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Zurich Herald, 1917-01-05, Page 7
SPIES FOR TEUTONS ACTIVE IN FRANCE V''140 ACK FOLLOWED MEMBERS PFt , VISIT TO FRONT. Interesting Example of Ex -Premier's Courage Under 'Fire. The question of spies spying is al- ways a.live one in France, for many incidents can be recounted which show either that the Germans have close information on what happens in their . .enemy's lines or that chance is a'won- • d'ei•fiil• thing,. For instance, a numbei Of Cabinet members visited a town in the north a few days ago,, being ac- companied by the director of an fin - portant mining; works. near the town, p -writes a Paris correspondent. see To salt the convenience of this gen- re tletitan the train that took the Minis- ters away was started an hour earlier than 'had been arranged. An hour iater,.at the time the trainwas in- tended to leave, the station underwent a hot bombardment, and thanks to the change in the time table the Min- isters escaped a very bad quarter of an hour. Almost every returned poilu can tell a story similar to the following, _ A .division -famous for its fighting qualities was suddenly moved to a new position so quickly that the men themselves did not •know exactly where they were. Within an hour a board was hoisted above the nearest Gateman trench bearing the inscription iii^large letters, "Welcome to the Gal- lant —th .Division," and giving the exact divisional number. ,The Cri de Paris gives another ex- ample that occurred during M. Clem- eiiceau's recent visit to the front as chairman of the Senate's army com- DEVONPORT ONCE VERY UNPOPULAR WORKINGMEN PRAYED GOD TO STRIKE HIM DEAD. Organization of. Port of London, •.Was t, a Remarkable Ascom - u iDlislement. i ' A strong man—strong physically a Rheumatism tr , I : well as mentally with a cap head firmly seta on sturdy. shoulders,. �Is' My Weather Prophet'. e . a decisive mouth, and ermined, i glean -lined chin—that ia determined, Lord Devon - can tell• stormy weather days oft by the twinges in myport, Fetedd Gontrolle in the Lloydd I. ders and knees. But here's yishoul-'s an George'Governizas hele t. The been First spud old friend that soon drives out the pains of the Larder, termed 'is already making himself felt mittee. "Ti er" Saw Slain Soldier. pets. g "I know a woman who has forty i sands to pray for their death. Minto law and then became head of the and aches. Sloan's Liniment is so easy to apply, no rubbing at all, it sinks right in and. fixes the pain', Cleaner than mussy plasters and ointments. Try it for gout, lumbago, neu- ralgia, bruises and sprains. t your druggist, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. . I I the Old Country. He is likely to in For do so with'inc}easing stringency. that is Lord Devoiiport's little way. You may admire hini, or ;you :may !dread him. But you can scarcely be : unaware of Min., `' Four years '• ago• Lord Devonport's name was .anathema'tb al'large see- the present these, stores ntinibeT be - tion of the -British working classes. t�r'een two and three hundred. So also was that; of Lord •Rhondda, *du Punch in Pre. $ redness is not a ques- ion of guns and shells alone mit is a question of men.... and you have to build men out of food. Be prepared for the critical rboyxmnt5 in life by eating Shredder Wheat, a food that supplies the greatest annount' of nous- cle.building 'material with the least tax on 'the diges- tive organs. For 'breakfast with milk or crearrx or fruits. Made in Canada. fAP KNIT GOODS HIT HARD. Britain'sa Ban on Imports Effects a Growing Eastern Trade. 