HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-12-01, Page 87aaaa'aaaZia �". ;aa - la.Z. _a r Le.aae.ag..X. L° !a- .a7,1 1:10 !..ga..t+s'c�!n aafa• ata .. tea tv' f;• 81, v °..° e W"'o.•?id 'L ,'.,... s -e i ♦,.A :11'.'.7.KyLOZ$X .' rDs!.L•201w.v�.4i. Det.a`�.���A20 1 - +444414+444444?r4^l•444 t *• •i•fid+443 4444444444444 44 4,L40. • ..* ILm >yCoats •'Y• We have the celebrated Rogers Coats again in stock. These coats are well made in the newest '4 styles and are guaranteed. Should any garment 4. prove defective in material or workmanship it may be exchanged for another ur price refunded. 41. + I. Corded Velvets RI.PANKETS Mona fall sizes, for men, 'women and You can save money by pur- '. .../5. A complete range of corded Woolen and 'Flannelette Blan- i. l and plain velvets on hand in kets rn(aw as prices are advanc-. 4. the various colors. Prices from 60c to 75c per yd, ing. While our stock lasts we ,1. New Flannelette Mona]. Knit Sweater Coats, .., children!. Prices right.- -m chasing your requirements in Wrapperettes +44 4. 4. will cotinue selling at last q. ,h year's 'prices, d» Men's Wear New flanneletts and Wraip--, + fp.ereittes to hand A well as- . sorted stock at right prices. A new line of Men's and! .�1'. MILLIi3oys' overcoats, up-to-date + �$, styles. Come and sce them. *4; Only 12 'men's suits left le stock. Regular prices from$12iu 50 to $20. Now selling to clear ; at $6. and $12.50.. •r a. All ladies 'andchildren's hats and trimmings at greatly ve- duced prices for balance: of season. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. PHONE 7 a kc resh Groceries always on hand RUBY and GASOHO LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday;, Butter .,......, . Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran $32 00 Shorts Low Grade bag 2.50 Live Hogs fob Ilensall,:...; 10.50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++41+++++++++++++++++++++++++.a 3Ccr=3822t:3E3iMEWsziCX£ cats 3C:r8 3 F31318azar ase § Cream, Eggs, Live & Dressed Fowl WAK T E T .8G, ... 05 125 1.78' 1,80 65 70 65 1 05 , 4.90 - 5.40 8500 Will pay highest cash price for Cream and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, 1 at any time during the week. Live Fowl 1 taken every Saturday forenoon. Dressed Fowl taken any time. 'Highest cash price paid. . _......... -.. I. HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICI Itt 3e 3C Z31t :381:36 3F3iAt318 3f31E3M- £s>&3i Local News FARM SOLD Mr. Robert McBride, of .Stanley, township, has ptuaehas,ed the 98••, acre farm at Wagner's Corners !ram Mrs .1 Quackenbush', for $5600. Posse:ision- will be given .o.n January 1st. Mrs. Quacken- bush will reside, .on the farm for another yeia NBW lMINISTER OP MILITIA Hun a. 3. Kemp, M. P, for Emit •rcronto, whc ieJs b..'en •mini9tQ1, au:h.,ut r.ortfolio in, the Bordeu cal:inet since its formation, in 19 1, s Canada's new minister •of.militia and defen.e, succee..ing_Li.n -Gen Sir.. Sam Hughes. He was sworn offi_e by the• Duke of Devon-- nire at Rideau Hall on- ;Thursday last. DESERTERS PARDONED By an order -;in -council "passed and signed by ,the Duke Of Devon- shire,. many who have deserted or who are absent without leave are pardoned provided that they sur- render themselves to the officer commanding the iuniJts to which they belonged or erse to the of- ficer commanding any military district in Canada not later than December 15th. Deserters who have been ''imprisoned will be handed to the unit to which they belong. FIVE MILLION XMAS SEALS The National ,Slamiteriu'in as-, sociation has ,issued over five million seals, to meet the require - Merits of this •year'.s( Xm'as;. Seal Campaign: Last Year .0 • the United- States (alone a iir • -eighty millioin seals were sold, and this year nro less tthain three hundred milli,ene have been isislued. The, use o• these 74gais on letters„ Xmas parcels, tete., is becommira more .popular year by year. No easier way ,may be found by which you may do your bit in stamping, out the plague of 'Tuberculosis. EXIT THE 12 MONTHS CREDIT Add -A -Link Bracelets A fresh supply of Gold and Silver Add -a -Links just arrived. We engravethenl;to your order. GEORGE R. HESS $°:, CO., JEWELLERS w sa