HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1918-01-04, Page 4rr�.. S IIERALD. LsAued Thursday afternoons from the HERALD PRINTING FFICE l"'e .ms of subscription $.1 per year in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid, U. S, subscrinti- ons $1.50 strictly in. advance, No paper discoetinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of .the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid le denoted on the label. 'Advertising Rates Transient ad- vertisements, 10 cents per line efrig .first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subsequent insertion Small advertisements not to ex- eed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., in- eerted ,onoe for 25 cents, and each subsequent insertion 10. cents Communication intended for pub- lieation 'must, as aguarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the. writer. -e ddress all commnunications to HE HERALD PRINTING CO, ZURICH, ONTARIO. AUCTION SALE !Of Naito Stock, and• est., Mr. a. Bose:enberry has been instruct- -led (to sell by public auction on lot I4, icon:, 14, Hay, on Thursday,Jan. 17ith at 10 o'clock, sharp, the follow, Ing;— HORSES— One general pur- Aos a tea u, tieing 6 years; 1 mare, >r.siiig 12, in. foal' 1 Percheron niare rising 4; 1 mare rising 17, in foal; 1 colt rising 2 in 'June, CATTLE --2 ffnesh tows; 2 cows due to calf i' April; 1 ,cow duo. en May; 2 hailfers duel in June: 2 ,doevs sup- posed to calf in. July; 1 farrow, tow• 2 steers rising 2; 1 heifer arcing 2; 2 yearling calves; 1 nsif 2 months old; 1 calf 3 mon- 3t1;:• old. Two Hogs. IMP'LEM- • (FNTS Massey -Harris binder ; 1lfaes•ee -Harris ,mower, Massey -Ha erls hay rake, Kemp manur•e'spread ler, Deering side rake, McCormick, err 1 dis•e harrow, Chatham. fan- DA$HWOOD Mr. and Mrs, •EI, Hoffman spent. the holidays in Tavistoeks Mr. Herb Geiser, of Detroit was a ,visitor at his house here last week, iDr, and Mrs, .E, A, Broughton of 'Whitby spent the holidays at the home ,of Mr•, and Mrs. T. Keller- man. • Mr. and Mrs. Harris of Sarnia, a.re at present visiting with Mir. - and MTs. H. 'Elsie. Mr and Mrs, Wm. Held visited in Detroit over New Year. Mrs. Dae by, of Jackson, Mich., spent Sunday with • relatives in town. :Miss Alma Cook of Hensall and Laving and Alberta of London were visitors at their home over New Years. Mr, S. ,Colosky of Kitchener spent the week -end with rel:ttiv;es The Misses. Olive and Hilda Rad- er and Miss Marie Roth have re- turned to Detroit after spending the holiday with Mr. and Mr's, H. Rader, Mi, and Mos. Eveland are visit- ing. in ,Sarnia, Mr. Henry ,Guenther has return; ed to ;Windsor after visiting with his parents. • Misses Pearl Tiernan and Mina Ehlers have returned to Stratford after holidaying at their homes.' HENSALL Z. C. Robinson who conducted the Hensel]. Produce & Fruit Co., has given up the business and .re- turn to ;London with his family. to New 'Year's entertainment for the congregation of Carmel church was held on Monday night. A good dociable time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Madge and Mrs. Madge, of the west, are vis- iting relatives here. R Miss Mary ;Carlin, a trained nurse 1 --of ,Calgary, is visiting at her home I here. ;The December shipment of the Ladies'.leaitriotie Society was 154 pr. of socks and 62 flannel shirts: Messrs. W. McAllister. & Son re- cently sold their entiire horse to a . Mr. Vanstone, of Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fairbaien, of Snowflake,.dVlafn., are renewing old acquaintances here at present. • STANLEY TCIWNSHI •ef• Nomination passed off quietly on .Monday, all the old oouincll bei,ng rye -elected by acelam•ation viz, '.-- Reeve, John McKinley ; .Couneillers J. T. Keys, 3. Hood, Geo. Hanley, and M. Elliott. On Christmas day, William Hay- ter, son of Jos, Ii Hayter, of;5t- anley was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Tippet, daughter of Mr, .Chas Tippet of Bayfield. ,The ceremony was performed. by Rev. Ash -Everest, After the ceremony the happy:couple took theetrain for Stratford where they will spend,' a few days. After which they ,will =settle down on the Babylon Line. with the best wishes of their matey. friends. A , • On Ea_u.dey, December 2,9 ,h there passed away an old and highly i'e- spected resident of Stanley in the person of Mrs. Robt, McKinley,Sr-, Mrs. McKinley had reached the,ad- vaece.d age of Ski. years, 6 mon-. •etas and 112 days. She had been N MtE1OI3IA X141_ 0000N111O0O0MOO11100NO00OOM0 0Oi0iO.004000O0r eeeosees In loving memory of our dear father, Henry Bender, who died on January, 2nd., 1916. His suffering was great, his pain severe. But he