HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-24, Page 5Classified Ads 1 LEG: A I. :o.ARDs. PROUDFOO r, IcuA,o COOK.B.. Barristers, Salieitera, Notarica, Public &e. Office, on. ilto F.'apinri, 2,111 door fruin li,oniiten St. (.1eciericii, Private funds to loan 24,1: lowe,t rates PR.OUDFUOT, K. 0, J. L. Itina.oiLks, 11, ,l, D. C,onan. Mr. Cooke will be in tlei14n11 on Friday and'Saturday of wadi week. MEDICAL. CARDS IntR A. J. MtwILNNON lab amis. '51-jr Suegeon, Erie County Hospita,l, Buffolo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, illanhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. ci•. Lath of the House Stall% Now York Palyclinic Mediea. iuo and liospital. Drug store in connection. , Office: Zurich .that. A Zuribh: Meet gird a 11 E Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sawag-ce, etc Highest Cash Price.. for Wool CASH FOR SKINS &HADES Tuna ;11.411 'd • seZi5tOlf ,s1 The Home Irmanne COe Paidup Capital S6,009,000 Surplus to Po`.*.cyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures yonr barn against damage by wind or tornajo tor 1,0 cents per $100 for 8 years, and yonr house for 80 cents per $100 for years. .No prenainan note and no extra asSessinent grtara,ntend. tt,P1N G. A Mt Dealer in Lightning Rods ‘.1. liNDEETAKIHO I , . 02ziomfmulligarLL''''/-=31,21a."?,r'aa.,7 .; • Prompt Service Mocierate:Cliarges Tailor Shop and Laundry H.'IfflOFFNIAN Zurich, - Ontaro Li REPRESENTATIVE WANTED At once for Zurich and district for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Spring 1917 Planting List noW eady. Splendil list of Hardy Canaan a•.a Ornamental Stock in- cluding McIntosh Red St. Zees Everboaring Raspberry, and many other leaders. New illustrated catalogue sent 101) a.pplication. Start now at best selling time. Liberal Propositions, 'Stone & The Fonthill Xttseees (Established 1887) ORONTO 11,LOCAL, NEWS 11 .1. •, x.‘,..; Mr, Alex'. McOaell cf Vaina was 111 town On Tuaaday. • 1,L.. E. Brean_•:r. ,ef grand •-,Band, W3 a ylEit]r in town on Afonday, pri.e% for liana and ilrea- end p.Jultry I. L.Wuren iiridt Mr. Sam. Raerchor, of North, Dakota, is vis.lting at the 'home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Kaerehcr, and other relatives. 'rre 3r0 d nt o a Term)!o paper Luggee.n; as a rainedy for 1.he higiiniaais of butter, the adoptIon of a subsaitute. (Yearn- argarine 11 banned by the arlft; but so far 'there does not Feeein to be any law ;against beef dripping. "The corr.s;o3deat ray > that:lace the war began ho has not ea;:... -tai any butter, but rias gone hack to Th. c 11 love o: 1 i bcyttood diy n 1 m 1'CO1 Hi bra png H find it very palatabla and tear:hail., and ;f a :i,tle pork dripy:Lig be acted to the bear he Ends it every bit to tasty as 1nit- tar an 1 quite 'as nourialang. The: rorrespondent bolieves chat i. • everybody were to 11 ba -_,It on the er;priag for 1. tame. he price o: butter w,Juld soon came dOwn. I:UV DE LAVAL S'..PARATORS Now .a.nd sive the incre•asa in We hav .e received notca iron he manufacturers that tho pale of De Laval cream separat- ors wi'l be in!rease 1 in ptiaae in a few w•eeks owing to the advarca in cost of. raw .amaterial. If you want to secure ono at the old pri:e, buy one now and save $5 $1.0. L. Prang, agent, -Zurich, LITTLE LOCALS For $1. we will send The Herald to any address in Canada :o Jan., 1918. Hensalt expc•rlewed a slier:age of chectriut coal this week. Four weeks '.7nore then Xmas. Many of our residents are put- ting in ta +Supply of meat and sausage by the 'butchering," route .Autcmolilcs, cutters bagal•s and wagana were seen on cur etie- ets on Saturday. TUSRECULCSIS SUNDAY ahrongh the ,efforts of tho Nat, :Sad.arium. 