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Zurich Herald, 1916-11-17, Page 8
'rF 4 We have the celebrated Rogers Coats again in stock. These coats are well 1 styles and are guaranteed. Should any garment ....i,,pprove defective in material or workmanship it ma exchanged for another or price refunded, y ::t; wommormakmosaarearmamonswommmmomfm•ammarmamoreasualtmersosalmaxamm000mmitomaymomsamasawasamagnamasomairsa :i Corded Velvets BLANKETS IMotnsarch, Knit Sweater Coats, ��� '..17. all sizes, for •men, .,Women and ,"j children. Pricey right. You can save b money Ypur- „1, A complete range of corded chasdnig your requirements in '` '�.g' time platin velvets on hand in Woolen and Flannelette Blau- 1: the various colors. Prices kets nntow as prices are advanc, 3 '4. from 60e to 75c per yd, ing. While our eto.ck lasts we y% "1+ g ,g will continue selling at last( - New Flannelette year's ;priced. W °, ereties + Men's New flannneletts and {Wralp-, Men's Wear ?p jpere#ttes to. hand. A well asqi - .ei° sorted stack tat right '= g prices. A new line of Men's .1� and o° -- M I L L I N E Y Boys' overcoats, up-to-date + L �a styles. Come and see them. '1' .g. A11 ladies 'andchildren's hats Only 12 �mer�?s stunts left in `' .+ and trimmings at greatly re- stock. Regular prices from $12 ,; duced '.prices for balance of 50 to $20. Now se:lin g to clear h; .� season.. at $6. and $12.50.., + ++ 4 M ' .a4 lways4 PP Fresh" Groceries on hand 4 RIJBY and GASCH� 4 aa- lee C ats • Cor° Butter.... + Eggs s` Driers t1p ' Pot't'.;rJes 14'iteat . u:tt Barley + 13tnekwhi + Bran... 4 Shorts 3.Low ti,:. .Live its r6i I' `WC/BONS" 161 KThe 'Keep the zonae Fgres Burn- �}}ove Quesfiw. •• .86 Froo d L, g'and came a messy, �0 go h•s fir Canadian land 0 5 In this great and 'mig•hty struggle •.... 125 won -o.n come and, lend a hand? half% 1.713 1,80 So era. 1 da donned the khaki bravo 62 ly -,h,, •wrier then the gun. 65 V 1 05 4,90 5.40 . • .3.200 • 35 00 ..bag 2.50 t. 10.25 N! "WS + 161st_. IN ENGLAND +�1' It i:; of'icially ann i• through 'the chief pr; ss c + of i e, that the 16"s: :Euro ta'i:•n, ,among others has + "safely in, ,Engla'nd. 1- FORD? "What is the name of your mobile?" I dont klnow" PHONE 7 t .1."a`ea'.i•'ytgi'g'Oti'90.%'q'i+ i'.1!+'g+ i•ye. ic I7i3i=it, 3 , 3.3fit3tSIEW J3E3 3pttss rt Crew, Eggs, Live & Dressed Fowl 0 0 Will pay highest cash price for Cream and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, i/ at 'any time during the week. Live Flows taken every Saturday forenoon. Dressed Fowi taken any time. Highest cash price paid. L HUDSON, PhH 0 one 1 Yi 3333 0 74 i +4!-�.:.a•cR;';.ca.�«°',�+t`3,+3!�„�e"at"u"iWyas:a�.s..F"�°..�w'�°�'-Y!� �. •az�.• n�+, I Add -A -Link Bracelets A fresh supply of Gold and Silver Add -a -Links just arrived. We engravve,';themn"to your order. GEORGE R. HESS ez 001 JEWELLERS ' ZURICH Loncl0nLife Policies are "GO OD AS GOLD" Why not protect yourself and family with a good life insurance policy. All the popular plans of insuranca written. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Local Agent ifs•.eoc,Gd3et8©f3F,1C9eo Seo t •®Q5Elle••o cub teeogo® e•••••••+ eoe To new subscribers in Canada we will until .lan,� l � i 'i, f�� only 15 c nts. things l eesamt.0a •cr►o�..... r eemp + .the •�fi•••�• tea dinn �31 '„ 4.+ �1 °wed o servre their king and co r,try in the old .Huron's one - six -on a. Chorus When they heard the "Soldiers brave we're pleading, For their country's sae needing"they no- bly offered they k�ll. ,u,od' protect neat ev, 4rG t While they thus endeavor, iManfully to do their best, what 'er befall. fTho' our hearts aree almost 9brok•- en since, I We bade our boys good bye, ounced; Still we know they'll do their ut- ensor's I most, a Bat- That the Union jack may fly anrived I When battles ani. arcs over and the victory has been won, i May God bring back to Canada kr',i:o- old Huron's One -six('' -on.. «Ycu , IMat!' C(a•ntelon, ;hit, don't know? W,lvatt d;o• your folks 'call it?" "0, as to theist father always says 'The Mortgage' Brother- (Tom. calls it `The, fake'; mother, My Limrousine'; sister, Our C•r ; gr. Indene 'That Pe!i the chauffeur, ',Some Freak'; end our neighbors, ',The Limit"' BUDE IAVAL •S7PARiJTOEtS Now and save the increase in price. We'hay.e received notice from ?