bore it with patience till God drew near. f, And then without bidding a last farewell,. He quietly went home to Heaven to dwell, One of the best that and could; len d,- A loving father, a faithful friend. WWe,xniss him and mourn ,him in .silo •ence 'unseen, Aud dwell in the days that have been. FOR SALE The following;— Farm on Bron- son Line, known As the Melick farm consisting' of 150 acres. Farm on Bronson Line, known as the Merrier homestead, consisting of 200 acres. These farms are well built, good houses, barns and out buildings and were drained and in enjoying her usual good' healtli'u 1 state of cultivation. Also lot•15, to a short time ago, but the last I'S, B., Stanley, 100 'acres, hay and wweeks she has failed rap; iy' i grass farm, Mrs. 'McKinley was born in .Irel d I Cider mill in Zurich with all.nec- , by ;maiden name was.Jane M chey, she was married to h husband about 66 years" ago then 'till the time o'e her .deaf has con:inuad to res.d•e on the:, farm, Her husband pre-dece her about 52. years ago, lei; with a family of 6 `daughters;, 1 son. The daughters are; Wm, Clark, Stanley,* ;Mrs. - Nicholson, Man.: Mrt0Sherniar Washington; Mrs. Wm, Bi Sask., Mrs. Ed. Johnston''an Wm. Lamont, the .laittYi whom, are deceased , • obt. has always jeered"; ioniestead with his.; Mrs. 1V.Lc1•Civley waS °a teeii. ^ loving mother, afnd";a eietaid;t'•zea and neighbor 1 s: essary machinery.: Also 'modern ' dwelling situated in Zurich. All will be sold on easy- terms. For particulars apply to J. J. Herber, 1ZeriCh. t 25-t.e. neng —ill, roller, sulkey . plow; EXETER eva1ki rg plow, Verity gaing plots, ;<a ,irffleas cit• ;frig box,- new, 1?u bicycle, eat) t att.-en: s ge avi ,- •Ir, tor, ,hay lick, 2 blocks- and;. tack- les,washingma,chue and other art xe es. 'BERMS — All sums of 010,00 and under, •cash. Over that ernount, 9 months credit will be ,given on furnishing approved jo- rift !notes. 4 per cent off for t asli on credit anioulnts. 'Bossenberry, auctioneer. Cyrus Schoch, proprietor, Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tells why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. Why fie 'man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous despondent worried; some days headachy, dull and ' ;strung; some days really, incapaci- tated ncapaci tated by illness.• if we all would practice inside -bath - tag, what a gratifying change would '.'take place. Instead of thousands of :alf-sick, anaemic looking souls with 'pasty, muddy complexions we should see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy- olreeked people everywhere. The rea- bstfn is that the human system does not --raid itself each day of all the waste • Which it accumulates under our pres- 'rent mode of living For every ounce int food and drink taken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material eaust be carried out, else it ferments end forme ptomaine -like poisons which ire absorbed into the blood. *Just as necessary as it is to clean 'the ashes from the furnace each day, before the fire will burn bright and ;izot, so we must each morning clear tilts inside organs of the previous day's .accumulation of Indigestible waste and Boody toxins: Men and women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink each *corning, before breakfast, a glass of • veal hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In it, as a harm- less means of washing out of the eitornach, liver, kidneys and bowels the Indigestible material, waste,'sour bile Atel toxins; thus •elea.nsing, sweeten- `ling rind purifying the entire alimen- "tart' canal before putting more food Into the stoiaaeh. .• Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid ettozrtacb, nervous days and sleep]ees 4ilghts have become real cranks about the morning inside -bath, A quarter und of limestone phosphate will not much at the drug store, but is ; t to demonstrate to anyone, cleansing,. sweetening mid freshen- �' ng effect upon the engem, • • ,+fB�l, 1,4•,•••••• ,Z, ti,.. k.z?:x t.:o..tdr'nr•'d• • in • ce Fatter �tif I's U• d .s 14 n pia f. Errs Ia y. I w•hinney, daughter of Mr, . me MrsRobt Mawhinney and Ralph` Brandt, G, T. R. agent at Londwo,, od, formerlyof Exeter. Mr. Elgin Amy,` etf Outlook,+Sask is visiting "re1a'tivee' here. Mr. Tiav eland, of Port Dover, has bean app•oented principal of our public school in place of Mr. Eadie, who 'has resigned. IN X. Dore, who has been ill, is improving .-• Mr. L. Blatchford, who has been undergoing treatment in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned tome. CREDITOR Jiosrephb Banes, one of our best known res'dcnts dropped dead sud denly o+n Tuesday, Dec, 25th. He was getting ready to visit his daughter and was hitching up a horse when he fell over and drop- ped dead. He was 67 years of age. The funeral was held last Friday, Mrs. 