HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-12-08, Page 5E;ed.• Ads C; 41. ;OAR4;)s PROUDROO'I', KILt01tAN, k COOKE. Barristers, . Solicitous Notaree Public ice, (Office, on the Square, 210i door from Haanit'on St. Godertch. Privete fi.ieds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUD•k'oo•1', J. L. KILI.oiiAN. H. J. D. Comte. Mr. Cooke will bo in Hensel! on Friday and Saturday of each week. MEDICAL CARDS 11111 A. J. MacIONNON late Hons.:, 'Surgeon, Erie County ''Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan ter the Hospital N. Y. city.Late House Staff, New York Paiyolinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug Store in connection. 'Dale, Zurich Ont. Z riohl set LUMP Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash ['rice for Wool OASti ; FOR SKINS & H1DES e :sheet The Horne hhsuarnce Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177,25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for • &years. NO premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed, G HOLTZh9AN Agee - : Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNOER'AKIO Prompt Service 1V, Ioderaterha'rges Tailor Shop and Laundry W. . ,1,HOFF AN Zurich, - Ontario REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's 'Greatest Nurseries' Spring 1917 Planting List now ready. Splendi:l list of Hardy Canadian see. ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh Red fipple, SI. Regis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent .on 'application.. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions, Stone 8 Wellington The Foothill Nnseries (Established 1837) T 0R4N'F0 LOCAL NEWS Millinery below coot at T. L Wu'rins;. Mr F. 3, Wickwire„ of Exeter, was a viefto'r Mint town on Wed- nesday, e Seekers of news. relating to shoes bargains elxould read S. E, Faust's new ,ado,n page 8 of this issue. Me. H. H. Neeb .attended the sit- ting of the !Huron Cbunty Coun- cil held at 1Goderich tlhis week, A number from the village en, vicinity attended the funeral of the late H. Bauer held at Crediton; last Friday;. Messrs. P. Lamont and L Yun - blut shipped a carload of eattle and hogs to ,the Toronto Market on Wednssdayt Have opened up a barber shop at the old stand, at the old prie .. es. Your patronage solicited, S Ifuepfer, Zurich. LOST -In Zurich, on Saturday night, a. purse containing some clue coins and •sfam.e cash. Finder return to :the Herald office. A seesion of the tenth Division Court was held here on Monday Judge L. Dickson preeided. • A number of e'as,es, were disposed New arrangements with. the Far- mer's Advocate compel us to raise our clubbing rates for that magazine and the Herald .lo $2.50 per year.. IThe De Laval Cream Separator Co. ha'v'edecided to sell their cel- ebrated separators at the old pric- es for 'one month anore. See the local agent, Mr. L. Prang, about that one you need 'at once. Mr. W. 5. Ruby, and family mov- ed into their handsome new re- sidence loan Wedtneelt ay: l The house is built in: a modern style with 'all the latest • conveniences and is a worthy addition to the many fine homes in our village. A deputation wailed on Prem- ier Hearst 'at ;Toronto on Tuesday asking for an aniendxnent to the freimperain;ce Act permitting wine ,and beer licenses. No hope was !held out for ;any, change in 'the Aet, , • Johan WedtlI ke,• a highly . ere-, elpected redidei t of Stanley Town, ,The C:hucrIles EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, German - .•- -.- 9,455 a. m, " Sunday School 11.00 to m " Service, English ---7.00 p. ai. Tuesday .Jr. Y. P. A. -•- I.30 p,itn Tuesday, Y, P. A. - 8,15 p. '! hursday Prayer Meeting 8,00 p.m, Friday, .Choir Practice --- 8 30p. m. Ladies' Aid, First Wednesday of each Month. 7.40 p e.. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool --- --- r- 2 p.rn, German Servi:es, Sunday 10 30a,m,. EnglishService Sunday 7.30 p.m. Luther League, Friday 8, p. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month 'a't 2„30 p• m. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, TO. FIRE ISURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich lib e++++++++++44+++++++4.44 +44 HONOR ROLL 16lsi BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson Ganrge McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Mauride Webez We have been asked to add to the Honor Roll the names of the ' boys from Zurich, who have enlisted_ in battalions -in various parts of the ennntry and who aro serving their Xing'.! Arne Brenner (killed in action} EmeT*snn Brown ship, pals'se(d ;away! an Tuesday at peter Randall the home of his;,s.stte,r, Mrs. Snow- den, of the ,Sanble ,Lines , Dee !leased had beetn, ill for y',io'ln.e. 'tune. His dem;i,ee removes an - Other of fiche rpoitnjeere of the ,see=r tion. % Owing to the scarcity of potat- oes there is ia. lively demand for turnips and, a great number of citizen's :have Scored a respect- !alble supply in their . cellar$!.(for the winter which will appear from time to time on. the menu at more frequent intervals than in form.- er orm-er sea>3Oa is. Last week several carlcads of tu'rnip,s were slip- ped from Exeter station to the U- nited States. DIED Ma'ngnuc-In Crediton, on Nov.28 Mrs. Gatfrid MYIangrus, need 66 Tears. ,spencer -At Ste Jobeph, on Dec. 4th, Diary Eva Spencer. Westlake -At .skestble Line, Stan- ley, on Dec. 5th, John Westlake, aged 73 •years„ AUCTION SALE • Of Pala 'Stock, Implements, Etc„ t' V' saner'.: Cornets, 21 'Bile;; north of Zu.ich, on Tuesday, 1)ee. 12th, rot 1 ..;dock. E. 73ossenberry a• '.time: r M.s. .1. Qrackenbash prel:i'i'ie reel PREP.:RDNESS There are cold days coining Prepare for them now by sec- uring your stipple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- waina Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut Emanuel Holtzman Abe Bender Albert Bender David,Stelek Frank Uttley Ed. Fisher • Norman Prang Ily. Sierran Arnie Hilda] r Marshall Zeller Norman Johnston W. Livingood (killed in action) Roy Geiger Alvin Surerus. In addition to the above five from t Zurich joined the 161st but were re- jected as physically unfit, . If the above list is not complete T kindly inform us and we will be pleas, o to add any names we have omitted 4- +++++++++++++++44+44+++4•++ - +.++++++4-+++++++(9•+4 1i•++4.++ WKS' FORCAST$ A Reactionary Sworin Period le eeneal ;From the 9th to the 12, The Moon is izz oppositioln 'with i ar.:h and Sun on !the 9t11, bein,,g at c>.x- treme north deelinatian on ' the; .L rn,o day. As early las 'the 9.1a, marked indica tions eat: br?wine weather changes an.l sa•.oams W -11; be 'apparent in sections/ to the east ward. The barometer will begin /:ailing, warmer weuathe.• will cora on, e1oudinesls will overcast, anti rain Wil set in to westward. Dur- ing Sunday, Monday and Tuesday the. 19th 11th iaind 12th, these ceae-. geswill push (their way. eastward !across the country followed all the Way very :promptly by w.'n.:, er rain, turning in due order to deet`,alid w'it'h the regular wind up of rising barometer and change to •fain 'amid a ueh eolcter weather. .A. Regular ,storm, pertiod is ewe. tral an ;the 1,7th 'extend/Mg :from. the 15th to the 20th. Disturbing ,causes and things to expect, The Moon is at ite latst quarter and on the .celestial equator on the 17th. The regular Storm, period will be inrtensfied and prolonged by solstic; influences alone, but gtreatly mere so by Venus, Falling barometer, will begin to prepare' the way for storme in the weeti as early as the 15th and 16th, By the 17th, these storms will be organizeeand start- ieg or thrir ; vey easi.ward, with possibly lightning and thunder, ac coxnpanying the rain and wind,. Rale will soon turn to now and cleat behind and around the west- ern flanks of the atkorm. centers, and during Sunday, Monday and ues•2ay, the 17th, 18th, and 19 h this order of things will lake up the procession eastward, touching. all parts of the country with rein, s eel and snow, following by 113_ ing• barometer, high gales frons, i he 'northward and rapid change to very cold; . WASE BOINLS. £dtter Oariers SThNOIIIONB ETC., ETC. We handle and install al.i the modern conveniences for your stables. See our lines, B --T Hay 'racks and Cars Let us install your hay track for -you now. Terms are same at if installed next spring, viz: Sept. lst, 1917. We handle pumps, piping, eta. Z ti} RICH 1,i _ r' ERs -"'Geri..!