„he manufacturers tba p i^e of De Laval cream sep ors will be increased in price a few weeks owing to the ad in cost of raw `&material. you want to secure one at the old price, buy one now and save•$5 to $10 L. Prang, agent, -Zurich, LATE SAMUEL BROWN Much regret Wale expressed . by the resi lents of Zurich when became known on Sunday that Samuel Brown load passed a at his home in, Crediton. , Do ed at once t mo coducted a gen ;store business in this place par('netuhip with his; br.other law, Mr. J. Preeter, in the at note occupied by Mr. E. Appel is alsio a brother -ins -le .w . to Mr. W. L. Seibert, postmaster, of Zurich. }A large nulmber from here attended the funeral at Credi- ton on Wednesday afternoon HICKS' FORECASTS A Rea.ti nary S ori P,r*odw11 be central on Friday„ Saturday and Sunday, the I7th 18th, and 19th The 'moon is on the celestial equ- ator on the 19th, passing to south declination, having passed quarter on the 17th. past be for It 'must not t the. gotten that the Mars equin- arsit-!November, oeial is ,apt the culmination of its in strength through all this part of vane and that the character If 1.01 'storms sand weather generally that has rrsv; i'.ed t'�r ughout Cet, ober will be sustained and in - tenoned, If a tendency to early, cold and storms of a wintery, bur- eal mature proceeded, expect a • it.' renewed increased dash of snow, ( sleet and early winter, on and near, Mr, I +ho ynEw Way Cess paras in , 18th, and 19th. The pas- sage of the Moon over the ;.elest`, al equator on the 1gth, may retard the change to colder; but the change will gather intensity by the and' delay+ sending an unseasonable Ho I cold wave over most parts of the country, beginning in the north- west, from about the 19th to the 22nd. THE TELEPHONE QUESTION The township clerk and mem--- bers of the council were in 01 .ton on Saturday and met memb of the •Tuekerslmith council and Ashley of the Bell Telephone C for the purpose of discussing t ephone rates and exchange cha es at Heins,all and Exeter centra Matters were gone into thoroug ly and all angles of the questi looked into. 'As •a result of t meeting there is hardly, any doubts that the five cent csn•nection char- ge through •Hensall and Exeter centrals will have to be inaugurati ors Mr Mr o., el - BARN TIDIES IN ONTARIO Heavy Losses to Farmers Due to Spomtan,eous Combustion During the past few Weeks, On- tario farmers have been serious lY �alarlmed by the number of u.g� am files •ccuring throughout is. the Province. In the month of h_l August and the 124 such, on 1 fires were reported, in volving •a he I boss estimated to exceed 1300,000. Manny of the fires were reported Ito be due to ispo1 tanacous •coni- bustion, and to determine the ex, act circumstances surrounding these, the Prov.nscial F;rn Marshall unfe t:oh a ripe:i•.tl i:.vtstig'a'ion fur Lamibton county,'. where many e ` of the fires occureadl, . As a result of inspections and in - f vestigatioms made by Deputy F re 1 Marshall S. H. Dickie, of Toronto a it Was found that fully fifty per- N.1.cen;t. of the fires wene due to n spontaneous combustion, as a re- -1 suit of. farmers putting hay in such quantities and grain in the barns while wet and that the excessive heat has resulted in fires. ed. NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL The Right Honorable the Duk of Devonshire was