HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-26, Page 4• •issued eVeri'l'huridaYaftern m the eesiden't of' the Mount Carmel sec -1 eon passed away on Jan, 15th in his meth year, HERALD PRINTING FFICE victOrlp. S. Zurich, AilDREW F. HESS and CHESTER L. SMI ki SUBSCRIPTION P IC E' SI.00 A YEA II. S. subscript= in ,5o strictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERME. Rates tor display and contract advertisements will be limn on applianon. it Transient notices such as legal, cor poration, soct late to cents per line fen first icserticn and 5 cents rte fOreatm subsequent insertion. Votices oi entertainments, socials etc, at which an dais ion fee is charged or a special collection Ws en vrIllbechurged tor at the regular advertistng ra tes ifntIces ot religious or other tneetings the object which is thebenefit of the community and not for per email or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly 'muted free. Advertisatents without specific directions will be isnerted amid forbid and charged accordingly. Tray siert advertismenrs must oe paid for in advance, stray advs. $1. for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. 411umges for contract advertisements must be in the itatte by 6 p. ne, 'Tuesday, otherwise they will be left eincr untilthe following week. Address all communicc ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, JAN.25, 1917 LOOK! Why not use tbe best SCRANTON COAL coal? ,•• gr. Rainey Armstrong of Rose- temi, Sask., is visiting at his ,:here after an absence of Clitestnut, Furnace, Black- tyee Years. ieutH. Ray Cantelon, on of Mr. D. Cantelon, Clinton, who has . L. s been in the trenches in France, several moniths, is expected home on sick. leave, Miss Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robt. Bell, 4th, con., Usbor- ne, was united in marriage ,on Jan. 10',h. to Mr. Thos. Drover, of Hibbert by Rev. J. F. Knight, of Mr. John Scott of Roxborough, delivered in Seaforth the other day three head of cattle for which be received the record figure of $410.- 50. They were three and four years Of ld and were purchased by - the well known shipper, Mr, P; A. 01Sullivain, the price constituting a record for this section. HURON WEATHER INSURANCE avru AL C 0, A.NNU AL MEETING. IThe assinuaI meeting of the Huwan Weather Insurance Mutual Co,, will be held in Hensall, on Wednesday. January 31st, 1917 at 1.30 p. are The busin,e,ss of the meeting will be to receive and dispose of the Director% and Auditor's reports; To elect three Dire tor, and two Auditors, and to transact such other business as inlay be for the good and welfare of the company. The retiring directors of this year tare Silas Brokenshire, Wm. T. Caldwell and Wm. B. Battler, all of wholnei are eligible for re- eleiCtion Dated at Seaforth Jan. 15th,1917 A. G. Smillie Secretary President. PONDENCE EXETER Judge Moses MeraddereAed his home in Sault Ste, Mairie,emt, on Jan 10th. He W.Os'ePaior ;judge of the district Aigens, He practised law in 4ater. tee five years prior to 1.887;- • .; Miss Olyie Quance Confieted to her room through nines% Mr. and Mrs. W. T. England ancl dhildren, of Cappon, Alta, are ve- eting, relatives here. Geo. Stanley of Lucan occupiad the pulpit in dames Street China,. last ,Sundaye Thomas Cornish and Miss A - cock -were taken to the Ilonse Refuge, Clinton, last week. • •• A quiet wedding took place lit the Presbyterian Manse, 17th, when Rev. S. F. SheetWAii- ited in marriage, Miss Editkereee, rick, daughter of John •Stephen, to Mr. Jos. Gre eter North. The foundry has bee down. Wm. Fisher of Usbo chased the residencee' ackenbush and will ft HENSALL°' DASHWOOD The ladies of Dashwood and surrounding country are very busy sewing and knitting for the Red Cross Society. They meet each Wednesday afternoon in Ziramer's Hall where material ',Ind sewing machines are provided •to keep everybody busy. All ladies are cordially invited to come and help. . Mrs. Ed. Willert, accompanied by her sister, Miss Rose Rader return- ed to her home en Detroit Satur- day after an extended visit with relatives • here. Rev. P. Grampiner is this week at- tending •the Lutheran conference at Mitchell. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Statton spent the week end with relatives tat Greenaway, '• Mr. Laing, of London, who has. bo-ught Mr. N. Kellerinan's stock, is thig week moving to town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker gave an „Oystei.