HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-12, Page 4• it FRENCI1FEAR HERALD PRINTINO FFICE VictoriaSt. Z,urlch,o ANDREW k'. $JSS and CHESTER £ SWI1i'H• ;SUBSCRIPTION PRICE'3I.00 A YEAR li. S• subscripton 10,go,;titrictly in advance, ADVERTISING TERMS, Rates for display and contract advertisements *Who: ?Yen on apphatton.. IC Transient notices such as legal, corporation, soca *ea., so cents per line foi 'first insertlrn and 3 cents tie for each ehbsequent insertlen, Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an admiss ion fee is charged or a special collection taken Will be charged tor at the regular advertisng rates Notices of religious or other meetings the object o Which is the benefit of the community and not for per octal or seetarlan interest or gain, will be cheerluly =wed, free. Advertisments without specific directions will be seaerted uatitl forbid and charged accordingly. Trau sictt advertismenrs must oe paid for in advance. strayadvs. $t for three insertions. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. ...Usages for contracttdvertisemments must be in the offige by 6 p, m., Tuesday,otherwise they will be left bt,.a untiithe following week. Address all communion ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. 'THURSDAY, JAN .11, 1917 A Guarantee ITO OUR SUBSCRIBERS: Newspaper conditions are such that publishers all over Canada may be tprced on very short notice to increase s bseription rates. We have concluded an agreement with the T,aln,ly ,Herald and WeelsyS ar of Moss'Ci eat :by whish we c'gn ia'ntee one week's notice before +any change makes 'place. That means that ,our clubbing rate with that great popu:ar weekly will ARRAPara meeting of the year lin the (Town hall, Cied- iton, on Monday, .the 8th of Jan- uary 1917 tat 11 a. xu. After each .member had •sub&eribeel to his decle ratios• of office and property qualifiea'tiohi, the narrates: of the previous aueetiitg were read. and :adopted,. f Neeb-Webb;; That a bylaw le pass:ed :appo'nting the following mundeipai officers) viz; Jos Guinean, 'as;sessor and t.rua'lt book emseraerattor Ot t a salary of $100.00; Jos Getman. sheep value ia'tor at the rate' of $1.50 pier diem lajnid 100 mlilaige; James Hodgins, caretaker of :the hall $25.01; Chas. Zwic'ker and iT11.om'as Trevethick, ;ahicl.itors at $4..03 each; H. F, .l.ilber :Truant officer; Alonzo Hodgins, A. Hodgins, :member of the Board of 'Health; IWimi• Lewis, Ed. Broken - :shire land W. B. Oliver, Ftfanitary inspectors with div:sions• con Ito 11; con 12 to 17 ian'd con 18 to we -•t- eon boundry of the .municipality, respectively. Carried. Yearly Neeb; iThiat by-law No. 231 appointing the above officials having been read three times be ;passed and signed by the reeve and clerk nod the seal of the cor- poratino tattached thereto. Car- ried. Yearley -Mawhinney; That Alon- zo Hodgins, the collector c.f tales. is hereby authorized to can-• tinue the li'•;vy and collection of taxes in the manner and with the power provided for by law for the general levy and collection of taxes Carried. ,The following `orders were pas- sed; as- sed; firm. Duhisford gravel $2,73; W. British Red Cross Soo. Tp coli, 97.46' A. Hodgins sal AS tlol'eetor 62 C0 Tiernan & Edighoffer nails, ,811. 'Hospital for Sick Children, grant, 5 00 ; Municipal World sub- scription, 5.00; Mrs. J. Holtzman hold ;good for any subderiptions tTreas. Crediton Red Cross Soc. 