HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-26, Page 30
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Able Treatment Uy the Germans
Of Those Who Refuse
To Work.
The Lendon, Iringland, office of the
Belgian Ministry of Justice has given
out the story of 11,000 Belgian de-
portees who at Soltau refuse to work
for the Germans. According to the
Information from occupied Belgium it
appears that some Belgian deportees
who were ill had been sent back to
their homes. On their return to Sol -
tau one morning, finding these persons
were nearly dying, the Germans bud-
' tiled 70 of them into a cattle truck at-
tached a goods train, and one after
another as the train passed the dis-
tricts whence they had been taken
they were made to get out. Some
took three days and nights to get to
their destination, although in ordinary
times the express train takes six
hours in the journey from Soltau to
Brussels. The only care they received
during the journey was that they oc-
casionally were given bread and wa-
ter, and .they arrived at their homes
emaciated and coughing, most of
them having doubtless developed tu-
berculosis. They were received with
tears, and seemed to their families
and friends but the ghosts of those
who had returned, Some described
their adventures and the descriptions
agree in all points, giving conclusive
proof of their veracity. For food they
were given at Soltau camp in the
morning a decoction of boiled acorns
only] at noon half a litre (about a
pint) of soup, composed mostly of
water, some turnips, carrots and
shrimps, without bread or potatoes;
at 3 o'clock 260 grammes (about half
a pound) of black bread, bed and often
mouldy; in the evening half a litre of
•the same soup as at noon, sometimes
containing bran and maize.
Horrible Fare.
On this abominable diet even the
strongest declined in health and be-
came weak not long after falling seri-
ously ill and succumbing. Some died
everyday, Two went mad during the
•- A„ , These unfortunate men
esraleitliiingertenat fl
e evening they -would -creep into the
kitchenlike thieves and collect the
parings of potatoes, intended solely,
for the German staff'
and turnip
e t
carrot skins, which they
raw. One workman, tired of his mis-
ery, attempted to escape and was
brutally killed. He was shot and fin-
ally despatched with bayonets. In
spite of such martyrdom thee men still
refused to work. The most tempting
offers were made to them of good
food and bigh wages, but the great
majority preferred to face hunger and
death. Various methods were adopted
in order to obtain the consent of the
men to work. One day forty artisans
were taken away and a week Iater,
when they returned, they told their
comrades they had been taken to the
Grand Duchy of Baden, where they
were given abundant and exceeding
food for a couple of days and then in-
formed that they would receive the
same amount every day if they would
consent to work. On their refusal
they were sent back to Soltau, re-
maining 34 hours in a cattle truck
without food and without being able
to get out.
A Disguised Recruiting Officer. 1 --
Among the men who appeared at There h,� 1[
the camp was one dressed as a ser- A�
geant of the 8th Belgian Regiment of
h 'n excellent French and
Don't say asBreakfast
Food"—say «Shredded
Wheat" ---for while you no
doubt mean Shredded
Wheat, you may get ozie
of those mushy porridges
that are a poor substitute
for, the crisp, delicious shreds
of baked whole wheat—that
supply all the nutriment for
a half day's wore Two
'Biscuits with .ilk or cream
snake a nourishing meal
at a cost of a few cents.
Made in Canada.
Details of
Modern Dress
give very much the impression of a
suit. It has been observed of late
that such dresses giving the appear_
anee of suits have been very much
worn at afternoon functions. A
waist with a short peplum sometimes
gives this effect, especially when the
dress is developed in velvet, velours,
or the other wool materials which are
used both for suits and dresae',
Lace neckwear with high collars and
long flowing jabots is again in style,
and those who never were able to
wear' the low Collars becomingly now
have the chance to reveal in these.
But the low collars are still numerous,
made of fine linen, batiste, Georgette
and net, embroidered ever so daintily
and the edged with lace for further
Lingerie was never s0. irresistible as
it is now. Of .sheerest Georgette
crepe and silk voile in delicate colors
are garments of every type. Fine em-
broidered underwear, of course, is al-
ways correct. Wash satin and crepe
de Chine are more favored than ever
for lingerie materials.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer or from
the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Ontario, Dept. "W."
It is well known that from Russia
we have received a great many con-
tributions to the styles, not only in
the line of blouses. and dresses, but in
the Russian turbans raised in front.
Some of the turbans are worn with
chin -straps, or "brides," to which a
veil is often attacked.
The Russian blouse o dress,the with
ee and
long blouse reaching
falling over the pleated skirt, is one
of the best -liked styles of the season.