'Great Britain's war ban onimporta- tion of knitted goods' will probably prove to be a great blow to the Tap anew knitting industry. During the ten months ending October 81 the total value of this line of goods exs ported •to Great Britain reached $9,- 000,000. In addition, contracts enter- edinto call for delivery .of additional goods tip to next June, amounting to $6,000,000. Exporters have held conferences urging the Japanese Government to strive for the rescinding; of the or- der. It is claimed that the order is nota friendly measure of an allied AFTER LONDON CANINES. Movement to Limit Number of Down d t that t' all' unaware of what also a member of the- present Gov - 1 ernment, as president' of.the Local Government Board:' ,In all great strikes there is soille one employer, whom public opinion :'fixes on as the quintessence of the employing type In the coal strike of 1912 it was' Lord Rhondda, then Mr.' D. A: Thomas, His Active Life. at, in briefest .outline, is the pf Hudson Kearley's successful s career. To -day Lord -Devon Peer of the :Realm, landowner, illibnaire, declares that there is _nee about it—nothing in it v;dl:l'l' cannot be emulated by others. For he 'attributes his success to his r �' an a a time F the future possession, not of exceptional talent, ei on- accuaintance with Calla' "or: exceptional good fortune, but.of There is a strong ae,ltatlon in L the way, of ,( c tionol lndu�tly. don against the extravagance of I dian munition methods.- keeping so many pet dogs during war I Later in 1912,the dock strike con- ---- ------ times, and the London Mail has this ing along, Lord Devonport, in' . the like so many of the men Mr. L1oY to say on the question: ' (capacity of chairman' of the Port of George has gathered. around him he "It is not theIleusual dog-thatscllyis the London Authority, took Mr. Thomas' is a tiger for work—and to it he has add cl.:large stores.of business experi- cause of waste. Ile is usually fed on I place in the public view as the typi- biscuit and a few scraps and he lives, cal stern, unbending employerntBO£ Corbel ul,l,he representederience of pDevonpo. in Healthily on a diet at trifling coat. he came in for a larger amount Libee meat for eighteen years, and abuse than usual. For it has not hap -j frdm lrgee to 1909 he was a very use- • yet He saw the Port of Londpn c safely Kept as War Measure. e held in 'store ,,*for eY ep i . Ii - energy __. -Lill unimpaired nation. and that it. will injure the friendship between the two countries, It is also feared here that similar bans will •affect other lines of Jap- anese manufecture, The immediate effort of the British order will be the suspension of many factories and the throwing out of em- ployment of thousands of workmen. As a restllt of the Japanese repre- sentations the British Government Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, 1 The dogs that cost the most are the most useless; they are the pampered smell to many men • or a n ; fol meiriber of the Liberal Ministry. until we knew the Kaiser) for thou- Act fly We eta and receive blithest cash pzloee,a money th. same day the lura are ronelvnd: oirar6e no sommfseton5—ad soy o11 ohs'gen• pan d av� pulp out minions tau dollars to RI panda of trappers to Canada who vend their urs to to beoauso they ]snow they Bet asquaru doal,andrapetvo mora money for thelr tura rouwlila)oo,Wabuyn,orefurelroratrµppwo for cash than any ethos ave forme in Canada Hullam'o'riap or (#nfde(ltG llt1 'FREEFREE E 1Iem'p Sportsmen's Catalogue gallsm'siiaWFurQuota'ttonp ,\ ailam'e Fur Style Book 152 pages) Bent free on request Addroos as follownt JOHN HALLA.M! Lieeited 202 Nallarn Building, Toronto T _ _ Lottery. Bill—Do you mean to tell me when a man is going to get married he has to pay for a marriage license? Jill—Sure thing! Don't you have to pay when you take a chance in any, lottery? has announced that the enforcement zgEv�sgal?88 von sin of the prohibition order would be "" '- postponed until January 1. The press ; 1)n Of c s Mire INGeN]W neAND ecers is expressing hope that the authori- towns. Tile most useful and interesting ties will further be persuaded to take Application to iS'il�orlall inf sh mat Ctun- into consideration the situation fac- ing the manufacturers and workers - az*s---'snerr�oros in Japan and see whether there is not LUMPS, l Ta some way of permanently modifying Oil internal Tand 1OR external, cured wino -The section was very quiet, nothing Pekinese and she reserves three rooms that vvas what Happened to Lord Dev- had happened for days there, Earlier in p�lr' is body which was to be run as a p her house for