HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-17, Page 3ed • t a 0 to 40 ht Se to 0i an 26 �s. ;6 ; t5 ; lis, ars; can :trig. on. Ives will ;don dans den- rill, V 1" LET4JP IN 111E WINTER TIME THE BRITISH TO KETP POUND- ING THE GERMANS. Tommy :Atkins Will Be Well Cared For In Cold and Stormy Weather. The New York World publishes the following from a staff correspondent at British headquarters on the Somme: Whatever may be the development of the next few weeks, one thing which most impressed me in the four days' visit which I have made to the British front is the complete readi- nese of the colossal British war ma- chine in France to meet the rigors of a third Winter there. The Germans argue that cold weather will stem. the _ngle-French attacks in the west, thus giving the Germans opportunity to "dig in" for the winter, but this is the furthest thing from the mind of any one in the British army with whom I came in contact. The slogan of this army is, "Hammer the Ger- mans, and hammer them unceasing - 13a1). No Settling Down. Bad weather may hinder certain operations, but the shell heaps in France indicate no decrease in the strafing. There is an ominous steadi- ness about it at other parts of the line than the Somme sector even now. In the zone adjacent to the fighting line, especially in the Somme sector, it looks as if the British army had no idea of settling down now; they've got going, and the British soldier is absolutely convinced of the magnifi- cent organization back of him. No one who has not seen the work- ings of the main arteries behind this fighting force can realize fully how Tommy Atkins has come to be known as the best equipped, best fed, best cared for soldier in this, the biggest of all wars. Soldiers Well Cared For. The critical winter of 1914 now is only a memory. There is sure to be mud aplenty in Flanders and France this winter, in the trenches and out of them, but there are more means of relieving distress than there were two years ago. This vast war machine takes all things into account. The British fighting man is sure of being well clothed, fed and cared for, and even his sense of amusement is cater- ed to by better developed forms of entertainment. The Rest Camps. I have visited several of the highly developed base hospitals and rest camps. These latter institutions do incalculable good service. Thousands of men pass through them, especially in winter. The average stay is ten days, and thele they are fit again for the fighting line. Especial attention is given to shell -shock cases, which are treated by baths. Some men have been through these institutions nine times during the war. Patients are given a diagnosis which makes. it possible to separate the really seri- ous cases from these which can be cured at the rest bases. "We must think of the next battle while taking care of the men already wounded," said one of the officers who care for and expedite the jour- ney of the wounded. PEOPLE HAVE TWO BRAINS. One Ministers to Body and Serves in an Emergency. Nature, according to a new theory, has given us two brains just as she has given us a pair of eyes, hands, and ears, which help each other to do the work of the body. Everyone has two brains, but he only uses one for intellectual pur- poses. If a man is right-handed he uses the left brain. The left-handed one uses the right brain. Which brain we are going to use is there- fore decided by which hand we make use of first when we are babies, The brain which is not being used for the intellect helps the other to minister to the body. It also serves as an emergency brain in case of disease or accident. Sometimes me- niory or speech is destroyed by acci- dent, and if the second brain is train- ed it may do the work of the other which has been destroyed, It is eas- ier to train the brain in this way if the patient is under thirty years of , age. Combined Age of Crew is 478. One of the best fishing crews at work off Scarborough, England, is that of the filussex,,seven men whose combined -ages is 478 years. The "daddy" of .them all is 76, and the "kid" 62. Harry ,Lauder has been confined to bis bed with an attach of laryngitis. For Neuralgia and Sick Headache Use c.e Trade Mur,: It soon gives relief. Sold in clean, handy tin tubes at chemists and general stores everywhere. Refuse substitutes. illustrated booklet mailed on request. ,'•.'r�. -Anegic CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Coneofdated) 1880 Chabot Ave, Montreal Politic Politeness. Mother—Harry, you must remem- ber never to ask for a second piece of cake. Harry—I wouldn't if I could get two pieces instead of one. WILL BUY Standard Reliance Cookshutt Plough Pfd. Canada Machinery Pfd. Canadian Oil Companies. Dominion :Power & Transmission. Canadian Consolidated Pelt Pfd. Electrical Development Bonds. Ontario Pulp & Paper Bonds. Spanish River Bonds. WILL SELL Peoples Loan. Dominion Explosives. Guelph & Ontario Loan. Riordan Paper Bonds. British Exchequer 8% Bonds. Russian Government Bonds. Anglo-Prenoh Bonds to yield 61%. We buy and sell all Unlisted Securi- ties. Correspondence Invited. Macdonald, 4 R9oc & Co. 84 BAY STREET TORONTO - - ONT. Gu rd " rr'ur iii,. aby's Health Cheerful, Chubby Children Make the Home Happy Weak, puny babies are a constant care to tired mothers and are subject to many diseases that do not affect healthy children. Keep your children in good health. See that their bowels move regularly -especially during the teething period. This is a distressing time in the life of every child and the utmost pre- caution should be taken to keep them well and strong. By the consistent use of Mrs. Wins!, 9C Soothing Syrup it is possible to avoid many childish ills now so prevalent. It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and other infantile ailments. It soothes the fretting baby and permits the child to sleep well and grow healthy. It brings coinfort and relief to both child and mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Is absolutely non-narcotic. It con- tains no opium, morphine nor any of their derivatives. It is soothing, pleas- ant and harmless. For generations mothers in all parts of the world have used it and millions of babies have been benefited by it, Buy a bottle today and have it handy Relieve` and Protect Your Children Sold hp all druggists in 4'a"rade and throughout the 'world HOW SHE FOUGHT FOR SERBIA. Englishwoman Describes Her Life as Sergeant. Miss Flora Sandes, an English- woman who served as a Serbian sol- dier, gives her experiences in a book, which has just been published in Lon. ,don, She wo?•ked as a voluntary nurse in Serbia for 'eighteen months before the Bulgarian invasion, and was with one regiment when it retreated into Albania before the overwhelming en- emy forces. She 'ultimately reaehed Durazzo and Corfu. Finding her ocs cupation gone, she enrolled as a pri- vate soldier, and within a short time was promoted to be corporal, and later to the grade of sergeant. While she was with the retreating Serbians they were fighting a rearguard ac- tion practically for six weeks. She ends the volume with the an- nouncement that slie is "eagerly looking forward to the time when we can get another whack at the enemy and march victoriously back to Ser- bia. With any luck, I hope some day. to be able to describe how we accomplished it, and the triumphant entry into Nish, which we were al- ways talking about." JUST THE THING FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach; banish consti- pation and indigestion; relieve colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. Herbert Johnston, Maymont, Sask., writes:— "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past four years and find them just the thing for babies and young chil- dren." They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CLIMATE LESS SEVERE. What Study of Larger Glaciers in B. C. Has Revealed. Dr. Charles D. Walcott, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and'Mrs. Walcott have just returned to Wash - RY to Preserve her aompleirion, toad usees inds Zann Buka an eashe htaserbal haslm not only keeps the surface skin smetoth and soft, but penetrates to and feeds the underlying tissues.' It stimulates the cells to healthy action, and produces vigorous cir- culation, which by carrying away all impurities creates a perman- ently clear complexion. How much more satisfying than a temporary complexion produced by powders and cosmetics 1 50c, box, all druggists or Zam Buk Co., Toronto. i•ip �. 4 annese— Hog Notes. If left with larger pigs, small ones will become stunted by being crowd- ed from the feeding troughs. If the larger earlier pigs are fit for market it will not pay to feed them longer Sell as soon as fit; do not sell until fit. Sweet corn will grow pigs more rapidly than many people realize. Corn should be used in the finishing - up ration. Don't sacrifice an old sow that is a regular and prolific breeder. Such sows make the pig business certain. Give her a good pasture so she will keep active and healthy. The young sows should be handled kindly to make them gentle. ' It goes a long way in making a sow profitable to have her tractable and kind. A vicious sow is never profit- able. Keep the fall pigs growing. The more growth before severe winter weather,• the more profitable will be their development. Provide comfortable quarters for the fall pigs, where they can have plenty of exercise. Charcoal ashes, salt and sulphur should be kept in every