HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-12, Page 3The hd&e West
tents From Provinces Where Many
Ontario Boys and Girls Are
A new C,N.R. depot has been open-
ed up in Calgary recently.
Returaed Soldiers' Association
romes were opened 'recently at Ed -
There:were 88 fires in the city ipf
Edmonton during Neyember.
Alberta industries have increased
in all parts of the province during
• At the annual convention of the
Prince Albert district grain rovvers,
a resolution was passed expressing
• the opinion of the delegates that no
other lapguage than English should
be taught in the schools of Saskatche-
J. L. Smith arrived in Peace River
from Carcajou with a cargo of 350
pounds of fur, having made the trip
up the river, some 200 nines, in five -
and -a -half days,
The Bassano municipal hospital at
Calgary was officially opened by the
Hon. Wilfrid Gariepy recently.
• A convention of Russians residing
• in Alberta and Saskatchewan, attend-
ed by 250 delegates, held at Edmon-
ton, sent a telegram to the president
of the Duma urging the continuance
of the war to a satisfactory end.
The following are the enlistments
at Edmonton for overseas service
during the past four months: August,
246; September, 205; October, 188;
November, 182; total for four months,
.$eware of the Cold
Storage Egg! In his
work on food and dietetics
Doctor Robert Hutchison
says, "the absence of car-
bohydrates prevents eggs
from being in any sense a
complete food." This refers
to the fresh egg—the egg
with a clean bill of health.
What would Doctor Hut-
chison say of the modern
cold storage egg? At pre-
sent prices two eggs cost
ten cents—and the egg is
not a complete food! Some-
thing must be eaten with it
to supply the needed carbo-
hydrates. Two Shredded
Wheat Biscuits, with cream
or milk, make a complete, per-
fect meal at a cost of four or
five cents. Made in Canada.
How a Critical Situation Was Saved
By Scotch Soldiers.
An officer of the Royal Flying
Corps, a native of Aberdeenshire,
who served with various Highland
units during recent Western front
fighting, paid a striking tribute to a
historic Highland regiment. Inter-
' viaeol. in London, he said:—
"In a battle fought under modern
conditions the airmen up aloft gener-
ally sees more of the actual fight
• than anybody elee. Ijiave seennnuch
• aale• Semissesaan
• ave seen a so soiree of the finest t
of lieroism that have been
cd by our troops. I do not care much.
for making distinctions between this
regiment or that regiment, but I
think the finest bit of work I have
seen out tbere was the charge of the
Argylls. The position was critical.
The battalion had advanced through
a vertiable valley of death. It had
suffered heavy casualties, but in
spite of all the fighting spirit of these
. glorious Highland lads was untamed.
"Many of the wounded refused to ,
•fall out, and kept in the ranks as long
as it was 'humanly possible to do so.
Something appeared to have gonee
wrong on the right of tree battalior
Anyhow the attacking line had a Oa
in it. The German were quick to see ,
their advantage. Into the gap they
threw a battalion of their best and
freshest troops. Seizing a section
of trench lightly held this new bat-
talion used it as a jumping off place
from which to ,pleliver what was meant
to be a crushing blow at the right
flank of the Argylls. It was neces-
sary that the Argolis should repel this
attack, and at the same time continue
their advance towards their own ob-
jective; otherwise there would be an-
-*other gap on the right of the troops
attacking to the left of the Argylls.
"There was no time to be lost. Two
companies of the Argylls were mus-
tered to meet the new attack. They
didn't wait for it. Led by an officer
who- was the idol of his men this de-
... • aatachment left its trenches and ad-
yanced across the open to meet the
• oncoming foe. The enemy were tak-
abackat this method of meeting
an attack; but before they had time to
recover the Argylls were on them with
the baOonet. The German line held
'fast for only the fraction of a minute.
The. charge of the Highlanders was ir-
resistible, The German attack was
shattered with bayonet and bomb, and
in aa few minutes the battalion of
picked' troops was little more than a
pailic-strielcen mob. Then the Argylls
eeturried to their position, and pro-
eaeried with their main attack."
Blouses and
Basque blouses, though they are be-
ing favored more and more day by
day, have not succeeded ire ousting
the blouse that is worn inside the skirt.