formally in stalled as gave- nor -general o Cl Canada in the historic counci chambers of the Nova Scoti provincial building at Halifax, ' S., at 3 o'c'ock Saturday afternoon im. the presence of representativ es ,of the Dominion Government, the Sensate, the navy, the army •the iSupreme Court of Canada, Lieutenant -Governor of Nova • Scotia, the Supreme Court ort Nova Scoitia, ithe Provincial Cab inet, the ch..rgy of Nova Scotia rind 'proimin'ealt eitt'zenis. THE FARMER'S PAPER From week to week questions p'oli•tical and otherwise, of th utmost importance to the fame rare coining to the front. Thcs questions are in 'many instances perluitted to pass without conn men • by some newspapers fo political reasons, That old an. reliable friend sof the farmer. Th: Weekly Sun, idoe.s not allow nns questions affecting the farmer o his family to pass without ,conn meat. You inlay not aiwaays ag ree with its opinion, but the Su being free from party or politica control gives its readers an t.inba ed opinion on all questionsfPhes opinions 'acre salways 'Worth read ing while the Sur n's market re ports have long been considered most reliable from the farmer's standpoint, Are you readier, th• 9 Note this Bargain Large Ranges, with reservoir, ' high closet, ii'ed back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven thermometer and a large oven; 20x22, 13est Stove on the market, only K50, Full stock of HEATING STOVES at knockout prices. Call Ia4d see before you buy. AU stoves guaranteed or no sale. • We were lucky once more in. lav,•» ing contracted for about 50 stoves of all kinds a year ago: and sines then stoves have greatly advanced in .prices. We are still selling at the old prices. Call and see the BTG• STOVE, BARGAINS SEE OUR Cook stove with resevoir for $204 " extended for Ranges complete for $25 t$33" e. III4RTLEIB,PHONg13 zUR>�cH HURON S LARCESTWCOMEINATION;.STORE ' 3 413eat alZ3KOCIOCisF3CitE3Qi3E3E3 s3 i3©f3 (_ -- New Coalednnery Dashwood Bread and Cakes. Stratford Bread. Neils'on's Chocolates cFz Candies Choice Confectionery & Groceries Stationery of_ail kinds Picture Post Cards 0 and Novelties 0 California Toilet Preparations � 0 Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. Parcols niust_be brought in before Tuesday evening of each week Your Patronage Solicited 0 W. C. Wagner - - 3.3E i'�# 3 �f 3t� �3� �, seem••••••••••••••setieoeoeseeeesgseeeoesee•••••O•••• •••• i Ladies' De.. artmen •• • • p t • • •• • • As it is very hard to replace some •: • goods in this department at the old proiCthe s • would advise you to buy early as the prices are • • sure to advance. • •• • Wrapperettes at the old price• 6 Flannelettes at the old price • Dress Goods at the old price •• • • • Underwear at the old price s • • is w A face lines in Ladies' Coats, sealette• , at only • o $22 and $25. A Big Bargain. • • • • • • • • • • • • Men's Department • o• =r It will pay you to buy here. All hats at • a big reduction. • •• •• ei• • FALL and WINTER Garmentslb • What about an up-to-date Fall Overcoat. Wo are agents for • the celebrattd Broadway Brand. Hundreds of samples to choose from. Fit guaranteed, Also orders taken for suits. : A beautiful range' p ' I etc. . Now is the time to these htingss-ben our stock iswell'� assorted.• is Just in, a beautiful line of men's Ties and M'ufliers.<. We handle Arrow Brand Collars, the best on the market, A new line • of men's flannel shirts. neat patterns, $1-50. Leave your order for celery oI . Y :every Wednesday and Saturday. • • Fresh Groceres at all times T. L P ; 7:• • lie 8 •r • 0 • • • • • • • • • n: of your'interests? If au are Imissin,g many good each week. You will find n instructive and ;profitable+ NEWADS,—L. Brisson, I. H1uz1, g'+ sem, Tax Sale, T. Johnson, Jos. gasch;o, Stoine & We1'in.gton, • • • • Y • • • • O • • • • •• 5