HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-26, Page 2NOTES AND CO11 r1ENT Among the minor tragedies of the War the degradation which has come ,to the English greenhouse is not to be overlooked.. The winter gardens of the privileged gentry and nobility are confronted with the humiliation of their long and pampered existence. The scores and hundreds of varieties of tropical plants, the orange and the lemon trees which have maintained a precarious existence within the small confines of a simulated hot zone, have come upon an evil day. No more will the delicate ferns be nurtured through an uncertain life in the greeneries. The day of the strange exotic is over. the contest with the unfriendly fogs of the North Sea. Their doom is at hand. In place of the poinsettia which yielded its rich reds for the dark win- ter, in lieu of the fragrant lilies which threw out thier luxurious redolence in a region given over to smoke, in- stead of the gay blossoms which main- tained the pretense of a southern clime, the hardy tuber will arise. The Irish potato, the tough growth of the poor man's plot or the profitable pro- duction of the truck farmer, is the At he ilouse Selected Recipes. A tablespoonful .9 added before eookfi Cocoanut Cookies --Take one cup of Date Cake.—Thr sugar, one-half cup of butter, one well, one cupful g ytnful bak- ing of Bream tartar,aone-half, one flour (rounded), one fir' 0 �,,, r e ,, f soda, pinch of sitltease ing powder one t nig ld0 vanilla, egg, one-third cup of milk, three- one package dates, ston;el1 quarter- -third cup cocoanut, flour enough to ed One-quarter of lie , end pecan poonful of vela's. roll, one teas may be t . beaten 0 cupful Eggless Plum Pudding—One eupi:u bread crumbs, two cupfuls flour, one cupful chopped suet, one cupful raisins, one cupful molasses, one cup- ful mills, one chopped apple, one tea- spoonful soda in little hot water, one teaspoonful cloves, one teaspoonful cinnamon. Steam two and one-half hours. Serve with hard sauce. Cleaning Copper and Brass* Brass and copper can be brightened by wash- ing in salt and strong vinegar, rubbing Mix in order named; until bright, then rinsing in clear, very five or forty minut hot water, and while still hot polish- hot oven. ing with a clean chamois skin dipped Boston IIeotvniesi, newly elected king of the glass houses. in sweet oil and a pinch of whiting gar, one-third AU beauty, all delicacy, all charming or very fine sand. suggestion must surrender to the food Vaseline on Linen.—Stains on white well beaten,chocolate, ones. value which he represents. line can easily be removed by wash- powder, one eke in hot water and ammonia or hot in pieces (Eng'; soapsuds. If the linen is colored ap- cup of rtiisins,. ply magnesia or French chalk to the Drop by the to spots, allowing it to remain on a day, paper two inches; then brushing off. them in tiny en Rolled Oats Bread—Put two cups an English wain rolled coats into mixing pan, add even putting in oven, . ,, mixing spoonful of lard, one cup mo-putting lasses, one tablespoon salt and four Hot Potato caalel "its cups boiling water. When lukewarm' six medium-sized t FAO add one yeast cake and flour enough paring cool, peels to mix quite stiff. Let rise over- I s ices. Arrange a 1 night and put in pans in the morn- i the bottom of a dis ing. Bake in slow oven. and peppers and s,t1 Buckwheat buclt buckwheat flour, halfakes.—Mix : ao cup f u ls ofof chopped d four parsley tabieapoei W each ,,el mix to - white flour or corn meal, half a tea- vinegar and olive oil, al;little lemon spoonful of salt, two cupfuls of boil- juice and heat just to `tboilin;g point. nuts, quartered Mit idler given and bake in a lover t'i'ts ' 4 inehet ) in moderate oven for t -five min- utes. Excellent Cake.. -O G cup °f granulated sugar, on t otm corn syrup, one tablespoon- - t�•t one egg, 11i ee-quar- one-half teaspoon le half cups ter cup milk, one ane ]tial ups flour, two level toasty, o- 1" g Pow- der, one-half teaspoon.' three-quar- ter cup chopped raisin.a ,;die bedded. It ihirty- md`t a'ately of stn. eggs x ]slater Malting roken elf f19ti . yaxeddug g before' gGf� its, $25»O FOR A LETTER CAN YOU WRITE ONE? Thirteen Prizes to be Awarded in a Letter Writing Competition. Some