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Zurich Herald, 1916-12-08, Page 7
SHIPBUILDING AFTER THE WAR TEN MILLION TONS OF NEW SHIPS NEEDED. I I''I2tST USE OJ? SIEGE GUNS: r aulty Nutrition and eitf Employed by the Turks In Capturing Constantinople. A campaign surpassing in inven- tion and resource any that went be- fore was that waged by the Turkel against Constantinople in 1452-3. Its' culmination not only brought the furl into Berme, but it brought into war- fare the use of artillery as 'a means of reducing fortified cities. Oddly, Hien as in the present great war, it wars German skill in the handling of can- non that aided the Turks. One Urban, a Wallachian reared in Germany, who had seen service in the armies of German, 'Hungarian, and Greek before he attached him- self to the Sultan's forces, devised the cannon that for, fifty days bat- tered the walls of the eastern .cape ital of the Roman. Empire. On the. recommendation of Urban, the Sul- tan, before he began his amcampaign aagainst Constantinople, erected foundry, and in it was cast a gun with a mouth exceeding two and a half feet in diameter and capable of projecting to the distance of about a mile a missile of six hundred pounds in weight. Other guns of a smaller calibre were constructed un- der the supervision of Urban. Elimination"—these are the cause of the most of the ailments that afflict human beings. Too much indiges- tible food and lack of power to throw off the poisons that come from indigestion —these lead to a long line of distressing disorders. Avoid them by eating Shredded "Wheat Biscuit ---- a simple, elemental food that contains all the body-build- ing material in the whole wheat grain, including the bran coat which keeps the intestinal tract healthy and clean. Delicious for any meal in combination with sliced peaches or other fruits. Made in Canada There Will Be a Big Boom for Steel- makers and the Allied industries. From present indications, shipbuild- ing will be among the first industries to show activity at the end of the war. The United States, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, Norway and Australia have entered as competitors in ship- building. • Before the war the world had just sufficient ships to take care of inter- national commerce. There was a steady annual output to keep pace . with the demand and with the nor- mal maritime losses. This annual output of merchant vessels was as fol- lows: Number 743 1.319 1.750 1,719 1,599 1,277 1,063 1,405 1,788 1,836 1,576 Tons. 1915 1,201,688 1914 2,852,753 1913 3,332,882 1912 ....... e. 2,901,769 1911 2,650,140 1910 1,957,853 1909 1,602,057 1908 1,833,286 1907 2,778,088 1906 2,919,763 1905 2,514,922 Since 1914, with the diversion of shipyards to naval construction, short- age of labor and other causes, the an- nual output decreased, leaving short- age of new construction, conservative- ly estimated at 3,500,000 gross tons. The amount of shipping destroyed up to the end of October verges on '3,- 500,000 3;500,000 tons. In addition to these ships to be replaced is the average annual building of nearly 3,000,000 tons, based on 1911-13 figures, and an indeterminate quantity of con- struction for ships in service, due to incessant voyages and consequent ex- traordinary depreciation. 10,000,000 Tons New Ships. Destructions continue, and the im- provement in the number of vessels launched has been comparatively slight. Therefore, if the war came to a sudden conclusion within a few months, shipbuilding yards would face. theproblem of constructing 10,000,000 tons of new ships with a capacity of about 3,500,000 tons, in addition to the ships under construction and on order in the current year, while the number of ships to be replaced in- creases daily. American yards have orders to keep them busy up to 1918. German shipyards are working on mammoth liners some of which have been delayed since 1913. According to an important Ameri- can shipbuilder, in the constructionof 10,000,000 tons of steamships, the quantity of structural steel, apart from machinery, would be between five and six million tons, and the cop- per requirements for foundry work, without considering electrical equip- ment, dynamos, insulation, steam fit- tings, etc., would be about ten thou- sand tons. Machinery and electrical construction is so varied as to be be- yond estimate. What Counts. It doesn't matter what your creed Or how you pray, If only you will square To what you say. eranaxd's Liniment Cures eartret in Cows A woman does as she pleases be- fore marriage, and after marriage her husband does as she pleases. each deed A Home Table ililard Will provide you and your family with the finest form of indoor recreation. during the long winter even- ings. Our Famous Maisonette specially for a reasonable Table Is made the home at price. Cash or on terms. sURR©UGWES Sc WBSleTS, Ltd. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., Toronto CHRISTMAS MESSAGE The Folly Of Taking Digestive Pills The Cospita 'for Sick Children COLLEGE ST.. TORONTO. Dear Mr. Editor:— Thanks for the privilege of appeal- ing through your columns on ilehalf of the Hospital for Sick Children, the great Provincial Charity. Our need of money is measured by the children's need of help, and you can judge how great that need must be when last year 3,046 sick little ones bere seentreated f from thin-patients, a 1916 sfigures, 692 patients were admitted from 242 places outside Toronto. Last year 271 in -patients were treat- ed for deformities, such as club feet, bow-legs, knock-knees, Pott's disease of the spine, lateral curvature of the shine, dislocations, infantilehparalysis, is. tubercular disease of knee, ip, Is the Hospital for Sick Children to take dollars out of your pocket, or is death to take babies out of their cradles? That is the question. One gift more in the Hospital's trea- sury means one coffin less In the LITTLE WHITE HEARSE. The Hospital must be digging up help for little children from the soil of human kindness, or sextons will be digging graves for little children in the soil of many a cemetery. The Hospital for Sick Children can only volunteer its mercy in so far -as you friends of little rice ren en the volunteer r your money for Hos- pital's never-ending battle for the lives of the little ones. , Let your money fight in the trenches of some mother's trouble and rescue some little child froml the dugout of pain, disease and deaf Can the Hospital leave thoseildchil- dren die because the fathers of have left home tbattle fight acidcan r lib- erty on the Britis the Hospital help the children of Can- ada's soldiers with its care unless you help the Hospital withenough cash? to ltielp You have money every other war fund without keeping back a dollar from the Hospital's war fund --the fund that helps the Hospital save the lives of little children, includ- ing the soldiers' little chiidren. Do not let the little children pay. in the loss of the Hospital's Care, the con- tribution . that should be given and inust be given to the war funds. Your money can Send a message of eheer to some father in the trenches -- yes, send that message from the cot where the Hospital nurses some little child back to life, the child of the father who is fighting your battle in the trenches. Every dollar kept from the Hos- pital's power to sere the little cilli• drt'n is a weight added to the burdens and a grief added to the sorrows of (hie ar. A Warning to Dy5Deptios. The habit of taking digestive pills after meals makes chronic dyspeptics of many thousands of men and women because artificial digestents, drugs and medicines have practically no influence upon the excessively acid condition of the stomach contents which is the cause of most forms of indigestion and dys- • pepsic. The after dinner pill merely lessens the sensitiveness of the stomach nerves and thus gives a false sense of freedom from pain. If those who are subiectbto indigestion, gas, flatulence, bloating, heartburn, etc., after eating would get about an ounce of pure bis take easpoonfusia lrin a little wm their aterst after meals, there would be no further neces- sity for drugs or medicines because bi- surated magnesia instantly neutralizes stomach acidity, stops food fermenta- tion and thus insures normal; painless digestion by enabling the stomach to do its work without hindrance. Turning Away Wrath. h. FOR YOUR NERVES' SAKE When they jump and throb, you can quiet and smelt thele with a Trade Mark 0 lic Petroleum Any A combination of the remedies your doctor prescribes and pure "Vaseline." Sold in clean, handy tin tubes at chemists and general stores everywhere. Refuse eub- stitutes. Free booklet on request. CHFSEBItOU 1H MFG. CO (cesseea,,ted) 1384 Chabot Ave. Montreal .ace St. Quentin id Cambra'i, and t they are headinhat way now, 1 and goilrig str o ngPRAYERS FWARRIORS, London Hoardings Covered