Zurich Herald, 1917-01-19, Page 2r ablaRdari NOTES AND C0119NTS Germany broke down the barrier of Belgium with comparative ease in that lint rush on Paris. To -day she Ands Belgium perhaps a greater barrier to her designs than it was in the days of its first heroic struggle. The prost- rate country with its record of un- deserved suffering confronts her like an angel with a flaming sword at every turn in which she would instit- ute negotiations or conciliate opinion on grounds of humanity. Germany makes peace proposals to the allies based on such grounds. What do the allies answer ? "Belgium. Germany intimates she is willing in ' good faith to enter into arrangements, permanently to safeguard the peace of Europe. What do her enemies say they think of the good faith of this profession? "Belgium." Germany unofficially intimates that there is no issue•between her and the allies as re- gards the rights of -smaller national- ities. Again the answer: "Belgium!" Germany wishes to conciliate neutral opinion—at least as an aid to peace, which she desires. What stands great- ly in the way of that design? Belgium. German liberalism wants to convince the world that it is a real force. What helps to nullify its best efforts? Bel- gium and Belgian deportations. Ger- many wishes to get the better of the moral argument to the neutral mind, The allies reply with "Belgium"! Germany must wonder if, after all, it was worth while. In view of the added bitterness it lends to the world conflict, the added strength it gives to the allied resolution to keep on fight- ing, the added difficulty it imposes on Germany in dealing with neutral opin- ion, the added obstacle to peace it furnishes, Belgium, with Paris ungain- ed, must now look more like a liabili- ty than an asset. GERMANY WANTS PEACE. Extracts From a Conversation With a German Diplomatist. One may regard the old war spirit as definitely dead in Germany. Every one wants peace, even the Junker class. The peace movement is very strong among the commercial and working . classes, and at the court it- self every one professes horror at the continuation of Ole slaughter., All adeae of. annexa;tleas and Weirirt flare .va"i led., •, On the "other land ' no oneethinks that the Allies can im- pose peace terms n Germany. "Life in court circles is very dull. The Emperor is constantly at the front, and the Empress—in pleasant contrast to most ladies of the court —is an enthusiastic war worker. If the new compulsory civilian service is fairly applied to women, the ladies of the aristocracy will suffer most." It appears that no one, not even his old-time military friends, has a good word to say for the Crown Prince. A joke among hostesses, amusing at first, but since become tiresome, is to whisper to their favor- ite guests when the Crown Prince is present: Not a word about Verdun. He is extremely taciturn these days, and freely disclaims all personal re- sponsibility for the Verdun catas- trophe, maintaining that the whole idea for the attack was imposed upon him by the General Staff. He and Hindenburg have become excellent friends these days. In Germany there is undoubtedly a widespread and ever-growing desire for peace, and a powerful and growing suspicion of the Government. About the Ido Useful Hints and General Inform, 'don for the Bur; y Housewif • Selected Recipes. spoon sugar and a little lemon juke Johnny Cake.—One cup of corn- cn beating. ieea o g.ofcusta d rop lightly, annd yspoon- ut bits meal, one-half cup of flour, one tea- fuls, p P spoonful soda, salt, two tablespoonfuls of jelly on meringue. inolasses, one tablespoon sugar, sour. Spice Cake.—Boil four cupfuls l sugar, one-third cupful lard, eight milk to mix. cupfuls raisins, four cupfuls water, Oatmeal Cookies. --Mix one tea one nutmeg, one and one-half tea- •poonful butter with one cup venu- ated sugar, add two eggs, two and spoonfuls ground cloves, four tea - me -half cups of rolled oats (raw), spoonfuls cinnamon and level tea - two teaspoonfuls bakin powder. Put spoonful salt, three minutes, then cool teaspoonful of the mixture on a and add eight cupfuls flour, two tea- }reased and heated pan. Bake about spoonfuls baking powder, four tea- 'ive minutes, or until a light brown in spoonfuls soda dissolved in warm _olor. water, one and one-half cupfuls nut Potato Special.