HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-17, Page 7Contagious Diseases. At one time nnedical writersinsi ted upon malting a distinction Contagious and 'infectious diseases, but there is really very little difference. All diseases of either class are germ diseases, and are spread by means of germs, which are transmitted from the sick to the well either by direct con- tact, as in the ease of purely conta- gious disease, or indirectly by insects, food or water, toilet articles, toys and so forth. A few diseases are not transmitted from the sick to the well, but are caused by germs that are found in the soil or on articles that are handled in • TRE DOORTO HEALTH Is Through the Rich, Red Blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make. The blood is responsible for the health of the body. If it is good, dis- ease cannot exist. If it is bad, the door is shut against good health, dis- ease sease is bound to appear in one form or another, One person may be seised with rheumatism or sciatica, another with anaemia, indigestion, heart pal-, pitation, headaches or backaches, un- strung nerves, or any of the many other forms of ailment that comes when the blood is weak and watery. There is just one certain, speedy cur —Dr. Williams Piffle Pills. They make new, rich blood, and this good blood strengthens the whole systeminand ing trained the Dominion Government' maintains them and their families. Men needing artificial limbs are taken to Toronto, where these limbs are made and supplied without charge, Men with serious nerve disorders are treated specially in the Ontario Mili- tary Hospital at Cobourg. Each Provincial Government has ape pointed a Commission to help die,. charged men in securing steady and', remunerative work. The Dominion" Government, and other authorities and employers, systematically give pre- ference to returned soldiers when. fill- ing vacant positions. The public can and should co-oper- ate heartily in this urgently neces- sary work, by encouraging the men to take fullest advantage of the curative and educational opportunities given them, and afterwards by seeing that they get work. Local committees have for manybtowns, but anuc this much more has purpose be done in this Way. The treatment, most carefully car- ried out in accordance with the latest discoveries and the proved results of medical experience, includes 'many forms of strengthening exercises, often requiring special and costly ap- paratus; the scientific use of electric- ity, massage, and continuous baths for affected limbs; with wise dieting and fresh air as a matter of course. Occupation is often as necessary and beneficial as rest itself, in its cura- tive and strengthening effect on body and mind. Classes are therefore held at the hospitals, for instruction and practice in many arts and indus- tries, such as carpentry and wood- carving, metal and leather working,. typewriting and book-keeping,. zne- chanical drawing and elementary en- gineering, gardening, bee -keeping and ACHING TEETH RELIEVED AT HOME the course of daily life. That is t e;brngs good health and hap ease with tetanus and r o Thousands owe their present good (malignant pustule) : the germhealth, some, life itself, to the p tetanus thrives in the dirt; that of Miss Devine Laliberti, St. Jerome, anthrax: is found in hides and wool. I Que., says:—"Last year I seemed Formerly the belief prevailed that i gradually to grow weakand run down. most discos& were spread by infected I did not sleep well, had a poor a lan- pe- articles (fomites was the technical tate, and grew pale and generally term); hence there was great ado •guid. I consulted a doCGo'r who told about disinfecting merchandise and I me I was anaemic, and gave me a baggage, fumigating rooms in which tonic, This I took faithfully for some a sick person had been, and destroy - time, but it did not help me, and 1 ape. ing or disinfecting all articles that the eared to be growing worse, and final sick person. had handled. The• last IlY I was hardly able to go about the precaution is still regarded as neves- I house and almost wholly incapacitated sary in the case of t is a disease as for work. While in this condition a typhoid fever; but it is seldom neves- friend advised me to try Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills, and I got several sary disinfect the ra„gag sans arriving at quarantine, even if boxes. It was not long after I began Wheney a from an infectedsinfdoryt. their use when I could see an im- ship's.hold is • disinfected by rovement, which just manifested it- . steam, or berning sulphur, it is esu- Pelf a an improved just and bet - ally done to kill the insects or the rats this on the that may harbor the germs of yellow'' fever, plague or other diseases. Insects are the greatest enemy of man in the way of disseminating dis- ease; typhus fever, malaria, yellow fever, the plague and a host of tropical diseases are occasionally so carried. But man himself is often