HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-12-01, Page 4THE 13.10..ebtALIP Issued every Thu slay afters% v., ., m the 'HERALD PRINTING a FFICE Victoria $t. Zurich, by A.NDREw k'. faxisb and 4kiEs'1J;:it L. war a -• QiciRII'TIQPi PH10E141.00 A YEAR ' ubscripton x,5o strictly in advance, ADVERT14110 PERMS`: tis for display acid cotatructadverusementswill be Os on appliatu.n, 96 Transient notices such us legal, corporation, sort 19, so cents per lune tot rust r •,sertirn and 5 cents due for eat.n subsequent insertion, Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an :yserniss too fee is charged or t spe,;!a1 collection taliea ^+tgtll be charged lot at the re;ular a,lvertistng r t tes .totices of religious or other meetings the object o which is the benefit of the t.omvunity and not for per .anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly xtserted free. t.dvertisments without specific .iitections will be t•t 'Tran 3snarted untixl forbid.taud charged accordu � ) %feat advertisineurs must be paid foe in advance. 1 stray a.ivs, $t fir theca ins::tions. No paper discontinued until all arreatnges are paid. 'hanges for contract advertisements must be in the ot&te by 6 g,. in., 'Tuesday, otherwise, th:y will be left „ave untiithe toliowing week. Address all comnmnica ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1916 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY CUONCIL The council of the corporai:ion of the County of Huron will meet in the ,counci 'chamber, in the Town of God•erich„ on Tuesday the 5th. day of December next, at 3 ,o'clock'. ' W. Lane, Clerk. Dated Nov. !20th, 1916 WHAT EVERYBODY NEEDS THE BEST LOCAL PAPER AND !THE BIG CITY DAILY While twe contend that the great-, est measure of circulation of your local paper in your own community its essential to the best ends, inter- ests and enterprises of the district we ia'so realize the necessity el the inretropolitan daily newspaper to keep in touch. with markets, out- side :happenings word -wide and -war news. We have made special aer:;rigements with. the Daily Mail ei.n' _empire, by which we can off- er it and our own paper, the two !together, 'Lor twelve months for $3.75, This is an opportunity by which Von get the two best papers con- cerning news of Home and abroad. Send all orders to office of this Vaper. LOOK! .COUNTY NEWS Stanley township council at their last meeting voted a grant of $1.000 to the British Red Grote. Fund A quiet wedding took place at the home or Mr, and Mrs, Cheries. C. Pilgrim, of Narita, on November 22nd at e'.evehh o'clock when their daughter, Maggie was united en . marriage to Mr, Wesley Honking, of Auburn, Rev, D. Johnston of- ficiated, The happy coup's bit on the evening train for Loieteei where they will reside, AN APPEAL BY TIDE QUEEN BUCKINGHAM PALACE 24th, October, 1916. On the threshold of the. there' winter since -the 2 etbeg eningl of tthe he War, I appea. have generously responded to my requests fin work during the pass.: two years not to relax their seie fort: in providing comforts or our soldiers and sailors. Tlu' appli a.iens from reg mems' and hospitals at home and abroad _nerease ireitead ,of d:minisih, and an almost .unlimited number o L ',:rgb is needed if the Queen MaiysNcealework Guild is to sheet al' the demands Made upon kr, .. Si. Edward 'Ward has -recent- ly poirted out, the chief needs at Why not use the best coal? SCR NTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black= smith and soft coal. Good supply on hard. the pit, tliioment are mittens, mufflers, helmets, sseks ygloves, On November 15th, Mr. Leonard t --d cardians, ia'nd my ,Guild is lt.ZcTaggart, ens of the o'dzs< re HENSALL SPO Mr. and Mrs. Robt,. McArthur have moved into the xesidenee purchased frjmRev. W...J Doherty wits) recently rmoved to London; Dr.. Malloy is moving hlis res--- turant and grocery basiness'to the a\i.i blocky Mrs. D ,Bell, has returned frottn, a vi it with relatives in the •Statee. M._s. Ferguson, and children, of ilIinneapolis, are spending a few, months with her father, Mr. At Johnston. Cep, Smals has sold his house to eras. Johnston,. He hate hove:. to S. Horton's farm uin iTuokersmith. On Nov, 19th, Mrs. Geo. ,.Codd passed away atter an illness iof some month% She wag born in 18:2 on the old McGregor home -- stead, 2nd cont., Hay ,and lived there until six years ago when she moved to !Hensel' with her hush band, who with two sots, survive i••er,. '`5�°_ ..«.w,-:,�yt.,s_ ••--''.�.,' =fie: �. EXETER also being speciatlly asejackd ets, pyjamas, day shir.,s, blenketb and sheets'. opportunity 1 'wish to 'take this of thanking again the many work- ers in many lands who have so kindly contributed to the; splendid c'o'al of 3,991,78.1 g.lrnten.s, which have been sent out in 26 months from. Friary Court. Signed, Mary R. A copy of the above aplaealwas enclosed to Arthur Van Koughnt t, C. E. CASE St SON BUNS 35 HENSALL 1916 CLUBBING UST eteLeeiske sidents passed away aged 81 years, Mr. W. Davis has enlisted with the Highlanders stationed at Windsor. 