them. A law forbid- . ,� _ — ___. --. pn ie utility. The salary of $20,000 there had been some hot fighting and ding people to keep more than one' "Tiger" c uld see the dead body ; : `woe 'i is attached to the post. But theo dog would be useful, 111y own dog 's_i,. , �; vonport refused to touch.. a The honor of serving, the as enough, he said; for hien sen bald, that service his costs me less to keep than my eat." Another veterinary surgeon was very bitter against lap dogs. "They are the cause of all the extrava- gance," he .said. "A. woman who had d'altst, of a French soldier still hanging on the barbed wire between the trenches. M. Clemenceau gazed at the poor remains with admiration, sadness and then fury. Ilis eyes clouded over and ,words. of vengeance came indistenr try put her pet dog under my care sella ;from his lips.`1, t i.aa�nteal.s• I. rvould ha- Atthlsmln moment do ea.r ' vats l beer -dark cry pleased to oat. Whet cla d Bearer close by and then another. elle • little beast do? It sniffed „ the Clouds of sir-wke arose from nearfood all over, left it 'uneaten, 'anti where M. Ciemenceau stood and the gobbled up the biscuit and food that. explosions came nearer and nearer. I gave it. He continued looi-in�''•at the corpse of `'Give an ordinary terrier or span - .e the poor soldier, lel a quarter of a pound of 'eat's An officer hurried up. "Monsieur le meat,' which costs one penny, or President," he said (a President of heat that is left over from'the table, tbo'Council or Premier remains "mon- mixed with a little -biscuit or bread, sieur le President" all his life), "the and it will keep well and cost you not Major has sent me to warn you that more than ls. Gd. a week." it's a pretty bad place where you are. Lady Teynham writes: "Why, be - It is probable that they have sighted' cause a few :Foolish women feed their you. It's certain that a barring fire pet dogs on a pound of steak a day, is beginning. The Major begs you to should all sensible women be tarred with the same brush? The Pekinese seems to be the dog generally sneered at—I suppose because he is small. Properly brought up he is hardy, rt• and as intelligent as an get under shelter. "And why so?" asked M. Clenlen- ceati. 5'But, Monsieur le President, you may be wounded and then—" spo , "And if I were," replied the Irish terrier. A friend of mine had "Tiger," "would it not be a fine death one which swam across a shall at my age; the finest a man could stream and killed two rats. All they dream of?" require are the scraps left over from Apostrophizes Dead hero. the table. In these days, when so many of us have our husbands at the And he went on in that semi-sarcas- war, it is some comfort not to come -: tic vein that he enjoys. "Just think, back to a perfectly lonely house, but Monsieur, I no longer love women, to have a warm greeting from a loyal and men disgust me; it would be a though small friend."good time to make a it finish!" Then turning toward the dead body he Charity that begins at home seldom r. apostrophized it with: gets over a neighbor's back fence. j'You'were young, you had a long !future before you; you had done ill tono one, women pleased you and yeti had. faith in men. How much bet- tor it would be if you were alive here 'and an old body like mine were hang- ing out there in place of yours!" • The artillery fire finished before M. . Clemeneeau moved on and the staff' captain who accompanied him told the story afterward, declaring, "I tell you he was wonderful! wonderful!" repeating the word "epatant," which means so much in a Frenchman's mouth. e ,,e M. Clemenceatt is 71 and was Mayor of the Montmatre district at the time of the last war with 'Germany. A Protective Admission': Mrs. Burgess was a decidedly prac- tical and up-to-date woman. Some of her friends attributed much . of her Madness to the fact that her six daughters, one of whole had married n*a eily, were not providing them- with ,husbands as fast as moth- lrg,ess desired: - evening the energetic mother ella yc1ng lean in the reception lin "And which of my rir1i: theyou moss desai'e Mr. itelstay?" "The married one," came the unhes- %tatilig reply. Why Wait Mr. Tea or Coffee Drinker, till heart, nerves, or stomach " give -way? The sure, easy way to keep out of tea and coffee troubles is to use the pure food-drink— POSH Better quit tea and coffee now, while you are feeling good, and try Posture, the popu- lar Canadian beverage. 