The model with a, frill of anti lace in
front or of the soft material of the
blouse still holds its own. Some very
attractive new blouses are of tan or
sand -colored Georgette decorated with
shadow embroidery in fine wool. Motifs
worked in old blue, old rose and tan
enhance the artistic beauty of these
waists. Bright yellow and deep rose
are among the newest colors that have
been seen in separate blouses.. Some
have collars of the same material,
while others are trimmed with a es e
No matter what rumors may be ch.-
culated to the contrary from time to
time, the separate waist an & skirt are
always with us. Separate skirts are
Done Again.
"Hi! hi! Walk up, ladies and
gents. No waiting. Come and see
the latest. A real live horse that's
got its tail where its head ought to be.
Only five cents to see it! Children
half-price!" thus shouted the old
The crowd paid the money and pass-
ed in. There stood an ordinary
horse, backed against a food -trough.
"It's tail is in its right place," said
the people.
"No, it ain't," said the showman, as
he edged towards the door. "It's got
its tail in its food -trough, and that's
where its head ought to be!"
Very Late.
A young woman came in quite hur-
riedly after the musicale had begun.
"Have I missed much?" she asked.
"What are they playing now?"
"The Ninth Symphony."
"Oh, goodness! Am I really as late
as that?"
Don't Rub It On
Bruises or Sore MuscieS
loan's Liniment quickly pene-
trates and soothes without
rubbing. Cleaner than mussy
plasters or ointments; does not
• stain the skin.
Have a bottle bandy for emergency,
rheumatic aches and pains, neuralgia, lum-
bago, gout, strains, sprains and lame back,
yield to Sloan's Liniment.
At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00.
Malang Paper in Japan.
Paper making was one of the
earliest industries of Japan. When
Europeans were writing on the skins
of animals and leaves of plants an-
cestors of modern Japanese were re-
cording their thoughts on paper made
from wood or vegetable fibre, Paper
malting in japan was probably intro-
duced .froin Korea about A.D. 610.
The British Government receives
• ever a million pounds a year in divid-
• ends from its shares in the Suez Canal.
our aby's
Cheer ful, Chalky Children
Make the Horne Happy
Weak, puny babies are a constant
care to tired mothers and are subject
to many diseases that do not affect
healthy children.
Keep your children in good health.
See that their bowels move regularly
—especially during the teething period.
This is a distressing time in the life
of every child and the utmost pre-
caution should be taken to keep them
well and strong.
By the consistent use of
Mrs. Winslow's
Sktothing, Syrup
it is possible to avoid many childish
ills now so prevalent,
It is a corrective for diarrlicea, colic
and other infantile ailments. It soothes
the fretting baby and p c 111 t s the
child to sleep well and grow healthy.
It brings comfort and relief to both
child and mother,
Mrs. Wins cods
So thing Syrup
Makcs Cheerful,
Chubby Children
Is absolutely non-narcotic. It con-
tains no °phial, morphine nor any of
their derivatives. It is soothing, pleas-
ant and harmless. For generations
mothers in all parts of the world have
used it and millions of babies have
been beteated by it,
Roy El bottle today end
have it handy
Relieve and Protect Your Children
So/../ /jv tll druggists in Canada and
throng/mut the =world
Very Fine.
fry gentleman in Ireland,
• a a' small sporting estate to sell,
• °Used it, and soon afterward a
a er ematacalled to see about it.
Well, sir," said he, "I have been
o ly hard on the health of little ones.
's that estate you advertised, and
‘r The weather is often so severe that
a ri. it all right except that fine trout
r"it. runs through the wood in the the mother cannot take the little one
you mentioned."
is th
lower part of the meadow," said the
"What! That little brook? Why, it • badl
lead teener.
r oalen6 Reid much more than a spoon_ Own
Ili '1 alri sure if you were to empty the
atil of water into it it would over- the
or e
ow. You don't call that a fine
1 by
01 tm, do you?"
F .2.• with," said the owner, blandly, cent
. 'aif it were much finer you couldn't see Med
a ell!"
''L413 Liniment Cares Diphtheria.
141%.7.And Thee Be stops.
4tuffem poses as a hustler, doesn't I<
neresaasas &teats. e enearraan all'
Saa 'AL ''1:1C6rIP'13 'A.,1:„, V
IA P e la s
up a
s Liniment Co., Limited.
'emen,—Theodore • Dorms, a
War Great Leveller of Class and
Democracy Promoter.
In the proclamation issued by the
German Government the other day,
half appealing and half commanding
the German women of every rank to
enter the public serviee as actual
workers, there was one curious and
significant phrase, says the New
York Times. As translated, it char-
acterized • as "idiotic class distinc-
tions" those lines whieh, mare rigid-
ly in Germany than in any other
European country, except perhaps in
Anstria, have divided t he population
into little less than separate species.