- dapper to a number of their •friends on .Thursday evening STANLEY 1C0VVNHIP, The Annual Congreg, ing of Carmel church WU, Wednesday evening. el ese-44' eld smith and soft coal. Good John Reid, and child of J. Caldwell, of LawsoVe: W„te gfialiton, are visiting at the home supply on hand. to tiler mother, Mrs,. J. Johnston. •,Messes. Harvey and Govenlock have, purchased a number of hoe- eiees in this vicinity for the war. es, Mr, W. Taylor shipped a car- p. ol cattle and hogs to Toronto • last week. Will'am • Glen, ex -reeve of Stan- ley Township; .died at his home in Clinton on •Monday in his 57th year, Up to last 'nionth, when Mr. Glen moved with his family to their new hom.e in Clinton, he had teen a • lifelong resident of „Stanley Township, about three :miles from Clinton, He had be- ', • in poor health for about a -year. (He is survived by his wife also one son, Edward, also three daughters, Meg. Ge Elliott, 'Clinton, MSS ' C. F. CASE & SON HONE 35 HENSALL ist557 1917 SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS AND SUCCESS •We have established a lasting reputation for fair and square dealing and are now prepared to ecaeet existing conditions by offer- ing OUT hiogh grade trees and plants direct to customers at ROKBOTTOM Prices. Don't delay planting fruit trees and plants, ra.; there is nothing pays better. Send for our illustrated 'circulars of hardy varieties which yoneealeaceeclen.Xee-eeeeesae edge's -A -Ise -----teitmaidtif of agen t'e commission. Our prices will be sure to interest The Chase Brothers Co. of Ontario, Ltd. Nurserymen, Colborne, Ont. 1916 CLUBBING LIST Timid and Daily Globe $3 75 " " Weekly Globe 1 75 41 11 Daily Mail and Em- pire 8 75 " Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 " Toronto Daily Star 3 25 Daily News 3 25 " 1tWeekly Star1 75 " London Free Press Morning Edition.... 8 60 Evening Edition.... 3 60 Weekly Edition 1 85 41( " London Advertiser Morning Edition3 60 Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition 1 75 " Farm Sr, Dairy 1 75 " Weekly Sun 1.80 " Farmers Advocate2 40 " Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness " Canadian Country- , man CI 56 t lc FARM FOR SALE Comprising 153% acres, in Stan- ley ;Township, 19:1 miles north of Blake, with good buildings, Barn 40x60, with good straw shed, 40x36, driving shed 21x30, with hog pen underneath And a cider mill in good running order Stables are cement, also floors. Good stone house, 11 rooms, with good cellar, hard_ and soft water inside. A- bout '30 acres of good bush of mix- ed timber, maple, beech, hemlock, bassevoodelm and white ash. The 1 85 is visiting relatives here month, Mr. JTIO, D. Wilson, of Ha ship, has purchased one Otr,, W. Ortwein's dwellings sittat the corner of Oxford and* Ste. Dr. J. W. Peck has resumeljs practice after his recent illn Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fore; western Canada are visiting-' lartiv.es and friends here eetep Mrs. .3Blatchford has sdld'oei• dwelling to Robert Mor ris,oeitet Stanley township. Nelson Worm has sold dwelling to A. Murdoch, who 'as rented it to Milton Love. , Wurne intends goingr, out wet: r . farm is well drained and fenced, a- bout 3 acres of orchard--• Jas. Johnstone of Alberba, de G arers, oder-ih, andMiss ee e,ssie at kende,. i.wae. ani plums, peaeheS, et,Pee- "e'erankeidtg',Yedeets ran -yen epeaeje's.a- - an beg aeu car -laid of stock, e` Chala-Ch.' 1 50 .1100111.111.11 Vint 513 acres seed in grass. Will ise about' a Month. •• 'eReeve McKinley attending a. be sold at la reaso M Owen Gei er has retkieee County Council at Goderich this liable price. For particulars apply on. the premises from attending the golden 'Wed& week. lot 8, con. 13, Stanley. Menno anniversary of his sister livinf 'Rev .Mr. Cinelair of Holmesvilel D. Steckley, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. Pigeon, Mich.. '''' will take Rev. A. W. Brown'p Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson ,Me work next Sunday on the Varna returned from a few week's •Vet circuit. He will speak on the tem with friends at London. e . pera-nce and Moral Reform work .---4-+----- of the Methodist church. " The young people of S. S. No.5 Stanley, are practicing for an A Guarantee' 7 entertainment in the interest of patriotic work, to be held in the ' School .house in Feb. IfFur thee • TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS:•ee. announcements later. Newspaper conditions are sa 1.-:' that publishers all over Canahe 2.1- *' Vile Young People's Society of may be forced on very short heal- .e, the 'Varna Methodis,t church had to increase suiiscription ratan'. y14 4 .„;,..: ,. social gathering last Friday . ee,vening at the home of Mrs. Jas. have concluded an agreementeVt4' ' •cClymont. A very pleasant ev- the Family Herald and Weelty, 8aie eiine. wias spent. of Montreal lfty which we clips &are ,...7 antes one week's notice befies,''idesfreeee 0 0 • Ole We have been re -appointed Agents for the 141: named Implements and are prepared to take orders *0 kinds of Massey -Harris machines for next season. • 0. a We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighe 'and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods, • 0 •• Our Prices are always right • Square DATARS, Travelling Salesman 0: • F. Hess & Son Deal - • • •• • The Old Stand 00 0 . 