HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-12, Page 84+'1'4"1 +r+++ '➢+++1•+'i+t+++i'+++.4+ 04 ' ++++++++++++++++"'4.444'++++++++++++4444+4"i"'cif. +b 4. • To °to' many Gaston -ors alba _Friends 4. �, * We sincerely thank you for your favors and patron- age show us during the Mast year, and we look forward to a continuance of the same pleasant relations throughout the coming year, hand wish you all a .1Atppj ctitd .1.1'osper'ozus 1017 4. 4. 4' 4 - Fresh Groceries always on hand BTJBY and GASCIIO PHONE 7 44+++++++++++++++++++++++444.1-++++ 444 +44444-44++++++.i4 A 9 as sEME 3ie,::.x s I:WPa3C1E 311=0=8 .6011 Cream, Eats and Butter z :, pi ti WANTED p0 fyi Will pay highest cash price for Cream 1 Putter., and"s :atmY. residence...„.., ... ,delivered Zurich, at any time during the weep. 111 I' I TTDSON, P :lone 5, ZURICH. 3E3:52*03£3,313E3f32t£3833C:3'i3=:s0£3i What Everyone Needs TTIEI BEST LOCAL PAPER AND THE BEST CITY DAILY By. Special Arrangement We Are Able to Offer the Zurich Herald Two T get er, Daily leo the forr$3.75 ail and Empire, the • Get All the News While its News. From World-wide to your own Door. SEND OR BRING ALL ORDERS TO OFFICE OF mT3IS PAPE R Hess & Co JEWELLERS An OPTICIANS - '' Rej5airing a .Seezaly, Coasting on my premises is stticaly £or'bidden. John Galster. LOST -A Rug between Wagner's' corner and Zurich;, a cutter rug, Finder leave at the Herald office LOST -A horse blanket be- tween, Hensall and Zurich, on Dec, 23rd, :Black, yellow and red check, Pinder return to . the Herald Office,. FOR SALE -New Deering 11 -- hoe drill. special priceat $40., also a John Deere low-down manuro spreader, purchasted before advan ce in price,. Will sell at oldprice L. Pranig, Zurich. MEETING OF THE HURON CO- UNTY COUNCIL :4 {The cglancil Of the corporation of the ,eoulnty of ,Huron will meet in, the eouneil chalmber, do the Frown of Goderi:h, on Tuesday the 23rd, day of the present month, k at o ,clock„ Darted January.= th 1917. - LOCAL MAR Corrected (,A Butter DriedWheitil *4 On Api>lss: Oa,ts.... ,.... Barley...... . . Bugkwbeat..... Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade bag Live Bogs fob Hensall .40 45 05 125 1.50 .1.60 65 70 05 1 05 4.75 5.25 $3300 37 00 2.50 11 50 Local News LEG FRACTURED Mr Chris. Bechler., of lake,. who reeent;y re,ureed ,.from the.. west, met wi iii a nasty accldant at the Kippen station yards on Monday, He was assisting with the unloading of a carload, of oats and c:imbed fr {'lit roof of the cal.to ] )osen the brakes 1;The rixse alter" 1 waswnsuccessfu.lanci ill 'lilak ,fer'nl 'int d atl,enj , Gkf sternly, ani �..� .1 'vs feet EX _ tivsl Litton hole. 1 i i yo Lha a ti ager when you eoriel In the 'had for the her$. leg 'which i immg..t+,i :.uxne time. NEW POSTMASTER -GEN Speaker Albert Sevig sworn in as a .memberof adian Government at illi 9,:bypik6 governor-general, the Duke f Devon�:h're. He• fills the va like cy created by the death of I> ,St-: ,master -General Casrga*ainl. • The ,accession of Mr. Sevigny to the Government is •marked by :a shift- ing of portfo'ios amonge4!- the French (ministers;. 13otn P.-;...: .E. Blondin has been moved cirth the state department and beeomc;i postmae(ter-general. Hon.; E. L, Patenaud,e is removed frown; inland revenue and made secretary , of state. Hon. Mr. Sevigny! becomes :minister of inland revenue (The by-election necessitat 'd jiy, Mr. Seviglny'ts' ,elevation to l'• rn ister rank fwill be.January f will offer for re-election tii • .. present riding, Dorchestier -Qu BOARD OF I ,44,'°RIG.U.t TURP (The 113;'.14°''tin .fa the �kSOL "' _ - err of G;'R,z,.,,I - 1,� d•,. be ii.el �e[ad�n On ITuesdlay, -.Tian 1 bora min& afternoon meeting ar ... as we Preston, will apeaIk- on elm as. of the following subjects, :• Forestry, Lu:ermie and othe ere, Soil Problems, Fertzli he Soil and Conservation of nmature. Mr. F. M. Johnston will..ehoose some of the following: (The Dairy Herd, Corn; and the ,Silo; Alfafa Breeding and