46 . There's a Reason" d almoast led ` g, thou h. it gal absolute prohibition. 1'Sinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. B. C. Timber Figures. According to a report on the Cran- brook forest district, British Colum- bia, it is estimated that the timber cut for 1910 will be from 150,000,000 to 100,000,000 feet. In 1913,.which is the year in which the previous larg- est cut was • made, it amounted to 148,000,000. TAKE NOTICE We' publish simple, straight testi- monials, not press agents' interviews, from well-known: people. - - From all over America they testify to the merits of MINAIID'S' LINI- 11tENT, the best of Household Re Medies. iVI1•NARD'S LINIMENT CO., LTD. out pain by our home us before too late, lir, Gellman Medlca�. Co.. i.intited, Colli�w°red, Ont. Lord Devonport. onport in 1912. Ben Tillet, the So- cialist orator, publicly supplicated the Almighty, at a huge meeting on Tower Hill, that -he would strike Lord Devonport dead. "And -all the people said 'Amen.'" However, the devout supplication was not answered. And Lord Devonport is to -day very much alive. Great Business Head. Deva; „pate `'in''spite ofe ;1t,n iS great at outdoor pur- eloves a tramp through the 4after the partridges. He is a gardener,, and, yachting and ' trig are .also among his hobbies. HONORS NOGI S PIPIT Ferree Him '`Ball ' went the rifles at the, 51oeutires. "Oo-oo!" screamed the pretty girl, a nice, decorous, surprised little scream. She stepped backward into the :arms of a young man. "Oh!" said she, blushing. "I was frightened by the rifles. I beg your I ardor ' Artificial Teeth Bouott Send us your old false teeth, plates and gold. We remit best cash value by return mail. Gold & Platinum Refining Go., 24 ACtulaide St. west, Toronto sinus*, P'arka's Pi2:lear ll. CIAY GL©VER CO.,Inc. 0o>y Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New Yeri"4 BOOS o-rs DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author The Soul of a Piano is the Action.�e Insist on the" OTTO O HI PIANO ACTION .� RAW " ' 3t will pay you to ship all your fur to a reliable house, where you can get fuU utarket value. Ask for our price list and shipping instructions. EDWARD POLLAK & CO' 290 ST. PALL ST. WEST. j N 1sIONTISTIAS, QUE. "Not at all," said the young mart. Empero'r's • Decree Carried Out at "Let's go over and watch the a til- " Grave of Hecto.levy." When Your Eyes Need Care 'Pelee Nogi cult still gl' Sus in Japan. . A, neM.g the honors lately bestowed by the' nperor • were, according to cus- tom, c sthumous honors for some of Japaixs beloved heroes. Some fell to the lot of the spirit of the late Count `Nogi, and when viscount Sonoike, court ritualist, with his assistant and ! a delegate of the Imperial house- hold department proceeded to the mo- clest grave of the nation's hero in the great .Aoyama Cemetery, they found areverent group already assembled a'slwaifing patiently under a down - pt iof rain. At once masterly and masterful is Lord Devonport. "I know how a business must be conducted if it is to be successful." That was what he said when he started in to organize the Port of London. It is on business lines, we may be certain, that he will organize and control Great Britain's food supply. ' For he is a great business head. No man•living knows better than he how to make a greatbusiness succeed. It was no successful, sensational specu- lation. that built up his enormous for- tune. ,It was industry, integrity, and efficiency—willing hands, a stout heart, and a clear, capable head— that in seven years raised him from a lad of seventeen in service at a tea dealers at $6 a week to a successful man of business earning $15,000 a year by the time he was twenty-four. To -day, at the age of sixty, his in- come come is estimated anything at