HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-24, Page 1.s a Vol. XVI eialElairlit611610=011114121=11112===a26 ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1916, NO2 PIMISEECIIINNIMIIIM1111111351012616V19:0110111111. Seasonable HARNESS Goods 1••••••••01111141f See our large range of SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS of all kinds Our prices will be fou(nd re- sonable. .ells.na full line of MITTS and GLOVES, ,all styles and Sizes. t TRUNKS SUIT CASES, CLI.41 BAGS, etc. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, Axle Grease, Gall Cure R. F. STADE claritiou=astal.r.11 ZURICH a t e aravesamstrart.strtarumnosuroas...4,-centra•trumeett.,•<•-<•‘<seara• is sufficient. All:clothing has greatly advanced :in price. We are selling at the old prices and less. Prices bekw speak for themselves. 'Boys' and Boys' Overcoats Men's Sults Youths Suits, Regular Now $4.50 $2.65 A.0(1 ;.25 16.00 4.35 7.50 5.1.5 2.00 5.60 8.50 5.95 10,00 6,75 Regular Now Regular Now, $5 50 3.03 $8.50 $1.9,5 6.50 4.15 10.00 ' 6.10 1 00 4.85 12.00 8,35 100) 665 15 00 106) g 00 p.2a. 1800 13.75 6.50 4.60. 20.00 14.60 8.00 5.40 21.00 149,) YOUTHS' OVERCOATS Regular $3,75 for Regular $1.50 for • Regular $6.00 for $2.65, Regular $5.50 $3,15. Begular $6,75 $4.40, • s Youths' Suits Long Pants Regular Now $7,50 9',00 12.00 10 00 14C0 15.00 160) for $3:n., for $4.80. $1.75 5.90 7.60 6 25 89) e0.50 11.10 Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Caps, etc. at less than old •prices. This Sale lasts 20 days only. Terms Cash. R APPEL ZU11-011 THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 eE. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. '4* 4. 4. ee. 4. .4.efe 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. se. 4. 4, 4. -4 .4 4. 4. •,ez. 4. 4. rraqrmt-"te--"lme-"A-*4vA-ihA-^t4v „4'^k; • er LOCAL NEWS. Potatoes for sale. Any quantity. C. Fritz, Mr, Jonas Hartleib of Dashwood was in town on Monday,. Mr, W(m. ,Ruby's the new resid- ence will soon be ready to move into, Mr. Dan. Denomy left for Deli: - reit Monday :where ho will 'stay Over the ;winter, Mr. Chris, Bechler and 'wife from Pigeon Mich, are visiting (I, latives here for a few days. Messrs. D. A. Canlielen and E. McDone.11, of Hensel', visited thelr friend, Mr. Wm. Lamont, ori Sunday . Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, will hell Mr, Wm, O'Brien was in GO,- erich Wednesday on business. Highest price paid for hides and revs' furs. D .Koehler, Zurich. Mr, George Koch, of Dashwood, was a. visitor in, town on Wednes- day, , • Mr, E. Art, of London, is eperd • ing a few Week's at his home here. Good 2nd -hand Maple Leal' grinder for sale cheap. FJ, Zurichi, • Mr Peter Kropf has moved in- to the house vacated by Mr. Lori:: Foster, who has moved to Kitch- ener. ; • All those entitled to prize 'mon- ey of 'the Zurich Pall Pale are requested to obtain same at once from the -secretary. at the Dominion House, Zurich, QUI' . Wednesday, end Wednesday of , Itt mlY 11'11: tie gelolcsLa•all44.- s itaboy:1"):.:, the following week. i pic ure or season p through the 1 'We are pleased to note thee MI, 'ceolan,tt: mails for elle A. Tiled, who has been seriously! provided they do not cull- ill at the horae of his tain more than five words ow:: Par°r115' ' M l' and above the signature of sendee if triefile‘tetaiViegeewielfgealwel $10494e41.geme.teei " 1 4. <4. 4.P to be around again. •and addressof one to whom It is The scholars and teacherof the 'sent. ( Lutheran -Sunday School are busy preparing for a. ,prograne to be given on the night before Christ,e S IPte. W, Archfiliald, of Seael a , forth, a former principal of Zich Public School, was listed as wounded in the casuality list of Saturday. • A number of business- mon of l‘ Zurich are considering the aa- opt.on of a cash or trade enethcid conducting their business after, Janist.. next. The loos in: " curved in the credit system, It IA' claimed, are enormons; and some plan will have to be followed tOf stop this loss. While returning hone? oi day ovening Mr. A. Dunkin, eriiea, Varna, collided with a heavy wagon driren by Mr. Len. Wurm, when just east of Zurleh. The bug-, gy was upset but luckily Mr. Dun- kin and Mr. McConnel, the other occupant, escaped unhurt. :The rig was considerably damaged, ffriMlig27ZEZIWOrn 77, Incorporated 1855 The M LS NS BANK 1 CAPITAL and RESERVE I:1' $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada Genera. Banking • Business Transacted ri• CT/LW tri.JKR• LETTBR OP CREDIT BANK. ' MONEY CRDEr' S avings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Maa.lager ro zrek-ifsvereerecaseee. ,••• :"!::*ii!!"1:P!!!'Nfeira:UTik F -net fie3 r Sale, A .y 1,,zu.antity Dute% Setts Wanted, Price Guaranteed Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in ex -change i.r shoes The Hone of Good Shoes 4, .