'received during one week after grant, 50 00;C. Pope refund dog lax 2.00; J. P. Smith lumber 6.05;J. F. Smitth rep bridge E. S. R. 1.00; A, ;Weber work in pfilh N. B. 9.75. The council adjourned to meet themselves' in some way against :again in the !Towln Hall, Crediton the ordinary conditions that are on111ondey, the 5th of Meech next z:hanging from week •to week.Our [at 1 P. ;m. clubbing rate with the Fam'ly Her- Henry Eilber, Clerk. ala and WEe'.1y Etar of Mcn'tl.eal is •---- ---- $1.83 per year. This rate is HURON' COUNTY COUNCIL FOR 1917 The County. Council for 1917 will be composed op follow e Sealerth-J A. Stewerc, •�, up--taat?"iv1. g@ notn•cr�. L•t:borne—T. Brook. Exe1 er—B W. P. Beavers, alt phren—;W. Elliott, . Hey—E H. Neeb 1 eheld—A. Er Erwin. Htncall—G. T. Pet_y. Stanley—J, McKinley Goderich Township -1W. H. Lobb Go:ie:•ie.h-C.Nairn 3. C, Lathwa•te Ashfield—Charles Stewart. Colborne—G. Young, West Wawanosh—D. Murray. East {Wawanash-J. N. Campbell Hullett—M. Armstrong. Grey—R.Livingstone, J.McNab. :til' ir,gllann—W. Isbist er. Clinton—CM. <Thrnrpson. Morris—J. Shortreed. Blyth—Dr. Milne aWroxeter—C. Reis. Howiek-R.Hardy, L.Demmerling Brussels—S. iT. Plum ITurn.berry—T. K. Powell, Ave publish. to motice of increatie iai price. It does not fo:ow that there will necessarly be an increa se but publishers roust protect gr eanteed dor one week after tth-spaper reeaches aul.scribers; Sexed ort ,rs to :The Herald, Zure "`'3811!: LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, BGood smith and soft coal. supply on hand. i F. CASE gt 8O PHONE 33 HENSALL 1966 4'1 HMG UST t.. lu. d Daily Globe ..$3 '75 t Weekly Globe 1 75 " Daily Mail and Em- pire.................... 3 75 'Neely Mail and hiUtnpire175 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star.. 1 76 London Free Press Morning Edition.... 3 60 Evening Edition,... 3 60 `°Weekly Edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition3 60 Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 " Farmers Advocate... 2 40 `r Montreal Fancily Herald and Weekly Star 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 Canadian 'Country. tt tt rt tt tt tt ct FARM FOR SALE Comprising 153y acres, in Stan-. ley 1i% miles north. of Blake, with good buildings, Barn 40x60, with. good straw s'l'ed, 10x36. driving shed 21x30, with hog lien underneath and a cider mill in good running order Stables are cement, also floors. Good stone house, 11 rooms, with good cell.r, hard and soft water inside. A- bout 30 acres of good bush of !nix-, ed timber, maple, beech, hemlock, basswood,elm and white ash. •Tile farm is well drained and fenced, ;t• - bout 3 acres of orchard— apples,, plums, peaches, etc. Ten acres fall -wheat, 60 acres plowed and about 50 acres seed in grass. 'Will be sold at 'a reasonable price. For particulars apply on the premises lot 8, 'coin:. 13, 'Stanley, Merano D. Steckley:, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. My ace .unts are rea,Iy. If owing me call. If not called They will be mailed. R. F. Stade, Zurich, For Sale Fine 7 -roomed Brick residence for sale in Zurich, Good ,stable and good well on premises. 'perms reasonable. For particulars ap-, 2 501 ply to XI: s 7d. Rupp, Zurich. DRYSDALE Messrs. Richard Laporte and 'Teddy Rau have returned to Sand- wich, to re -win's their studies at. L',Ass'umptiozi College. The recant draw leas spoilt our good sleighing. CREDLTON Harrington Finkbeiner was op -i erated oin for appendicitis by De. Hagmeier of Kitchener. He is progresseng favorably,.. Miss Clara Feltner has returned from ei visit to Detroit. ,larrison Holtzman has revered his connection with C %wickor's; an 'i will go to Pigeon, Mleh., work. �HEINSALL Mr. Geo;. McIntyre of Detroit visited at the home of Mr. and Mrsj 3. F, Sparks over