HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-17, Page 4SU • Tfd —rev issued every t. ii... ua, ..; :RALD Pa-It4.•t Isar?! y n.t.et t . ., utFlh..l,.,:y 6NDitEW stOtt .it:a to i.. a1,1ll..1i BSORIPT(.4i>iVra 1pl•4,. A'YEAR S• subscrapten ,y,;,. stu.tty .0 advuncap ADNi ri to tat FFICE ates for dispru). •• - etu is will be ven on appltut.t Transient not2t a rheas, SOCA so cents per t .:ants tor eat.n subseyu. . ;aloes at anat.. miss ion fee to �..... Ube charged tin Prices. at rel1bt.,.t.+ . , .: . itch is the betaertt •..t •• nal or sectanau ut• . • • erted free. Adverttslnenth ry jsn:rted •ills to 1,) •,. sit 1st advertls,nen r r !tray advs. Li. c,. .- -.,: ,t vi'hlch an 4..1(41011 ta..et, tt+tug races 1 ho pUiect a .,lo, for per ve ctaeertuly t ,ns will be frau ...tt auce. 5' 1; . JOSEPH Mrs, N. M.Oa11 t n is epen Bins a week with. her daughter, Woodcock at Montreal, ' meg, N. C elasea spent list woke wittli Cher son, Phillip ,on Bronson Linea. Mr ;and Mrs. E. Wilhelm and family of Haysville spent Siind:ay with fries 's nere. They ,made the tris' by tatee. Mr a L p :rte hes a gang of me dF g' iag drains on ,the farm he a.or. to • ; turchased from Mr. eeef rey. Tin fee Zers are near complet- ing t- ing thee,- .11 plowing. greet d eeetee over very ?lard owing to welt of rain. Mr F • etrey left far Chatham where he :i i5 accepted a position l Cia TTb paper disc.,,, ., ted .uuil.tu .,,c..raesare paid. with the !..ray Campbelart ge Company. ...Changes for cota.ta.• t. "�atar.vt,e .u:ymust w lhbeteft n the See by 6 p. rat , t e. tth Nur untilthe tohowtn, +_e Address all communtca ions to THE HERALD, Zurich, Ont. THZJRSDA.Y, NOY. 16, 1916 t....UNTY NEWS CORRESPONDENCE IlLenlsall council has voted $500. to the British Red Cross Fund, The residents of Exeter and; vi inity sn. s:ribed for $78,000 of the re e ;,minion War Loan. Lieut A. J. Grigg, of Clinton, has been a;tpointed recruiting of- ficer for Huron. and Bruce countys. L D. Fulton, of Stratford, has, purchased the general store and. business of S. Lam,pl ii, fa quhae. M D. Shearer, manager of the Sterling bank at Bayfield has been moved to Toronto. Mr. McGee pf St. Catherine is his successor. The Inion -jury settings of the Supreme Court of Ontario will be held in Goderich on Tutes,day,Nov. 21st. Sir Glenholme Falconbridge will preside. Ni and Mrs. J. T. Moffatt, an - ounce the marriage of their daught er, Mary Mabel, to Mr. John Arm- strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, of Stanley, the (mar- riage to take place about the mid- dle of November. Death removed one of the oldest, most prominent and highly Tow resp- ected residedts of McKillop ;Town Tw ship on Wednesday in the person. of Mr. Chas. Dodds, of the fifth con. cession. He was been. 83 years a- go in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, and cause to Canada oat e.he age pf 15. the came direct to the. Huron tract, then a wilderness and, took up; lot 32, Where he co:n- etiriueti to'"uresrne•x•emen nes -- beats: and which he converted from its virgin state to one of the finest horneste•ads in the county. THE PRICE OF NEWSPAPERS The increase in the price of printing paper has become so seri- ous that publishers are gettingt o- gether to devise measures to meet the situation, Many have already, increased their subscription rates and some have been forced TO MO - Tend publication. We are advesed however, by the publishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal that for the present, anyway, there will be no increaser in the price of that paper, and we are permitted to offer the Family Herald and, Weekly Star along with the Zurich Herald for the small sutra of $1.85, that is one ;year's subscription to each paper. This offer is good only .until Nov. 30-1916, as it .may be found neetesary to make a change then. The publishers .of the Family ;Herald and Weekly Star not-with- sltan_ing the e•.