'AssoCiation With -the co-operation of the .Clergy of all Denominations 'and the De- partment' of Education, Sunday, November, 2Aith, and Monday No- vember 27th, iLic•x-t, have • been set apart as Tuberculosis Sunday and Tuberculosis Day' in the seho Ols. Literature on the subject hai, been dis.ributed. -to Ministers and 1 eaeliers araughout the Fro- vime, and the widest passible pub- licity IS urged; that all may jain in stamping out this dread ells - ease. FARM FOR SALE sale, 0 good farm if 100 acres, being lot 20, N. B.; Hay, 2.", rid.es nar.h of Zurich. TherL ata., on rhe farm one larga bank barn good driving hied and good frame ,u e, ant ote raa 1 on..1) 1 di -Is Two goon orchards and all land is tillable. Conven,ent to echool church, Fa 1 plowing all done For partiaafars apply to the proa- rietress, Mrs, J. Quackenbush, U. R No. 2, Zurich, Following 'is present pricar, aaa are paying for live fowl: Alive :Dressed Yorig I'Llr7.eys .9.: 2:c 01c1 Turkeys 16: .0a. Chicks, 12c tie Hens 102 Roosters 8c Ducks 10c 1-tc 00 13e -Dressed taken any day, .alive. every 'Thursday and Saturday f,..re. non 3. Pre2tor, Zur:c•h, HOARINESS Then are cold clays coming Prepard for them now by sec- t -trill(' your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- wane, Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut D Cantellon Hensall rho= IA Hulse Phone 10a The Chucrhc.$ EVANGELICAL CIIIIRCEI SERVICES Sunday, German •-- 9.45 a. '' Sunday School 11.00 a, m " Service, Fng ih -7.30 p. rn Tlesday, jr. Y. P. A. --- 1.30 p.m Tuesday, Y. P. A, --- 8,15 p. 11 hursday Prayer Mooting 8.00 p m Friday, Choir Practice 8 30p. m Laei s' 1, First Weilmr,sday o each Month. --- 0 p.m LUITIERAN CIIURCIT Sunday Schlool p.rn (lerrnin Sia.:day 30 3)aan English Service Sunday 7.30 p.m Luther League, Piday 8, p, rn Ladies' Aid 7tneets first Tuesday o ea:di. month at 2,30 p. .7.,...,..,- .,-e.,.......P......r.n.........v.,,,,..., ,..,... , . Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE t; LASS ficsunAastclii A UT0910 3 LLB INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AUENT (.5 REAM WEST PERMANENT Lo. N Co. .ACCOu„NTS CoLLEOTEw Aoolb EN T SURA.N OE Herald Office Zurich erran=lecc....--ms... ++-:•+++++++++.+++-1L+++++4-+-Z-:- HONOR -110' 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HuRoris" • Andrew Price Thos. _Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett, Maurice Weber; CeA;11,' Jilt/21;7,AT Ottawa November 10, 10I0 A A I nit vv N 171 T Bulletin issued by the. Census and Stat'litica; C1 re t 0..do7 rc..1:nrts 0.04,,,17..Orasimmsradrinnoaa.km.eiN.0..rmrsKowa,..411=,.......14.1.440P.M.«. V.'. 1, of the 1)) 3 It cr fn' :i itter Carriers ri !a; tabe,. 31 of 1111 Wheat •..1;v;* 1917 and the trigro-..s of 1.11 'ploughing AyrrLfrinicici 11,001" ;1)3(1R1'1U.L.L.W.L1 • .1' rco:: t ,o tte. s ,a;1 of potat:.el, turnips, ana rp.ivea, .aulifa, rod -..ea cara 71 Mil -171 m fl , Stigar t ) a j jj 4 ar:• . the suraa :ts .9i ; 17 !fk C' a V' handli3 all file 09 01 azaa s -and a• ha a aol an11 i tb oi:wieb 1,, • ,r,":-1111C.tthl. C01:1Ve1lc•iel:(f.,S f01' ,o11111,.Y3 atm es, alld a deci6....,,e fa lb 0!.. the °the • • stables. See our lines, p,,, crps. In to.i.4,1* value,rices, those erop: far 19 0 1 $ 9•i8 0), ',F.: ' rnue 1 with $.'19 5 8 0 0 for 1015. The•;sield of hay clover tins y a' i h. real 001 0" 11,709,000 tons, an aver .go o 1 SI ton ler zun e, s vat. highest yield on record la: thi:4 n.raa 13 Tiv. a•,...ng • vain • ye,• t $:t. 0 as oin: a 0 'with ove $1l 1 st e r ro.:aioza. are again upon th- pun:. rrap, this re4alt being (itt to an- faa•carable conditions in Q11-' .•0 !nil Ontario, where the averagn y:e'd e.• ncra is for gp,..1,-.02 13: bushels, as .compar:ii with 3 in year, aid for On.ario 61 1 iishels. as compared with 9Z h I tl 11,1. * bars e s. in:' pro - Imes the po4:ato yid is ..;;0t)d, leng::03 latithe.'