the ho'idays. A- lso Miss Bell .Sparks and Miss Ede gar of Braintfexrd. A pretty wedding was ce'ebra at the home of Mr. Robert Laren, of near .Hensall, on Frd, when his daughter, Miss'M. was lunited in .marriage to Edina Glen, of Stanley, by Rev. W. Moore. Dr. 3. W. Peck left For Victoria hospital, London, las: week, whcx ;, he expected to iunclergo an oper- ation for 'appendie tis • Mrs. R, D. Bell is; visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. pummel, of, Bloomsburg, Pa, INCE DASHWOOD The ladies iol' 'thus( village ;.are busy knitting And :stewing for the Red Cross at ipreseil>It,. Mr- ia'n•d Mrs. Miles! and ::'VXr, and NET, Granger of Sarnia were here attending the funeral of their Fath er the late Reny Be'nde'r,. Mr. Edmund Kraft has purchased the butcher busl'ness from Mr, Ed. Kraft and 'takes possession Feb, =sit: Mrs. H.:Guenther attended the funeral of la cousin at Woodstock, this 'week. Mr.. and Mrs. Nan,Held l:laveze_,. turned after :spending the ho:id,ay in London land Detroit. Miss Ella Caln.eron, of Pittsburgh is. visiting at her home here. Mr. Charlie iGenit�tn.er left for Lon{f z.,: for the rem:i'nc'ez of the ra,lxad Mrs. Alviin Nicholson ...pe i. Dave Hartleib of the veep a11ed on, friends here Mo.n- de;14 tfy Is.raft of the Town. Line '",--e411 with erysipe'as. We • +1' la speedy recovery. i iaymond Callfas returned on true lay after sipending the ho'l- d'ay .vit!h ,his s s':er in Port Huron. ill week it is( o;ur sad duty to recdt the death of Henry Lender, •Stir. - he [deceased '= fd ed had been in (Poor health for soma time, suffer - pg. c; ith !Bright's Dis:easel. Dur - pig t last fe'sv weeks he bad fail- ed 7.,e.:e rapidly and on Tuesday ;Wm. Biushaman, of Daup'hin,:Man visited relatives and friends lie e recenitly, after an aibs!ence of 20 years 'in' the wesit, Cleve Joyut ,has recovered from, his recent illness. EXETER A quiet . wedding took Oakes at. the Me,thofi.t parsoneg•-, Lozit'onj when Richard B. Hicks, son of Mr. Siamuel Hi_'ks of Usborne, .\'as. united in rm+airriage to !Miss, ;.Annie Irene, ryoungesj daugll;iie: 1f � 3, •iWillr aF'the. 'Y'con eN.on le death treleived him of his siu£fd i u He had reached the ager o 67 ,years, 3 months and 17 s7'aps jile is survived by his, 'ori.oa iitrg widow, who is also very 1;2' sons; 5 dans 'fitters and "3 bre•'hens. i Ie '►vas 'a member oi,.ohe •i2.vanivgelic.ai church. Inter-. tabk ,(palace to . the Goshen einetery on •Prid!ay after --i • • Py�ww, ,2 Frank Ma.Iteit, ling in the busda, withhis team one day last week had the misfortune of being painfully iinjured, and as, a result has now to move around by :the lard of crutches, .:[t .appea s; i he WAS hitching the tPttln to . taia sleighs when orie of the horses Triad s a jump, and Mr. MailetN's leg was caught between the whi..- fletree and the runner, inflicting a painful woend, that was necsss!c ate his laying off work for some time. • Mrs. E. A. Follick has received word that her cousin, Pte. Leon- ard Rogers had been killed in France. He formerly lived in :Toronto Both by-laws voted on passed. The hydro by-law passed by 120 mejori'.y. and the by-law appoint- ing a commissionpassed by 133 maijoi•ity. • t'fiss Quinn, of Hespler, has be- en el gaged as commercial teacher of the High ,School. W. D Weeks is taking .x-ray treatment. in London for an ernet- ion on his head. Mr. Rc,se, buttermaker, at the Exeter creamery, is taking ;r course in Guelph college this' winter. John Gidley, for many years one of Exeter's leading business men, is dead ht ' eHe had been an invalid for 23 years:, Be- sides ,his widow he is survived by Dine brother, Richard. IThe funer- al was held on 'Wednesday. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. There passed iaway at his home in Stanley on Thursday, Georgc Elgie at the age of 63, ,vicars, De- ce'a'sed had been 111 for only a week' with pneumonia, The funeral will be (held oin Saturday. NOTICE fIaike Notttice that the annual , Izneetdng rof ithe Zurich ;Agricul•;j-1 nrlial iSiocieity will be held iin the :Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday, Jan, �i9tQ , 1917, Ialt one roi'(clock, Vohn, Pfaff, Pied, An•dew F. Hess, Sec.-Treaq •Darted At Zurich, Jamt, Sth, 1917. 1 3'b • lasxi , ' �r I eviilc anc1 osabti1 lied r l en aiig iC"c� icjirii ,s their ll l es here ,i •>? jc w r. Mrs Tobias Guenther ' Yetar's dinner to their er "x;11. Zvcr(e present ex r _and Mrs. John Hoffman ltstcrek. The bill of fare e`..` of fowl an,d plum pud- duanor :dinner and o ;ters for slupe. liesi' 1 P fes all the other good thing!; which sire usually faun:bat these occasions. After supper a very _pleasant ' time was spent in g•aftnea ,amid songs until a late hour.; 'Those p'res'ent were: 1Vlr, Christ Dahmer and family, Credi'on; Mr. Sol Martin and fam- ily, Babylon Line; Mr, Chas Guen- ther and family; Mas:. Hy. Guen- ther read family and Mr. David Bettchenr and family of Dashwood also a ',number of other friends! Befpre leaving •they hoped that all kv�aew lye to spen'd ma'y more such biis family gatherings. O 'al r 0 0 i' - - 1. 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 00 • Y • • • • 4 0 N MaseyJJarris ImpImplements1. . We have been re -appointed Agents for the above~ maned Implements and are prepared to take orders of all kinds of Massey-f=larris� ma chines for next season, WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASS' Y 'HARR'IS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs Cutters, and We repair t he same class of goods. and •" • • • Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman •• - F. Hess & Son a The Old Stand 0 . • . - (g00e0e06000imeerteeseeeesno t$seam seceseeeoecooQoaeooree d•o°i1 + 2••i i••II i•+++.g.+4. } 3 .I :• p i••I i , , �• i••§••i••,'••2 ; ,;..l..a..;.•j,.l ,r,.i 71•+++.s •P•• o•✓s1 509000 FEET •1• 4. 4. 4. .s. PHONE Nil 4. eel 50,000 feet good hard maple saw Iogs wanted. Will pay highest cash prices. Also all kinds of other logs wanted. Custom Sawing our Specialty ALIF'LEjSCJ ZURICH 4. .1-44+444.++ ,1•1.4.4.++4.4.+444.÷. H.kyt.• .1..•f,•IO •S f•, ,. p I �II• I ' 3 i ,• I. ?•� •r•I• g i 3.•1• x• i �, To .iia` e '6 eke .eked our store with _a laI•ge r. aoods'suitable� for cold weather wear. We a are ready cadof supply your wants in . these goods. Come and o, See, eavy,Rubbers 'SHOES We have 'a large, stock of ,men's We have a nice line of shoes for and boy's heavy rubbers and wool young men. Come in and see these • soaks. All sizes. and prices are styles. Also everyday shoes for men, b women and children at righ prices. Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and khaki trousers for men and boys. No better made. Get our prices. L. BR?SSON Sweater Coats See our lines of Sweater Coats, for men and',children many styles. and colors. Special values. She Repairinn of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. PHONE 1on86 Drr dale; TO IN\/EST�Rs THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOPARION t gR 019 111r .j E k'd •a , IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills gr other like short date scruriiy. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT', OP FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th, 1036. S OCK