•oem_u3 iecrease in Oast of production, have decided to spend :more money than ever ire pro .ing the paper, .and to give their great army of readers great, er nine than ever. • (The tax collector is paying, his !annual visit noW. Fred Smith and family have moved to Lonldo•n,. .A concert given by :the pupils of the public school will be held in the !Town Hall tonight. Janiea .FIi11 a respected citizen! of this vii ge, pa's:d away pati Nov. 41th, at the age of 74 years, 7 months and 10 days. Be -'lead lived in Creditonfor over 40 years, On Sunday there passed away'at his home here Mr. !Siarfuel Brown, one of our most respected citirens Deceased had been in failing health for some time and last week an operation was performed for This eerie!. But it wa.s of leo av- ail. His wife, six sons and two daughters survive hem. The fan eras was held on Wednesday and was largely attended. .A lull. :Test's subscription to. the ;erich Hereed and The Family Her - $1.85t . er- $155;. Frovi.ed orders are receive ed before Nov. 30-1916. Send your subscription to this office. STRAYED 1 to two-year old roan heifer, with pig ring on left ear. About !Sept. 1st. Finder will please notify Mr. Sol. Gintgerich, R. R.No 3, phone 3 on 84, Zurich, Ont. STRAYED1 ; ,, .. :;-: Onto my premises, a roan heifer, aged about two years. Owner can proeure same by proving property and paying expenses. Ed. Reichert, Blind Line, Hay. HENSALL• .J McDonald attended the funeral of his brother, John Mc- Donald, at D•e_tro_it, last week. Mrs C. Cook is recovering from a serious illness. Rev Fin'ay of Centralia 1:re.aeh- ed in the 1Viethodist church on Sunday, while Rev. J. STRAYED '• -� - Onto .my premeses• o:n Saturda.y, iL3o.v„ llth, a red, and white heifer, coming two years:. Owner can have game by proving property] and :playing .expens(es. Josephs Gascho, Lot 16 ,cont ,14 Hay. 1916 CLUBBING UST Herald and Daily Globe $8 75 Weekly Globe 1 75 " Daily Mail and Em- pire......... .......... m -Aire................. 3 7 Weely Mail and Empire 17 Toronto Daily Star 2 8 Daily News 2 8 " Weekly Star.. 1 7 London Free Press Morning Edition..x. 8 G Evening Edition.... 8 6 Weekly Edition 1 8 London Advertiser Morning Edition..., 8 6 Evening Edition8 6 Weekly Edition-- 1 7 .Farm & Dairy 1 Weekly Sun 1.8 Partners Advocate2 4 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star. ......,. 1 8 Weekly. Witness aanadian Country- . 14 VC Yt ver r 14 at at CC t: rC to CC 4' Cl :a 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 75 0 0 18 5 Knight preached Ianlniversary services in 1, Centralia. Mrs. C. A. McDonald 'visited her father, Dr. Hutton and other re- latives in Forest last week. Mr James H, Moore is Seriously ill at !present. The other evening while, Mr W. .J Johnson, our butcher, was re-• turning home- along the Parr line, the nut of the drive wheel on the auto carne off and the ear torn; up a considerable quantity of wire fence before it could be stopped. The driver es:aped unhurt. DAS}JWOOD i fr. Chas ,8tephans of Detroit is visiting relatives here. Miss Match has resumed her duties after .spending a week at her home in Auburn through il- lnesls:. Mr Bert Statton has installed a Emile & Pot. •player-pilalno in his !home, Miss Mary Visiting her at, present. Mr. Adelson .Ttctmlan of Stia+fo;d spent the week read at his home there.. Mansz Hof London is aunt, Mrs, Adam Birk ,The Ladies' Aad of the Evan- gelical chur2h sent OhrIs4erias pac• kagea to Ptes Gordons Goetz,Lotiis Marine, and Sgt. Mi:to'n Pfaff this week. Mr. L. Hamacher spent day in IA;i1sa Craig. 