ZURICH Z. P. S. Report Report for the 'month of Noveml ber, for ro'oiu'I The standing of -pupils is but,sled onrgeneral proficie ntcy and goad conduct. • Sr, II-- Greta 'Meaner; Ruth Brenner; Frarnces Mi'ttelholtz; 7V1edelena Meidinger; Elda Callfas; Ethel Hess; Austin Schwalm; Ger- ald Bedard,. Jr. II- John, Henry Kochems; Irene Dechrer; Agnes Zettel; Ivan Z'Yungblut; Edmund Bedard. Sr. Pt. II- Leonard Wagner; Dorothy Brenner; Wesley Callfas; Anna Mittelholtz; Claude Meidin- ger, A'arsom Keller, Freda Howe, Jr. Pt, III•- Frappes Deitrich; Adstin Hey Sr:I-Lorne Polster Alice Deitz. Class a -Beatrice Merrier, Wil lie Neeb; Htazel Bedard, I Class, b -.Mildred Geiger; Dor- iothy Zettel;. J. Veitch, Teacher. Report for the month of Nov- ember of Room STI. Jr. IV- L. Wesoiolh; Ivan Kalli fleisch; Zettel; D. Campbell;' i;. O'Breina Ivan Kalbfleisch; Wegner; I. Yungblut; Lennis O' Brien, A. Bremner; 13. .Siebert. Gr. III- I. Neuschwanger; G. Walper; E. worm; W. Truemner; E. Geiger: G. Zettel ; D. Fritz. jr III-- E. Fee; E. Ho -ward; al. Deichert; iV,. Peeing; M. Mitteh, Waltz; L, Deeher.; M. Preeter; M, =Howald; M. He T'; L. Rau; I.Fisher El. Ducharrne : P. Galli -nem Jr. III -M. tTttley ; C. Mern.er ; E. Dietrich; J. Davidson,; P. Leibold M. B. Wa'tsoT •Teacher London -Life Policies are "GOOD AS GOLD" Why not protect yourself and family with a good life insurance policy. All the popular plans of insuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent i .�l..?,IM.ww..M.. MI ll��-ll� ..T.T^•.rw. .......�.. , ..._. ... ..�....•.,w. The Stove Question HICKS' FORECASTS A Regular Storm Period is can- t..ral on -the 5th, extending from. ',he 2nd to the 7th. Owing to the itnmic'eece of the Vanes perirfd. alai the moon's first quarter, and p,ssage -over the celestial equator on, the let and 2nd, we may expect the preceding reactionary period to hold over the regular period, hence there will be threatening conditions, with 'more or less stormirie{s, as !December comes in. On and ;touching the 2nd, expect a decided ifall of the barometer, a mavked ;increase of temperature with south iwinds cloudiness and rain, wind land thunder, especially .towards the isoutli:. -A short re-, action of rising barometerand change to ,,colder, may probably follow about the and to 4th, to Thursday, 7th, iwe ,rr a.y, look for return of ,fallin.g barometer, south winds, cloudiness, and renewed - storms of rainy. IThe disturbanc- es of this period wi ilrequire three or four (days to pass' quite .across the eoirnrtry from the point of their origin in t'he west, to their dis- a ppeamance in (the east. This out look practically gives promise to two distinctive storm centers to pass over the country during the fir st week in December. Two, distinctive baromerric re•act!ons to higher, will be attended by two. ,narke 1 changes to colder, with bref interval of clearing weather Other things ;being equal, it is an easy thing for Juuriter Playing, to stir inn a thunder storm any time during ;the damtinande of a Venus period,. Such storm's! at this seasion of the year are always folio a ed by rains turning 'to ice, and snow, ;with ia. cold wave that needs to he anticipated and pre -- pared fon, . & SYSTEM The merchants of Zurich, Dash- woorl, Blake and Drysdale have decided to do away with the old witch abused twelve .month's cred- it system, which has become a nuisance in the busines+s world of today. Years 'ago when the farmers had no other market for their produce but the stores, the system could be worked in a fairly satisfactory maintner, but tot,day. when the farmer can sell everything the grows or pro-. duces at this orvn, door for spot cash, the system has fallen• clown badly, as the imerchant, generally is minus the produce and ha.s' to, charge the 'purchases made at his store for 12 nionthsa or more. Many other unfair instances of the abuse of the long credit sys-4 tem might be quoted. To over-, come this to some extent a three :month's credit ,will be started after January 1st next. That is all purchases (must be settled by spot cash Orr la credit of three months will be given to reliable customers, At the end of the three .1 -months, or four times a• year, riz: On