'ism•. Smith has returned from a visit with relatives at Pig- eon Mich. A large .nums'er of holiday vis- ;tors leer+e here during the past few weeks. Forty dollars 'were realized at the school concert held the other night. Miss Beryle Hill, who has spent the past two -years in the west, has returned home. Weise `u-le•etis Hill, of Toronto, spent the holidays at her home hiere, • Lorne Brown, of Kitchener, is visiting relatives here. COUNTY NEWS A Lige elm treewas recently, ;cut down in Alex Elliott's bush in Goderich geownshiip. The etupinl 'measu:'ed. eft. 6 inches in diameter! and 23 ;1t. in circumference, Twen- t'yf •ciords of ;3 et. wood were split and piled out of the top, Mr. and Iil,is. Jas. eleelymo'nt, of Staneey, announce' the engagement of their daughter;; Florence Ida, to P. V. Terryberry, of Tuckersm- ith. The ;marriage will take place, in Jatnuare. ' ' Rev. Dr. McIntosh; of Nairfn, was inducted as pastor of the Presby- terian church, Brueefie:d, on San-.• uarye 3rd, Friday zrr,orniing before Christ- -I mai someone stole a case of whis- key and a number .of fowl from. the Parson -Davis produce house, + Centralia, Someone lived high over the Lel:c7;ay,i. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS ' 1 Tells How To Get Quick. Relief from Head -Colds. It's Splendid! 5 zi eons,; "minute your clogged nostrils ons ;,will open, the air passages of your head 4id '14 1I1 -cle er and you can breathe freely. 'l a Peeper -ea hawking, snuffling, blowing, headacl, dryness. No struggling for •breath at night, your cold or _catarrh will be. :ne. *real, r orwio:.wa„g9itrer� ea, Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream , y 73alm frcm your druggist now. ,Apply to help thus in need rrd`>lrer site • a .:liths 4f this fragrant, antiseptic, eds of love and!•chaliitt will no` healing cream in ydur nostrils.' It pen - 'funeral be forgofiten by rho c �>o I etiates'tirough every air passage of the enjoyed her aegtravntance : „J , head, seethes. „the inflamed or swollen funeral was head ori' Monaey, c " sty tis xnemb`rane and relief' comes . in - IA and was farglIysktten da e;I statta just $ne.T ,Don't stay stn "te liri _ y r ice tiv as eon urs torgees,,, sl :k " deruost tegmen kte5 rose rn 13avfie. etei.Y, .:. v, Y {. Al ! ' Af with' a cold or nasty catarr � G' f y ; dveneeeIco gutclely. e 1'' their alaulpy'' tcx.ta,e,' :p tile;;, resrden.t` e ,Clan rong nets l1 ir 3 ahe g ` 1 h t�. >A frr>a~gsvt t@,. we regret to loose su.eh valued ' i ghbors as°he~wind his'faniily. ee .ever. c. ti .ho et a:f"` he may 2 h, a P '! y 5 sp nd many happy :years In their home, ,,• rr* On. Sunday morning last .tli• for of the •;*oshen Methodist d cls on behalf of the congregation ilith whom .Mr. and Mrs.. •Armetro,tg, ` have been associated with, Nese anted them with a' small gift Sand the following address. To Moe and Mrs. Ar nisi ry slice Ling R Y II d i t'A .4ancr 1.1"e"' hTFi'iBsl'110, Needs It r. Ae orciingeftd the latest population. lgures with reference to the money in circulation in this country, every man, woman and child• in the United States should -'have $43 in his, her or its deans, Have you got yours? I haven't got mine:' It occurs to me that when the fact be. Comes generally known that I haven't got mine some "per capita" who die covers that he has considerably more ready cash .m his pockets than he `ought to have according to this divi:- j Von. of funds will split with me so that 1 will have my normal quota of dollars, All I need in order tohave my $43 is $37.50. No hurry about it, of course, but the sooner somebody remits me this $37,50 the niore grateful I will be. There is really no necessity that I can see of de- laying or postponing such a little mat- ter as this. By a rapid mental arith- metical calculation it will readily be seen that I now have $5.50 of the $43 needed, and before I have spent any portion. of this $5,50 it would be well for somebody to nralre up the deficit of $37.50, otherwise the deficit is liable to be more, -Newton Newkirk in Boston Post. PHOTOGRAPHS ON WOOD. Dear Friends — As' you are a- bout to sever your connection with us, and take up your residencf el- sewhere, we who have been asaci- atfed with you in the life and arc- tivities of the church wish to ex-, press our appreciation of you fel low workers among us, you have always been sympathetic towards the work of God, and have gladly; rendered assistance in the extent,. ion .of his kingdom. We' regret that you 'contemplate