5[r, and Mrs. Reinhard Willert, mloverii to Ailsa Craig lash week where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer, of Strat ford open'- S;lznday e'i h re_atieree delete. Mrs. Fenn ,of Parkhill is visit- ing Mrs. J. Ke.lerman this week., BLAKE Mi. and Mrs .Wm. Douglas and daughter called on friends in Seam :teeth. on Friday of last week: Miss Hazel Sparks of the Bron son Line, north, spent the week end with friends in Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Egleson Esser lt•It las: (Thursday for their home ' in th.e west We regret loosing, artizenti like Mr. and Mrs. Beier, Mr Sam IGingerich has. moved to his new home which he purchas- ed fre n Mr. E. Esser. We wel- come. Mr. Gingerich and familyto our t.t•igbborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Bechier of Mich., are at present visiting the form- er"s brottrer, Mr. John Bechler and other friends in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs. J. Hey, Sr. of Zurich spent Tuesday at the hoarse of their son, Mr., Sam. Hey of the village DIED Brown—At Crediton, on Nov. 12th, Mr, Samuel Brown., in his 56th year. McEwen—In Bayfield, on Nov- ember 7th, Sarah Emma Peck, 'vile of Mr. Frederick . McEwsn. aged 30 years and 10 months. B Jeffrey—At 15tlti nem, Hay, on Nov. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs, Walter Jeffrey, a soon. Sreenarr—At Sauble Line, elay,on Nov. 6th, to Mx. and .Mrs. A. L. Seeman, a daughter. Adams—At Lindsay, on Nov. Oth, to Mr. and Mrs .Si' -as Adams, a atone Wein—At Dashwood, to Mr. 'and Mrs Jack Wein, a son. Thiel—At Zuri2h, on Nov. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gee, Thiel, Jr., a son. 5 Gascho—At Zurich, ore Nov. 11th, to Mr., and Mrs. Dan C ascho a danghte r, (t eat:rico -.Lelia.) Word has been received here of the death' of Mrs. Alex. Adamson, of Edmonton, Alta. She wasntcria d..ughter of Wm. Reit, of this -section. Methodist The debt on the church shed has been paid off by ss men e b earn e h sb t subscription Y , , • ._ HILLSGREEN Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Ch ] rch, Hillsgreen, on Sunday, at 11 o'clock, la,. m., and 7 o'clock, p. m, The pastor, Rev. Dr. Aiken will conduct these services. A Tea. Meeting on Monday evening Nov. 20th, in the basement sof the church . (Tea 'served flram 6 to 8 o'clock. An interesting pro- gram will be given! consisting of addresses by Rev. E. McL., Smith, Hensall, Revs. D. JohnssteoI) anrd A. Brown of Varna, and . B Meyer, Zurich. Also Mrs, McLean Seaforth, elecutionist, Miss Cole- man, elecutionist, Songs by the choir, etc. Admission to Tea meeting, adults, 25 cents, children 15 cents. fiun- a aead•ooseoee••ompe••eee•®m• oomem0000•••••em®m0000es e• • l` • Massey -Harris Implements •• • • z. _ • • • • W • • • Report of roost II Dashwood Pubtie Scheel, based on attendance ani pro•fictiency. `Jr,, •IV—Rose Guenther, Gladys 0uenther, Louise Graupner, :Ti lie Hamacher, Verda Fassold, Clifford pff. • • • • • r • a • • • • om • • m • • • • ••• • • a 1 50 Jr.. H—Mervyn Tiernan, Albert Eveand; Barnet Gassman; Anne Vincent • Lucinda Willert; Willie Bender; Howard Schroeder; Ed - w r e.inlrer; Roselle. Koch, Myrtle Koch 9 Sar II—Urban Zimmer, Leo Eve land, Lucile Willert; Violet Bieber Alice Koffman, Charles Snell ; Jack ' iuenther; Lillie Willert. Jr. II -Edith Guenther ; 'Harry. Zimmer; Percy Kleinstiver; Court- ney Ude; Adolph Guenther; El - neer einmer; Oaca'r Ali ler; Verda Baker; Minnie Rinker; Sollie Bet- clien; Luella Stirei. Grace Reid, . Teacher. EXETER (The home of Rev. 11. Fair at At- wood was saddened on Nov. ;ird., by the death of his wife.' It is only a few months ago since Mrs. Fair lost a son in the war and ,el - so a son, Harry, in London. Geo Powell, 