4., 1Viassey.flarris Implements i I it. . t ,i 1,4, le • or ' 'i, .. • a bow . ' 41 of all 911112111tr - WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY le HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. • • • 0. 0.. 0 • • • ••••••••••••••en•••••••ene see•soo•oceeemee•••••••sse 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .1* 4. 4. .1* *I* ▪ F. C. KA FLEISC et PHONE 19 ZURICH .I.++++++++.14+4.4.4.+++++++++++ ..14++++++++++++ I44,+++++++444' 111•11:1•13.1111Calrr. 50,000 FEET MAPLE SAW LOGS WANTED 50,000 feet good hard maple saw logs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty FARMS FOR SALE Fine 150 -acre farm. known as the Melick farm, being lot 16 and north half lot 15, con. 12, Hay. Also 60 acres, being part lot 14, con. 15, Hay. The latter farm has, 12 acres fall wheat 40 acres plowed ready for seeding and the balance good pasture, }Will sell on easy, terms. For particulars apply to X. J. Mettler, Zurich. FARMS FOR SALE I offer my two farms for sale, one being south half of lot 3, con- taining 81% acres. and the other being the north half of lot 4, con- taining 79 acres, both in the 13th en., Stanley. The former has 10 acres good bush, and ther latter 8 acres. 13olth in good state of cultivation and good buildings on both farms, Bannis have stone foundations and lots of water on premises For particulars apply to Christ iLirke, A. R. No. 2,Zurich For Sale • Fine 7 -roomed Brick residence for sale in Zurich, Good stable and good well on premises. Terme reasonable. For particulars ap-- ply to Mrs H. Rupp, Z orich, -e. se, • .•• eee-sereet.e.---e eeeeeee.,,,es Safety First 1191161113611MMI.2111110! 11.11,011=r16.1 Nothing is more unportan t to the For Shipper than doing business with an Honest -Reliable -Responsible -Safe Fur House. "Ship to Shubert" the largest house in the World dealing exclusively in American Raw Furs, where you will always r, c..arc An Accurate and Liberal. A3sOrtre en, , tI,ott;hst MT 14, t Pricre nrd the one: 1 "Sbt.bert" Efficient, Speedy, Courteouz eerv1ce. Write for the lest e.11tion of "Ugly oeuerst ENItppre• -;nz vatualgo market inftn....c..0a roil 1. Lace. A B S HUB ERT 5.4.7 WEST falfi'm Ayr- _ _ ▪ .11C., Dept. C561, CilleAGO, „ ,,s• • -C`CeKtt,' q.10,1t41,Ctert4r44-4,4,0,4,44,M14Z444,- any change takes place. 'Dat means that our clubbing rate etfir eei that great popular weekly 0111 hold good for any subecri4ons received during one week After 4';," we publish a notice of incree4 .! ' in price. It does not folow , 'hi igeee, there will necessarly be au,1*,- ,.;? •. se but publiShers must themselves in some way a the ordinary conditions thief:De changing from week to week: .• clubbing rate with the Family Har al) and WCe:Ily S'itar oi Montrealis $1.85 per year. This rate is guaranteed for one week after . this paper reiaches subscribers; Send orders to The Herald, Zuti ---4.---- According to the G eo gra »biz Magazine, the gigantic sequoia tree known as "General Sherman" in the Sequoia National Park, Cal,, was already two thousand years old when Christ was born, It was a flourishing young tree when Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt. It is two hundred and eighty feet high. Its. base eir- cumference is one hundred and three feet, and its greatest diam- eter is thirty-six and a half feet Its great a,ae however, is n a estimated from its size, It is known from the careful and Re-' create counting of the rings in the stumps of glgon1:ie sequoias wh:cli ha e been eel' 15 ocked. our 'stOre Witha..lato''-ftitge' of godds suitable for cold weather wear. We are ready -to supfdy your wants in these goods. Come and see. Heavy Rubbers We have a large stock of men's and boy's heavy rubbers and wool socks, All sizes and prices are right. • Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and khaki trousers for men and boys. No better made. Get our prices. L. BRISSON SHOES We have a nice line of shoes fore young men.. Come in and see them, styles. Also everyday shoes for men, women and children at righ prices.. Sweater Coats See our lines of Sweater Coats, for men and children many: styles, and colors. iSpecial values.. Shae Repairing of all kind ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. PHONE 1 on 86 DryEdaie TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE • FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable ist October, 1019. Interest, payable half -yearly, lst April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this, stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment, of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for .this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th, 1916. "eeeeeeeeeeiVeeree-s"-=EeeMereee...--e. 5.