Feeding r<f: Swine. At the evening ,7,1,iie torig he will discuss either Pou ale lustrated or a few thinge ..wortli, reviewing. Mr. Groh will Choose one of the following for his -even, ins€i subjects;: ;Stairway, to sue-, cess Agricu t aral Ede. ea' ion. . Co- operation,. A lady speaker •will address the members of the % orn-` en"s Ins`.i!tue in the arterio ,n and she will &so deliver 'an',iddion in th. To'vn H 1 a.: t'ie e e.:14! r ing. % 1 BAY COUNCIL !The meua+bers of Bay Council for 1.917 met for their first meeting on .Mo'nday. All were present. Af- ter subeleribing to the declaration of office,and property cl'ua'ification, they proceeded to do bus•in,ess for another year I+' !W. 'Fazincomb, 0. B., will be instructed by ,the clerk to exam- ine W, B, North, Drain, ITbe 'clerk was ordered to sub- scribe for six copies of the Mun- icipal World, one for each member !The following were appointed to the res,pective officers with sal. ares las stated; Clerk,, P. Hess,Sr., $175.00.; ITreasurer, Thos,. Johnson $125.00; Assessor Geo Blackwell, 95.00; Collector, ,E mor K'opp, $80 00; Auditors, J. Campbell and Jacob Haber:r, $ 8 03 each; Care- tkw, rs B. Ho weld. Member of the Board of Health, Albert Heideman : Saul:ary ,Inspectors, Alec 'Munn, .0, i:ilber. The following accounts were passed; N. G. Hess 3 months sal- ary to Dec 31, 1916, $30e.00; P. Mcisaac, ditto, •22209; Can. Ind. Tel Co supplies 10.98; Usborne•tp,4 ex L. road, 7.00;'P. Farneoanbe,exp Mousse:au award 28.50 ; 0. Weber express, 60; R. Munn error tel 12.00 er1r.. nomination expenses 9.00; t Aid Society, gran t:5.00; ,°dek chid ea, grant 7000; ecount 4.90; G. 'rheil ,., 1.50; W. Ehler s, error Butter 1VIa F. Hess, Sr. fees Mou is well knhn,d 6 8 A. Weber, gravel ‘'3411- a Illgrald, printing, 27.25; D. 'V.hWat,tzentruber, error dog tax' 1.09; P. M-Ualac, bat a -e`. fro'•.n Oct 1 5.:00,7 P: IvlcIsaiac hauling poles 2,50. F. Hess, 'Sr., e.lerk. PRESENTATION (The anemi:begs of the Bible Claes O f the Evangelical church presen- ted their .president, lvlr. Win. O'-! Brien, 'with a handsome rocking chair and an !address, last Friday evening in recognition of 'his ser - ,vices in connection: with the class. Following is the address: t , Zurich, Jan!„ 5th,1917 Dever brother O'7Brien:- (We have gathered. were this eveini.ng, the members of the Bible C1a'sis, of the Evangelical e hharch, to show you in as sort of way, !thle ,deep respect and ' esteecki,, .06 411-.6.0. you in. • As piresident •of' __rr. ...Tve.. have; always; 4 ea k5-3 � div-esu-"�v� m ��'ann t ate- � a fot>bpt �g >< � the 10kU.delrits relatinb to y6� of "140 ice: (We have always fond you, :. true and upright Christian and • 'good example for, us to -look to. : ' In presenting you! with th's chair • WIT hope Is, that you may longbe • spared to enjoy its comforts and when you use it may you always • hh.ve a kind thaurght fo: the mem-. Li hers -:of the Bib'.e Class. A► Signed on behalf of the' class' • Mr. OlBriein, although complet- - ely taken, by s`urpri•'e in su`table o words thanked the givers for their, i kind thoughts and: the handsome! e Igifti, 1 t s • Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, high closet, tied back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven thermometer and a large oven, 20x22, Best Stove on the market, only $50. Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout prices. Call and see before you buy. All stoves guaranteed or no sale. e. The Stove Quer We were lucky once more i•': ing contracted for about 50 .5 of all kinds a year ago, and then stoves have greatly adva in ,prices, We are still sellin the old prices. Call and see BIG STOVE BARGAINS SEE OUR Cook stove with resevoir for $20.., '' " extended for $25. Ba'nges complete for $33. CEST COMBIi1 ATI®1t ATORE NOW Confectionery Store Dashwood Bread and Cakes. Stratford Bread, Neilson's Chocolates & Candies Choice Confectionery & Groceries Stationery of_all kinds Picture Post Cards and Novelties California Toilet Preparations Agency must be b W. C. Wagner - - Zurich for Parisian Steam Laundry. Parcols 'ought in before Tuesday evening of each week. Your Patronage Solicited 3F3f3#F7r 3E3�3E3F3if3�E3E3! • a ee®tieee its•••weeeadiilsaoa•e•i• • • A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS . NEW ADS -R. N. Douglas, I. Hudson. Huron. County Council, 'Depart3nentt of. finan-e, L. Prang, .G R. (Hess &' Co., Zurich Agric-t ;ttlt1nal Society tee:i.ng,., � pl �4�.yot �'� rder ?