feeding yard. If you want pigs in March mate your sows this month. Early pigs are the most profitable, but the right accommodations must ington after several months' field be available. The farrowing pens work in Canada. Accomplished by4„must aete warm for early pigs. artly a packer and cook, -they- speiiE most of the summer and early fall on the continental divide, which forms the boundary line between Alberta and British Columbia, south of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, studying the cambrian rocks, containing the fossil remains of the earliest animal life. Owing to the heavy snowfall of the sourness, gastric catarrh, heartburn, etc., previous winter, and the fact that would take a teaspoonful of pure blsura- ted magnesia in half a glass of hot water most' of the geological formations immediately after eating, they would which they wished to examine were in soon forget they were ever afflicted with the deep snow about the timber line stomach trouble, and doctors would have r to loop elsewhere for patients." In ex - little progress was made in July, in planation of these words a well known August, however, sections were ex- New York physician stated that most forms of stomach trouble are, due to aminecl and measured in the Mount stomach acidity and fermentation of the Assiniboine reglen, and from there food contents of the stomach combined northwest to the celebrated Kicking D a HOT WATER FOR INDIGESTION A Physician's Advice "If dyspeptics, sufferers from gas, wind or ,flatulence. stomach acidity' or Horse pass, where the Canadian Pa.ci- with an insuffioient blood supply to the stomach. Riot water increases the blood supply and bisurated magnesia instantly neutralizes the excessive stomach acid fie Railway has bored a double loop ane stops, food ferment t the corn at on through the mountain in order to ob- hination of the two, therefore beim tai. a feasible grade on the western side of the pass. Some years ago Dr. Walcott found a remaylcable fossil fauna in boulders which had been carried into Kitcking Horse canyon by glaciers that have ;long since disappeared. This season he located the source of these boulders I high up in the mountain cirque, where a portion of what must have been a great hanging glacier is still active. Mrs. Walcott, formerly Miss Mary marvelously successful and decidedly preferable to the use of artificial diges- tents, stimulants or medicines for in- digestion., Only once during its whole history has the Bank of England had tem- porarily to suspend payment. Mtnard'e Liniment Ceres Garret in Cows Punishment. Ethel—I'll back out and let you marry the wretch. 1 Vaux, of Philadelphia, who has studied Marie—Why do you do that? glaciers for. several years, and is well Ethel, -He proposed to both of us known as an Alpinist, visited Glacier, and I want to see him punished. British Columbia, where she measured the position of two large glaciers, and determined that the front ice foot in each case had retreated at the rate of 100 feet a year during the past two years. Steel plates were placed one the ice on the present surveyed boun- just Eyo Comfort. At dary lines. The plates will be buried Your Druggggaast'o 5c per Bottle. Maine Eye beneath the winter's snows, but, since fielveinTubee25c,Forl3ookollimEyefreeask their positions are relatively low as Druggists orIldnrineEyeRcraedyten Chicago to altitude, the snow will be melted off next summer, and their locations then will indicate the amount of for- ward flow of ice during the year. Mrs. Walcott's studies prove that the ice has been steadily retreating during the past six years. Her measure- ments agree with observations made in Alaska, and indicate that the climate is not as severe as on the Paci- fic aci-fc side of the continent as it was a decade ago. During the field work a large num- ber of photographs were taken, in- cluding a dozen or more panoramic views, exposures being made on con- tinuous films eight feet in length. Besides being of great scenic interest, these photographs form valuable pic- torial records showing the general localities visited and definite locations of certain strata and fossil beds. The party broke camp at Banff, Alberta, September 30, which proved a fortunate move, as the next day a heavy fall of snow covered the entire region. on Granulated ulated Eyelids, p lyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Dust and Pilled quickly relieved by Minims EyeRornedy, No Smarting, Marrying for money is about as easy a Way not to get it as to gamble for it. • Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. Fixing the Blame. Mrs, Jones had just punished her little boy, Toni. After crying for a few minutes he turned to his mother and asked: "Mamma, did your