removing 'from our midst; but we trust that Heaven's choicest bles- sing will rest upon you. As a Woken of our esteem we present yowith this small gift, and with it we assure you that out earnest prayer is that God will con- tinue to guide your pathway, may you be enabled to trust in the in- finite love of your Heavenly Fa- ther, and ever to ack.nowledgehim; as your Master and Lord, Signed on behalf of 'deoshen Con- gregation. Rev. J. E. Jones, The m,ai'riage of Ethel Pearl, dee ughtee of Mr. and Mrs, Walter J. Stevens, "Bonneview" Stanh y, to: Mr. '4lrllliirhn E. Insley, son of Mr. and Airs. John Elsley, of Mount Forest, was solmenized on Monday, December 31st at 3 p, m. at, the manse, ,Varna, the Rev.. D, Johnst 'on officiating, The bride : was at- tired in her travelling suit of Af- rican browln vc,tour and large black hat and wore tilt groom's gift, a, diamond pendant, The happy co - units lelft oe the evening train " for. :Esse.+:, Niagara Palls, Detroit';iind Canton, Ohio, In tiler retuntMe.,' and Mrs, Easley will reside art etlie groom's line farm near len writ Forest. An Easy Method by Which the. Prints May Be Transferred. A method of transferring pictures to wood is given in the Electrical Espen imenter by V, O, llclivaine, as follows; Dissolve salt in soft water, float your photo print on the surface ,picture side up; let it remain about an hour. The wood should be of biidseye maple ox other light colored '"liardwood, which should be varnished with the best opal or transfer varnish. Take the picture from the water, dry a little between linen rags; then put the engraving, picture side down, on the varnished wood and smooth it nicely, If the picture entirely covers the wood after the margin is cut of so. that no varnish is exposed lay over it a thin board `and heavy weight; leave it thus over nigbt. If you wish but a small picture in the Center et the wood apply the varnish only to a space the size df the picture. When reaely' to complete your wart; the neat day dip your forefinger in salt and water and commence: rubbing od the paper, The nearer you come to the picture the more careful you must be, as a hole would spoil your work. AUTOS OVERHAULED REPAIRED and PAINT'ED Now is the time to get your auto overhauls c and plainted for next season. Repairing and overhaulingwill be properly and prompty. Paintingwill don the Zurich Carriage orks. be dome�at Leave all 'orders with H. GALLMAN, ZURICH; GARAGE ÷—÷—.:-.--4-4.—+—+—÷-4.—+—+—+—+—+—•:•—•:•—•:.—+-4-4—*1— NEW HARNESS SHOP I have opened up a new harness shop in 1 Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, . I and am prepared to do everything in harness 4 repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. .44 II I•i •1• Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited • - FRED THIEL ZURICH r •€•—•I•—•II• —+ 4 4-4. + 4+ 4- m„,,, - i Ir. f 1 111 1 , I r • E. ; Y'-TR WINGS toney lying "at aTo* rate of interest o; 't , ae twc forh• ix you each six months more interest- dollars ;by in- vesting �:esting it in a Huron & Erie Debenture. You receive the unconditional promise of this Half -Century old Gorporation•thatyour hinds willbe repaid atthe tune promised together with half -yearly interest thereon. For terms of one, two, three, four or five years interest ispaid at the rate of 5 per cent per annum Why not ask for further particulars? THE MOR;, GAGE COOORATION CHARTERED 1864 "Older than the Dominion of Canada" HEAD OFFICE: .LONDON, ONT. Applications for Debentures received by ANDREW HESS, Agent ZURICH, ONTARIO -co �iteseente FRUIT TREES And Plaints ,For Spring • ' Planting We need no further introducti- on;then the fact that we have been in the Nursery Bushiness SIXTY ONE YEARS, 'and are now prep- ared to meet existing conditions by . olffering our high grade trees and plants direct to customers at ROCK. BOTTOM PRICES. +Send ;fox our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and save the agent's. ;commission, of which you get the benefit. . Our prices will be sure to interest you and all stock is ab- solutely 'first -•class and true to n ales. , THE CHASE BROTHERS CO, ;of Ontario, Led. Nurserymen, ;Established 1857 Colborne, Ont AUCTION (SALES It wall pe,y you to advertise your auction sales in The Herald whichis largely dreulated throughout the countryside. If you have anyth- ing to sell there is, no better med- ium than this paper to reach the buyer. Advertise in The i ,fn and get results, , sousgammTammrevausstimes UNDERTAKING Prompt Servi. Moderate rha Tailor Sho Issuer of Marriage, Lic W. H. HOF Zurich. sommimiiiimosimetsion FOE isA:LE— Men's shoels, eine 7 at a bar at Herald Office,