.5 per acre -f•a• Pr7Dae. Edward Island, 201 Lushes •.per acre- fat. Nova Soda- an -1 fl. _I bushels pea acre for New •i3runs,v- .LJ ick I The averiga Frice re: hush- • el for .pota'..oas 0 81. for Ca -1- 93 cents for PrLic Edward Ts- !th6c1., 69 ,cents for New Erunswick 97 cents for Queben? and $j.28 for Fair yields of potatoes are re- cel:dod for the prairia provinees the average ben' hal.waen 170 and 177 bushels, '+‘•itii pries of 02 and .93 ct nts pprr buahal ia llyIanizol: c,nd3askatchewan, and 31 cents In A li ita li ,Eri Ph C. Itunb'a th0 Eiver:ge yiall per ar.ra is 1i9.•atah- els and the price 70 cents pc.r1als- hei The quality oo tbo tul.eyt • betnanii 89 and 93 re;, cent 'standard for the Marazime yinc es over 99 per cent for Man- lSaskeigit9.Wan and si vt: 1 .and :.Eo' Quebe2 and Ont- n.rie the quality is 76 and 77 per FALL WHEAT AND PALI, PL 0 U NC:T' • Owing to the dry 4:ondition o2 the S7:ii in °mark, cif cu -Li 's e-pexirn:ed in the pl,,ugh;n3 nd seeding of fall wheat. By Orli.- ,ober 3'st only 656,50) a eros w.a.a sown, as compared with A0a.)0) acres in 1915, a decrease 1.:1.- 7101 acres, ;or 20 per on't In Al- berta also there is a decrerasa f.6,:.709 acres, or 14 pe:• cent, viz. from 260,500 acres to 2'21 010 ::res Far all Canada the area ostimatial ietioa) to .- be sown for fall wheat 0r, 9,, 7,00 acres, !as compared with I,- In addition. to the above five from Al 8)0 acrcs, decroase of 01,11.) res cr 1S par cert The coacliq Znrich joined 'the 101st but were re- on of fall wheat on CcioLer• 31 for all 'Canada is 76 per cent c1 a..., .z..,ta.n.7ard as 83 Jur cent Ls!., eau and 9 per teat i 914 O: the ta.,:al lan 1 in CaraCa Intended far next 5eofs crops 51 per cent is oD'imated to have been us., el b; 31st tha 1;0: tentage • /proportions in the west lreing 47 for Manitoba, 28 for Saskatchewan and 21 for Alber„a. We have been asked to add to the Ilonor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who have enlisted in battalions in various parts of the country and who aro serving their King, • Arne Drenner (killed in action) Emerson Drown Peter Randall Einanuel Holtzman Abe Bender , Albert Bender David Steck Frank Uttley Ed, Fisher Norman Prang y. Hieman Arnie Hildebrandt Marshall Zeller Norman Johnston W. Lb ingood i• Roy Geiger Alvin &arms. jected as physically unfit, If tho-above list is not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed to add aninonies we have emitted +++++++++++++++;':. ++++: Cross ertilizer Co. I am now selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, IA 11 Y. - one wishing to use sorno can pur- chase same from ine. Mr. S. 3. Faker, Northfield, Stor- mont Co., Ont., writes on March lst., 1915:- ‘‘I used Basic S'ag on a pi.co of low muck ground last Spring, and could see quito an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aftergrass. I think the results would have been much better had the season not been so dry. I ap plied some last Fall and h.avo al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring. • 'I have also the Agency for 'the 3ntario ..eertilizeranyone to buy same can do 80 fro!,,:i JOSEPH RIAU R R. P4 u. 2, Zurich. 1r) 6 -Pf r kJ and Cars.. Let us install your hay track for you r.„c•irx. Same at if installed next spring, ; ept lst, 1917. Terms tire '\Ve llaildle RA 11111111)S, cte. trAs t: A '441 G Lik t ver37Dne THE BEST LOCAL PAPER AND 111 TIT B C TY DAILY - By Special Airanaernent We Are Abe to Offer the Zurich Herald and The Daily Mcil Erd 1 rre, the Two Tcg,ether, 12 Months for !:;2.75 Get All the News While it is News -.Froth World-wide to your c1; 11 1)cor. EEND 011 17111.N.C:ALL CLITES 67 -11 -CIE - OF THIS • 713.121 For t:911. OO For Ono Do'lir tend The Herald to any addreei in Canada to January. 1918 .Sond P lo your :h'ent 1.,ettor than a. letter fy..ian homo as it: g•noi gularly every wook. Lot rts have the D..1;ni., and •arldr..:s1 and $1 old we svill do .the rest. The Herald Ztrich ta• .;* 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. •+ 4. 4, 4. 4' .3. 4.