years ago the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont„ of- fered a series of prizes to residents of Ontario for the best letters des- cribing cures wrought by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Hundreds of letters were submitted in this competition, and yet there must have been thousands of other users of the pills who did not avail themselves of the oppor- tunity to win a prize. To all these another letter writing competition is offered. Thousands of cures through the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills have never been reported. These will furnish the material for the letter to be. written in this contest. There is no demand upon the imagination; every letter must deal with facts and facts only. The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., of Without indulgence in the false teeth of looking lightly at serious af- fairs, surely there is occasion here for April's tears. Contemplate the old gardener who has ministered as a child's nurse to the necessities of a gossamery orchid. Think of the skilled florist whose whole life has been spent upon serving the vagaries of a filmy flower of the Orient. Can urgency do worse than condemn him to the cultivation of early potatoes with their inevitable bugs and paris green? Or, if sympathy for the orchid nurses fail, consider the young officer on furlough. Picture his wandering with the lovely maiden of his desire into the old conservatory. Where masses of green leaves rnd luxurious colors once were wont to create a back- ground for the eternal young dream only the practical tubers will appear. So modern war deals with romance. Winter Soups. Some one has said that there are as many soups as there are days .in the. 'only a vee y small number of tecerit a pear on. the dining table of ;the avers age family. Among the following receipts are some that are little known, but they are especially ap- petizing on cold winter. evenings, when a hot, rich soup seems the most appropriate beginning for a meal. French Onion Soup.—Chop two med- ium-sized onions, and fry them to a rich brown in two ounces of butter over a moderate fire, for onions burn quick- ly. To thein add a quart of boiling soup stock of any kind, or simply water or milk, and cubes of lightly toasted bread. When the soup is ready to serve, add a little grated cheese, and season it with salt and white pepper. A Flemish Soup.—To two pounds of washed and picked Brussels sprouts add ten potatoes, two onions, two leeks, salt and pepper. Cook all gently until the vegetables are tender; then pass them through a sieve. Force as much of the vegetable pulp through as possible. Acid one quart of beef stock and serve the soup very hot. Cream of Potato and Chestnut Soup.—Boil one cupful of diced pota I half cupful of chest -1 c and one p toe. nuts in salted water until they are tender. Drain them and add one quart I t urea the mixture ilk • season scalded m of , with a dash of nutmeg, salt land Cayenne pepper; thicken it slightly v..th a tablespoonful of cornstarch ;moistened with a little cold milk, and! Iadd one tablespoonful of minced pars- I ley when it is ready to serve. Pot-au-Feu.—Choose a good-sized beef bone that has plenty of meat on it, cover it with water and boil it for three hours. Remove the bone ands cut the meat into hits. Let the stock i mei, then remove the fat, add the meat to the stock, return it to the fire, add' one large onion that has had ten whole cloves inihed.ded in it and has then been roasted until it is brown, add one I pint of cooked tomatoes, one half cup- ful of rice, and one quarter cupful each of chopped potatoes, carrots:' and cabbage. Cook the whole until the vegetables are tender, and add salt and pepper. Just before you serve the soup, add one teaspoonful of white sugar burned to a good brown i color. That adds to the flavor of the soup and gives a rich color'. Save candle ends and melt t tgether to use as paraffin roti ar for jelly. Raisins will be easy to :tone if they stand in hot tvated a minute or two before stoning. . Economical frying t pot:ti'tle only when the fat is carefully savt:d after use. ,t 44 What TheyDid w, M For file 'sly Dodd's Kidney ]Pills .,, Cur Where Doctors lc' led. Mr, a.nd Mrs. Sawyer, After Year Suffering, Found tlhe Remedy `f~ Sought in Dodd's ,Kidney Pills ;r' Capreol, Ont., Jan., 2`end (Special.) —Firm believers `i}i .Dodd's Kidney' Pills are Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe Sava yer of this place. They have their reasons and are quite willing to make them public. °'I was a cotxiplete wreck when I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills," Mr. Sawyer says. "I had suffered for ten years. I tried five doctors alto- gether. Some said it was rheutna- tism. Others called it lumbago, hint none could give me any permanent re- lief. e -lief. Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new Mrs. Waldorf Astor, man of me. who is indefatigable in her work at "141y wife got the same good re- Ciiveden Canadian Hospital on the sults frol de tory . She lsoihhad tbeen too Thames, which she donated early in se the war. Her husband, son of kLordhas , Sault d Ste. arse advised her to stayd Astor, formerly of Newsec- t Dodd's Kidney Pills instead' with been appointed a Parliamentary retary by Lloyd George. She was one ' splendidreusults, wonder that both 'praise THE PRIZES: of the Langhorne sisters, famous Zrir- Dodd's Kidney. Pilin`] I we one can ginia beauties. highly of them." Brockville, Ont., will award a prize speak tooo Kidney Pillsfare purely and of 21ibe ore the best "letter received LAMS OF THE KORAN simply a kidney remedy. If the di - on or before the 17th day of Ontario sense is of the kidneys or from the f residents of Ontario kidneys they will cure it. Compose But Small Part of Book • 3r, 1917,. from rein ens on the subject, "Why I Recommend Di , 000. ens' Pink Pills' A prize 1 Written by Mohammed. LIFE'S LONG JOURNEY. .•10.00' will be awarded for the e0oklsecond best letter received; a prize I The Koran was given to his follow- s thottt,.$5.00 for the third best letter, and i ers hot from the brain of Mohammed ill"an tete n prizes of X2.00 each for the next as the law revealed to hien through eeskiin best ten letters. the angel Gabriel. No other man s*ith salt , THE CONDITIONS: 441111'finely The cure or benefit from the u of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills described in the letter may be in the writer's own case, or one that has come un- der his or her personal observation. More than one cure may be de- scribed in the letter, but every state- ment must be literally and absolutely true. The letter should be not longer than is necessary to relate the bene- fit obtained from the remedy in the case described. Every letter must be signed by the se ing water, half a yeast cake. Let Pour over the po stand over night. In the morning, add , tightly, Stand ix half a cupful of milk In which a quer-I til wanted, then se ter teaspoonful of soda is dissolved. ffbacon 'or cold slice An Eggless Reei milk, after cream double boiler. . n spoonfuls of corn tablespoonfuls of su put . into the. ipilk A:dd',very slowly, sti THE NATION'S FUTURE Depends Upon Healthy abies Property reared children grow up to be strong, ,healthy citizens Many diseases to which child- ren are susceptible, first indicate their presence in the bowels. The careful' mother should watch her child's bowel move- ments and use Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ft is a corrective for diarnccea, colic and other ailments to which children are subject especially during the teething period. it is absolutely non-narcotic and contains neither opium, morphine nor any of their de- rivatives. Mrs. mslow's Soothing Syrup Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Soothes the fretting child during the trying period of its develop- ment and thus gives rest and relief to 'both child and mother. Buy a bottle today and keep it handy &id by ull drugylrlr ft Cr :adet an't throughout the 'world rereacenewaseconweenerenstwanweeseese arse .cover place en - crisp fried one quart lien, into %en table - h four M niaf be t' Blending. e. all the time. When it begin to tlee ttdel one-half teaspoonftxl:'of' sale tither a piece tied, nae ; 1 rt �x ram or ver ',pe r; ".aerial boa 4 not rapidly—tor half a often to avoid a ry cyn on the top.. Pour into molt �tve .been wet with cold Wittent 'aside to cool gradually.M 1 ? served with