceries 0 Stationery ofaii kinds Picture Post Cards 0 111 and Novelties 0 California Toilet Preparations 0 Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. - 0 8 Parcolskmustsbe brought in before Tuesday evening of each week. Your Patronage Solicited g W. C. Wagner - - - Zurich =NAM 311: 3©1s 3E31 3801431:21iF3 10 F38$31 83811 iia 3F. W ioh closes "tlie: v€ i I = 457 •�5 125 re! 1 05 4.75 5.23 $3300 Shorts - $700 Low Grads bag 2:50 Live Hogs fob Hensall 1800 ^•vC Local News -Mr, John Baker, of th ,e4`p wn Lime, lost a valuable hrirs Ittie: days ago, through the anal hanging itself by the halterrh ee ,Wood is being brought t'r village in large quantities`n price has kept pace with .f 'a cost of living and $8 per co being paid for first-class w 1 •N••••••••••••N!•••••••ii•••••!••••••10••••N410410 ! • • • I • ••• • • • • Cone and See the Latest . • :• It is a pleasure to show our beautiful Holiday Goods, and you win • • oblige us by considering this a personal invitation to call and in- .f spect our extensive NEW LINE of Christmas Novelties.• • • • -� You will Get New Ideas • . Elmer Oesch was laid up • as you look through our Holiday Stock. It is a practical demon-' • i the grippe for a few days w stration of POSSIBILITIES in gathering under one roof ;nearly i is::we k• - to everything to make people HAPPY at CHRISTMAS time. . • hzt: his slpeech on Monday, in tlig • use of CommtomsS Sir. Robert • The Finest Sight in Town $ Arden announced that 434,529 •• • is our BEAUTIFUL stock of GIFTS containing all that, is' j'leans of the manhood of Canada o BRIGHT. FRESH, NEW and NOVEL in Holiday Goods of gen. lee. enrolled themselves for see - nine worth and unquestioned value for real] desirable • fib.,' Jar the great world war. The • 4 Y presents. 4,lial0,25 among Canadians has • can meet your Wants 1 te,e .70,253. • Wei'!' .TELEPHONE MEETING a Whatever your needs, come and let us show you a VARIETY of • The annual meeting of the sub- • beautiful presents that will AT ONCE appeal to you as '`JUST scribers of the Hay Telephone • THE THING." We have genuine new attractions for Christmas • System was held in the Town Mali • and we want you to see them. • on Siatiurday, (The hall wascrow- • led and a deep interest was taken • Hand Painted Nippon China in the discussion relating to the • • business of the system during 1916 = We have ridded to i The number of subs.r bete now is • of Tbaznd Painted• 494, anel it is expected that the 500 • Z mark will soon be- reached, The • total receipts were $8104;8), and • Our Grocery Department 1 the expenditures $6920,63, leaving • • a balance on hand at the end of • the year of $1484.17. The new • agreement with the Bell Tele.ph • one Co. will come into effect dur- ing 1917. Instead of charging 5 cents for all messages passing through Hensall central from the Hay or the tTuckers_mith Syseem as proposed formerly, a flat chs rge o" !25 for six months switch- ing will be paid to the Bell Co. by the Hay elea,tene, and a charge of live cents a .message will be mode for connection to Bell tel- ephones at Hensall. This method will be red out for rix months. and if satisfactory will no doubi' • be continued indefinitely. Other vital matters relating to the wel- fare oaf the sye`.em were a'so touch 0• ess*aeNlsees �te ttsegios fi 33ecoott lk•& ssiot I ' A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 1 NEW YEAR TO ONE :AND ALL M 2 • SOUTH HURON AGRICULTUi t SOCIETY r2he annual meeting of the South Hu on Agricultural Society was held in the Commercial Hotel,' Hensall, on Jan. 16th, There was a good atienda,n.ee and the finan- cial report showed the society had had an, exceptionally good year. It wtas decided to again hold a seed fair and stock show in Hen- son the date for the seed fair be- ing set for Thursday, Mar., eve while the spring show will be held on Tuesday, April 10:h, The following officers and directoes were elected for the comingyeer.. President, Robert McLaren;1st: vice -pros„ R. D. 13e11; 2nd vice -M. pres., Ed...Wurm; secretary tre:as Kci'tt 'clean; directors, Wee, Berry, 0. Geiger, .1. Decher, 171. Buelean(an, O. Klopp, H. C. Soldurr, (W. 'h. Sanders, E. C. Christie, R. McKay, Joseph Hood, G. C. Petty, William Drover, Donald MoIonald, C. Jovint and A. Sinclair ; Hon. dir- ectors. C. Hudson, !rhos, Murdoch; N Chntin, E. Klapp, and Thomas Derry,. , 1 our stock this year a beautiful range Chinac ;t) 1 1 1. : I • • • • • O • • • • i • • • • • s filled with (he choicest Groceries obtainable, also candies, nuts, oranges, Peels. Raisins, Currants, Shelled Nuts, etc. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE Our extraordinary variety of PLEASING and APPROPRIATE Christmas Goods, the very latest from "SANTA LAND" will afford you a wide range of selections in _X=mas gifts. To secure the choicest gifts we would invite yotir shopping atthe earliest possible moment as numerous selections are being 'made. daily. . T. L. WORM Phone 28 ZURICH , .�. t " ,M.;,;yxr�y, ,; tt" . ' r +,:n . -•' f'b .. .. <ii. -'W,"' .14, a"L•x�,•'"' „ .yo..,t ;,i .� , nv..