d be- tween $500,000 and $1,000,000. The son of a small farmer, young Hudson li.earley having learnt the tea business hi all its various ramifi- cations' at two different tea dealers; at the age of twenty founded a tea firm of his own without any em- ployes and with no capital. He was principal, manager, cashier, sales- man, traveller, and all In four years he had made a success of this busi- ness, and was drawing $1.5,000 a year from it, Then it occurred to him to start the Interirational Stores (gr - e ritualist announced before the ":f the Imperial honors.. Among utS�'el Who attended was the Count Nagi, whom the Emperor appointed to bear the title which otherwise would have disappeared from Japan upon the death of the conqueror of Port Arthur and hero of Mukden. Properly Charged. Two women were discussing their marital troubles, when one asked, "By the, way, what is your husband doing now?" "Oh," said the other, "he's a-settin' round tellin' what's goin' to happen next election." list?" "Then he's a prophet?" 'op "No, he ain't. So far as this family is concerned, he's a dead loss." cars' shops all over the country), At El). 7. Use ?divine Eye Medicine. No Sut arting—P'ecis Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Bed, weak, Sore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Ravine is compounded by our Oenlists—not a "Patent liedicine"—butused in suecessf nl Physicians' Practice for many years. Now dedicated to Bottle. MPublieari a Eye Snd sold allretingists at 50e Aseptic Tubee, 25e and 50c. write for boolc of the Eye Fre. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adv. His Weather Eye? Two ladies were hurrying down the street in the rain, carrying their i Umbrellas low for protection. turning the corner sharply the point' of one umbrella struck a passerby in the forehead. "Goodness!" gasped the woman "I'll Home Billiard keep an eye out in the future." i Table "Goodness!" exclaimed the man' Will provide you and "you nearly had one out in the pees- your family with the finest eat." form of indoor recreation during the long winter ,even - Minarets Liniment Cures Distemper. --- Work for Russian Army. The Department of Rural Economy and Statistics of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture has compiled from Zenistvo reports a statement of the- activities heactivities of the koustar or peasant workers in the making of product; for the use of the army. Thus there were made in the Government of Viatica alone 167,407 short fur coats,! costing 1,568,890 rubles; 92,615 pairs of felt boots, at 428,684 rubles; 11,030 pairs of stockings, at 5,294 rubles; knitted gloves, socks and mittens to i the value c f 1,952 rubles; 57,400 earth -carrying hags. Large quanti- ties of 'material are being. sent from 1 ail the Governments of the empire, and the nature of the product varies with the local industry. Thus in the sections where shoes are manufactur- ed almost the entire output is being devoted to Military purposes. A Poor Excuse. "We all make mistakes," said the careless youth to his irate employer. "That's so," replied the boss, "and theb iggest one I ever made was in hiring you.' Mlaiwttne Liuiiue>at °urea Colds, Etc. ...st.a,..r.7-. hR1(M LIMITED. 410 ST. PAUL STREET W. MONTREAL Established over 30 years as' Raw Fur Dealers Write us for price list. Send us your furs and get the highest market price. ISSUE 1—'1ti. ings. Our Famous Maisonette Table Is made specially for the home at a reasonable price. Cash or on terns. BURROUGHES & WATTS, L•d. Makers to a M. the Ting. 34 Church St., Toronto et teat society rn ea Y and fn su a 1 tt fraternal na A� h will retools its members in accorStandard, Sick and stair,g Government Standard. gneralt>enelits optional. Authorized to obtain members and charter todgopia every Province In Canada. Purely. Cauadian, safe, sound and ecouo- meal, iftittrolanoload lodg? of Chosen Ftcli n 1,your district, apply retract to any o Mfowi116i officers; Dr., W.Edwards,M.P, W. P. Monts ne, Grand Councillor. Grand ocordtt W. l', Campbell, L R.BA, Medical Brand Organizer. Grand 1-IAMILTON . ONTARIO