any fruit juice or 'cite Things to Tteitinitier. oiz In Seventy Years One Travels an Amazing Distance. There is a man in London at present + contributed to its form or substance.1 who has traveled from Vancouver to 1 The limited range of the knowledge London 51 times. As it is upwards of and experience of and suggestions to a 10,000 miles there and back, this man its author necessarily limited its scope' has traveled over half a million miles to rules adapted to the relatively sim- ; in this way, or to the moon and back ple conditions of the people with whom and then round the world, says London he was familiar. It failed to antics -1 Tit -Bits. pate all the needs of the rich and cul -But though this seems a big feat for tured cities of Damascus, Bagdad, I n one ali lifetime, the ere is ahretired come e who has Cairo, Cordova and Seville and the , millions of people inhabiting the great' crossed the Atlantic no fewer than empire he founded, His purpose was' 550 times, making 1,876,000 miles, or intensely religious, and centred in the l four times to the moon andtmacs round overthrow of all idolatry and the es- I to put it another way, tablishment of the worship of the one 1 the rYet ldse records, d at the wonderful hough full na`tne and correct address of the 1 true and living God. persette 6iiding it. If it describes the I Though large eforthe aCdv s Code volume -of when. sem sink withotnaigjour ince cure of some person other than the nearly as must also be France, al , of it that . can be, fairly human being on the globe takes ta, 'writer e ,the lett'', it ge ie'} lied. pQ,w dales t,o. ei-or t. ,Ytore' Than Ana* of tli ees .Y ' ''''``e li.,y fwk••t' i ...;rat '4 �•t+nliCt. Ont. ...,I 1. t+a +y.,'''', '., . e, The: hit' .1..'„ .+ , ''f'.r� •�°: ., . •, � � .,te ten 1,1Ap`eM � ... , eeuliar ,ieee a ye ri. r goon est: - glen znacle up of his p 4 . 00 aisles -as the. ero�iY" ids!;, doctrines and passages taken from the 000,0 Bible and recast to accord with his this yearly journey add the daily jour - views. The scanty rules of the Koran I ney on the spinning globe of 24,000, were supplemented by decisions of multiplied by 865, a total • a`afsBbut ..un - Bread not thorough] baked is very indigestible. Corn bread with rains in it is an agreeable change. !r,, ' • ., Remove rust from°ra`timents by boiling in cream of ittrii water. Keep the fat hot ilyou would have the whites of friedie "fluffy. Household refuse; than disposed ofatee Whenever soma It' cremated 'lien. e ay, -intportant part of a meal, a:*,.a iebeon, it should be thick and aoutx lung.. Brown bread .carr'<leletse ser bread Pudding just as wblie' :elf,' '' but it should be flavored :'3r ippipeee Stale bread 'wi>:t'i llephgood hot cakes if it is soaked so ti milk and ill oe' ins. no very rich, s.ha " and the a �1 pleased. ly sprink- rved with clzdes- 'r .'shing an ha most un- ved. Other 1, of the stateinent made. The writer of each tette mus state the name. and date of the paper in which he or she saw this announce - made up as you wt If the cookies cut them in anin' children will be jtt Plain boiled ri led with raisins hard sauce, makes cert. Don't imagine eye,. lucky person that of people have had trtatrsles and setbacks to overcome that he world never knew about. You an do as well as they. Keep on tryitg. Soap and water rulbed on zinc only make a bad matter wase. First wipe off the zinc with a del cloth. Next rub with kerosene. Letthat stay a few hours. Go over it then with a cloth wet with kerosene, and polish with a dry cloth. Seems natural to have the Wet um- brella wide open till it dries, It isn't the best way, though. First thing you know the covering will be stretch- ed all out of shape, Shut it and stand it up, knob down; till the water runs off and it dries out.. See if the wood above the furnace or behind the stove is charred. If it is, a sheet of zine or tier should be put there, not in contact with the wood; a sheet of asbestos is better yet, Clean the pipes and look for cracks. Make a list of all {;he spring sewing you must do, '.then check off evil garment as it is made and put away. There is no time to stop and make a forgotten garment after house - Fine writing will not win the prize I Mohammed and the