'Thos, Boyle has taken' the agen cy for the Chevrolet autos. N. D. Hurd 313 and to.n, who spent the summer at P;.r' Franks, have returned. to town for the winter ,months Capt Dr Racey, of the R. A, O. returned horat fr)m France last President for Ontario, the folio \v, week, after rine resnths service in;, ing being an extract), from the let- the trenches He re:e_ved a great ter; I feel sure you will like to xeceptlee y,•I'ark1ii11, ills name know how much Her Majssty ape ;s•.vi. preciates your gen.erons support of Her Guild, and I hope you will be able to help us as 1o3• ally in the 1u.ure as you have done in the pas t A copy of the appeal has just been inserted in all the newspapers. 4gned Aimee Dawson Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 " " ,Daily Mail and Em- pire .. 3 75 " <` Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 "_ " Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " `< " Daily News 2 85 " " Weekly Star.. 1 75 " London Free Press Morning Edition3 60 Evening Edition.... 8 60 Weekly Edition, 1 85 ' London Advertiser Morning l tition.te. 3 60 Evening Edition,,.. 3 60 Weekly Edition,.,.. 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate, 2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star... .. . . 1 85 Weekly Montreal 1 85 Witness <` Canadian Country - or STANLEY TOWNSHIP, • The following is the November report for S. 5, No, 5, Stanley.lrhq names 'ire in 'order of merit,. (Lady Dawson) Sr. IV—May Pollock; Pearl n adsw:er to the appeal Lady gtepihexrson. Iiendrie has :graciously arranged a shower for Soldiers Comfort to be held at the Government House on Thursday afternoon, December 7th and all those desiring to con- tribute in response to the Queen's' request may send their gifts of comforts or money, by post, to Lady Hendrie, Government Housee the Toronto, at any time befostab, of December. — DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR FORESTRY BRANCH. Timber Statistics , In 'time of war it is importenil that manufacturers, and producers generally, should know as ac curately as 'possible the producti, on of Canada in staple lines.ThIS'a is done for our forest. indusftries( by the 'annual bu11a ins of the Forestry Branch of the Depart -y ,men: of the Interior, The series, covering the caland'ei.. year 1915 has just: been completed, I.. con- sists of Bulletin 53 A for lumber, lath and !shingles ; 58 B for p ulp wood a'nd 'wooat-pulp; and E.8 C for poles and railway ties, Any citisen interested can secure copy free by -applying to the; Director of Forestry, Ottawa. FUR BEARERS BRINGING HIGH, Jr. TV—Myrt:e Armstrong, El---. ;nor McLinchey; Wilmer McLinch ey. Sr, III— Edna. McLinchey; Jr, III— • Willie McLinchey, Leonard McBride; II— Frank McLinchey, Clara Stephenson and Gladys Ashton, equal; Edgar McBride; Garnet McLinchey; Ernest McLinchey. S Class -Grace Manson Mabel McLinchey. Primer— Walter McBride; Irene McLina•chey ; Willie Parke. .. The best s.Feller in the monthly spe1nes match were Slr. IV —May Pollock. Jr. IV —Myrtle Armstrong. Sr, III—Edna McLinchey. Jr. III—Leonard McBride. II—Gladys Ashton!,• I Class—Grace Mansion. R. McBeth, 'reacher.. PRICES, FOXES IN STRONGEST DEMAND IYrappers will be well paid for thleil time . and efforts this Win- ter,. An •unusual good demand and high prices ' will prevail for :F'ur-bearers... Every member et! the Fox Pmialy is popular and bringing 'high prices. Fisher isl <a clo-se second and the price ie -very high. It will take millions of Mus'srat to ra`isfy the Amexi an coxeumption. The Hudson Seel Cog' is in th:e height of its ,,spiel, er;ty American Dyers are en- larging their shops to increas>J their capacity for seal dyeing more Muskrat than .ever before, Every Fur -bearer col'.ected in this scc'ti- oar will coinimand hligh Market prices., , , A. 13, Si;ubert, Inc., Chicago, IT, 5. A. the largest House in the World dealing exclusively in Ae nherican Raw Furs who advertise in The Rer'a.lf publish "The Shu- bert Shipper", a Market Report and Prix List, 'which is :nailed Ere It is net a eg mtagazine; it con- tains no -advertising matter and every word in it is good stitind re- liable Market news fen everybrr 50 inch -of the industry—American man Raw Ti'ui's, .Y AUTO TIS OF THEE NI -trip mai DASHWOOD Mrs. 13, G., Kraft and son, Victor,. are visiting relatives in Lindsay this week. .