the innocent carrier of infection, and the recent discovery that an apparent- ly healthy person may harbor the germs of infectious disease and trans- mit them to others with whom he comes into contact has presented a difficult problem to the sanitarian. An insect that carries the germ of an infectious disease can be killed if we canget at it, but a man who is doing soldiers, were under its care a Iiospitals Commission at awe, thmust be treated with'I the beginning of this month. Of s to the Provincial Commission at the moree sase thing re- + these 426 were at Sanatoria for tub- i Provincial capital, asking any s�fie to- i mideratfan; and how to p > d 1616 t Convalescent' er information hey may vent him from sowing the germs f h latter being out giving any practical broadcast without killin uzz a him or keep- ing him locked up is a p that the physicians :have not yet solved. .Cookery fo h Invalid. eat aims in catering for e to stimulate the feeblei f $loan's Liniraoiit Robs Tooth- ache oI Its Terrors. Paiii sol a fishes in a 'ew Minutes. No need to pace the floor all night with. the agony of a throbbing tooth. Sloan s I,inimenst will quickly relieve the paia and give you rest. A single application and the pain usually diseppeaiu. Sloan's lAniment gets right to the root o'f the trouble. 'Like a warming balm it relieves con- gesti�an, and in a few minutes tooth. ache is reduced. To soothe the throb of a 1 ootl gems t pains with neuralgia, app y Liniment exter sully. brAuching ses sprains, 1u bago, hilblains, sprains and stiff lumbago, peek Can also be most effectively treated with Sloan's Liniment. Clean- er than mussy plasters or poultices. Sloan's Liniment at all drug stores in. 25e., 50e and $1.00 battles. SSIANS A new White Paper issued by the British War Office says.--• "Russian subjects of military ag' tin this country are permitted by Russian Government to serve in 'the British army; a period of service in the British army by a Ressian sub- Jedt is equivalent in Russian law to a corresponding period of service i the ts the Russian army. Russian subje. have rearbed er hereafter Teach the age of eighteen, and who are under the age of forty-one, are, therefore, invited to join the British army. Thili invitation extends to all Russian sub- jects in. the United 'Kingdom, nelud- ing those who have been locally na- turalized in a British colony, and those who are registered as Belgian refugees." in poultry -raising. ter rest at night. From not , These all help to increase the cape lessen the improvement was rapid and I was long in regaining perfect health. I think Dr. Williams Pink' Pills are a real blessing for all weak girls." You, can get these pills through any • undertake rn cents• city of the patients, and to effecb of any injury they have receiv- ed, by getting them into practice for such industries as they can profitably The medical and educa- ional officers . try first to discover Diol r TO INVEST YOUR MONEY. No 1 erson with any sense disputes the wisdom of depositing money in a savings bank and earning three per , cent. per annum, but what a good busi- nese man cannot understand is, why it should be allowed to remain there and left to accumulate at that raa o ih i IMoney to -day is certainly more than that, but the difficulty is, the average person does not know how to invest it safely. There is a, way open to every healthy person to, invest his money without any risk, which may bring him or his family a thousand per cent., and no matter what the result, cannot bring him less than three per cent. interest, and that ' is by taking out an endowment life insurance policy in the Crown Life I Insurance Company of Toronto. The � moment you . pay your first premium i you create an estate of the full value of your policy. Should you die with- in a year your estate will receive a tht- mens; if yer cent. on your ou live to the maturity sof inept; y your policy you will have returned to you more than principal and three per cent. interest. comparison be - Can there be any ri depoe- tween leaving your money ooalt in a savings bank or buying a p licy in the Crown Life? Write the Head Office at Toronto for literature. Tu¢Trcor alff u , ipIlOHTO a+i The man who weds an old flame often finds that she has a red bot temper. _ Some people believe in nothing --or, at least in only yrliat they can under- stand, and it may amount to the same thing. .. �. �,-_...