early caliphs all of land we get t e eIlpeani um of 458,-1 unless you have a good case to de -1 which were elaborated by numerous i doubted journey per n scribe. The strength ohe style of c the 1 questions byswho the spsought g of the solve 1011760,000 I there are ites, or sovereigns s lin n urmpresent letter willon and letter n be the basishTheof the award, I When. to the c e before him,itten 1 war When thisexpenditure multipl ed by the yearn It is understood that a Wil-II70,—we get the amazing ]isms' Medicine Co. shall have the ; he did substantially as an English or [ of life= -say, right to publish any letter entered 1 American cumstances,ge ieasoes n bynlanalogy and I der similar I timesge of to the sunandOback!,000, or No v 200 n - in this contest if they desire to do so ( decide in accordance with his own der the old man of 70 sometimes feels! whether it wins a prize or not. views. t}redf The contest will close on February ! . • _ _ 17th, 1917, 'and the prizes will be I _ awarded as soon as possible there- after, Do not delay. If you know of a cure write your letter Now. Ob- serve the above conditions carefully or your letter may be thrown out, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., , Address all letters as 'follows: 's Time In�Instances, be ctor Tells How To Strengthen Eye fight 50 per cent In One Brockville, Ont. Letter Contest Department, Conscientious. Mrs, Jones had a new maid, who appeared at the door of the library one afternoon, where her mistress was rea din g. "There's n o coal, t mum," , said the domestic, "an' the fires are goin' out." "No coal!" cried the mistress, in I surprise. "Why didn't you tell me e }f one. tt s "I couldn't tell you there was no coal, mum," replied the girl, "when there was coal" cleaning and other ;spring work has eommot.ced of ever genie.; Masse:. •'Yn trio •:-: of A Free Prescription You Can Have (descriptions may iso ,eonu.rr lt^n ly :tad U Filled and Use at home. following the simple rule:,. t! ro is the preeetir, time Co to on7, active drve ets.e end get a, London.—Do yo�t near glosses? Are yet, s bottle o1 slag Opto tablets. t rap one Iden-Opto victim of eye strain or other eye AreWeakny 'sec? tablet to a fourth of a g, to of bveto, and attoh?, to clisvoire, Wait Its ! ,•i L F atho ,its em If so you will be palad to know that aecnrding to iwo to four 6fines •i " ct+.t 1 oulcj xattee so Dr. Lewis there is real hope for you. 'Many res clear e: ti tore. 1 r regU1 :rant lie start air's whose eyes wore felling say they have had their ti t?mm�'att: i to ill ; ' rl ;y ci;x<,ppe kr. if your eyes restored through the principle of this won- derful freeprescription. One matt says, after to seen tttctn V.A.t it tco Isle,. ]tinny' "1 see to id not blind. sou a a ylmotrt b ltt ws , •e ' + t 'teen say d ..i aha lt•t t tit h It t y •in,o els: si bat t rt to t; read at all. Now i ern read everything n more. any had eared for their r ' in t rr glasses and ...,,,,,,,ri; do not water any more., ata r: not i'.r u: t ' t. .^kl tan to whom the. night they ie.it AS like r naw thoy feel ahr.vn cent o teats r t to tu0, -'•c,. ft.. runts 1e a fine all the titre, It was lilt®a inirscla to me: tet•y remetaltblo Ott n ' r r ttoout ingredients' A. lady who used it says: "The ntmosphern seemed ars welt known to rm ant + nt,,nitate aatt widst¢ hazy with or without glasses, but after using this +reserihed by tl .m. 1 ,� t,•..,:...t•vttgegrantcrafat „ •, tot time • rn sl �t ttueweekst-tl 1 e 4 t rr trent S seams lr! a b as everything s_ at d n h11;t1:11,:,7",:,1....,' teen' .• for BF yt• m ..t xt wn i fir c ion cel tsu rest u m yY t: clear. pI cin even read fine print without g.assrs." obtalncd tv 011i41 c.'st ei tt Ps ora of ttttl It is believed that thousands who wear g•lasees v:rY sew t 'ts F:'u:dce.l,o hit: on Rend seat new discard them in a renaonable tdme and par regt:tat ue • . t^ -r''::7:1 tint. ; .y •i be S atm:at' mtiltituctes more wilt be ahlo to strengthen tl or I•rug Pn. ,,, oroa.ta "iitt tt your orders i[ eyes so as to be spared the troub.e and expense your d.uttsbt c nnot. - . 11110111.0.11E 011=011. lir !Alts*A111. v,. WIZ e pre5PizOnall 1. , CM A .71111PV/ e•r 'MA4-- ,sale.'- x�nr-; Z. -,- ,..1 �.. . c K �' s" � a K' •�; ,w.�� y��N 4