With Printed Exhortations. Londoners were surprised to ob- serve walls all over the city covered recently with huge official posters ex- horting Englishmen to pray daily for their country, for its soldiers and sail- ors. Admiral Beatty's words are dis- played prominently: "Until a religious revival takes place at home, so long will the war continue." HOUSES FOR SOLDIERS. What the C.P.R. Is Doing for Re- turned Heroes. The houses which the C.P.R. is building in the west for the returned soldiers will cost them about $1,000 each, with out -offices. They will con- sist of four rooms each—two bed- rooms, dining room and kitchen. Each farm will consist of 160 acres and there will be 80 additional acres which may be availeed of in the course of time, and as the settler concludes that he can work it. The C.P.R. has sev- eral:designs for homes which will be submitted to the intending settlers. These offer a variety of design to suit different tastes and different pockets, it may be said. The settler can choosee a house which will cost him $2,000 but the payments will be made ex- ceedingly easy. In all there are prob- , v intern ably 8,000,000 acres of land held by ,pains and Aches Yield to Sloan s ustbefnze foo late* Dr.Bel out. Medical speculators in the West; but, apart Linc ieut, The Family Friend. Co,. Liinited. Collingwood, l They are followed by General Sir William Robertson's message: A serious determination on the part of the nation to Beek Divine help would{ Follies of youth are drafts on old undoubtedly furnish valuable help to age, the payments of which are in - our soldiers and sailors." , perative. The poster ends with the following words, printed in large type: "Will Minard's I,ia.ienent Curcio Distemper OU join those who every day at noon, --n _____ TOL19 and timely* highest Dash priors. Ws read money the some dor the lore ars weeelrm& n a!omirofles Webs ed attdolarµ to thou, sand mf trappers 1n Canada who send Weis Wilton*. beeaMei they know they Bet a swims deg, awlseortvI more money for their lugs. You eel Moo, we boy mors torr from trapping foo oosii than any ether avo 9rni In eonsd i. (9 ya egi d aro ner e nide U B FREESalla Y REj p $a11w'a Spur u en's eataloYam v j(''���tllsY Ngallson'a Rowgun ektiolations $a1lam's Far style Book WS patios) Sant from ea regoost Address as follows. JOHN HALLA.IVI Limited 202 Hanalei Building, Toronto. and at family prayers at home, pray for our country, our sailors and sol- diers?" A gentleman who discovered that he was standing on a lady's train had the presence of mind to remark: "Though I may not have the power to draw an angel from the skies, I, have pinned one to the earth." The lady excused hire. r DEBUT DANCES IN RUMANIA. Girls Are Eligible for Matrimonial Attentions. The Rumanian peasants have a say- ing that they must dance on Sunday to keep the creak out of their bones on Monday, says a writer in the Na- tional Geographic Magazine. Most of the dances are at the public houses —dance halls under the blue sky, as it were. -.and young and old gather there. The old folk spend the day with the tipple, while the young ones dance. There is very little drinking .on any other day of the week, and tipsy man, except on Sunday, sel- dom is seen. The dances are organized by the boys of the community. They arrange for the music, provide the refresh- ments and preside as masters of cere- mony. When the girls reach a mar- riageable age and have been sufficient- ly instructed in the household arts; they are allowed to attend these dances as participants. "She dances at the dance" is the peasant way of saying that a girl has made her debut and is eligible for matrimonial atten- tions. The national dance of Rumania is a sort of cross between a jig and the game of ring-around-the-rosie. All the dancers clasp hands and form a ring. They then begin a stepping, swaying motion that never moves them out of their original tracks, and to the*opsit upof for hours, urs Tzigana band they Don't parade your troubles before the unsympathetic world. Bury them as a dog does old bones, and growl if any one tries to dig them up. Qiranulated E*ellds nu Ryes inflamed by ce��ppao- sule to San, Duetting Witid quickly relieved by ilW lie Eva/needy. No Smarting, dad just h`yc Comfort. At Your Druggiere SOc.per attic. Mudge Eye gale@inTu es25e,padio° coitheEye freeas , Druggists orb9u leetfyeRemedy Co.,Chicago. True. "My boy, remember this." "What?" "The young