HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1918-01-04, Page 55. - Me Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES u'unt3ay, German - -- ... 9,45 a. m. Sunday School 11,00 a. m. 'W Service English _1.30 p.m. Tuesday Jr. Y, P. A. 1.30 p.un Tuesday, Y. P. A. ., i, 8.15 p, 'm. •'"7.'hursdday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p,m. •'Friday; Choir Practice -.. 8 30p. m. ,...Ladies' Aid, first rW ednesdayev- ening of each month 8 p• LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School .-- ..,t -_...J 9 a. are ,, Germain Services, Sunday 1.0 30a English Service, Saind'ay4.30 p.m. Luther League, 'Friday 8: p. m. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. m, AL CARDS. PaaOUDFOOT, KILL0RAN, & COOKE. sae BarristersSolicitors, Notaries '01 Public &o. 'Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St.. Goderich. Private funds to loan Jt io vestLrsest a es. ate . Paotrn'o°T, K. 0. 4, H. J. D. Come. .117r. Cooke will be in Remelt on Friday and Saturday of each week. Dr. E. S. Hardie u DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY -" MAIN OF1FICE - HENSALL, -Gir Rs q., ass & Co. - JEWELLERS A115 OPTICIANS Rej5airing a Sj5eczaliy THE CELEBRATED DELEWAREs aleND HUDSON CO'S. LAZKY. WAN A AL LOCAL NEWS L.OIST—A ,woollen matt. I+indel.{, please ireturn to ijTerald Office, Major C. J. Vanstone„ an ,adjut- ant of the least Huron Batt., is .ae}riousiy ill in England. A happy damraily laeunkrn was held atthe home of Mr. and Mrs.1 Jacob tHowald on NeW - - Year',sr Day. , LOST—A bag af• buckwheat on Zurich road on Saturday. Finder notify Leon Jeffrey, R. R, No, -2, 'Zurich, FOUND—A bag of grain, Own .er lean secure same by proving pro- perty and paying •expenses. Albert Rose, 14th eon. NOTICE—All accounts due me (must be settled at once as I have, disposed or my business. •A, W. Morley.. '7urlele Two -seated top carriage for sale, Price $35.00. Carriage can be seen at Albert Hendrick s,iSa- uble Line. Apply to him or • to L. Prang, Zurich. EIkSElv''BACH—TE'TRE AU TEE ;.S(1 NDARD ANTHRACITE. .A. Catate]On net -sail ill iPhone. (crake 10; `Houde, t10, B. ......•.i, - —o 4 urkth Me t IN fit13 — 'avesh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc ilclighestaCaeh Price for Wool CASH FOR SIKINS & HIDES Doichert The Home J s arnee Co. Paaad-t' Capital $6:000,000 Sn YJus.to roliCyhOlders $1.0.,53,6h1.17 25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents . per $100 for S years, and your hot'',e for S0 cents per $100 for 3''years. No premium note and no extra aseessaalent guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent cot - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods We Want .New A re iabie Agent in Huron Coun- ty to sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit nd Orwalii,ental trees during Fall nd Winter months. Good Ivy, xelusive territory, free selling quipment. OVER 600 ACRES C the choieeet Nursery stock in- acting NEW Varieties controlled y us, Handsome up-to-date tiei- ng eq!i pment ants, a splendid Can diatt grown stock to offer cua- mors. We are not jobbers. rite now for agency terms to LIIAM -NURSERY Co. Toronto N. 13, ,Catalogue sent col re - est to applicants for 46211,100 or ;1701111001'9 of N1 r6er'y stocky. L 0 O K! 1 Why teat use the best cott,'a;' SCRANTON:COA , Chestnut, Furnace, Blaen smith and soft coal. C. FE CASE. SOtv PHONE. 35 EN S A L L. A Full Supply Heavy and Ligh 13a ER All sizes -and prices. See our all -white heavy rubber for men. Guaranteed in every way Live' fowl taken every Thursday forenoon. ' .} I I LOUIS BRIS.SON Drysdale .A quiet weddiing took place at m the Evangelical err tui'. Zu le 1 r,. on Cross Fertilizer C Dec. 22nd, when Rev. F. B. Meyer performed t h: ceremony which Un- ited in "marriage Mr. Peter Es Sen- bach, of the 14th con., Hay,. and Miss Pearl Tetreau, of Stephen. FIRST DRAFT CALLED �AS1C SLAB Shipment: of Basic Slag will: in in December. As will ; sk unable to get this fertilizer rn Vit' INVISIBLE �.IGFIT, 4rdy when It Striker the Retina of the Eye Can it ae Seen, Whet. is the simple e1 demonstration of the fact that light Li invisibie? The blackness of a ua.iduight sky :demonstrates this t'au't most readily, • i'ye may see the lilac t•:s brilliantly illu• urinated by the sub's Luys. but the sur- rounding sl7tic•e is dark, although we know that light