If these distinctions have come to
seem "idiotic" to the rulers of Ger-
many, then it would be impossible to
exaggerate the influence toward
democracy which the war has exert-
ed, for certainly, before the war, the
djvidieg line between class and
class were held to be natural, immov-
able and commendable --in short,
5HruL acus
:CR t efrgiy7c. IT Di
ORATE OFS001111140
An Old Quotation.
Mabel—Did that painter who stain-
ed your front door to look like
necessary for the existence of society
mahogany do a good job?
as in Germany it ought to be,. Edith—He shall never darken my
There a man or woman was "born"door again. •
or was not, and that ended the mat-
ter for him or her, and it also de-
cided the things he or she could and
could not do. All that is ended if
glass distinctions really were called
idiotic in an official proclamation of
high provenience.
The change would be so enormous,
however, that one is almost forced to
doubt the accuracy of the translation.
Our Canadian winters are extrerae-
for an airing. The consequence
at baby is confined to overheated,
y ventilated rooms; takes colds
becomes cross and peevish. Baby's
Tablets should be given to keep
little one healthy. They regulate
stomach and bowels and prevent
ure colds. The Tablets are sold
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
s a box from The Dr. Williams
icine Co, Brockville, Ont.
The Quarrelsome Man.
think it's a mistake, old man, to
rel with everybody in town."
What do I care?"
You may care if you ever want a
y trial for anything.'
aaanaearaalaassae cures, Distemper,
' sear o*aad,,a" de.
-0.03.te,1 smodel
offered, it plain d44 -L
some with pockets and yokes an kir
without. ,A yoke which ext es
points over the hips is except „eel
smart. Over the points are plaktk•
little pockets with flaps that are
toned down.
Scotch plaids andsahecked materials
in. two colors are used for the service-
I able tailored skirts, as well as the eta
I er popular woolen fabrics of the 'seaa
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer or from
the McCall Company, '70 Bond street,
Toronto, Ontario. "Dept. W."
Unskilled Munition Workers Called to
It was officially announced that the
Admiralty, the Ministry of Munition
and the Army Council have agreed to
s'a• aBaeeattigr'aigaaa
, Orarmisted Eyelids,
ticEyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun, Dust and Wind
quickly relieved by Murine
Eye Remedy. No Smarting.
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Merinetya
SalveinTubes25e. Forflook oi theEyerreeask
Druggists or Merin Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Predictions and Facts.
The British Empire, according to
the German Minister of Finance, will
go down like Belshazzar's empire. He
also said that food is cheaper in Ger-
many than in England or France. If
his predictions are no more aceurate
than his statements of fact, Britis
need not worry.—New York Evening
Tdinard's Eipt•ment Cures Colds, Etc.
When it comes to solid comfort there
there is very little to choose between
an easy conscience and an easy Pair
of boots.
EtEcKaracs WANTED.
handy men on shell boxes, hand
andtuie stqn.dttlex.ueraiii‘gt. Gold Medal Furni.
• TIEWISPAYEBB 2•01t sans
it Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of an businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany. 7s ViTest Adelaide Street. Toronto.,
ittle 'Mary' was experiencing all thel CiANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC..
titude always brings in its train. uottbra,geb40011.1artehors.trittimmeannt.m-leic.rifei3
internal and external. cured with-
gnant suffering which manifest in- ad
C Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
er of mine, was completely i Her
b.a. 'rheumatism after five years t net
a ' 'ng, by the..judicious use of ! tin
ea'S LINIMENT. • cake.
Ache above facts can be verified by "Won't you give your little sister
Ring to him, to the Parish Priest a piece?" she asked coaxingly.
"No; I won't!" said Arthur, with un-
o. any of his neighbors.
A. COTE, Merchant. compromising decision. And he ate
, . , , on steadily till the last mouthful was
Ste daidore, Que., 12 May, '98.
disposed of. Then Mary could stand
it no longer.
little brother, only now convalesc-
from an attack of measles, was sit -
g up in bed munching a sponge -
Bog Remedies
And How to Feed
sivilea free to any address by
the Author
I West 31:1 -Street, New York
"Mother," she cried, "Arthur' e a When buying your Piano
Profiting by Experience. wicked, greedy boy! He won't give insist on having an
ber'utiful daughter. A young ensign, yet it was Inc that gave him the " OTTO Hi GEL"
A well-known naval dignitary has a ' me the tiniest piece of his cake, and
• no resources but his salary, fell . measies1" PlANO AOT1ON
meove with her, and asked the old
gentleman. for her hand.