� *th � quors by Mall And have your ..delivered to your hole. IIr. A. 3, Denomy, a firmer Hay Township resident, conducts ra Mail Order business for Liquors in Detroit, and is in a position to supply your needs for the Holidays at standard prices for Walker's, Gooderham (Ss Worts or Seagram's Whiskeys. Price List below includes packing, containers and all express ['charges. Do not send your money to Montreal.Patronize an old Huron boy. PRICE LIST WALKER'S EXTRA OLD I.YE Per case, 3 bottled -•- --- ••• ...$3.00 Per case, 4 bottles •........ ...... 3,90 Per case, 6 bottles - .-- .-- -5.00 Per case, 21 bottles - --• •-- ---8,75 I gal, jars, each •-- •-- ...4.50 2 gal, jars, each •-•• - 8.50 5 gal. jars, each .-- •.• _-- . • ...20.75 WALKER'S' IMPERIAL Per ease, 3 bottlee Per case, 4 bottle, ... -•- .__ •.•$4.25 Per case, 6 bottles ,- 5.50 Par ease, 12 bottled:- „- --• ,- 9•, 75 Per ease, 6 flasks ..- ••• .•- 41.25 11 gal, jars, each ....:............5,25. 2 gal. jars, each. 9,.75 OLD RYE ,''e' gag. jars _._ --- ... _...$4.00 2 gal. jars •- -•- - __. ._7.50 5 gal. jars -.-_- - ......_-_17.50 WHITE WHISKEY 1 gal jar $x.00 2 gal, jar .. ... 7.50 WALKER'S CANADIAN CLUB Per case, 3 bottles , . --• $4.25 Per case, 4 bottle:t - •-- •-• ---5.25, Per case, 6 bottles 7.80 Per ease; 12 bottles,---. if) gal. jars each ... ... ... ... ......6.25 gal, jars, each ... 11.75• MALT WHISKEY 1 gal, jar, extra fine $4.50 2 gal, jar, extra fine .... ---8.50 Allowance will be, Rade for empty jars returned, freight pre- paid, in good condition; 1 gal 30c: '2 gal. 50,1; 5 gal. jars $1.25 each. There is no (duty to pray• imported and Domestic Wines, Scotch .and Irish Whiskeys Gins and Brttndies, supplied on shortest noose and at lowest prices for standard **brands. Write for prices on these. AR J. D�' 'il'� 20 E.�Woodbridge St., ,iia, W,w..•IETMT ; .• • 3 • • • A e 3 3 A • fib3 ea • 0 • M • 0 0 • - • • 0 • • • d 0 e NEW YEAR TO ONE NAND ALL Come and See the Latest It is a pleasure to show our beautiful Holiday Goods, and you. wifl oblige us by considering this a personal invitation to call and in- spect our extensive NEW LINE of Christmas Novelties. You will Get New Ideas • - -a • 0 • • as you look through our Holiday Stock. Itis a practical -demon‘ stration of POSSIBILITIES in gathering under one roof ',nearly •,. everything to make people HAPPY at CHRISTMAS time. The Finest Sight in Town is our BEAU.IFUL stock of GIFTS containing all that is 2 BRIGHT. FRESH, NEW and NOVEL in Holiday Goode of gen - nine worth and unquestioned value for really desirable presents. ,••, • We can meet your Wants • Whatever your needs, come and let us show you a VARIETY of • i beautiful presents that will AT ONCE appeal to you as '`JUST a 2 / THE THING." We have genuine new attractions for Christmas. wall and we want you to res them. ` Iiiund Painted Nippon China • We have added to our stock thisyea a bearitiful range • of Hand Painted China ;1 K, 1 . , Our Grocery Department s filled with the choicest Groceries obtainable, also candies, ,l nuts, oranges, Peels. Raisins, Currant4, Shelled Nuts, eta, OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE Our extraordinary variety of PLEASING and APPROPRIATE Christnnas Goods, the very Iatest from "SANTA LAND" will: afford you a wide range of selections in X'> : gifts. To secure the choicest gifts we would invi f: your shopping at the earliest possible moment as numerous eelr,•tr::;.ns are being made' daily. • T. L WLIRM Phone 28ZURICH �r 1