man who comes straight home ahvays comes home straight." Minerd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Presence of Minds. "Oh, John!" shrieked Mrs. Dorkins. "Th baby has swallowed a silver >Ers - 'Y BED POTATOES. IRISH COB- ~ biers, Delaware, Carman. Order at once, Supply limited. Write for quo- tations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton, MIELP IDANTED. NA* 1‘10:11)i-•lij) 1t1cJtwoz'k: :rtes dY F W bench :tud flaoi v,'arlc. employment; commodious foundry; good wages.. The Jenckes Machine Co., Ltd.,, 5t. Catharines, Ont.. AfiENTS'64hi T'S3i. pan, I HOLD NECESSITIES -' at wholesale prices. Send for free sample offer and 1917 e•atalogue. Peoples Wholesale SupplY, Dept. A. g a y ' Barrie, Ont. i piece." NEW g6@mD E(}g}5.. Mr, Dorkins took a handful of - -------^- change out of his pocket and looked it T E Deans; ID highesth''l'prt es paid Ffo, ov er. small or large ,luantitles J. 1), drsen- "Calm yourself, Maria," he said. suit, 6S7 St. lTrbnin, Vontreai. "It was that counterfeit quarter I've EVir�FAI,8tti3 gots SALE been trying to get rid of." -------- KINt' NEWSoaAND JOB r�ftices for salt: in „ .ar (Tie' stip ,n on n a ins em- .B9q 9�LOLD palaply, t soli Pet i.delaidee Street. you �286d NEISCELLAP•EOUS, rtok 1T=h' \ - io towns The roost useful. and int g � s � f 11 bu 1n,to V n'uli brill lliifJ� @J li t n to Wilson I'uultsh C i AN 'i'UMORS, LT:MPS, ETC.. al -• d external, cured wi'Y- from 'that, there are literally hue- I --- deeds of millions of acres of cultivable joints, become , land lying idle over the West—not close to the tracks, of course, but good land which many have longed for so ardently that they have sat on the steps of the land office all night to be the first in the morning to get their application in. The C.P.R. is going ,on on its oevn account with the colony - " itomes; but' it expects that the Gov- ernment will shortly outline a plan of a comprehensive nature which can be'generally applied to the situation. The Middle Name. Little Robert rushed into the kitch- en one day and asked his mother what kind of pie ;she was making. "Lemon meringue pie," she an- swered. The little fellow` disappeared, but presently returned "Mother," he said, "what did you say is the pie's middle name?" FORCE KAISER TO ASK PEACE. Big German Business Interests to Force Issue,_ Say Financiers. ,That the Kaiser will be forced to seek peace in 1917 is the opinion ex- pressed in well -posted French circles, writes a Paris correspondent. By next summer the Entente allies will have reached the summit of their of- fensive capacity, and Britain will have blossomed to her full strength in men, guns, shells, and all the appur- tenances of war. Germany attaches great importance to the threatened loss of the Balkans, and is doing her utmost to avert it. Another year of the, war can bring Germany nothing more than a more or less successful resistance, with nothing ahead but a war of patience, with the scales heavily 'weighted against her because of the sea blockade. The opinion is expressed in high financial circles that the big business interests of Germany would no longer tolerate such a situ- ation, and an irresistible movement would be launched against allowing the military' party to attempt to re- sist the process of military and economical exhaustion. The allied Somme offensive will continue through the winter, pinning to Picardy as many German reserve divisions as possible, and seeking deprive Hindenburg of the offensive on any other front. Even should Germany be able to send enough men to the west to man efficiently the whole line from the sea to Switzer- land, she will be forced to a big re- treat from the huge Noyon salient once the allied armies seriously men - When youre stiff, your circulation poor, and your suffering makes you irritable, an application of $loan's Liniment gives you quick re- lief—idlIs pain, starts up a good cir- culation, relieves congestion. It is peasier lasters or d loin.tments, aeteaner to use s nguick mussy and does not clog the pores. It does not stain the' skin. You don't .need to rub—it pene- trates. Certainly Snefor �me back, rheumatism, aoinc;he, neck, sciatica, eto.F strains bruises, black For sprains, and blue repots, Sloan's Liniment re- duces he pain and eases the soreness. l Its use is so universal that you'll -- consider Sloan's Liniment a trio yells the whole family. Your druggist it in 25e., 50e. and $1.00 bottles, I was cured of painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMENT. ARD McMULIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. BAILEY. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. B is w. . You can benr to have your poelot emptied of a little money easier than some mother lthome emptied of a bear to c her little chiltl 'Will you send a duller. or snore if you can, to Douglas Davidson, Seem Lary 'Treasurer, or Chairinae. of the Board of Trustees, job he wants to do, and you 'ave, sir, J. ROSS it013SeRTSfl;', The Soul of a Piano is th Action. Insist an the tc OTTO H G ,L s PIANO AO_____ ----N America's Planner Dog Remedies In the Trenches. "Do the Geernans ever leave any- thing valuable behind them in the trenches?" Veteran—"Never a drop, mum!" etCinard'e Liniment Cures Colds. 8so. Quite Enough. "Please, sir," piped the tiny custom - co, whose head scaecely wants someoak reached the counter, "father varnish." "How much does your father want, my little man?" inquired the smiling shopman. "Father says you was to fill this," replied the little fellow, handling over a pint jar. It was duly filled and handed back. "Father will pay you next Saturday," said the recipient, casually. Then the face of the shopman grew dark. "We don't give credit here," he said. "Gimme back the jar." Meekly the small boy handed back the jar, which was emptied and re- turned with a scowl "Thank you, sir," he said . "I+'at•her. said you'd be sure to leave enough round the sides for him to finish the El). 7. ROOK ON DOG DISEASE Feed How to S' eed Mailed tree to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York RAW FURS It will pay you to ship all your rur to a reliable house, where you arket value. Aka forgou ot up is list and shipping instructions. ED AR) POLLAK & CO 280 ST. PAUX. ST. WEST. MONTREAL, QUE. 1;. dor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight 50 per std In One ', eles Time In ny In , ronce A Free Prescription. You Can have Filled and Use at Home. London,—Do you wear glasses? Aro you a victim of eye strain or other oye weaknesses? If so you will be lad to know that according to Dr. 'Lewis there le real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this won- derful t: "Iprescription.weblind; man not,see to trying end a it• I glad 5 and Nowa ee dooot wetter iany any night and wy ynow they feel night they would pain dreadfully; fine ell the limo; It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for nflread fine print without glasses,ng " It I can ' It is believed that thouaande who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable time and multitudes t obe Bleared able ,trouble strengthentheir of ever getting glasses. Eye tr',tio.es of many description, may be wonderfully, benefited by following the simple ruled. here is the prescrip- tion: Go to any active drug star* and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop ono Bon -Opts tablet in a fourth of a gases of water and allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear ep perceptibly right from the start and iefiemmation will quickly disappear. if your eyes are botheril,g you, even a little, take steps to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly b iad might have been Saved if they had cared for their eyes in time. Note: Another pioinincnt Physician to whom the above armee was to.1milted. sate: "Pon -opts 18 a very remar1nt ie remei y. lis constituent ingredients aro wen known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by than. The manufacturcrs guarantee 14 to strengthen eyesight 50 per cent in one week's time in many ln,lances or refund ti:o Mcney. It can be obtained from any goon drtVStat and is one of the very few prerdirattans 1 eel should be kept on band for rep» tar use in almost every family:' The Vnlrnar your dro.g,5t ie 4, Toronto. w91 till your orders Ig ISSUE 50--'16. Make Your Ideas Bring you a good Financial Returforn. list of 1 Manufac- turers pay big money for ideas each year. Send nventlons wanted and dopy of Inventory' Reference Guide, 31S. 8s CO., Reg tered Patent Attorneve, OTT!tWA, CAN, Make I C R . CSCI riS Il a8�- Nothing suite the young folks like a Touset aome.Welutve a splendid Stook hand, alto Cushions, S 1OWp1]3i4I3S' Snow- shoe docassi:IS and our free CATALOGED and harness. SKIS, Sikh harness., your eoiect on earSend ly. Canadian Toboggan lilanuf acturing Company QUE. OEs'I'A1t]CO ST. EAST,AIIOSS`k'IuE.6.F,,