must be pawing there. The passage of a beam of light through a darkened room is only visi- ble on tile dust in the air. and the roue of light seen when the sun shines through n small hole in a shutter is not risible, but only light reflected from ibe motes. in the twain. This can the easily and tiivapty denunnstrat.ed by placing in the beam t a glass vessel from which the dust. 1n.' been careful- ly removed. The be:r+;i then may be seen before and behind the vessel, but is invisible within. - A Iktinseu burner or a redbot poker held so as to destroy the motes will also renter the beam invisible at that spot. Light is only visible when it strikes on the retina of the eye. and it can only do so when it reaches it in a di- rect line or. is turned by a reflection or. refraction hito a direct line. lust as the bullets from is gun (ioa man no harm hatless aimed or turned -iii their rousse toward hi:; body, so light is without effect unless it is aimed or turned toward the retina. TiCKET SPECULATORS. Their Trade Was 'Fealty Started by Dumas and His Barber. The first draft under the M. S. spring, you should order rteuuar'e The practice of speculating in theater A. will be called up this week. E.v menta at once. ticiots, strange as tt• may appear, was ery ,man called up has received: Ask your neighbor about r 4started by the elder Dumas. He pat- ifroin his district registrar notifi- sults ...from using tthe Basic Slate/ ronizeii a Paris barber :lamer Porcher, cation to report to his depot bat- � PRICES MUCH LOWER TA 4.X. sale one dtty'tbis Worthy while shaving tallion It is expected that the ORDINARY FERTILIZEF• the novelist a ked him why be did not first batch of men will be on their (� • • the tickets givon pini by the man - way overseas in a short time. Str- Untalri - I�eI � VIII ° sof the theiiters where bis plays ingest regulations have been pass I§ cI" ?i �r I9 i'oduced, I also sell the a'so't*e''�bzlat'd. ct`: . hem could I sell them?" asked Fertilizer made by one bf:the Iv est Canadian Conaparsaaaraaahgea for Commercial Fer`ilizeaes, ,' every purpose. Oa to meet the case of deserters and absentees without leave. • COMMUNICATION Some misuuderslandiug seems to prevail among the ratepayers re- R. R. garding the seaddeRoads system which has been adopted by sheHur JOSEPH FM on county council In the first.' place it is ,not the intention of • the, count} , tci -grind• expensive pavements It tin.' ' leaden ion ofconstructing and ke iTr ,i,n:. frand..reamer ,golea xa , r,a,'t'. .0dm which are now n tab"' ail if hick: will, cost very little' tib i{' pait aid maintain. And I'la^y • •r township will not pay ane, -cent tb•if -wards.the construction of .any -road • iia any other township in the noun ;ty.' And fur'Lherinor.e, Tor every dollar that is spent un . the roads: -. in Hay Township, in connection with this system, the township re leeives hack 40 pe'r'sceait. for con- struction and 20 per cent for main- tenance. t These are the strong features of the system as we get back nearly -every dollar which is paid into the Provincial treasury for automobile licenses. Reference to the county by-law bearing oln this system will wiilt bear me out in the above facts, The by-law for the adoption of the system was passed at the June. session of the county council and the 'by-law governing the con- struction and maintenance :causes was passed at the December sass ion of the council and is not yet in print.' . i,Signecl, IT. H. Ne•eb. Zuri 111011111111, drew F. ,Diss. '�NVEv' ANt71N'c�, �,r1T(7 'd'tithorof the `Three Alusketeers." ally, to me, if you like," replied Por- ier- e"ArSd:what would you do with tbei " "asked Dumas. "That's my .business:" replied. the barber,' centime ind•rto lather the bronzed face of the famous story teller. "But I give you tickets whenever you ask for them,', said Dumas. "Ah, one or,: two are riot,,;suflitient for my par- pose,' yesponike4 Porcher. "I must pfas,tl nil t;'ir3'a lockets and every Clay aqn;,"And vole will pay for them`t" ,stet, rile drhanat,lstz• "Cash," was the simple yet i raetfct l,'„l eply. as * that =t ,'t wif' very LESS IVIEAT BF DACK ANC KIDNEYS IIIJRT Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers you—Drink lots of water. .'ating meat regularly eventually pro- duces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, be- cause the :uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis- ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin- ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder :end urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid- neys aren't noting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ouaices of sad : Salts frown any good pharmacy; ;take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will •then not fine. This fatnons salts is made from the acid of grtapea and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and hoe been used for generations to livah clogged kidneys and stimulate them, to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer itri, Cates, time ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts •cannot injure anyone; snakes a delightful eit`ervoseent lithia- water drink which ?Millions of mon and women take now and their to keep the kidneys and urinary orgatta thrall it111/9 avoiding titi1-kkl13 sena - yip .�j�p.7,' y Elliin•Ttaliqi ;; AGIEN�Se Dt�r1t . EUl if . , Elt'r%ai LQ.a,rr: -- ',f)., -; ACOOUNTS COLLECTED AOO,[DENTANSURANCE Herald Office Zurich FARMERS ATTENTi)N Make money tri spare tit ie':„, .t, this Winter by selling• :iNiaa , Seed Papatoesx This is the right time to start on Stock and New Spring Sales. We pay highest commissions d furnish .our Salesmen with liteat- ure with a "puncta." te it. l• Send for our list "f isiew Offerings and full particulars. Stone & " Wellingf n The Fonthiit Nuseries (Established 11337) TORONTO . WHY YOUR LOCAL PAPER • PROFITS YOU It pays to read TIIE HERALD because it contains important i•ot- lees of events that the public gene. eraily are interested in, and which you alight not hear anything abeat until they were' past, Aside': from the news there are always platters of importance In -the ad- vertising ,colutuns.. A man assi- gas; you rosy be a creditor and the legal notice tells you When and to whom to make your c:ainis.An- kraals stray ,from their owners aria an ad. tells you where to recover thein. . Thus the chain --of useful - mess continues lltik by link. .As a m-edium. of commii.nication rt :'is Valuable and ea,nvenient alike t( those who have announeeinents to; make, and those who are interest ed in' hearing them„ and -it is above all, ,cheap,—: cheaper than . Dn p to paper and postage stamps. be withortit the ;poral paper— bit(,, wilt save y'oti its price over r„d -0Ye,1 Fettle) ,. ncluded flea o otl1yl miler 011.378 r'e up;sli'tt'ring and , 'ffilir; ;lade. Ungar' bargains with loth6r` iiu(-tibia ivied quickly be etude else:. - Turner Had His Way. The late 1iai. ,\V. Turner, one of England's mostfamons artists, served for some time en the banging commit- - the'Reyal academy, and one day when he strode into the pi.eture rooms he was struck by a picture sent iu by Artini unknown provincial artist of the lame of Bird. Turner'took it into his hands,andexamined it this war and,. that. "A tine work!" he exclaimed. "It 'Must be hung up and exhibited." - luapossible," responded the other tiienlbers of the committee. "The walls aka full, and the arrangements cannot be disturbed." "A fine work," repeated Turner. "It must be hung, lap and exhibited.' And, -finding his'.collcagnes to be as obsti- auto as himself, he hitched down one of his own pictures and hung up Bird's in its place. But. She Liked It! Very strong peppermints ere grand- father's favorite confection. One day. says the Christian herald, he gave one to !'our -year -elft Marjorie and waited slyly to see what she would do when she should clrse.over the pungent flavor Of the candy. A fere minutes later he saw her take the partly eaten pepper- mint from her month and place it on a table beside an open window, "'What's the matter?" he asked. "Don't you like the candy?" "Ob, yes," replied Marjorie, "I like it, but 1 thought I'd let it cool for a little while." Sarcastic. A. young author, evidently desirous of benefiting by the experience of an older brother craftsman, once asked Richard henry Stoddard how be had acquired such a mastery of Anglo- Saxon. "I don't know how I ever did it," replied the poet, who, after a moment's reflection, added, "I think, however, I must attribute it to the fact that I never had any education," A Medical Epitaph. I can't beat "Tears cannot restore brim, therefore I weep," says a corre- spondent, but the folioasing pithy epi- taph