Sometimes it is made with high close -
fitting collar, and again, the open neck
with the becoming sailor collar is
-- ----'
Are Promptly Cured by the Use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
If your hand trembles or is an
steady, it is a sure and ea1lY s? i
that your nervous system is at fate':
The trouble if not taken in time will
develop slowly to a worse stage, and
there is no person more to be• pike#
than one suffering . from nervous
trouble. You feel unaccountably weak;
after exertion, lose flesh, turn agaa?1St
food, and suffer palpitations and indi-
gestion after eating. Sometimes
sharp pains shoot down your .spine
and legs, and often neuralgia robs
you of your sleep at night. These
are some of the troubles that indicate
the presence of nervous disorders. If
they are neglected they result in a
complete nervous collapse, sometimes
in paralysis. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have won a great reputation in curing
all forms of nervous diseases. .The
nervous system depends entirely upon
Not His stat.
With a wild sweep the wind tore
round a sudden corner and removed
the hat from the head of a respect-
able and near-sighted citizen who
chanced to be passing.
Peering wildly round, the rnan
thought he saw his hat in a yard, be-
hind a high ±once. Raetily climbing
over, he •started to chase it, but each
time he thought he had caught it, it
fact yet rnother move on. voice broke
Then a woman's angry
on his ears. �,+ she.
"What are you doing there?"
demanded shrilly.
He explained mildly that he was
only trying to retrieve his hat, where-
upon the woman said, in wonder:
"Your hat? Well, I don't know
where it is, but that's our black hen.
you're chasing!"
Isis I'£tl; le Closely Related to All
Warring Nations.
far as the crowned heads of
art concerned, this war may
y `? nailed a civil war, 3578
i4, 1r1:r6,
il.Houses of Europe are
nl�'. 3nter-related, and many
, and tortured heart must
lair in the palaces of this
ria was the grand-
, and as Kind Ed -
so is King George
ape. He has cousins
,dark, Greece, Russia,
en„y:iBelgium, Spain,
a-Rungary,:Italy, Hol -
Bulgaria, Montenegro,
;. • tx nice-Meiningen, Sella-
, , ep, Hesse, and Brunswick.
ct „,44 been estimated that his
l d tud cousins, all told num-
i three hundred.
ramous cousin is, of course,
whose mother mother was King
ster. It is not generally
at the Kaiser stands
twex;.tiet lit the order of succession to
our :thine. Fortunately, however,
King' Ger'ge has five sons, so that even
the Ci+ Prince is not likely to get
a. -loos"•
And dine on the subject of succes-
sion, 'may be mentioned that the
Pres +their to the throne of Rumania
has, Sr as descent goes, a better
title a British throne than any
savetest our own Royal• family.
of of Rumania, who is now
the blood supply for nourushmen Pt�f
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually in -ye,, ,o years of age, can trace
crease the supply of rich, red blood; hf ,t.4�4iit in a 'direct line from
feed, strengthen and tone the nerves, Herlriett,' the . youngest daughter of
enabling them to perform their func Cha ro-s,
xi orge's cousins also include
tions and :dispel all signs of a break- �e� .
,Mrs, B.; Wain1Att, Beaver the,., 's ,end Tsarina o£• Russia, and, dew ' w, t s
IRt 111,III!tfl" ,ar,
4 N
The winter season is a hard one
on the baby. He is more or less
confined to stuffy, badly ventilate
rooms. It Is so often stormy
the' mother does not get him out in
the fresh air as often as she should.
He catches colds which rack his little
system; his stomach and bowels get
out of order and he becomes peevish
and cross. To guard against this the
mother should keep a box of Baby's
Own Tablets in the house. They
regulate the stomach and bowels and
break up colds. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
High Praise
'"Is he the kind of man you'd. in-
vite up to your house to dinner?"
""I should say he is, He's the
kind of man my wife would insist on
having at least 48 hours' notice to pre-
pare for."
Small Quantity of Coal Burst Shell
When Heated.
We have often been told of the enor-
mous amount of energy stored in coal
which we are unable to use, and the
truth of this statement has recently
had the strangest proof at a Sheffield
(England) munition works. A turner
found a scrapped, imperfect shell on
the waste heap in the yard, and plac-
ed it in the blacksmith's fire, intend-
ing to use it as a foot -warmer during
breakfast -time. Ile didn't know that
after the shell had been punched a
small quantity of coal dust had en- ,
terecl the cavity, and in the fire .this
dust became converted, into gas as the':.
metal grew red-hot. Falling, in its t
rapid expansion, to gain a sufficiently
wide outlet, the gas burst the shell.
