HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-12-08, Page 8++++.e++i-e++++++++++++,+++01$ +,-.1-4-.1,4-i.+4.1,.+++++++++++++++41• fes ts it We have the celebrated Rogers Coats again. "-.1.in stock. These coats are well made in the newest styles and aro gua,ranteed, Should any garment prove defective in material or workmanship it may 3: irt be exchanged for another or price refunded. Corded Velvets + .L. BLANKETS ÷ + + Monarch Knit Sweater Coate, ;.*I. .+ all sizes, for men., women and ee children. Prices right. e.: ?I••• A complete range of corded and plain velvets on band in + 1., the various colors. Prices :-+ .7. from 60e to •75c per yd. 1: + + + + + ...e. New flannelette and Wrap-, + .: perefttes to han, A well as- + + New Flannelette & Wrapperettes You can•sieve money chasang your Woolen asecl kets taaw as ing. While will continue year's price, by pur- requireimentsth Flannelette 131m + prices are •advance our stock lasts we selling at lash Men's Wear * s orted stock at right prices. 41: id IL 1, INERY All ladies 'andchildren's hats + and trimmings at greatly re: duced prices for balanceof 5(J to $20. Now seli • ng to clear 1: ee eeason. at $6. and $12,50. + 1006141923 * .40 :i. Fresh Groceries always on hand .f ..i. • RUBY and GAS01-10 4. - PHONE. 7 4: + .4 4 e.++++,1 -+++++++++++++++++++4++++++++i•+++++++++++++44 -:t 4. st3:534,=artrztaz218:02Qczxssiz36.331Niattel=feec3rele:3eXeseetzei.2„2. Cream, Eggs, Live & Dressed -I owi WANTED 0 Will pay highest cash price for Cream and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, 0 0 at any time durin • the week. Live Fowi taken every Saturday forenoon. Dressed ti Fowl taken. any time. Highest cash price paid. i lyi I. HUDSON', Phone 5, ZURICH x /01.1e.:4;';:::::.----:;:::e.:•,55::+3,:eeZeke:.e.:10:•_*„...:*:(0-X6MAr.leteece-E: 4---I •A new line of Men's and Boys' overcoats, Up-to-date styles. Come and see thene Only 12 men's salts left in :.1* stock, Regular prices f.roas $12 0 ;• (7; Acid -A -Link Bracelets A fresh supply of Gold and Silver Add -a -Links just arrived. We engrave,"thezn:to your order. GEORGE R. HESS ez CO., JEWELLERS ag ZURICH 7-••• CKS.,t4 liter Shoe Sale Low Prices High Values CLEAN SWEEP FOLLOW THE CROWD ON SATURDAY. Buy early and save money. We have reduced many linos of shoes for your inspection. All FELT SHOES and SLIPPERS took a drop in price here. Many other lines have followed. We have some extra values in mens, get fittea. boys, womens and childrens in odd sizes. It will pay 'you to call and HOMEY SHOES for men and boys. Those of you who onjoY shaking can buy a good Hockey Shos at greatly reduced prices. MEN'S HIGEI TELESCOPE BOOTS with felt 'inside, only ft few sizes left, at LESS THAN COST PRICE. LOCAL MARKETS 1/2, jar roo[ et( C3N tarY Thur$44Y. ...... .. . .... . .. 01.0 DI....... 40 Dried . • 05 . . .... .. . .. 145, ,W heat 1165 1.70 .... .. - • ...... Buck wheat ...... ...... ...... Shorts ............ Low Grade.... Live llogs fel) Report Repose for inlonth of November of Room • .The namei aro based ete.e ;eine, puectualityy, eon. daet . effic1eneze r J d jr; Gdracet Rug; Aelhory Mittleholtz; ert Ne, II Chefs- Marguerite Prang, 65 •70 Fri Newell ; Ne well •Geiger, „.,..„ 65 I Luei Aileeeeat , Gordon. Schwal, . ..... 1 05 it,. Yeee• 4; I.:eller, Vernon David— .. 4.90 g;40 )7' efl Davidson ; aka thief ... . . . .. . ... $32 00 ea ; Dueharare. ......... . ... 85 00Nay Seim; bag .i .. ..... 10.50 e aid ; Alvin Gaseho ; H.ensa. ....... . 