HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-01-05, Page 1,. ZURICH ERALD Vol. XVII ZURICH, FRI Ai MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1917. • NO27 Seasonable HARNESS Goods See our large range of SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS a'nd HALTERS of all kinds Our prices will be fouind re- sonable. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, R. F. STADE Alla a full line of MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and sizes. TRUNKS SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS, etc. Axle Grease, Gall Cure ZURICH IYVYra:Yri!W�hM�LY`� OUR WISH All happiness and prosperity to one and all for 1917. Hoping for a continuance of your valued patronage dur- ing the coming year. I�a xr•.';; x w THE HOME OF , BETTER'" VA1'U ARNIVRAMMAMWAMMINMARNIAMM moroke•e'v, r <s.92414i.4** 5 LOCAL NWS..;' ':, Mr. John Deilehert attended ':*;h,. furneral of the Bate! Mrs. Staugh at Kitchener on Sunday,. Misses Alveda land Selma Wes - 0o11 of London, visited their =r 4r. ents over the ,holidays. Miss Alberta Geiger, of PigeOn, Hay' •Council will hold Its first meeting for 1917 on Monday, ail: 11. oVclock, a. m. Mr. Leonard Klopp, of Water'op Seminary visited his home . here over the holidays. Mrs. W. Firnkbeiner, and daugtt- er, Hazel, of Stnatford, visited re- latives here over Sunday. Mr. John F. Moritz, of.Cavalie N. D., is visiting its mother, Mrs Mich., is visiting alt the home of "p. Haugh, of town, at present. her sister, Mrs. John Gaseho. Mr. David IIHartleib of Hun er, Now is the time to renew yoursubscrutp�tions to your daily or Alta, is visiting his brother, Mr. weekly, tpapers. ,Zook over aur Charles IHlartleib, of town, at clubbing list and You will see chat present, we caro save you dnonti'y�� Dr. E. S. Hardie, den,tibt, will .Mr Land Mrs...Jaco ; Schwartz-- at the Dominion House, Zuriese *Tuber, and Mi j Ips. Mo -e3 Wednesday, and Wedneedab,' of the Bi;omsonii�e, visited• ie following week. Wives land friends in°''Wel1;es1' y Pte. M. C. DenomnLe, a me►i; over the holidyas'„ iiool re -opened on Wednesday 'after the Christmas and New, Year's 4iolidaya. ;The staff in; •charge of Z. P.S. is as follows;Prin r3pal G. S. Howard; Assistants, of the 23.2nd Saskatchewan 'r is visiting his parents, Mr, an R. N..Deno:mule, of the San Lime. r 1fi w• Mr.'and:Ira. Theo. Fositer, Hamilton, ve nlieen visiting th' IVIiSses M, Lamont, J. Veiteh. and laltter's p(ar-ni;s, M. and Mrs.Louis. S. Douglas. iW,eber, of town. Theyleft this week for „Detroit where they will reside in future;. Mr. Henry Deichert, Of .-0,4-15`). Haven, 112iich., Mr. E. A. Deichert of Armada, Mich., and Mr.. Mich.. Deichert of Detroit, visited at the home of their mother over Stan day, Mr. E. A. Deichert. willti *yip; it here for 'a while. Rev. Mr. Ehlers, Secretary the Y. M. C. A. ofthe state of. csy1vania conducted the seri, in the (Evangelical ,church Sunday forenoon , He a's0:09 ` am interesting lectureto the ii sud boys dg,ari he Su, a ' ox .,. Incorporated 1855 The I�IOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE 48,800,000 Branches in Canada to tw� ' the ages e:ot a of ,these"&a• ctl z' ,it to 'then •postoff ee. .A• eensits •. , Zurich Branch' the m�v anNpoer °oL ' the Daman" R. T. DUNLOP Manager of Canada will be gotten in thf' t s ifetlest athighesb •rates ' fiatarMeittar+ tti ttarM011if remettemovemareempoot I f i Protect Your Shoes with. ••a""pair of good rubbers. Shoes are, advaie'ing- in price. A pair of rubbers will make them wear longer. We have all sizes and styles. ° Also Heavy Rubbers for Man or Boy. Prices Right.. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e. FRITZ,' Zurich The Home of Good Shoes ..• ,� ¢tom!tarrM0ttaa4ed6tta ttaelwlttar it44uslifib wa i Mr0...' 11911Mililidlllw l?i1i'iiiiihitlilllillli1111h11nil!illiiiiiilt IIIIlli611llllllll1111111111111!l1G1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!I111fUflIi11111111111141111111111411111111111111{n141111(N1fiIIIIIHIi(!IlIRnv4 avian A Happy and Prosperous o our 1.4411A,M1434 NEW YEAR Customers and Friends PHONE 11 on 82j IG;�1;laiiJEliiP.(1iIN11111111111111H11111{II@itilili41illli11411f i1 li611111fillitim111i1h1ililliiliilllitl1111i11Ullillliillllillltilllilllllfii!II11I111111fiC111111111111(iimi1i1 timillllllilNiliililliilNlliilifliiliems it'' ?R;r. F•" - ` •_r; ; .DOupLAS BLAKE t 4.4. 4. I.34++++++4: ++ 44+44+444 4 i 4.44++++++++++++++� 4.4rr i.443.4.°1.+4.4 +++++++.4 +444. y 4 44.+444.4 .2.444 r44 ra+^ '+fig°+ +4 .•Tr - ,4. -4. 4. -+ 4. -4. 4. Stoves, etc. `1' We carry a fun lime of Ranges .al. and Heaters. See our new Fen- •'¢ • insula Range 'iTH'E LIGHTER g DAY" with high oven, and all mod- ern improvements.. This stove is giving u4nivers►a1 satisfaction. ' • Also the Gilt Edge Peninsula,none • better or neater on the market. • We a'so :ell the famous Happy .gyp. Thought range. ,All kinds of ba.seburners and oak heaters, etc. 4 4. .4 4. I l4. ; OUR HEA1 'ZEST WISHES for a Happy (tnd Prosperous Neter Year to one and all Christmas Suggestions in the Hardware section Useful and Reasonable in Price CASSEROLES X2.50 TO $4,00 WM ROGERS SILVERWARE CUT GLASS BOWLS. CARVING SETTS, Special a'. cid„ OILLE1T3 ANI) EV.:: RY READY .RAZORS) 0 CEDAR .POLISHING MOPS. CARPET SWEEPERS. BOYS AND GIRLS SKATES. HOCKEY SSTICKS.. POCK) ET KNIVES. HA KERCHIE3FS HANKERCHIEFS OF EVERY FILMY 'FASHIONABLE KINDS. A veritable Christmas garland of then, beauteously embroidered, smartly installed, or soft'y edged with lace Some, too, are former), and children. SideBoard Covers and Centre Pieces A splendid showing of sideboard n e s ano centre pieces, which are suitable 1)1 'Xmas. gifts. .Prices from 23'..•up FURS FURS M. Fur r' on Coats et the old $:,0.00 .:nd up. Ladit••s muskrat oats - •-. ---$60,00 " .fur Muf'.s .- 5.00 to 12.50 I"ur setts --- 11.00 to24.00 „ Far scarfs at reduced priced GLOVES File knitted w. o' glovt s in pain black. blue, red and white at 25c and 35e. Flan nellette Blankets Wh:te or gray f'aamlette b:an- kets, pink or blue borders, sizes 61x72 inches, $1.75 and 2.00 a lair Just a few more all wool blank- ets to clear out at the old price, ranging from $5.50 to 7.00. Xmas Ribbons Holly berry and leaf designs, chiefly in narrow 'widths for ty- ing• pa:kages. 5 yd. rolls at 15c each. Xmas Candies Also a large assortment of can•lies, nLi':a, etc. EETER Higher, . rices for Produce$ • Pho e 40 40 4 4 4 /1 r'NCJ/fGVltvn C'V/ : M« LtlfLNNVl1.6a. CAN. BUFFALO. N.V. Sweater Coats A splendid range of real good qualities in plain and fancy weav es, new plaids and striped and in scores of color coral:inations frons $1.25 to 6.50. Christmas China We have on. display the finest chinaware and dishes of all kind; and an prices. Watch for our. window display of odd pieces a °0c each,. 4. 40 4 '+ 4.44 i H .4++ ++++++4.+++444 f +++4- t.4.44+++++++++.14+4.4