A piece of the metal as large as a
man's, "list was blown completely j
.tla.io>l h th, keel' of, a youth standurg..�.,
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo -
(lure to Sun, Dust and Wlod
,� quickly relieved by Marine
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
lust Eye Comfort, At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye
Druggists orMerino E 0I Remedy .,Chin i
This Actually Happened.
Caller --Is Mrs. Blank in?
New Irish Maid --No, ma'am, she's
not at home, and may God forgave the
awful lie I'm tellin' ye. (Slams the
14inare's Liniment Cures biphtheria.
"Yes, aunt; John is so careless of
his appearance. His buttons are al-
ways coming off."
"But perhaps they aren't—eh--sew-
ed on properly."
"That's just it, John is careless with
his se�ivirig.
,•, r 1 4`F3'i,. r, y,'.•r,» w e. , r1 mc y .. t u , -
down" and awfully `'nervou`. ',,,,-.0:
thea Kee by lfonso .is a coAno
slightest noise would startle and an +a Georg marriage.
noy me. I 'suffered pains around the t iii :jUng ,Christian of Denmark,
heart and every particle of color left` Bute married Princess Alexandrinesympathies of
lt; .of D! eklenburg. The . symp thiel f
' aakon of Norway,
{ ; ;,lie strongly pro -British, inas-
u..as he is a nephew of Queen
xtndra and married one of King
my face and hands. I ahvays fe
tired, and slept poorly at night. I
was so poorly that my friends
thought I would not recover. I tried
many medicines but they did not help.
me. Then I read of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and decided to drop all
other medicine and try them. It
was fortunate I did for in the course
of a few weeks I found them helping;,
me. I continued taking the pills for
some weeks longer and they com-
pletely cured me. I earnestly ad-
vise every weak woman and girl to
eve D • Williams' Pink Pills a fair
Distinctly Russian in Effect
used with it. With the high collar
and closing at the side, these dresses
the line, who 1
Flemish harangued them, telling Increase
them they were stupid to endure such
No one would be grateful
to them for it. The middle classes of not Tn 4�.r price
Belgium were still living luxuriously.
The Government at avr didto .them and
care what happened
would take no steps to intervene on
their. behalf, because it was common
knowledge that the* to deportees
do nothing contraryee their pa work
feelings in aceT ptsng ops Later the
for Germany
deportees discovered that this indi-
vidual was a German recruiting ser-
geant disguised. There are 11,000
Belgian deportees at. Soltau, who re-
fuse to work for theGermans,
Awful Good. Time.
The children returned from the
party; where they had been the guests
of Johnny and Susie Wilkins.
"Did you behave yourselves nicely':"
another asked.
"Sure we did."
"Then you had a good time, didn't
' yea?"
"We had an awful good time," they
"Johnny and
Grape -Nuts
ah ,
trial, and I am g '.._.. they will not
a G;rlas
'c'ioulcl you like to be able to sing
,splay as I do, dear?" she queried
a,little five -Year-old miss.
q, ma'am," was the unexpected
why not?" asked the lady.
se," explained the small ob-
"I wouldn't like to have peo-
uch horrid things about me."
;rye's sisters.
Purely Herbal --No poison-
ous coloring matter.
Antiseptic—Stops b l o a d-
�i g__Ends quickly festering, the
and smarting.
Heals all sores.
54c. Box. All Druggists and stores
e >rs.�wex�,.saeW.E
.•t 't naalsed �do vrxrw
1RO�IT-]Si»4IrI sale
YEWS drOntarrio
a second per sale to goo
.•, Offices
Th most useful and interesting
mluarfl'r Liniment Cruex 4arget in Cowls. 90 i s run information
Wilson e wne: a ion on
of all bus nesse Publishing' com-
application to
Business is Business. i Pang, 73 Wa t Adelaide Street, Toronto.
When Billy Bennett applied for a ---------- VaSOEzr,dxMovs
job as office boy he clergymen
testi- 1
internal and external, cured witb.-
monials from two clergym
knew him well. But the hard -heart- out pain by our home treatment. Write
ma:. was not particularly la L1mitecl Collin8woorillman Medical
ed business tee.:
impressed by them. ,
ny a man who pretends to be ,
I "We dont want you on Sundays,
g for work looks the wrong way. i y lad he said.
tarp'® Liniment Cures Colds, late.
• Juvenile Logic.
Was at a private entertainment,
ii lady had just risen from the
You can get these pills through
any medicine dealer or by nail at,
50 cents a box, or six boxes for 3'2 5Q4f
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine C`
Brockville, Ont.
Life Along Well-to-do Largely Fol..
• lows Tradition.
