Zurich Herald, 1916-11-17, Page 5Classified Ads LSCY�II.:CARDS. 1PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers`Solicitors, Notaries Public &o. 'Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton S. Goderich, Private funds to loan at lowest ra rates PROUDFOOT, K. C. J. H. J. D. Comm. Kr. Cee e will be in and Saturday of each ensel' on Friday each week. MEDICAL CARDS R A. J. Mae,,KINNON late House .".'Surgeon, Erie County Hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhat anagernity the Hospital N. Y. city. Late House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School arta Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich Ont. Zuriohl Meet MARKET:, Fresh and Sall Meats Bologna Sa.usages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH *FOR SKINS Ss.HIDES TimeAblut&til Deicant '17r The Home Insuarnce Co Cy LOCAL NEWS Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.26 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your shouse for 30 cents per $100 for al No premium note and ,no extra assessment guaranteed. G. OLTZTA Agent. - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods UaD£RTAitiNG Prompt Service Moderate 'h.argeS Tailor Shop and Laundry �•HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario Mr. Edmund Walper was in town Tuc.day, Mir. Jos .Gasieho, of the 14,th con. has puIrchaised a new Ford. Mas Erma Utt'ey, cf Dublin, visited her Marie here on Sunday. Will theparty wha borrowed an .open buggy at the blacksmith shop or wagon shop return same at once, J'aeob Deichert. Live fowl taken every Satin-, .clay forenoon. Dressed fowl taken any time, Highest cash Price pail. I. Hudson, Zurich. Mr. ;Tu"field Ducharme returned to Detroit on Monday, after as visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs P. Ducharme, Bronson Line, fora few day's, Potatoes are very scarce this season Still have some left, .and you should get your supply al lance. [Tetaplaho.ne or call. . C. Fritz. Zurich. The first real snow -fall of the season took place on Monda;yi night The weather was cold and the ground presented a very wintry appearance. Mr. Samuel GiAgerieh of the Goshen Line has moved to the farm on the Bronson Line,Stan- ley, which he recently p edj rim Mr. R. Douglas. Mr. andMraa Egleson Baler, the former owner have moved to Biggar, Sask. Dr. Hadley Williams of London who has been appointed head of the Ontario Government hospital at Orpington, England ,left last week en rout overseas. Mrs. Wil- liams 'accompanies hint. The Or- pington hospital is the largest Can adisa: hes;atai in England and has 2,000 beds. Dr. Williams is well known here and his many friends will wish 1xim bon voyage and a sate return,. For the past three years no one 'question has demanded the at- tenlion of the public mind than the High Cost of living. A num- ber of people have declared that the problem was riot properly Lam end hut that ,it should read "The Cost of High Living." At the present time this claim cannot he justified; the cost of every day, h.ousshold articlss in continu flay. soaring. A dollar bill, which should now be addressed as William, has a very samiall `''pur= 'chasing valise 'today. A dozen eggs, a pound of butter, and a quarter's worth of sugar; your money's gone and then some. The market con:ai'ions of to -day are. vastly different from that of a few years ago. Irhe old way was to put some money in your aosket, your basket on your arm and hike to .market; ,now'a'days you have to fill your basket with •nosey when you go and tr'ng tl:e goods home in your pocket, at least it seems that way. .REPRE'SE'NTA'TIV'E WANTED Ac once for Zurich and district fov "Canada's Greatest Nurseries' Spring 1917 Planting List now :ready, Splendil list of Hardy Canadian a no as: ti Ornamental Stock in - eluding McIntosh Rad Apple, St. Eegis Everbearing Raspberry, and many other leaders. FARM 1 Ola t •A 155 acres 'Halton County. On county stems load, Between Ae- tom ancl Guelph Acton tareserre';. Got to be sold at once. $750 cash down, lalance arranged on a mott- gage, Possession at Dace, i3anlc barn, 60x40, good ben hone. flame pig ren and sheep -pen, framl h.cu e, painted wiai'e,-seven rooms with good cellar. Also another small house and barn on tl- 85 acres workable Land, plenty of wood for years for firewood, bal- ance of land is where timber has been cut off and grass iand.,Price, $5250.00. P lenty of good spri water on the farm. Apply t o J A. Wi:ougl.by, GearaetoVn, Cnt. New illustrated catalogue sent Con application. Start now at best selling Liberal propositiens Stone .fir Wellington The Foothill Nuser:lea (F,sjtab iehedy�18•37)p 1R B ®N b » time. FARM FOR SALE For wale, a good farm of 100 acres, being lot 20, N. B.; Hay, 2?% miles north of Zurich. £herr• are on the farm one large bank bare, good driving shed and good frame hen e,,an,: other email owl). £.dings Two goon orchards and all land is tillable. Convenient to school and church. Fa 1 plowing all done For particulars apply to the prop- rietress, taIrs. J. Quackenbush, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. Following is present prices we, are paying for live fowl: Alive 18e 15c 12e. 1Oc 10e 9c Turkeys Old Turkeys Chicks, Hens Ducks Geese Dressed Ole 48c 12toe 13cc 12c Dressed taken any clay, alive every Thursday and Saturday fore neon J. Preeter, Zurich. PREPARDNESS There are cold days corning Prepare for tiler now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut D'.,A. Cantelon Hensalli JOSEPH RAU Phone 10, Rouse Phone 10a,R R. N ). 2, Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING}, ETC. FIRE INSi1RANOE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich 'II'•1••4•'ir•:•.g•.g'+•g'.F•s<•E'+•7••3•.g•++:••S• •+3r•14 HONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos, Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride. Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice Weber .OII»3'a MILL Our eider a i:l is now running. Arrangements can be made by 'pboneing t•o 2 oil 8, 1ieaxsa91 Cen- tral. W B. alder, Loi 10, salad, con. IH.ay, We have beenaslced to add to the Ilonor Roll the names of the boys from Zurich, who have enlisted in battalions in various parts of the country and who are serving their Arne Brenner (killed in action) Emerson Brown Peter Randall Emanuel Holtznaaaa Abe Bender Albert Bender David Stelck Frank Uttley Ed. Fisher Norman Prang Ily. Sierran Arnie Hildebrandt Marshall Zeller Norman Johnston W. Linin:goad (killed Roy Geiger Alvin Surerus. In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 161st but were re- jected as physically unfit, al If the above list is not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed to add any names we have omitted in action) ••trfi'•i'•4.3••3»•II•+•i•'l.•3'.F••3-ataf•a•h•i+t'++•II+ Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAC I am now .selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one wishing to use some can pur- chase same from me. Mr. S. J. E.akcr, Northfield, Stor- mont Co., Ont., writes on larch lst., 1915:— "I used Basic Slag an a piece of low muck ground last Spring, and could see 'quite an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aft ergrass. I think the results would have been much better had the sesson not been so dry. I ap- plied some last Pall and have al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring. I have also the 'Agency fol •the (2.ntario ?ertilizer—anyone -,v3aaang to buy same can :do so fro'aa me. WHAT WVB1-1,1(30DY NEEDS i+klS ]JEST LOCAL PAPJfE AND WIFE BIal CITY DAILY While ?Ave d t ,at the great- est measure of cireu,ttd fa of your local paper in you own community N essenti l to the best ends, inter- ests and enterprises ox the district } e Ia'so realise the neccs•.,ity of the metropolitan daily newe pap er t o ,seep in• toroth with nvaricoss, out- s:de ihiappenings word -weds anu tsar news. We have made ap'ecial arrangements wills arae .,ai.:y 11Iai. and Enmpire, by which we can off- r it and ,our own paper, the two together, Or twelve months for I•his is an c•pportanicy by which you get ,the two beast papers con- cerning news r,f J.aoaau and abroad. 'Send all. orders to office of this ]raper'• FOR ILLNT Premises in Zurich o•.aed by Mrs McCormick For particulars apply to A Mitteiholtz or A i+' Jiess. LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTi O" COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black= smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. B. F CASE & SO PRUE 35 HENSALL The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCII WATER BOWLS Litter Carriers STANCHIONS ETC., ETC. We handle and install all the modern convenciences for your stables. See:our lines, SERVICES Sunday, day, German --- --- --- 9.45 a. m " ;Sunday School 11.00 a, in. Bei vice Eug'ish - 7.30 p. m. Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. --- ".SO p. m Tuesday, Y. P. A. --- --- 8.15 p. xu. Z hursday Prayer Meeting 8.00 p m, Friday. Choir Practice --- 8 30p. m. Ladies' Aid, First Wednesday of each Monith'. 7.'0 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Sehlool --• --- --- 2p.m. German Servi ea, Sunday 10 39a.m. English Service Sunday 7.30 Luther League, Friday 8, p. m. Ladies' Aid' uneets first Tuesday of each month ;at 2.30 Royal Nicknames. Louis SIV. was "Le Grand Mo- narque." His court was the model for European Princes. Louis Philippe was the "Citizen King;" at one time he was "Piing Smith,' the name he assumed when he escaped from France. Mary, queen of Scots. was the "White Queen.". Mary of Modena, wife of James 1I.. was the "Queer. of Tears." The "Nine Day& Queen" was Lady Jane Grey. Christian III. of Denmark was the "Father" of his people. The Danger. "It was while traveling in Switzer- land that I proposed to Miss Smith on the verge of a mountain gorge." "Horrors! Suppose she had thrown you overl"- Corn Can Pop, Only Once. Ethel (munching and chattering)— How white corn gets when it pops. Marie—Yes; just like some men when they pop. Sincerity's own realm is one's secret ;hamber; strong here, a man is strong everywhere.--Saigo. The Headache Excuse. "Does your wife suffer from head- aches much?" "Only when 1 want her to do some- thing that she doesn't want to do." A Cruel Comparison. "Why does e>v say that her face is like one of Browning's poems?" "Beams, 1x has some hard dues in ,Zurich. ....... B --T Hay Tracks and Cars Let us install your'hay track for you now. Terms are same at if installed next spring, viz: Sept., 1st, 1917. We handle pimps, piping, ete. L. PRANG ZURICH hat veryoa e eeds THE BEST LOCAL PAPER AND THE BEST CITY DAILY aria By Special Arrangement We Are Able to Offer the Zurich Herald and the Daily Mail and Empire, the Two Together, 12 Months for $2.75 Get All the News While it is News FromWorld-wide to your ow n Poor. SEND OR BRING ALL 0R1 EB $ 7'O OFFICE CF THIS PAPER �e..,..;..� .• �••; � 3,.s...• i• : �°o°> : •s�•i•d••t••f••i••�$•'i'•i •'r•i •1'� •bo4.;.�..i •1•�e'•; .1'•i !l.�e•o�•€•o4.i-S-o°•€^ JOB Wx , RK The improvements in our print shop enable us to do any hind of job work at shortest notice. No matter how large or menthe order may be, we will be pleased to quote you prices on same. Our work is neat and tasty and we can give your any quality of paper. Let us have your next order and see it we "make good". 'We sell Appleford's counter check books, any style. Crain Press Zurich y i••. ..:. , . -aa i ., - +++++++4 - ,f "et . > '. '++++' ++