'a well known re- sident of this place, died ,sudden- ly or Nov. 3•rd., in his 80th year. His widow, three sons and , ono daughter survive him. We have been re -appointed Agents for the above named implements and are prepared to take orders of kinds of Massey -Harris ma chines for next season, all WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASS'EY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS, We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goads. Square Deal Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand • 4� , • • •• ,1 6 0 • • •, • •• • 0. e tieeee•®teeeet,®'aSeee®m®®•assure eae•ecosseeeeseseeeogos©ceis The following is the report of .the .Dashwood uhlfe /t' fort the month of October 'I`icv,report is based on attendance, daily work and general demeanour Sr Pt. II—Loi'ne Tiernan; 83;. Ether. Gabel, 76; Clara Bender, e2; Alice,; Grigg, 59; Pearl Gabel 40, absent. Pt '•I1 b, -Courtney Burmeister; 73; Weathy Sc::reeder, 61; Walter Stirs, .65; Edna Wilds ,62; Pt 1. a, -Leonard Bender, iia; Ethel Hartieib, 60; Class I—Verna Bikr, 73; Alice Willert, 71; Alvin Kellerman, 70; Grace Guenther, absent. Clasen II -Harry Hoffman, Kenneth. Wein, 40, .absent. Class III—Flossy Kle;nstiver,68 68; (vin Lipperd, 45; absent; Mil- 4fred Stire, absent. Class IV—Willie Eveland, C1; Louise Staubus 58; Louis Zimmer 55; Garnet Burmeister 50;; Adam- Stire damStire absent. A. F:iunkbeiner, Teacher. Wm. Andrews has purchared the brtrk residence on the corner of. 'William and North streets from W. H. Lovett, who intends to 'make fuIuta hent in Toronto. Mr. F. Witwer of Exeter North, hart the -misfortune to be ineriecl, :n 'the Wed while; out shootint,1 the other day A shell exploded breakir, gthe barrel and he was struck in the hand inflicting a nasty wound. Real estate has hoes moving quite freely here this last tew. weeks: Fred, Flrington, reeve, of Usborne, purchased the handsome home of Judge Dickson., possessi- on 'to be given the first of Decem- 1 her , Judge Dickson will move to God/ el -h, Mi s Jennie, Parkinson of Usborne has bought A'f Wslters house on .William street. William Tivett has sold his house on the corner of Wi Ulm str et to W:l•iaiti; Andrews, Mr. Andrews wi 1 taker possession the first of December. Mr. Tivett has not de ided whore he will resido, but expects to leave to•w'n. , (5; • SAIVOID 7111, MILL We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. Estlnates given and contracts taken. Office at planing mill. KALBYLEISCT . . zuRicri iI IFe C. Pii()NE olid it�mm 1 dy.We have stocked our store with a large range of goods suitable for cold weather wear. We are ready to • supply your wants in these goods. Come and see. Heavy Rubbers SI -10E5 r vouP We have la langea stock of ;men's and boy's heavy rubbers and wool socks. All sizes and prices farq right. Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and khaki trousers for men and boys. No better made. Get our prices. L: BRISBON We have anice line of shoes for• young men. Come in and see these, styles. Also everyday shoes for men,. Women and children at right prices. Sweater Coats See our lines of Sweater Coats, for men and children many styles, and colors. Special values, She Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. PHONE 1 on 86 Dryda1e Tro I(nbctorg THOSE WHO, FROM TIME ,TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in• payment of any allotment trade under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of 'treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog- nized bond and roc brcA,erg on allotments made in respect of applications for this stoctC whlcl. bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa,' ItiMPART/12, OP INANA 6. OTTAWA; • OO a �I