2.50 1 geaucth is:oehler. .:1.1 et IL— Ga nee t Wialper, Wa Local News Highest price paid for hides and raw iurs, D ,Koehler, Zurjeh Will the party who has tay wire stretcher return the same at on. J. Praetor. BAGGED THREE COONS !Mesers. Earl R(ae 1aeld Merino O.es'ch bagged 'three( ccion/Sfr !on a tree the etherday/ The lads feel highly elated over their sue, cess. OPEN FOR 13USINESS Aly blacksmith Ab.op will - be. re -opened for b On •Oefon- day, Dee. 11th. Jacob Deichert, Rev. Litt of Eitehener conduct, ed quarterly services here ie. the Evan-ere:1ml church over Sunday. CREDITON MAN SHOT Wounds suffered Thursday night in Detroit when he attempted to protect Mrs. Harry Virilson, who was being pursued by her husband with a revolver, proved fatal 00 Sunday to Daniel Wein, aged- 34, foreaerly of Crediton, Ont. Wilson resented Wein'S interference end shot him twice. :The pollee are eearching for Wildou' Mrs 'Wil- son ran into Wein's poolroom to escape her husiband. ;The latter followed, and when Wein stepped' For between them Wilson fired. Mrs. country Wilsoe has 'asked far pollee pro- Whough tection. She sayer she fears her .51X0013 husband will return and k'11 h. elite e e he ; Tommy, rTher ; Elenel Leibold, Pr,— Leonard Prang; Luella IZeichert, IVIartha Heideman; Ev- elyn 1;echarine; .4.gnes Deitrich. est. CiusiS—Rese Albrecht.- • Average [attendance for tb.e, mouth of NoveMber 28. 4. A. Lamont, .'reaeher, COUNCIL ,The members of the Hay council Loard Inet in the town ball on 'Saturday for its regular aessioni. The following were appointed Deputy Returning officers and Poil• er cs.; Poll No.- L, M. Rust- eiL D R. „, C. Bowie, clerk; No, 2, D. Burns, W. D. (Thomson ; No. 3, A. P. Hess, W, OzBrien ; No. 4, W. G. D, Oswald; No. 5 B. Surerus, W. Edigleoffer; K. Goetz, 1). Tieniale; No, 7, E. Troyer, W. Caldwell; No, 8, S, J. Spencer, aVilarcil Corriveag. A large number of accounts were, pazieed which will appear in the finasicial atate,ment to i be, issued in a few weeks, The last meeting of the council dor the year 1A16 will be held "am Thursday, Dec, 14th at 2 O'clock p. F. Rees; Sr.,Clerle Jewels of India. variety of precious stones no In the world can rival Iedia. she exports annually over ele worth of jewels, she still re - today, as centuries ago, the se for, the nations. Diamonds, sapphires, tourmaline ganiet y kinds of rare chalcedony are roughout her many provinces. amend industry is carried on ett extent in the central prov- ubies are reined In upper Bur - next to petroleum form the titable of the mineral resources state. Woodbury the Composer. \ :Among obscurer composers of hymn 'Wiles that have lasted long is Isaac Baker Woodbury of Bev I , ss., n hie careers a blacksmith's e. He finally studied in Eu - was an associate of the better usicians of the day. Ris tune called "Siloam," sung to Heber's ."By Cool Slloam's Shady Rill," Is known to most churchgoers. (e• Is Futile Attempt. ppington (in the midst ot bit ere is an item about a Mete kissed his wife 2,500 times y. Mrs. Serappingten-.0f as a fool to think he could wife that way. What does say he had been doingl— atorehon WELL KNOWN HENSALL MAN" l'oblest . •vnd • IS DIEULD • Mined th Mr. James P. Moore, who gre to a • The di been very ill or the past moset:ee- • with pleurisy and on i and died •oe /Thursday raorning of lt( most pro week; despite ,the beet medical Moore had been 111, :the best of health for the laet few years reed, after paesilig the cris- it, his heart gave -out. The late Mr. Moore, was horn, in Shaker— peare, in tithe year ,„1852 being a who bega -the eene lof his death in his 53th apprentie year. He was married in London rope and nearly 32 years ago to Ms Leah, known m Dirstein, and Settled in Huron County, where they lived for 21 years. They then moved to liensall, Where. they lived uri the past 20 yearg. IVIr. 