•. medicine dealer or by mail a a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. -- -- DISABLED CANADIAN SOLDIERS.' What is Being Done to Restore Their Ability and Usefulness. The Military Hospitals Commission at Ottawa informs us that 2,08 1 t what each ma,n is most likely to suc- ceed at, and then to fit him for ib as thoroughly as possible, It has been wisely decided that no man shall forfeit any part of his pen- sion on account of his industry and enterprise in improving his own finan- cial position. Let our readers 'write without hesi- tation •bo the Secretary of the Military ti erculosis, an a suggestion re' Hospitals, while g the a suiting from thought or experience. patients, while 39 members of the 1force were were in asylums. for the insane.: i Of the 426 cases of tuberculosis, it I tl 'half were rom l m on Account of "Ill Heal them from leaving Canada for the seat 1 •ainst MAKING SCAPEGOATS. may 'be added, almost exactly is 1 German man Generals Are Being Retired discovered time to prevent Health." The two great an invalid at o war. The turning of the tide ag appetite and to give the maximum of ' According boa statement prepared !Germany is finh its inevitable to Oct- symptoms of developing scapegoats. nourishment with the minimum of ef- ,1 by the Militia Department, uppart of the fort to the'digestion. If these aims ober 5th 1916, the number of soldiers' i The idols of the early are remembered,ofthe problem plof the . sent back to Canada because of sed greatly simplified.. ,war are row being torn down. Geri. choice o£ food is „ 3 zeal unfitness was 6,208. Of these, Von Kluck, who made the tewmithinel8 To tempt the patient the dishes must_961 were suffering from wounds, shell- i rush toward Paris and g le be as varied and attractive as possible. shock, or the effects of gas; 122 were has been retired Only small quantities of each dish i insane 245 were of licted with tuber- miles of the city, •to insure '. while the remainder, 4,880,I ostensibly on account of a shrapnel. d. At one time it seemed as if should be prepared at a time, freshly cooked food being served and give vnrze to ey without waste. houlcl always be SOMA little dish s in n sa cu oS15, woe• e ,verything. were suffering from other diseases and i Von Kluck would sweep disabilities. t1 iight, but the tide turnedand All Canadians ought to know tivha hope was given up. The readiness, however, as invalids oft`ti ; is being done by the Military Hospitals der the masterly generalship of Geri. teed fool at odd times. It is im•+i Commission, acting on behalf of the; Joffre, began to turn upon the enemy. hole body of citizens, for the restore- The next thing Jolfre suddenly con . 1 1 portant that the food chosen be lig as well es nourishing. White fish may be served, but only fish, such as salmon, should be avoided. Chicken is easily digested, and may be pre- pared in a number of attractive wweak, and. unless the patient is very s , pheasant or partridge are fairly easily assimilated and form a welcome change, but should be plainly served and nob high. Lambs' hearts, servedd sweet- breads, stewed carefully with a good plain sauce, are excellent. cellle for Mutton, although the early stages of convalescence, is more easily kedswilld than be fond useful carcfally as the invalid grows stronger.or The ideal method of cooking meatthr fish for the sick is steaming, as fibers are softened by the long, slow cooking. Boiling ranks next, but much of the goodness from the food is lost in the liquid. Baking 'develops flavor,. but tends to harden meat, and frying is the least suitable of all, on account of the fat used in the process. Puddings and sweets should be light - are invaluable,nsweet.lain and ot too as their cool, refresh- ing appearance makes them most wel- come hi the sick room. Eggs, milk, beef juice, beef tea and wine may be served in this way, and, set hi small dainty moldsf make very 'attractive dishes. defenders to a � Crated by motor trucks, lexica pesitioi: of self-support and p ,and all other vehicles an y that tion of their wounded i rode end- ten arm upon epee. s Gen. Von Kluck's flank so strong Every don err soldierng is medically i Von ht of heis examined longer arrivingat Quebec. hospital j Paris Kand think to ainlyaofll this army. he is no in need t expensena, he assent hwith a iee of pension' Marne, which great battle of the won tvith singular or gra and according p by Gen. Joffre and his subor- of gratuity according to the extent ability of his disability. If he needs further i dinates, and fought hawi and tggreatest B est treatment, he is taken to the hospital bravery, by or sanatorium where the treatment; isle. lush on Paris was definitely most suitable to his case is available, I The and, if possible, to that which is, arrested and the Germans forced back nearest his home. Men who cannot' into, the position which they had; resume their former work on di charge from hospital are advised a enabled to take special training fc new occupations. This is provid= free of cost; and while the men are b A. • RARE XMAS GIFT By sending List aE r our Price Beautnul MBA Ox OB a� You will have nice time to look it over for your Christmas buy- ing. A fortunate purchase en- ables us to offer these RABE and BEST STYLE Robes eat prices less than half their usual cost. They with bbeautiful lustre and are a rich brown-black, tanned, unsurpassed for warmth and appearance. The very thing for .a.nto, Carriage, or Sleigh Makes also a luxurious Floor "-Rug for the Moine Purchasers are selections elect prised theto make an early Musk Ox is tithe skins therefore scarce will soon be unobtainable. Write to -day for price list from the largest dealers in Canada. LAMONTAGiriE, LIMITED ge.O.. Som 1410 333 Notre Dame Gt. West MONTEMA.L. Manufacturers of Quality rraraess, Trunks. Saga, Etc. Eatabli.ehed 1S59. .