HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-12, Page 1,,,. r....,.,..,,,„.... URICH Vol. XVII ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1917. Seasonable HARNESS Goods See our large range of SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS ,of all kinds Our prices will be fonind re- sanable, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, R. R STADE 'Alto, a full line of MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and sizes. TRUNKS SUIT CASES, CLU .o BACTS, etc. Axle Grease, gGall Cure ZURICH ••••••••••••••••••••••11.11, OUR WISH All happiness and prosperity to one and all for 1917. }loping for a continuance of your valued patronage dur- ing the coming year. t!tr ',A.,,;144',..Y.A....za. , , •ro, .,/'L. e 1 a so 0,- OMB- il;j6TroUES 1 1 ftWWMAWAPAMMWMPAMAMMMWMA ormr-Ar-o.r-..rwAt-,4-s4v4-to;c24-1,4T° LOCAL NEWS. to CPA"' At...1111.P .4414J114.111.4.21 Robert, Douglas left on ;Tuesday for the west with a car- load of horses, Mrs, E. rWiultn, • and daughter), Kathleen, vilSitecl relatives in Credit -110 o Tuedday. Dr E. S (Hardie, dents, w:11 be at the Dominion Home, Zurich, Oa' Wednesday, and Wecinesclayof the following week. (Mr. nad Mrs. Alvin Nicholson of 4.'neroicl, Sask., formerly Blake, tare visiting rela_i ves rt friends here at (preset. Mr. Daniel Ha.ist, of Caro:1W is vistting his sister, Mrs, A.. "•,,,t Ehnes, this week. Mr, Haira,W;;,. the driver lot the stage 1`.4tft..rAe Zurich and tSeaforth some fOE4 years ago. Casualties to the Canadian, a„ye seas forces up to the end of Dec ember aggregate 6,890, made ui as follows; Knifed; 10,354; of woules. 4,010; died of eicknes tr. - 494; presurned dead, 1,108; wank: ded, 418,454; missal -lig, 2,970. The strikimig feature is the small NO2g 2 a*, P. IVIdaalac; of Dashwoorj, Was a visittor in town on Monday. Moses Beehler has taken a pasitiou as blaekeratth, with Mr. A. Morley. ,Mr, Wm, Brawn lefe on Thur2- ' claY for a trip to Detroit and Pittsburg. Mr. Wm. Seibert; Jr., mail,clerki •with. the G. T. R., visited his home here over Sunday. . • 'LlIr Jacob Koehler, of the Goshen Line south, has been ser- 1ously 111 with rheumatic fever, but isnow slowly recovering. i,Se Olga HoWald of 'Stratford tv''Vcited her parents over t1. -,:s left• on 1WerInes:day to slister, Mrs. Oscar Miller, - Anrad, Siernon has purchas- e 130 -acre farmof Mr. John ilSbn, of Fanstowrn, on the Zur- hrped,,,between Zurich and lien - 'Mi.. (Wilson Will move to ',Hessen to reside.. Siemon has stolid this farm to Mr, Jacob eidinger, who gets possession next March. ittuslattaiissn., sintsimsg ber of deaths from sicl,:ness. It 7' ' Mr. F. Wt. Hess and family hav,,,i.. trnoved Into their ,fine new rcLi dence in the south part ot,,,, tc44! iThe house is builrt of buff calosi.e brick, with a fine arched .f.rs4 I porch and a brick upper pof.A.1 Both porehes ho.ve cement fiq`i- The house is otherwise :roomy and nicely laid out and a fine examp0 of Imodern architecture. IA ' our Villag"1c.. built on an eminence and is •-,, worthy addition to Y:aTAI., STATISTICS-, ,..; ,1 • „ •^4.„1,.'" y tr, .erl .,:i4c.r,a,, ' , ;'-'' ,,i. , KV' 13111414 1611107 37eg„. ?1 W -,:q lc 1E,4'.4-4.9Cilliligi40.4"4-4terillif pulerit- of IT Pinlatlettrtgfeinalt; ;....t inarrc' and 37 deaths. Some are, slow in eounipaying with the7:41, (This should not be, all bittha should be registered strictly 001 30 days. T4e. medical ., should also imalie"a note of tali incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS • ANK PITAL and RESERVE $8,809,000 anch4'hi,Canada gt,g, duc., NEN CVIE ings Bank- Boartmint Tend at highest current rates Zurich Branch T. DUNLOP, Manager fr?. ifill0110/10.044011110491014114.00111411i.1004114.110611WS. ..401111.11•1011/1.. Protect Your Shoes suesammosamotamolommumanseco= saarsaimommiumparismeasamiglarome=sismomay. with a pair of good rubb advancing in price. A I: make them wear longer. and styles. Also Heavy Rubbers for Man or ers. Shoes are pair of rubbers will We have all size, Boy. Prices Right, e. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. IT Zurich The Home of Good Shoes -.404•Ibriawa.,isoues.,siteogiuctifeletsevitiviesmti•tabotoneressaD4.264i004.4. .re tahe this opportunity of than hing our CUSt07TherS f07' thet7' patronasie daring the year 191G, and ash you, to kindly continue the same d'arial the present year. TV' Care SeZlin_g goods to reliable 011iStoMerS 0m credit as formerly, but offer special in- ducements to eitSt07TherS NILO Pay 6pot dash. R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82] BLAKE - • ...0. • &1121011113=ffigegsamizw=c1rimesuicamommig3 tidiiiii'aliiiiII:i11151111111.:11.1V11;10111111111121111111111TilltilliiRenliiiriPi•Pii.11111ElliiMMXVItIP.P.119f19RIPIPIRIIPIVNIPAillitiliNiilIfili -44÷ -1•4+++++4.4 -4-4-4-1444.÷÷4.4.444,444+++++++++++++++44:-4-4.4-44÷÷ 4444.444+444444.4. ++ +44-44.+++++++++++++ +++444 4.4 +44+44 4 4444+44+ 4.444444.4444. 444444444444.44++++++++1.4..44 -.1. 4. 4.• 4 , 4. '4* We carry a full line of Ranges + and Heaters. •See our new Pen. insula Ran go "THE LIGHTER DAY" with high oven and all mod- . 4 ern improvements. This stove is giving universal satisfaction. .Also the Gilt Edge Peninsula,none .7„,. better or neater on the market. We as E ell the famous Happy Thought range. All kinds of bs,seburners and oak heaters, etc. St 178 etc. for OU EARTIES ASHES r s .„. 7 . w Ye Christmas Suggestions in the Hardware saciion Useful and Reasonable',. ilk Price CASSEROLES $2.50 TO gi4.00 WM ROGERS SILVER WARE CUT GLASS BOWLS. CA RVING SETTS, Smial at 81, CILLS1T3 AND LV, RI' READY RAzarta CEDAR POLISIIINCI- MOPS. CARPET SWEEPERS BOYS AND GIRLS SKATES, HOCKEY STICKS. POCK] ET KNIV.ES 1 1 .!aramoa...,,,ImmazilosealaucamanataleralsamIratm.....ramillamileS HANKERCHIEFS HANKERCHIEES OF :EVERY FILMY FASHIONABLE KINDS. A veritable Christmas garland of tben1,41. beauteously • embroidered, smartly ird'alled, or softy edged with lace Some, too, are for men and children,. SideBoard Covers and Centre Pieces A 6plendicl showing of sideboard $ ,eis anc centre pieces, 'which are Lilts ble f'n Xmas. gifts. ..Prices from 25s. up FURS FURS Mem Par Coon Coattat the old piices, $50.00 and up. Ladies muskrat coats --- ---$60,50 /2 Fur Muffa 5.00 to 12.50 Fur 6ett3 11.00 to24.00 Fur ace:as at reduced REETER * * Highest P'rices for Produce. GLOVES kritted W. o' gl,)v..-s in p'ain black, blue, red and white at fbc and 35c. Flannellette Blankets *11:te a "gray rann•lette blan- kets, pink or blue borders, sizes 61x72 inches, $1.75 and 2 00 a pair Just a few mere all wool Wank- ets to elear out at th' old price, ranging from $3.50 to 7..00, Xmas Ribbons Holly berry and leafs designs, chiefly in narrow widths for ty- ing pa7.kages. 5 yd. rolls at 15e each. 4. .4. 4. 4. * 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. 4.. •?:*. 4. 41* 4. gikcitoneadYait UNNVILLE. C.N. BUFFALO, N.Y.. Cy. NN. 4. ^I* 4. .17%. 4. 4. 4- 44, 4. 4 4 4. 4 4. 4 4. 4. 40. :1,71 Sweater Coats A splendid range .of rcal good qualitie% in Plain and fancy weave es, new plaids. and Sniped and ia scores of color comlinatIons from $1.25 to 6.50. Christmas China We have on display the finest Xmas Candies chinaware and eishos of and al] prices. Watch for oar all kinds Also a large assortment of window display of odd pieces at fOe each, c:tnclics, nu' -a, etc, .hone 9 11.111.44+144 4+44444144-14444+4 I ta ti.'.'.14,14-t-i-N-4-4444+4-4.442.4-4,41*0.1431+v,0 -44914-4411.4441.11.V.WAteUtigt4 t+.1 :444--...-4+444.44-141,141-K1-3-I91-414 44*