-aiteseG fre.0114-1-11%wee4614,141:1"LOQI,e7,4Wer434.1.etweetreat -fereteetiie.: 11 t I -a- ft n am ,,,,,o CP riQ ga id .7tYll ravIlwEi We are prepared to meet your wants with a full stock of Dress Goods, Wrapperetts, - Flannel= ettes,esoSweatercoats and Ban= kt Our other lines of Shoes, Hardware, Gro- ceries, etc., are filled up with seasonable goods. Poultry taken every Thursday forer„cou, until fur. thur notice. Highest pricesfor Farm Produce .siore closed Tuesday and Fliclav nights a 6 - IC?s !No 04' l ` Ze ‘ e) • • PHONE IL on 82 BLAKE =.4 f•+++++++++++++++++++++++++++444++++++++++++.4++++++++ +++++++.+++4+ ++++44++++++,+++ -•••• • 41. reeler s rices verage st &able we maintain a high standard of quality, not baning out inexpensive "goods by any rneaus, but absoi!itely Lectinz all which do • V V satisfactory service, and guaranteeing that our customers shall never be offered low grade goods masquerading as goods of higlik:r grade. not p, We sometimes see certain articles advertised as bargains, described inthesame terms as 'would be necessarily used m .describing aitieles 0± decidedly higher grades, but which are shown by 'comparison. to be decidedly inferior. Be assured that no store can gather and distribute merchandise more advantageouly or more eeonoulially and that comparison of both qualir...v and pike will invariably piove the advantage of depenping upon this store. Corded Velvet FURS Woollen tlankets int !M\ • rkr:A-Made Zee) D'U101vtLt.c. " IST THOMAS ft, StCATHAAINC9 EILIFVAL6 komaze.. NEw row( • Do not forget that we are show- ing the finest assortment in cord- ed velvets in all colors, 7 inchee wide .at 60e, 65c and 75c a yard. Ladies' Coatings 54 in :hes wide, in green, grey nay, black and white, Extra Valua prices ranging from, $2. to $3.5) a yard. Sweater Coats We ray. at pre'srnt showing the finest and laegcst as.sortment of men's boys wymen's and elTdrens s'weater eu'trs, All at the old Isuarreenneturmanrualeurw.ta,4141 ' 14* • -444444444+444+44+40144444149 1 .dozen pair of • line wool bla.n- kete al the old prleeS, $3.50, $5.25„ and $7.50 a •p,alr. Rannellette Blankets 73 p.iir of fanelette b'ankets to clear .at $1.75, and $2. a pair. FLANNELETTE A sp*en3i.1 showing ef flanee.'ot- tes it .plain or striped; all at last year's ,prices, 123e, 15c, 18e, 20e a Pard A"so flannelette shirtings at Mc 15e, 20e a yard. Latlie.i' rue .T.1,ieffe and fur s to clear ou a a EIG REDt.CtI ON, Come and see thee furs be- fore buying elsewhere, • Ladies Cloth. Coats • A fee.Taf.i's' cones fr,:eu last yeer's 1.' :y which we :.re out d ren's Cloth reeits, e•zee from. 2 to 11 yeere pr'eee. MenE F&t Hats hzit,,, to clear Milt at great!: tf %el erl.e,a. Imalosacs....=.2.oramr. -=herat444.2.41r••=......irratirkia,-.,•,4',.-trrit•i=•••fizikart•fifati4f.tra,MIff, • r.< Ar44.X.,C,<Zirr ortnAl5Z, TOVe.-- t • • ANG On the wan of every kitchenin every home is written theWardDnamel, hard while Porcelain It is good becausoit is bright, It is good because itis clean. It is good because wom- en think it is good. Today ranges must havepanels Porc..lain Enamel two male itemi el! style in ranges in demand this Year, White Porcelain Enemel and Simple plain designs in • Nickletrimming, these up to the nainutetouches are combine:1 ia our 161.6. Peeeless Range, which has provena big seller with us for years,pastWe are showing this range m dif ferent styles, also in a left handrange. Besides 'the Peerless weave showing the Gilt Edge, Ilap py Thought, Othello, and the High Over. Pen'usula that is attraet-ing everybody that seal it. We are also showi-g a 'arge, Inc ol Heaters Bate. Burners andParlor Cooks. Our specal. ii this lino is the Regal Peninsula, which we will put up against anything on the market, A call ell- CODVirlee you that thie is ihepro per place to hay a rangla or heater wheal you need Om ighest !!ices., for Produce. Phone OVERCOATS Men's ;and boy's winter over -- coats to be sold at a DIG; RED'Ut•IIC.N SYSSC101%9110119.1.11..1.1.........CM +4441,4444+4441•Zellettetietel-1444-K+.1.4.11-H-244-114+444.461-2+44,444+0.4+4.4414\1+,141.141 +++.7,-++-1•4+4.+I-1.44* 'tVg.4)A. 4 --e•te+44444.444 4. 4. 4.• 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4. etr• 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 44. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + • 4' eee 74, 4e. 47,