—Mash several cold meats and a small piece of citron. Boiled potatoes, add butter, one egg, Put in a deep round baking _pan and pepper and salt. Mix, shape into bake in slow oven. Frost with. maple walls, roll in flour and fry in butter. frosting and mark eyes, nose and arrange on platter with slices of cold mouth with raisins or nut meats 'oast chicken. Garnish with lettuce 'e aces. Things To Remembel( Cabbage with Eggs. --Drain a well - 1 Salt or soda and a, damp c eoiled cabbage and chop it up very remove stain from dishes. <,d fine. Put into a frying pan two A tough chicken can be made tablespoonfuls of butter and one of bysteaming it for three heirs flour for every quart of chopped cab- roasting. krp )nge. When hot, add the cabbage, Fruit is a more economical d,�'sert season with salt, pepper and one or than puddings, when eggs are Sca gh. two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Stir If you use sour cream fol ter constantly for six or eight minutes,' making, it should be souredt le°kly, then put it in a dish, smooth the out - Fresh air and plenty of ret' `and side and garnish with quarters of i water will go a great way towards hard-boiled eggs. , curing a cold. Missionary Cake—One cup brown Garments that are soaked in'' hot sugar, one cup cold water, two cups soapy water for a time before they taisins, one-third cup .Iard, one -guar- are washed will be snow white. ter nutmeg, one-quarter teaspoon A little cold boiled potato added to cloves, one teaspoonful cinnamon, the filling for fowl will prevent it from pinch of salt. Boil all together about beingtoo dry. five minutes; let cool; then add oneDiscarded rubber garments may be teaspoonful baking soda dissolved in cut up into mittens to be used when water, one-half teaspoonful baking blacking the stove; etc. powder. Sift with two cups of flour It is wise to once in a while take and bake in medium hct oven about out the rollers of the carpet s thirty minutes. ' and wash them thoroughly, The Rout -Drop Cakes.—Mix two pounds sweepmuch cleaner. of flour, one ditto of butter, one -ditto 62. xe To freshen stale loaves of of sugar, one ditto of currants, clean u eper will Bead, :moisten slightly with cold water ,.'ust and dry; then wet into a stiff paste merely running the wet hand oCre , sure with two eggs, a large spoon of orange face,then place in hot oven• a hort flower, ditto rose-water, ditto sweet tim wine, ditto brandy; drop them in a .1, tin plate floured, a very. short` time SERV AL ASK. TO' A ,A SK. bakes them. ... _ .�...:.,u WHO AM I? Of All the Factors That Enter Into Life, the Most Deadly. I am more powerful than the eorn- 'billed armees of the world. cool cover with icing made from one I have destroyed more men than all cup of confectioner's sugar mixed to a the wars of the world. soft paste with lemon juice or orange I am more deadly than bullets, and and lemon mixed. The calte should be I have wrecaed more homes than the baked in a shallow cake tin about ten mightiest of siege guns. 1 steal in the United States alone, inches square. Boiled Noodles.—One egg, one-half over $800,00.000 each year. teaspoon salt, grating of nutmeg, dash 1 spare no one, and I find my vie- of cayenne and flour. Beat egg, add time among rich and poor alike; the seasonings and enough flour to make young and old; the strong and weak; stiff dough. Work on floured board widows and orphans know me. until smooth and elastic. Cut off I loom up to such proportions that small portions and roll each as thin as 1 east my shadow over every field of a wafer. Slash into strips with sharp lahor from the turning of the grind- knife and cook in boiling water or stone to the moving of every railway soup stock twenty minutes. May train. be dried before cooking and stored un - I massacre thousands upon thou- til wanted. Serve sprinkled with White Taffy—.,Four cup's of gran utate sages not stir or` :neve until is one. When it haedens' in water pour onto buttered plates, then flavor with van- illa last, pouringion plates of taffy, but don't stir. Then, when' enough Char/ode will, mak reerNialtrie, d loosen from plates, take up and pu 1917. ellen are offered one pound a week at .111.1309.111.1.1. It Pays to Use Good Fertilizers Cheap fertilizers are always more expensive in, the long run. If they are not well mixed, fox' instance, they may produce uneven plant growth, because the fertilizer is weak in some places and strong in others. Make sure of first, . class results by using Prof:" Robert L. Garner 10 for a quarter of a century. chased the grouchy gorilla and the more amiable chimpanzee to their lairs in the Congo, is now on his way to West Africa, where he, expects to remain a year or two collecting spe- cimens for the Smithsonian Institute. of Washington, D.C. We have Dr. Garner as the authority for the state !anent that gorillas, when caught up td ;the age ,of two years, can be made as {decile as