-. -: e one " for Foxes, Skunk, Muskrat, Raccoon. Mink Either, Marten, Bearer, . White weasel, Scar, and other Fur Bearers collected in year section S11!P YOUR FURS DIRECT Cm'°SE[i1 3E?8T°'the lorye5f house in the World dealing exclusively In NORTH AMERICAN NNW suss a reliable -responsible -safe Fur House with an uablemis he rse utation existing for' ;more than a third of a century.' cessfulrecord of sending Fur Shippers prompt,SATISFACTORY AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for O;lic fAub� &ycpyer.' the Gray reliable, accurate market report and pricelist published. Write for it -NOW -We FREE A. B. SHU ERT, Inc. 25.22'id11EST A473`1CW ANTE. I epeC354CbfICAGO.U$.A.. rat -i-÷+++++++++++++++++++++++14++4.4-4.44++++++++00++÷÷÷ 1++4.4.444-+++++÷÷÷+÷÷+÷÷+41-44.1.4: •l• Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG I am now selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one 'wishing to use some can pur- chase same from me. Mu', S. J. Baker, Northfield, Stor- mont Co., Ont., writes on March 1st., 1915:- "1 used Basic Slag on a piece of low muck ground last Spring, and could see quite an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aftergrass. I think the results would have been much better had the season not been so dry. 'ap- plied seine last Fall and have al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring. I have also the Agency for she r,;ntario ?ertilizee-anyone ;t• chino . to buy_ same can •do so fro'su ire. D .A. Cantelon Uensall Phone 10, House Phone 10a R 'l• JOSEPH RkU I. R. Ni?. 2, .Zuriic1. 4.4.4-, 4- 4-.S. i-.5.d..b..s..a.z-a.a..s.-s..3.1•+4.4.4.w•4..s,.3-.t•$-A THE MERCHANTS OF ZURICH, DASHWOOD, BLAKE ANL) DRYSDALE HAVE DECIDED TO DO AWAY WITH THE OLD MUCH ABUSED TWELVE MONT IRS CREDIT SYSTEM, WATCH HAS BECOME A NUISANCE IN THE BUSINESS WORLD OF TO- DAY. YEARS AGO WHEN THE FARMERS HAD NO OTHER. MARKET FOR Tiffin PRODUCT++'LUT THE STORES, THE SYSTEM COULD BE WORKED IN A PAIR. LY SATISFACTORY MANNER, BUT TO -DAY, WHEN THE FARM ER CAN SELL EVERYTHING HE GROWS OR PRODUCES AT IIIS OWN DOOR FOR SPOT CASH THE SYSTEM HAS FALLEN DOWN BADLY, AS 'THE MERCHANT GENERALLY IS MINUS THE PRODUCE AND HAS TO CHARGE THE PURCHASES MADE AT HIS STORE FOR 12 MONTHS OR MORE. e ; . 1 sei MANY OTHER UNFAIR. INSTANCES OF THE ABUSE OF THE LONG CREDIT SYSTEM MIGHT BE QUOTED. TO OVERCOME THIS TO SOME EXTENT A THREE MONTH'S CREDIT WILL BE STARTED AFTER JANUARY 1STNEXIT. THAT IS ALL PUR- CHASES MUST BE SETTLED BY SPOT CASH OR A CREDIT OF THREE MONTHS WILL BE GIVEN TO RELIABLE CUSTOMERS. AT THE END OP THE 'THREE MONTHS, OR FOUR TIMES A YEAR, VIZ: ON APRIL 1ST.; JULY 1ST.; OCTOBER 1ST..&ND JANUARY 1ST. THE ACCOUNTS WILL BE DUE AND MUST BE ,SETTLED 13Y CASH OR PROMISSORY NOTES. THE SYSTEM IS PRACTICALLY T Wi SAME AS THE OLD SYSTEM, ONLY THE LENGTH OF TIME FOR CREDIT I5 REDUCED FROM TWELVE CO THREE MONTHS. 'I'HIRTY.DAYS GRACE WILL BE GRANT- ED FORSETTLEMENT OP .ACCOUNTS, BUT IF THE ACCOUNTS ARE NOT SETTLED IN THE THIRTY DAYS INTEREST WILL, BE CHARGED FROM THE DATE WHEN THE ACCOUNT WAS DUE THE SYSTEM SHOULD WORK OUT SATISFACTORILY BOTH TO THE MERCHANT AND THE CUSTOMER. IT SHOULD BE REMEMBERE D THAT THIL'+ PRODUCER CAN SELL ALL HIS PRODUCTS POR CASH, HE DOES NOT HAVE TO WATT SIX, EIGHT, TWELVE CR MORE MONIHS FOR 1413 MON- EY, AND THE MERCHANT, W HEN HE BUYS A BILL OP GOODS FROM THE WHOLESALERS,l1TUST PAY THE SAME IN Sri DAYS. IN FACT, IN THESE DAYS OF STRENUOUS FINANCIAL STRESS. THE BUSINESS MAN MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO MEET HIS PAYMENTS PROMPTLY OR GO OUT OP BUSINESS, AND IT IS ROPED THAT THE CUSTOMER WILL HELP THEM IN THE NEW PLAN, THAT IT MAY BE PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE FOR BOTH PARTIES, r, • \ • Lek ..a is"1''`r`'."irlee""t,pew.pele 6F.i;•++++++++444+s" •.4