It is a far cry from the western
slopes of the Andes to the dawn
women's rights, emancipation and t
vote, but the morning star of duff
as wife and mother, even in their lim-
ited conception of its meaning, shines
all the brighter in comparison. In
their own wide ramified family circles
their ir.fluenee is felt, while their out-
side interest centres in the Church.
The wealthy senora is looked up to
by her poorer sisters, and in the small
towns and haciendas (ranches), where
her numerous family connections are
the leading peoile of the community,
she extends a kindly and charitable
beneficence to :sem and to all who
serve them in any capacity. When
these women come of old Spanish
stock they are extremely exclusive,
and ancient rules of etiquette guide
their social relationships. Their daugh-
ters go to the convent schools, receive
a limited education, and return home
held co sway
the since the deam ay �n hen tie
e fo bears left Spain.
In t In family life there
lad," "Haven't you a re-
ference from somebody who knows y 'r
on week days?"
Mi a d's Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs,—I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT for the past 25 years and
whilst I have occasionally used other
liniments I can safely say that I have
never used any equal to yours.
If rubbed between the hands and
inhaled frequently, it will never fail
to cure a cold in the head in 24 hours.
IIt is also the Best for bruises, sprains, 1
etc. 9
Dag Rasedlas
And Prow to Feed
trailed free to any
d4rese t
118 West 31st Street, New York
r is much afl'ecs
tionate generously and contentment;
life for them is simpler and less in-
_axon countries,
Sizeof . tense in Anglo-Saxon There than a lack of realization of the
Stiaic ,both Quality
Of the Food
got 1ickiil ;s."
The longest telephone wire in the
world runs from New •Ycrlc. to San
Frtlnciso, a distance of 3,390 miles.
Have a Bottle Handy I
1 Liniment is assigned its
remedies in thousands of m is
d th uniform effectiveness
place among plat a the trusted family'
eine closets. Confidence
base on e
with which it banishesoh e pains of
rheumatism, neuralgia, g and
sore stiff muscles, brutiree, Sprains
tCleaner and easier to use than
muse' sy
rauplasters or ointments. It penetrates
and relieves quickly evithouf rubbin
At rel druggists, 25c. 50c and $10
Yours truly,
Food Cast Up By 'the Sea.
At Cleethorpes a steamer wre hich was
break up in the fierce rollers , and
large quantities of margarine, butter,
andcheese were tHdz eds of ppeople
hore, saysLondon
don Nev's. un
with waggons, barrows and hand-
carts were busy on the beach remov-
ing the valuable flotsam. and jetsam.
Sotto of last oma have
nthsow,a store suffiei-
seriousness and meaning ( +' life, an
habitual inclination to take things
lightly. With no struggle to better
their lot in life or fight against un-
toward circumstances, they calmly re-
sigit themselves to the fate of the
unseen hand,
Book Patent Protoctlonmo
Firm ly ParentExaminer.'LtEatab. 1877
Branches: Shaul a and Washington
When buying your Piano
trusi'at on having an
ci OTTO H i G I (L"
eti>aara'e Yap:tetat Cares Dlrterneer,
An old Japaneseprophecy says:1
"'When melt fly like birds, ten great n.-.
t war against one an -4
It will pay you to slap ail
your fur to ast able full market
where you oefl a rise list
value. ®sk for our p
Hold :shipping:shippinginstructions.
ASO T. PAUI, 8T. wEs'r•
rdoxxTnnew, (i 7
kings will go o s , t 4, STOPS
other." r t' a id' EN S
front a Bone Spavin, Ring Bono,
Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar
trouble and gets horse going sound. ,
It acts mildly but quickly and good re-
sults are lasting. 'Does not lxlister
or remove the hair and Horse can
be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with
w +'' each bottle tells hove. $2.00 a bottle
delivered. Horse Book 9 free.
ABSORB1NB, JR,, the antiseptic lintinmat.
for mankind, reduces Painful Swelling , baa
1 targedt,lands,1Vens,Bruiscs,VaricoseVent'ts;
heals sou Allays write. .iand $3Pain. Wi
t1r bottle at
more if p
EI). 7, ISS'; 1.
17dealcra or delvered. Liberal uixl bottle Marva
W: FYOUNG, P 0. F„ 518 Lyman G d�'��n{f4^fGxsr
st+a,,,,,.: sad Arnr:mt, .rm at Moth. at "oG,
vr, �,,
11111'. i
The Spirit of Amar&oa at pin,yt
ToIrci nitiaiie soul Cheerfulness
1LlI Ei SO4,0 Plasm
xraleor'i eeees PLA
n, fit witittee, r'ree. I. W. S3ott,. Mgr.