'YMooret,. .....; .24 will be greatly mis-sied in the ell- reraifig_13 France, and fthey have the twine 1 pithy of a large number of frthe account iends deceive his ;The funeral 'was held from thee euage. afterno OM Methodist church on- Saturday , . "Wealtb a lage. /He leaVes to, hiourn, hilos' e hi6 wife and one son, Wesled fool who one hi da y who is eerving his country in` course he FOR RENT Premises in Zurich owned by Mrs c ormick For particulars apply to A Ifibtelholtz or A PrIess. One Reward, oesn't bring happinese." replied Miss Cayenne. "But it does help some toward influencing oth- ers to put up with your grouchy ec en. _ . . riamm41444644vt.iimmaitwiwiiiimvamili Christnras..PrNeitts We o'er a choice of many beautiful articles in the following lines In white Ivory we have Mirrors, Brus s, Combs, Trays and Manicure Sets. Choicest Perfumes in bottles or in bulk. Finest Stationery Suitable for presents. Toilet Preparations of all kinds. ara.......n,,44,e•stvonftemumanomenamets...eittifti. vp-pg Mg 14 • ce. OK; ere Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reserv-oir, high eloset, treed back, scroll with .mirrors on top, oven thermometer and a large oven, 20x22, Best Stove ion the Market, only $50. Fall stock of HEATING STOVES at kn•ockout prices. Call lased see before you buy, All stoves guaranteed or no sale. We were luckyr one oz' in heer- , ing contracted for about 50 stoves of ell kiads n year ago, and sines then stoves have greatly advanced is prices, We are still selling at the old prices. Call and eee the BIG STOVE BARGAIN'S SEE OUR Cook stove with resevoir for $20. e extended for Reeges complete for 1833. • PLARTLE1139 ZURNEi13 0-1 HUROWSILARCEST:COMEINATIONA TORE te:381::30c3:Eiszsea=w oz38s3EX:sgoasor:2*0:318ersaczwIENE New Confectionery Store Dashwood Bread and Cakes. Stratford Bread. Neilson's Chocolates & Candies O Choice Confectionery & Groceries Stationery of kinds Picture Post Cards and Novelties 0 0 California Toilet Preparations 0 .Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. 0 Parcoisnaust be brought in before Tuesday evening of each week. Your Patronage Solicited Zurich I 363E-X3ENE38cmiNZSKIIMEICWAI:1141=311E2M98a0aCBSEXENE38e3k311:3* 400.00.000060004/000111beeeRseeesseememmeeetooe•oca000.0* • • • • • • • • Do Your • • • • • : • • • • • Xmas Sho pi4 ,. • • • • at T. L. Wurin s . . . . . . a eparti ental Store • • I0 • AN EXTREORDINARYVARIETY OF PLEASING AND • APPROPRIATE CIIRIST1VIAS GOODS THE:••VERY LATa EST' . a FROM e • . 0 ei S N -i. -., A , .,* , „. , .r. L WILL APFORD YOU A /WIDE RANGE FOR SELECTING • a 2 OF YOUR KMA,S. GIFTSAT LOW PRICES. SHOP a 5 [EARLY AND SECURE THE CHOICEST GIFTS. • es • BELOW ARE SOME STIGOEiSTLION$. , * • • et FOR LADIEVi• , POROHILDREN , FOR GENTLEMEN- • • HANDKERCHIEFS BOOKS I MANICURE SETTS ' TOYS COMB AND BRUSIIscSAILS se • I 4° • • [FICA'S • • PICTURES SWEATER COATS so •• PAPERTEI7IS ' DOLLS i ', ' NECK TIES I HAND BA.GS CANDIES PT(C. , I 4 '`. ' : • I ' ( 1 0 Hand Painted Nippon China 1 We 'have ,added to our stock this ,yeaks a heaukiful range of Sand Painted Chinaconsdgting of Salads, Sugar Cream lb Spoon (Toa, Celery Trays, (Mayolnale(S Seas, Comb and . Brus-b. Trey, Etc. Specials for the HolidayTrade : 24 inch Terry Cloth at 30 cents a yard • 36 inch Holland Linen for fancy work We are showing a big ra,nge of Towels very a” • • W. C. Wagner • o 0 • • • • • • • o 0 1e : • 0 • . suitable for gifts. • • • • .Our Grocery Department : I . is fined with the best of sweet ihiAgs obtainable, such as candies, : 110 S belled Nuts, etc. 9,, • nuts oranges, etc. A full sock of Peels. Raisins, Currants, : * : st,.."...ssi......0........ssisssm;-ss............,.........0..........................—...........,.. : • • , - I TN Lit W * 0 **4011.41.1.6010611.44000.040000 toIvtfigtat 8 • to • * * * • I 11***0041111.0***0 j