on the tomb of a doctor (given me, 1 beaten, .to say, by a medical man) conte'§ near it: ' "'He survived all his patients." OFJ?OEI you should not miss .t have on hand the following which were bought be the big advance in price. Buy now and save money. ON PETER HAMILTON ICU'LTJVATOES I can save you $16 each. The se cultivatorsare second 'to non and are giving the best_, of satis faction, a ON LOW -DOW N 'MANURB SPREADERS I can save you $26 each. 0•n ly two left. On WAGONS, I can save you $20. On BUGGIES: $25, On HAY RAKES $8, Only one left, Also one LITTER CARRIER, OUTFIT on which I can save y ou $20. One price to all, these are no consignment goods. The above facts and prices speak for thern-e1v ,a , C a at once if yoa need any of these 'as I haveno time to ca'n.rass. A new line of Cutters. Delaval Cream Separator Age We Haile le pumps, piping, etc,. L. 1•311...162011,1611.... I CP 0 Save Money ,34 advantage of our ° 1918 Clubbing t ` t .tea, ticred and Daily Globe..,. ....$4 75 Wet:hly Woke.. .1. 7t Daily IUi.i1 and Em- pire 4 75 Weekly 14Jai1 ai,1 Emu ite 1 75 „ Teta cin Doily Sur 8 7.3 " " Daily Mut- U 75 t ,c tC «'eelily St..., .. 1 /5 Landon Free Pi c es lllorning l:ciitit rBt0 Evening Ediiiot a CO Weekly Dilate ... 1 $fi London Adrtut4sei Morning Edition .. 8 CO ]?+vcnln(; ]+ Uitirt.:. b tj1J Weekly Edit:nn.... 1 r5 " a.irn & Dn:iiy 1 75. " Wally Sun 1.80 " 'Fanners Adtteste... 2 10 .,- I1iclitteteCe °IltI 4l''1 Herald and Wet:;: Star 2 10 Weekly al oats a1 Witness " Canadian Cr aant:a - niar, , it „ << 11 2 25 1 50 NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv- en'that a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Town- ship df Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL VILLAGE OF ZURICH 01) - MONDAY, DEC. 31st. 191 , at the hour from one to two o':clock, P. M., ,for the purpose of • nominating candidates for Reeve and Councillors for the Township of. Rua- for ,;tee year 1918, and in case a poll is demanded, polls will be open -cl on MONDAY, JAN. 7th. (1913, in the several polling sub- divisions of the Township, as f o1 lows; Poll No. 1. Polling Place, Scho- ol house No, 2; D. R. 0., Milton Russel; Clerk, Ceril Rowe. No. 2. Pol:ing place, School houi se No. 14, D, R.'0., D. Burns; Clerks W. D. Thompson. No. 3. Polling place, Town 1 Hall.; D. R. 0., A F. Hess; Clerk,: W..m. O'Brien, 3 No. 4. 'Polling place, W. G. j Hess' shop; D. R. O., W. G. Hess ;I Clerk, Daniel Oswald. No. 5. ,Polling place, School- house No. 12; D. R. O., B. Surerus; Clerk, Hy• Krueger. No. 6. Polling place, Hart'eiibs Hall; D. R. O., 3, K. Goetz; Clerk, D. emali. No.Ti7, ,Polling place, School house No, 3; 0. R. 0„ R. J. Troyer; ,Clerk, VTm, tC'onsitt, • No. 8. Polling place, Bissonet- te's Block c D. R. 0., Fred Duchar- me; Clerk, Mardi CnrriVeatl. Said polls will be kept open from 9 o'clock a. nn„ until 5 o'clock, p. M. and no longer. 13'III,D. MESS, Sr., Rttiirna'ing Of Neer. Dabe'd at tZtiruich, this 15th day of December, 1911. VULCANIZING• I have instal'el a complete Val- canizi+nt;• outfit and can ,do 'all kinds of auto tire repairs. Both inner alai outer casings. I can also rot' it and half sole rubber, boots an -1 s:ioes. NOW IS -THE TIME TO GET THIS WORK DONE BEFORE THE RUSH OF SPRING WORK COMES IN. T. H. Agus-, Garage, Hensall IIAREN GRAY HAIB, LOO YOUNG, PRE Sage Tea and Sulphur .t arkens . So Naturally that No body can tell. Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when it fades turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur, in the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so at- tractive, use only this old -tune recipe, Nowadays we get this iambus atix tura improved by the addition of othe ingredients by asking at any era. store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur Compound," which dar ens the hair so naturally, so that nobody can possibly tell been applied. You Just dam sponge or soft brush 'with it an this through your hair, taki small strand at a time. ]3y the gray hair disappears; bu delights the ladies with Wyeth and Sulphur Compound is th sides beautifully darkening ti after a few applieatietts, It also back the gloss and lustre and an appearance of abundance Wyeth's Sage and Sulpl` pound is a delightful toile to impart color end a .r! pearahoo to the hair. I tended for the cure, tultiga' werxtion of disease.