-Mee. Ar`_ Dca;i of Port Huron is, visiting her father, Mr. H. Collies at present. Mr. Chas. Genttner has left for -Landon where he has secured a position, 811', and Mrs. ;Tom :Isaac and fancily .of Greenaway visited re- latives here ion Saturday and Sunday Mr. Chas, Schlundt and Mrs, Wm., Beck, of Mount Clemens, Mich., attended the funeral of their father the late 111. Schlundt, on Tuesday. Miss Ida ,Held its, visiting in Perkhill •.a few days this weelo Mrs. A. Ball left Wednesday morning for Detroit where she w'ili spend the winter with her daughter. WS J. Keilerm'•an spent Wed- luesday in Londont • !The Ladies 'Aid of the Evangelic al church this week sent a box to Toronto, contiiiieg compforts, and second -handed clothing to be distributed among the poor. My auto ?tis of thee, Short cul to poverty„ Of ghee ,I chant. I blew is pile of dough, On yah: ,two years ago, Axed now you refuse to go, Or won't or can't. IThrcugh town or countryside, Yon were my joy and pride, o A happy day. I bees 'thy gaudy due , Thy r.ic ,white 'tiros so new, But now your down and out for true, In every :way. To the. old rattlebox, Cache many bumps -and knocks, For thea rI 'grieve, Biidiy th„ cop is torn, revel are ,Lhy seats and worn :1 paid for thee a price. Twoul'I nue a marei!e , < tvi 'e Now e's eryane tis yelling (‘Ice," I warder Why? !Thy* motor !has the grip-, h7'e ep 1, plug has the pip, And woe is thine. I too, have su"fered chills, Ague a•c kindred ills, Bede e aring to .pay my bills, Since Wert mince ' t4011S is Irl ' batik roll now, No .more '+twould choke a cow, As once before. Yet if I had the mon, So help lisle John?athen I'cl buy Imyself another' call„ And speed ,somteniore. v4: CREDITON - While driving home the other day, Gertie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Winer, of net here met a runaway team attached to wagon!, Luckily she escaped With :t few bruises but the buggy was badly wrecked in, the colision, Mr. Ira Bra'Ajn, of Edmonton, .Alta., is visiting at his' hone hero, Revival meetiing.s are being held it the Evangelical church. The council of Stephen willevy a, rate Of 1 mill on the dollar for the Bietish Red Creed Fund. .This will In ice a gilanrt of $`267.0, be- sides :rsewill •afferinget INPIAN JUMPS ROM MOVING ia.AIN THROUGH WINDOW Charged with stealing chickens in Elgin county last September, James Ailey, an Indian, was take. en into custody at He'•nsall by Con- stab'e. Alex Shaver, who tug's bring ;ng hitn back on the Bruce on Fri, day last. Riley an a pretext was ellowed to go to the lavatory or. the train!. Locking the door, he -mashed the window and jumped out while ethe train WAS moving 15: miles an hour, somewhere be- tween'•tIlderton and Denfield. The train was mot stopped, but Con- stable Shaver at the next station telephoned back and also to high Constable Whitesides. at Hensel. who first arrested Riley'. Un -to the afternoon the daring redskin bad not been heard of further. On em,piai,nt of Elijah Waddilove. Ccinstable Shaver bast September traced the chickens to rt London racking plant and traced Riley to Hensatl. The latter was abete to move back to the Mun•cey reserve, when arrested,: 00$00•0060000000000000,000 0080000000000080280000a600 3 5 ao 2 8 0 2 8 Gi b 0 0 2 a cd 2 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 1VJasseyllarris Implements We have been re -appointed Agents for the a hove namel implements a•ncl are prepared tc take orders of all kinds of li'1`assey-Ifarris uzachin'es for next season. N 2 2 8 0 0 0 r 2 W.E ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL FINDS OF MASSI Y HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, artd We repair the same class of goods. Our Prices are always right; Square Deal H. DATA RS, Travelling Salesman tb d Hess & Son sa The Old Stand 2 2 e® • 11•1111016121. 1 sori,t'Vehrat.45. _ t SAM' �.EPf ,. C I L We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. Estlnates given and contracts taken. Office at planing mill. e C. KALBFLEISOR PHONE .tom ramou INOIRIEMIEN EiSZEIMEEM ZURICH r r you? We hare stocked our store with a large range goods suitable for cold weather wear. We are ready supply your wants in these goods. Colne and see. Heavy R bbers We have -a large stock of men's and boy's heavy rubbers and wool socks, All sizes and prices right. are Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and khaki trousers for men and boys. No better made. Get our prices. L. BRISSON SHOES of to We have a nice line of shoes for young men. Colne in and see these styles. Also everyday shoes for men; women and children at right prices. Sweater Cats: See our lines of Sweater Coate for men and children many styles and colors. Special values. Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. PHC)NE 1. on 86 ryrdale �0 ntictor$ THOSE WHO, FROM 'TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMION OF CHAOS DE ENSURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, lst April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. 1 Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. ' A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog- nizecl bond n sto br?kers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottyavva,; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA; OCTOBER 7th, 1916.