+r'r==aliir.a7`'m� tit irr==4•0Btt°"»$-t 118e r�crrne t at staxrds 102. ri iJ lity,zf Fermi cr'chrnery 1 ,1 LISTER ENGINES ARE • I3ItITISH BUILT 5 2.3,57&9 H.P duSkids orTrucic.. Hi$1� Tension.,Mce L'inet oa onlor.� <ISTING INS TNNotrGN TNN WINTIGNo, xr ChiZ.T.E'oas,TITA. Get away from the cold, disagreeable winter. California temperature is from 60 to 76 degrees the year round. It is not expensive to spend the entire winter there. Bungalows rent from $28.00 per month up. Special Winter Tour Fares. The famous Los Angeles Limited, a fast, re- fined and exclusive through train from 3.0Chicago m. and arrives at Los Chicagongls 00 p• 4.80 p.m. the third day --less than three i Agt., Gen. Write to B. E. Bennett, G days en route. en Tonge Chicago &North Western Ry., 46 St., Toronto, Ont. Re will send you dis- yliiataepndhelpouplanan attractive trip, ,a make reservations for you clear through' tc the T'aciflc Coast. V ever, because the French would have been too glad to have accepted such a severe blow to, the prestige of the German staff. The Kaiser was des- perately offended at Von Kluck for his failure, and, it is said, treated him with the utmost severity. is Field The other scapegoat Mar- shal Von Falkenhayn. Von Falken- hayn had been, for years, in the high - 'est favor with the GermanMry itary Staff. He was formerly In- structor to the Chinese government, then. governor of Kiou Chow, and was military tutor of the German Crown Prince. When Von Moltke failed to give satisfaction as Chief of Staff he was displaced and superseded by Von Falkenhayn. • For awhile Van Fal- ` kenhayn seemed to be in the swim, but the failure at Verdun andelse- where cost him his prestige, and on Aug. 29, 1916, he was displaced in favor of the old Gen. 'Von idol I i burg, who had become a popular on account of hi sweeping successes i on the Russian 'frontier. It was felt that Von Hindenburg could restore the favorable conditions on the Western front which he has probably far failed toand Fnikenhay 1's be the next to go.opportunity was fall was felt, and an opp utation given him to restore his ainst the Rournan- the command against inns in Transylvania. At first it seemed as if everything was going his .way, but now fortune has turned against him, as his campaign against the Roumanians is a failure,ande best evidence of it is his p i moval and retirement to the rear. Lister Silos, Ensila.$e Cutters, 1( 0! Threshers. Sera. ers, Milkers, U ' Electric sigthpart , MelotteC • I THE LISTER GRINDER`ia' )r_ Suicide Decrease. The noziaiter of suicides in the city -of Peale hats decreased 15 or 20 a week ::ince the war began. It has been sugeested that this disease is due to curiosity, every one being so • anxious to see what the outcomfxaof tho*'sti' i4igl h01r1own llives, hoping f from t:•li �f7 for 1•'r•ench victory. Strugilirtg to get rich quick keeps ah1arty a pian poor. People cut out tea or coff beverages interfere with drink freely of them, S that at whatever time of caffeine, in tea and coffe More and more people ar Instant IWrite for price of our famous 1t Grinder Outfit coni rlsinpt riT apListe 993/4�� Listed a Grinder. Write/or Catalogue foDepr RA:LISTER & Co.Limited enjoy, b your own home, as smooth, clean and comfortable a shave as the city man, or as anyone else in this broad Dominion? Why shouldn't you own and use the keenest, speediest, most convenient shaving tool In the world—the The Bombardment. the drug-free, nourishing, "There's Canadian Postuzn Ceres hr, "Bang!" went the rifles at the man- oeuvres. "00-001" screamed the pretty girt -- a nice, decorous, surprised little scream. She stepped backward into the arms of a young. man. '"Oh;" said she, blushing. "I was frightened by the rifles. 1 beg your pardon." "Not at all," said the young man. "Let's go over and watch the a•til- ) lexy." The thin Gillette Blades, electrically hardened, honed with diamond dust, stropped in wonderful automatic machines, carry an edge whose uniform, lasting keenness has never been matched. The curved Gillette head holds them rigid--guarded—adlustablo by a turn of the handle for a light or close shave. With the Gillette there's no need for honing, stropping, or careful working round the chin or angle of the jaw! There h use art no preltmineries-wills arbor is ready for business--yycJ t pick it up and shave, with the easy angie stroke, in five minutes or less. The Gillette "Bulldog", "Aristocrat" and Standard Sets cost $5—pocket Editions $5 and $6—Combination Sats $6.50 up. At Hardware, Drug, Mon's Wear and Jewelry stores. 220 Gillette Safety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited Office and Factory : GILLETTE BUILDING, MONTREAL.