HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-12-01, Page 5C1assitied Ads LEGAL. :DARDS. i l?ROUDF00T, KILLOli,AN, & COOIiE, Barristers, Solioitors, Notaries Public &c, Oaloe, ea the Squttire, 2nd door from F,[amiiton St. iloderloh. Private funds to loan at lowest rates • . PaOUDVOOT, K. 0. J. L. i(ILLoKAN. lie j. 1). COOKE.. Mr. Cooke will be and Saturday tof eachweek.Friday week. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON late Hous° Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- lient Physician, Manhattan Iklaternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, Now York Polyclinic 1Viedical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. Zurich! eat MARKET' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES The Hem Ihsuarnce Co. Paid-up Capital 56,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders 519,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium. note and no extra assessment g;naranteed. © OLTZ w `AN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moclerate Charcles Tailor Shop and Laundry W. Ha „HOFFMA Zurich, - Ontario . 22112E .sYarre...• elik',-t�.-.ra,a�..nere4 T •SR REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Sprint; 1917 Planting List now ready, • Splentii1 list of Hardy Caned:an Vtu,' a; e ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh Red Apple, St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent :on application. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions. Stone 8. Wellington The Foothill Nuseries (Established 1837) TO ON`° 1 LOCAL NEWS Mr. 0 IScbilbe has returned from, ,a trip to !Saskatchewan(. Mr, Alex -Sparks ref Seaforth,Was in town one day last week on hus- iness. 1 (. ; Mr Wm. Jennison, Jr., has re-" turned from a trip to Western Canada Rev, H. Rembe, of Hamilton, *vis- aed is- aited his s,an, her for a few days this Week. Mr. Arthur •Sreenan has ',Inder- eent a;, ep•ritionn a: SL. Joseph, spital, Lundo.n. Have opened up a barber shop at the old stand, at the old prie es. Your patronage solicited. S Kuepfer, Zu'rioli� Mr. .3 Scholfield, .a pioneer of West Williams, died Tuesday to t hill home on the Town Line of McGillivary, in his 87th near. 'F Ie came here from Zurich in 1851. He is survived by four sons andth.req daughters. Merchants who are 'paying `:ba to 400 per cent. more for their wrapping paper will be fab1c to s,,enpathize with the nowF1-pa)1,r publisher. whose raw material is largely paper. It may be diffic- ult to establish the fact that a cumbine exists among Inc paper manufacturers of Canada, but no 'one seriously doubts it. Mr, and Mr?. Angus IOu: r y have recently returned home a%est nn extended Western trip during which they visited their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Talbot in Ecdtmonon, Alta. Mr, and Mrs, Murray hada a ,very enjoylable•- trip and are loud in their praise of «Western Canada. In fact so much were they impressed with Edmaon;:on that they are • seriously' thinking of •making that city their future home. LAVI HENRY BAUR, ;Sr. Word was received there on Wednesday of the death of Henry Baur, Sr., a former relsident of Zurich, Deceased 1rad gong to; London where he expected to undergo an operation nest week at one of the hospitals but his( illness was more. serious than ex- pected and he passted away ore. Wednesday,. - The late Mr. Baur had. been living 6;n Crediton for some years .and was well and favor ably known throughout the section The funeral wit be held this Free c11 afternoon interm.int in the Creditoin cemetery. BORN Munn -At Hensall, on ,Nov. 161h,. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munn, a daughter. DIED Baum—At London, on Nov;. 29th •Henry Baur, ISI;., in his ." 4th Year. Steckley—In Stanley, on Nov. 20 Aaron Steckley, aged 6 years;, 8 months and 26 days. Todd—At iRensall, on Nov. 19th, Mrs Deo .Todd in her 54th year. SchIundt—ALL Dashwood vn Nov. 25th Michael Schlutnidt- in his 83rd year,. , AUCTION SALE Of Fara Stock, Im-plements, etc„ .,t Vt ,,g„er't: Cornets, 23!,','nits:! ncrth u! Zunieh, on Tuesday, Dec, .%th, lc 1 e'ciouk. E. Boysenberry nee ti ne. r I%t.s. ,i. Qt.ackenbash pre l••.A trese Following is present prices we are paying for live fowl: Alive Dressed :9. :13c 16: 20c 12c toe 10c 12c 80 10c 14c 9c 13c Young Tur'ccys Old Turkeys . Chicks. Hens Roosters Ducks x: ease Dressed taken any day, alive every iThursd:ay and Saturday fare noon J. Prectcr, Zurich, PREP ESS There are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. c.vz H. La elia- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut � � a Cantelon 1 ensall Phone 10, House Phone 10a Oise Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, German .. •- --• 9.45 a. nn. Sunday School 11.00 a, m, " Service, English --7.00 p. m. "Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A, 7.30 p.m Tuesday, Y, F. A, --- --- 8.15 p. xn, hursday Prayer Meeting 8.00 p m. Friday, Choir Practice --- 8 30p.m. Lac'i:s' All, First Welncaday of each Month. --- 7.'0 p,m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool - ... .-- -2 p.m. German Eer'vi-e:i, Sunday 10 30e:nal.. 'English Service Sunday 7,30 p.m. Luther League, Friday 8•, p. m. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p. n1. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC, FIRE INSURANCE`' PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AU T 01410E ILE INSURANCE. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN Co. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich .}..I.. , }•`3~•1•+3•-b•I•✓o•i`3 +•D-.;..1..;.., ;..t,.;..l..c-+ - FxONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George 11TeBricle Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice Webers We have been asked to add to the Honor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who .have enlisted in 15 .ttalions fin ' various parts of the country and who are servrng their Ring. Arne Brenner (killed in action) Emerson I3rown Peter Randall Emanuel Hol Inn an Abe Bender Albert Bender David Stelek Frank Uttley Ed. Fisher Norman Prang IIy. Siem an Arnie Hildebrandt Marshall Zeller Norman Johnston W. Livingood (killed in action). Roy Geiger Alvin Surerns. In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 1 61s bub were re- jected as physically unfit, ..31 If the above list is not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed to add any names we have omitted +.{ *+•F•+++++++ -H'+' 4.•i••: 1.+++++4 Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG I am now selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one wishing to use some clan pur- chase same from ma. bfr. S, J, Laker, Northiie:d, tor- moist Co., Ont., writes on March 1st., 1915:— "I used Basic S'ag on a piece of low muck ground last Spring, and could see quite an improve- ment in the hay and also in the. aftergrass. I think the results would have been much better had the season not been so dry. lap - plied some last Fall and have al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring, I have also the Agency for rife (,;ntario Pertilizer—anyone eei.iting to buy same can do so froze me. JOSEPH RIM R R. N. 2, Zurich. STORY QF AN ORNAMENT. the Lavalliere and the .Frenoh Beauty Who First Wore It, Do you know what a .lavalliere 1st you bane seen loony neck or nawents of more or less elaborate design sus- pended from chains that were thin or massive, which were sold as laval- ]iereS, The traveler who knows his bllsiness will tell you that the large and highly ornate ornament made of hand wrought gold and studded evith many gems, suspended from a thick chain and reposing on the bare skin just above the low cut hudice, is a "stomacher," whereas the "lavalliere" is light and delicate in construction, is set Witb not more than three stones and is on a slender chain. The heavy ornament was formerly worn on the front of the dress, the entire front part of a bodice, which ex- tended. down :over the pit of the stom- ach, being called the stomacher. It was an English Mode, whereas the la- valliere came into existence in France in 1666, having been deigned at the suggestion of Louis XIV, as a gift to Francois° Louise de la Iauu:e le Blanc, when she was made Duchess de la Valliere. Of all the king's favor. ites she was the most interesting. She became "queen' of the petticoat court" when Louis was but twenty-eight year's 010 and when Colbert and Lan- vois were making the French frees -111'y and the French army the greatest and most formidable powers in Europe. At thirty she retired to a convent, where she spent her declining years writing that mournful essay, -Reflections on the Pity of God."—Exebange. DUBLIN IS VERY ANCIENT. it May .Have Been In Existence In tho Time of Ptolemy. Do you know bow old Dublin is? Probably nut. Few cities tell their correct age, but there is a rumor that the Web capital, the picturesque city on the hunks of (be Liffey, at the en- trance to Dublin bay, is much older than she pretends to be. In fact, it has been asserted by some nngallant scholars that she was already a buxom girl when Ptolemy sat on the throne of Egypt and that the fair city on the western Island was mentioned iu the writings of that day. in later times, say about 212 A. a, it already had a history. 'W'hen the Danes came, some 600 years later, the Celts had been at peace so long that they fell victims to the invaders, but submission was no part of their program. The inhabitants of the island are Cel- tic to the very core, and never have they become reconciled to the idea of slaslrau;their beautiful country with either Saxons, Danes, Teutens or Norse. At one time, when the city of Dublin bad become pretty thoroughly English in its feeling, the people of the 0111 country came down aucl massacred most of the inhabitants in tbe year 1170. Richard de Clare, known as Rich- ard Strongbow, the second earl of Pem- broke, crossed tbe Irish ebannel with a great host and captured the city. But he became governor or the island only after be married the daughter of one of the Celtic kings. Imagination In Art. Imagination is au element by which artists are able to inflict their wares upon the public. When elillet painted two peasants in a potato patch with bowed beads in an attitude suggesting daily prayer he wisely named the pic- ture "The Angelus." That gave the critic a hunch that a church bell in a distant spire was pealing the hour of prayer. Had be caned that truly mag- nificent agnifi.cent painting "Digging Potatoes" the public's imagination would not have carried beyond the potato field, and it might also have made a differ- ence of a few thousands of dollars in the market value of the work. A well chosen title for a picture or book is what mayonnaise dressing is to a salad)—Cartoons Magazine. WATER .BOWLS Litter Oarriers STANCHIONS ETC., ETC. We handle and install all the modern conveneiences for .your stables. See our lines. B --T Hay Tracks and Cars Let us install your hay track for you now. Terns are same at if installed next spring, viz ; Sept. 1st, 1917. _...y_ e handle enol}s,l�ipiiig, etc. NG 7URIC LI hat Everyone ee s THE BEST LOCAL PAPER A D TI !7 BEST CITY DAILY By Special Arrangement We Are Abbe to Offer the Zurich Herald and The Daily Mail and Empire, the Two Together, 12 Months for $2.75 Get All the News While it is News From Yodel -wide to your OW11 .Door. SEND OR BRING :ALL ORDERS TO OFFICE OF TEL APER r1 d"m 4-`r•i••: •b': + ++ :••r•'r +,:.g... rti 4 - For MOO Pnr One Do'l.tr will send 'Min Herald to any address in Canada to January. 19.8. Send ie to your absent relatives. Ii is better than a letter frelnt bonze as it goes re- gularly every week. Let us have the name and a•dr:s3 and $1 and we will do the rest. The Herald L lie •h •i ' ry"i'^ :. . • S .'Y :`i .i":• ':. V "C • ++'e++++ti y' '4 R »x.