any household pet by kind-' nem and firmness, but that the fey male of the species Is fiercer than thenate. The chimpanzee, -continues theprofessor, can bo taught to speak several words, and he expects to bring home half a dozen live speci- mens, as well as a couple of gorillas, NEWS FROM ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. Derby Prison has been set aside as a military detention barracks. One death has been recorded in the :east enol 1of London from spotted fever . •t ; Per`cy Woodland, the famous steeple- chase jo ke3�, is now a prisoner of war in Turkey,,' pt c pktii�t'e 1.l elf' ie a' r�ewdds Ati ex , FERTILIZERS They are very finely ground and perfectly mixed by the most thorough method known. One of these fertilizers is the right one for your soil. It will increase your crops, hasten maturity, improve the quality and make more money for you. Harab-Davies fertilizers are true plant foods good for both crop and soil. Write to -day for bulletins and our fertilizer booklet. W o send them free of Charge. Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto. ntlassmemttmatlummamtletstleametlunaamastootlemustlastroamtlftlesttlawsmaamatlamorsatomtlit Tag t l ° ire S URN your sullen, gloomy, 4 N profit -eating stump lands into e . happy,smiling fields that bear rich crcps, and put money into the N^ bank for you. Our Free Book, "The Gold in Your Stump Land," shows you how you can transform your barren stump fields into rich virgin farm land. It shows you photographs of immense stumps it has pulled;. it contains letters from the men who pulled them; and it win convince you that the ev wsi st, quickest and cheapest way is with a latearate, 0 and Magistrate of Unned Peach, died recently elation of gas. ' o eis willing to work as road - into taffy. Then cut it off and place The list of tourise. sailiegs between Buckley, Flintshire. on smaller plates to cool. Victoria, Vancouver and Skagway, The Odol Chemical Works, Mar- , which has just been announced by the shal-sea-road, have been purchased coin meal, quarter cup flour, one B.C. Coast 'Serf provides for three by Sir R. Cooper, M.P., for 0,800. Corn Bread—One and one-half cups ''gs:for the Princess A local clitstrict council fined a shell factory 21 shillings for not depositing tablespoon sugar, te teaspoonful salt 2 , round trip sail tablespoons baking powder, one table- ae spoon butter, one and one-quarter cups and seven otthe Princess Alice ,he Princess Sophia, milk, one egg. Mix and sift the floui.,1 maiceng i 17 i is pip sailings all told corn meal, baking powder, salt and , for ihe summer; aeason of 1917. sugar together twice, then into these 1 The advent of the palatial steamship dry ingredients cut the butter with a ' Princess Charlotte in the Alaskan fork until in fine bits. Beat the egg tourist trade last summer was such a slightly and add the milk to it, then pronounced success that the company add this milk -and -egg mixture to the had no alternative but, to arrange for dry ingredients and beat all well to - i her return to the northern run next gether. Pour into a shallow well- ! . year, when it is expected tourist travel greased cake pan and bake in a hot ,1 north will break all records. The oven for about thirty minutes. of sugar,I schedule has been arranged earlier Prune Cake—One cup with a view to giving plenty of time two-thirds cup of butter, yolks of for the arrangement of advance booke three eggs, one cup of cooked and : i_. of nutmeg and an equal amount of i tt "44 when fry -ng i fish the pieces are chopped prunes, one-half teaspoonful , put in the hot fat with the skin side cinnamon added to the flour; one and upperrnest and allowed to brown be - one -half cups sifted flour, the grated fore turning they will not breale rind of half a lemon and a teaspoon- , ess.ng i coarse threads for stitching ful of the juice, three tablespoonfuls! ' does not insure longer service, ag.the of sour cream or, milk, one level tea - thread stands out on the surface of spoonful of baking soda dissolved in. the Cloth, causing it to receive con- e, tableepoonful of hot water and added stant rubbing and thereby wearing to the cream. Mix in order given and away before the garment. bake in moderate oven. When nearly sands of wage earners in a year, I lurk in unseen places, and do most of my work silently. You are warned against ree, but you heed not - I am relentless, I am everywhere. in the home, on the streets, in the iac- Joey, at railway Pressings, and on the I bring sicknees, degradation and death arid yet few seek to avoid me. breaderumbs which have beet brown- ed in hot butter to