HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-12-01, Page 1URIC Vol. XVI 1 ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1916, N0 22 Seasonable HARNESS Goods (2,1400111111. See our large range of SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS of all kinds Our prices will be found re- $onable, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, R. F. S T A V E 'Ala'° a full line of MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and sizes.. TRUNKS SUIT CASES, •CLUB BAGS, etc. Axle Grease, Gall Cure ZURICH 'is sufficient. A.11:clothing has greatly advanced in price. We are selling at the old prices and less. Prices below speak for themselves. 'Boys' and Boys' Overcoats Men's Suits Youths Suits) Regular Now, 'Regula'r Now, ;44.50 $2.65 $5 50 3390 5.00 3.25 6.50 4,15 400 4.35 •7 00 4.85 17.50 5.15 10 00 6 65 .5.00 5.60 '9 00 ;5.2*s' 8.50 5.95 6.50 4.60 ' 10.00 6:75 8.00 5.40 YOUTHS' -Regular .$3.75 :for Regular $4.50 .for Regular $6.00 :for $2.65. $3.15. $4.40. :Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Regular $8.50 10.00 12.00 1'5'00 18 00 20.00 21.00 Not+ - $a:s.5 6.10 8.35 10 6) 13.75 14.60 14.;) Youths' Suits Long Pants Regular Now $'7.50 $3.75 '9,00 5.90 12.00 .7.00 1009 625 14.611 89) 15.00 10.50 16.00 11.10 OVERCOATS - Regular $5.50 for $3.90. Regular $6.75 fox $4,80. Caps, etc. at less than old' prices This Sale lasts 20 days only. Terms Cash. 1. APPEL Z iTRICH THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES w irmrp., gra 4'111ti714's.441F'^l-� LOCAL NEWS. '') et, e k _ Mr. Chas . Fritz attended t e, fansrul of his sister at 'Buffalo on Sunday, 1r. Herb'. Mousseau has lef t tqr London where he intends .i:o Vie~• maim for the winter. Messas, H. IG, Hess and T. L. Williams were in London, We..-. nesday and Thursday on bus1x s . Good 2nd hand 'M'aple Leaf' grinder for sale cheap. H, Zurich!. Mrs- R. IT.. Dunlop, and two sans Harry and Jack, visited relatrves kn Brucefield for a few fay% I ist Week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ga*.b and son, Edwin ,have returnee from a ;visit toTavistock, Bal en, and Kitchener. Mee is. Wim, Haugh and Her,ktert Xrueger. of •the 14th cont, hS, e Left for Detroit, where they , rill spend the ,winter. Dr, B. S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich) on Wednesday, and Wednesday of the following week. Mr. and Mrs .Rudy Schw'artben- truber, of !the Bronson Line, ;re- tur'ned last week from a pleasant visit with relatives in Ba en, New Hamburg amid Kitehenet If you buy out of townancl;ice buy out of town, and all our neigh hors buy out of town, what would become of our town? Did • it ever strike you this way.? Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Heideman and son, of Detroit, tris ted ::,;t 1110 home of the former's paren s.Mr. anti Mrs. R, Heideman, ,of to''ttr n, over Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Steekley, hof the Bronson Line Stan''-e'y,=:;Mourn the death of their 6 ye*. ' old son, .Aarrn, who :p:arrs • a y Nov. 20th, (The little lad lad never been very strong and al- though everything possible was! done for him it was of no avail. The funeral was held on Wed--- nesday of "last :week •0.41$00411104.1104sak. Hay council wil ,meet on Satur- day, Dec. 2nd, tat 10 o'clock ,a m. 1Vlr Robt Douglas, of Saskatoon Sash;,, is renewing acquaintances ha thin vicinity; i Haberer attended ameet- ing of the Huron county beekcep ers at Clinton on Tuesday, Mr, Johln Thiel left for Kisch'. ener Wed'nesday where he h:rs1 .. secured a. (position on the policy "' force, Mr. and Mrs. (Ezra Koehler, and falmily, who have been living in I ¢ Eginondville for some time have V/ moved into .their house in town for the winter months. There have been two additional. advances in the price of leather made during the last two weekri. The first raise was! for twenty :cents, and sa week later a further boost of fifteen; cents wasrmade on the price per tpoundt The selling price a year .ago''was about 33cen -s `�', while at the presentl time it is ar-.1 mind the dollar ;marl . iThe on'y reason, given in that the immense I war orders for leather used up the' most of the supply. tatemitif fruillite.4 ii-tarflicre f fretteasiiiiiir540414 Protect Your Shoes with a. pair of good rubbers. Shoes are advancing in price. A pair of rubbers will make there wear longer. We have all sizes and styles. Also Heavy Ruh'cers for Man or Boy. Prices Right. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Dome Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. F I Z 9 Zurich The Home of Good Shnes t 1 nfp • Vitto8 9 95 8'x.• 49 f6-iEii�' aid t6 es . I�hIIL'1fI;1tl1U;t,Bili!i{Uil;L1CCI1111`,IIIf911ii';;�i4��•�,I6, u,;I!1hl!Ili.ull!:!IL�';IR!;IuHll1!Ri!IC�D'lilt,l'{.';�41;ih;i!�';;°:I„u::a ;II!11Q Incorporated 1855 The LSONS A0 'V CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted CIRCULARLETTEROF CREDIT BANK MONEY CRDE savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager 11 an int r evA We are prepared to meet your wants with a full stock of Dress Goods, Wrapperetts, Flannel= I ettes, Sweatercoats and flan= = . kets. Our other lines of Shoes, B - rdware, Gro- N ceries, etc., are filled up with -sea table goods. Poultry taken every Thursday forerecF, until fur- thur notice. Highest pricesfor Fars; - Store closed Tuesday and Fri N - PHONE 11 on 82 IliliHllliill�Ni�lICa11111(IIIIIII;9-Ilt�+ll"Olfihrh,�P �;!�,�;'il!,hlr;cilli'iVl�s±11!<N{'9.�Jitt!I!i@llflli;Ghl;�l,�lG��r.�u�. ` r0 uce :.rhts at 6 r BLAKE riga!,11113!l601hQi11111li1 p+++++++++++++++++++ 4 434+4 i+.x44i-1;+++ ++++++++•i•+•Ffi•+++ F++ +++4. +' 44-4.44++++ 4.44-6-64-64++++++++.6.44.+4.+444-6, •:•, 444, 4,444 iL ,•'r+✓r:4-:- '.+4-1.4'1.+++++44+ .4 -4. Preeter's rites •• -1• -y. ;4..3' mak' Avera e Lowest For Rena le 00 pie maintain a high standard of quality, not barring out inexpensive goods byany means,absolutely but rejecting all which do not r-. v ui e J satisfactory service, and guaranteeing that our customers shalrnever e offered low grade goods masquerading as goods of higher grade. We sometimes see certain articles advertised as bargains, described in the same terms as would be necessarily used in describing articles of decidedly higher grades, but which are known by comparison to be decidedly inferior, Be assured that no store can gather and distribute merchandise more-advantageouly or more economically and thstt comparison of both quality and price will invariably prove the advantage of depending upon this store. Corded Velvet Do not forget that we are sho w- ing the finest assortment in cord- ed velvets in all colors, 27 incheq wide at 60c, 65c and 75c a yard. Thor+~, a Ladies' Coatings 54 inches wide, in green, grey navy, black and white, Extra value prices ranging from $2. to $3,5i a yard. Sweater Coats We rae az presrnt showing the finest and largest assortment of men's boy's women's and chi drons sweater coals, All at the old prices. J. P t.,. EETER Woollen Blankets 1 dozen pair of fine wool blan- kets at the old prices, $3,50, $5,25, .and $7.50 a pair. Flannellette lankets 73 pair of f'anelette blankets to clear at $1.75, and $2. a pair. FLANNELETTE • .A sh endid showing of f'anre:et- tes in plain or striped, all at last year's prices, 1254c, 15c, 18e, 20c a yard Also flannelette skirtings at 194c 150, -20c a yard. STOVES - A FURS Ladies' Fur bluffs and fur s:tts, to c1mr out at a BIG REDUCTI Ori'. Colne and see these furs be- fore buying elsewhere, . Ladies Cloth Coats A fe,v 1a:11 -s' coats from last year's bay, which we ter. (fearing out al IiALF PRICES. Chi dren's Cloth coats, s'zes from 2 to 1.1 years a'_ reduccd prices. Mens Felt Hats !Here's fidi. hats to clear out at greatly u.du e3 prices. On the wall of every kitchenin every home is written theWardEnamel, hard white Porcelain +E'na�mel. �It is good becaus'eit is bright, It"is good because itis clean. It is good because wom- en thinkit is good• Todayranges must .have panels of Porcelain Enamel two main items of style in ranges in derandthis year. White Porcelain Enamel and simple plain designs in Nickletrimming, these up to the nrinutetouches arz combined i.r our 3916 Peerless Range, which has provena big seller with us for years,pastWe are showing this range in tiff ferenit styles, also in aleft handrange Besides the Peerless weave showing the Gilt Edge, Flap py Thought, Othello, and the High Over. Peninsula that is attract-ing everybody that seer it. We ars also shown g a'argeiin•e of Heaters Base Burners andPar:or Cooks. Our special in this line is the Regal Peninsula, which we will peat up against anything on the market. A call convince you that this is i"hepro per place to buy *range er heaterwheit' you need une. Highest Prices f Produce. Phone s OVE RCOAT Men's and boy's winter over- coats to be sold at a BIG; REDU:C . IC N •s'.'w':g'"�y'�"-;,�"h�"Ch�°,b",�"'64"+44ea4"144 4-444-1444+24 +w ..ea- +4:4444 4,14-,,,t,t� r +i4414144,`4.s +;4. 1-1, 7 44r :- , r�'s�i•a Ick, •.