April lst., July :1st, Oztober ist, and January lst the accounts will be due and must be settled by cash or promissory notes. ,The system should work out satisactorily botllu to the mer- chan . and ,the cust:-mer. fIt should be remembered that the producer cam bei all his priducts for cash, he does not have to whit six, eight. twelve or more ',months ton his money. And the march - ant, wk.en -he buys a bill of goods from the wholesalers, must pay the same in 30 days. In tact, in these days of strenuous financial stress, the business man must nralu arrangements •to meet his ,payment', promptly or go out of busines4s, and it is hoped thait7 the cus-tomeirs ,wrll help therm in the new 'plan, that it may be pleas, ant and tpaofitable for both part- ies. It is expected that 'othecr neighboring towns 'hill adopt a sSn;e1Vt'itat To new subscribers in Canada we will send The Herald from now until Jan. 1917, for only 15 cnts. Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, high closet, tiled back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven tharmometer and a large oven, 20x22, Best Stove on the market, only $50. Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout prices. Call and see before you buy. All stoves guaranteed or no sale. We were lucky once more in hav- ing contracted .for about 50 stoves of all kinds a year ago, and since) then stoves have greatly advanced in prices. We are still selling at the old prices. Call and see the BIG STOVE BARGAINS SEE OUR Cook stove with rcsevoir for $20. " extended for $25. Ranges complete for 03. t t.t= x LEI � r Hi HUl O6VS1,LARCEST„COIVI31 PHONE 13 ZURICH ATIOP3.,ETOIFFE 1 W. C. Wagner - 3C20:£aaM 3028EZ3f3C-0AM3L1183Elk Confectionery Store Dashwood Bread and Cakes. Stratford Bread, Neilson's Chocolates & Candies Choice Confectionery & Groceries Stationery of_all kinds Picture Post Cards and Novelties California Toilet Preparations Q Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. Parcols:must be brought in before Tuesday evening of each week. Your Patronage Solicited �. - Zurich 3 elf 'sIE3f z k SEX* 31E3K3eart C143tEJ!313E i3 FOR RENT Premises in Zurich owned by Mrs McCormick For particulars apply to A. Mitteiholtz or A F Hess. •••••••o•pe•••••••••••eseaseaveaseseea®®oe stone•••••• • • ® • O a a • • e • • • s • Sale of Land for Taxes 'The .adjourned sale of land for taxes will take place at the Court House in the 'Town of Goderich on 'Tuesday Nov. 28.1916, at 2 o'clock, un, County ,Treasurer's Office, Goderich, November, 15th, 1916. • Vi%m. Itt lm: s, 'Treasurer. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Hay, will buy the lands at the adjourned sale, which had been offered for sale for taxes on the 14th day of November, by the Treasurer of the County of Huron, said sale having been ad-. j urned to Nov. <S:h, :6 6 unless the taxes and costs against the lan.ds are paid on or before the adjourned sale. Thos. Johnson, ?Treasurer of Hay. Zurich, Nov. 16th 1916 • • • • • • • • Highest price paid for hides and lar n. al) '.Ti ealtr, "Zi r%c . r 0 • • • • • s • • • • • • • • 0 0 Ladies' Department As it is very hard to replace some of the goods in this department at the old price, 1 would advise you to buy early as the prices are sure to advance. Wrapperettes at the old price Flannelettes at the old price Dress Goods at the old price Underwear at the old price A few nice lines in Ladies' Coats, sealette, at only r�v�... $22 and $25. A Big Bargain. Men's Department It will pay you to buy here. All hats at a big reduction. FALL and WINTER Garments What about an up-to-date Fall Overcoat. We are agents for the celebrattd Broadway Brand. Hundreds of samples to choose from. Fit guaranteed, Also orders taken for suits. A beautiful range of men's Hats, Caps' Sweaters, Underwear, etc. Now is the time to get these things when our stock is well assorted. tJust in, a beautiful line of men's Ties and Mufflers. We • handle Arrow Brand Collars, the best on the market, A new line s of omen's flannel shirts. neat patterns, $1-50. • • Leave your order for celery :every Wednesday and Saturday. • • • • • s • • Pkre28 T� L '�1RM ••• • Fresh Groceres at all times • i • 0 0 • s- • e • 0• �- 1