golden color. Caka With Custard,—Moisten evith lemon Nice enough stale eake to cov- er bottom of glass dish bolding one quart. Make soft custerd by seald- ing two cups milk and pourieg slow- ly over two beaten egg yolks, Mixed with three tablespoons sugar, olio tea. spoon butter, and a little, salt, Cook I destroy, crush or maim; I gtve in double boiler until it thickena nothing, but take all. Strain, alid whee partly tool add One - I am your worst enemy. half teaepoon vatilla and pour over Forestry Journal. CHINA'S POSSIBILITIES. Attention is Drawn to China as a Future Purchaser. Capt. Robert Dollar, of San Fran- cisco, in a recent address before the Vancouver, B.C., Rotary Club, stated: "The Russian trade is an unknown quantity just at the present time. The Russians will likely have but the one port of Vladivostok to offer as the only certaitt port, and taiat might be shut at any time the Russians so wished. It is to China that you must look for your future trade, and I de- sire to emphasize this fact right now that China will be your mainstay in the future in foreign trade relations just as soon as the Chinaman learns his own purchasing power, "China has only been scratched for trade," he said, "and when you stop to consider that one-fourth of the population of the world is livieg there, an immeriee pepulatien which ie awakening to eittilization as we see it, then you may be able to grasp the immensity of the situation, The day is cornieg when the Yang Tse Xiang valley will be the cake. When ready to serve, beat greatest Mole/m:411meg sedum of whites into stiff froth, add Ms tablel the satire world.° plans of therr new buildings. The Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Company have ordered a large high- powered steamship to be laid down Six thousand smokes have been sent to "Islington's Own" Battalion at the front by the Highbury Pat- riotic Platform. The council of Wandsworth has de- cided to erect a permanent memorial to all citizens of the borough serv- ing in the war. presented Corporal Hutchinson, V.C., one of their employes, with 250 in war savings certificates. The rector of Foston, Leicester- for bravery at a fire in Frith Street, The horse power marline Zar the big jobs, for the fields of many stumps; it will pull anything it tack- les, and, heakese. of its triple power, torrents strain to man, easealeinthearal Biagio setting.. • 'Jibe One Men Pulter gets the biggest stu reps. Double leverage gives you a giant's power; a push on the handle means a pull of tons to the stump. Clears an acre from one anchor. Every Kirstin guaranteed for 15 ye.ars, flaw or -he flaw, your money back if the Kirstin bond does not live 8325 Dennis St. OWS O Or up to its prom's°. We gtttaraute-a the Kirstin m ethod to clear lend really for the plow from 1O% to 5034 cheaper: than any -outer IS Yost G Warrallte elle% to all other Profit 5 eele He was too ill from trostbites to Government. Grosvenor House is also come back with the rest of the party. to become a military hospital. Constable Charles Dednum of the For selling margarine Jack Davis, Vine Street station was presented of Stepney, was fined 150. This was with a cheque for £10 at Bow Street his second offence, and the magistrate told him that if he came before him again he would send him to prison. '• death by falling down a well at Via- toria Station Hotel, Nottingham, On a charge of forging and utter- ing, Archibald Eyles, a school teach- er, was sentenced to nine months' im- prisonment at the Old Bailey. A batch of those convicted for tak- ing part in the eecent rebellion in Ire- land have been removed from Dart- moor to the new prison at Lewes. Percy Backbarrow has returned to England. He was the last of Sir Ernest Shackleton's party who had been marooned on Elephant Island. • • 1 1 TO form the basis of an endow- ment fund for scholarships for teach- ing the Russian language to Hull stu- dents, Captain H. Samman has made a gift of £10,000. The more some people get the more . they seem to think it necessary te have. Disabled soldiers are to be allowed to enter free of charge the eveniag a means of amusement. These are Fighting -fish are reared in Siam as classes of the Dudley Art School so small fresh -water fish, and so pugna- as to equip themselves for civil ere- thous that when two of them are ployment when they are able. The Duke of Westminster's offer of Eaton Hall as a military hospital placed near each other they at once begin to fight. When the fish is quiet its colors are dull, but when excited for officers has been accepted by the it is of a metallic brilliance. 26: pivertione