The father at once taxed him with
that he had only his salary
idly enough to keep him in white
yes and to burnish his brass but -1
saaaell, admiral, what you say is
weaa,• But when you married you
ere anis a midshipman, with even a
eandler salary than mine. How did
*04 get along?" askod the ensign, who I
lialleved he had made the most diplom-
release for military service, at atiea
early date, all semi -skilled and
skilled men of military age in =Wt.
tion factories who can be spared with-
out prejudicially affecting the output
of munitions, says London Mail.
For the time being the military au -s
thoritiee propose to call to the colors!
atic of defences.
such of these men up to 31 yearsof But not so. The crafty old sea -dog
age as may be fit for general service. 1 thundered forth:
To avoid dislocation they will be . lived on my father-in-law for
called up in consultation and agree- the first ten years, but I'll be hanged
ment with representatives of the if you are going to do it!"
Government Departments concerned.
These proposals do not involve the
calling up of skilled men, and in or-
der further to secure the retention
importance the Army Council will by the child as a guide to the other
When a child dies in Greenland the
natives bury Ft living dna with it, the
idea being that the dog should be used
of skilled men on work of national
sue trade cards through' a number of world.
trade unions to their members who But the softer the road the harder
were registered as journeymen and
apprenticed before August 15, 1915. ithe travelling.
This big comb -out follows upon the
I Order tinder the Defence of the
I Realm Act giving power to call on
1any exempted man to undergo a Medi-
cal Board examination. It is to be
followed by a comb -out of Govern-
' rnent Departments, beginning with
the Board of Trade and the Foreign
The application of the combing -out
order to all controlled factories will
release tens of thousands of Men for
the army, it is said.
sae --
In The Years; To Come.
"Father, what did you do in the
Great War?"
"I nursed you While your mother
was selling flags,"
1 lw
You will find relief in Zam-Buk I
it eases the burning, stinging,
• ease. Perseverance, with Zane-
. pam, stops bleeding and brings
13uk, means cure. Why not prove
this ? ati Druggists and S'Iores..--
603 boss.
';%1 -..."412:114C 7E7st
3.1 2
It will pay yen to ship all
your far to reliable lemma
where yon can get full martet
value. /1st for our price list
and shipping instructions.
280 EVE. WEST.
taNTB.r....S.I., gra.
13=011,1.10.111,g1. ,KparRIMIIMICAllicl.31.1*3:11:0116111:0M10.1111.111
tell how you can increase
your farm profits and build
up your farm through more
profitable farming methods,
including the use of ferti-
lizers. Crops, soils, seeds,
lime, cultural methods, har-
vesting, marketing, drain-
age, cover crops, farm man-
ures, rotations, etc.; are
amorr:/, subjects discussed.
You Cannot Afford to
Ignore Fertility Subjects
Present high prices for farm pro-
ducts make larger yields doubly
profitable. Our soil books are free.
You should have a set to study
before planting season opens.
Inform yourself by writing for them.
Soil Improvement Committee
ofeaoltationai Fertilizer tn
Chicasto - -
Dept" 113 -
Minardia lenimont Cures Get in Cows. VI 7'ISSUE 2—'17.
. —
HOTEL al FRP. WORLD (11'• asaaa
The Spirit of America at pier:
Tdag•nitude and cheerfulness
D. S White, Pres "Cit. Mott, Lear.
a big 'knee like this, but your horse
may have a bunch or bruise on his
ankle, hock, stifle knee or throat*,
. 41
will clean it otf without laying uji
the horse. No blister, no balk
gone. COn0entrated—Ostiv a fent
drops required et an application. '$2 pa
bad. delivered. Describe our cam for arena Trapnell°
end Book 8 84 free. AF$8011131141..'Jive ta •
septic linimeat for mankind, reduces Painful Secant*.
Warned illand, Wens. Bruis% Varicose Yens; alley&
PAO and iadrunination, ?rite 55 and S2, b011.110 OtSIUCSI
Or delivered, Made In the U. S. A. by
W. E. YOUNG, P. D. V. 618 LyinansEldg., Montreal, Gm
absorblut and, Abtteblee, Jr., *to nude In Colidt45