mamma whip you when you were little V' "Yes, when I was naughty," was the reply, "And did her mamma whip her when shewas little?" continued the little boy. "Yes, Thomas," replied the mother, "And was she whipped when she was little?" further questioned the boy. "Yes!" answered Mrs. Jones. A few seconds elapsed. Then Tom- my exclaimed: "Well, 'who started it, anyway?" Seeing Stars by Day. Although it is an old 'belief that the att4rs can be seen in daylight frond the bottom, of a deep mine, "'well, chimney or other shaft, the Rev. W. Ellison maintains that it has no foundation in fact. Writing in the Journal of the British Astronomical Association, Mr. Ellison says that; the invisibility of the stars in the day- time is caused by the glare of the atmosphere illuminated by the rays of the sun; and that there is no reas- on why a chimney or other shaft should sensibly diminish the glare. Even with a telescope the visibility of stars and planets in the daytime de- pends greatly upon their color. Red or yellow stars are much more easily seen than white ones, and the tele- scope must be very carefully focused; or even a bright star will be invisible in the bright sky. The planets Venus and Mercury, on the other hand, can be seen better in daylight than in the dark, but most of the planets are less visible in daylight than the stars, For Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises Pere in America there is much suffer- ing from catarrh and head noises. Ameri- can people would do well to consider the method employed byhe English to com- bat this insidious disease. Everyone "knows how damp the English climate is and bow dampness affects those suffer- ing from catarrh. In England they treat catarrhal deafness and head noises as a oonstitutional disease and use an inter - sal remedy for it that is really very efficacious. Sufferers who could scarcely hear a watch tick tell how they had their hear- ing restored by this English treatment to such an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audible seven and eight inches away from either ear. Therefore, if you know someone who is troubled with catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness or head noises, cut out this formula and hand it to them and you will have been the means of saving some poor suf- ferer perhaps from total deafness. The prescription can be easily prepared at home for about 76c. and is made as fol- lows t From your druggist obtain 1 oz. of Parmint (Double Strength), about 750. worth. Take this home, and add to it } pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar ; stir until dissolved. Take a tablespoonful four times a day. Parmlnt is used in this way not only to reduce by tonic action the inflammation and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes. and thus to equalize the air pressure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in the middle ear, and the re- sults it gives are usually remarkably quick and effective. Every person who has catarrh in any form should give this recipe a. trial and free themselves from this destructive l disease. A woman doesn't look so attractive ry.tele -uUlrutng, ^yre..lesdraity ktratr4acv; varer she looks a whole lot better than the man who has just tumbled out of bed. Minard's Liniment Cures Distesnner Hermits in Italy. There are still hermits in Italy who live solitary lives in mountain caves, and they number no fewer than nine hundred and ninety. Among these recluses there are sixteen who are over ninety-five years of age and three centenarians, while all the others have passed the age of fifty. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, -Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. Be a dreamer if you will, but get up and hustle when the alarm clock jingles. An army rine is to -day effective over a range of 700 yards, whereas in 1870 the range was only 400 yards. Minaret's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Youngster Squelched. "You sit on your horse like a hatch- er," said a pert young officer who happened to be of royal blood, to a veteran general who was somewhat bent from age. "It is highly probable," responded the old warrior with a grim smile, "all my life I have been leading calves like you to the slaughter." • the Colics ,—A11 sorts of excuses are ioffered for the high price of beef, the most plausible be- ing the alleged demand for weal "the killing of calves twhich should be allowed to grow into regular beef." You cannot have beef if you eat it as "veal," but you can have Shredded Wheat ' Biscuit which contains more real nutriment than beef and costs much less. Shredded wheat biscuit is the whole wheat steam -cooked, shred- ded and baked. Make it your "meat" for ten days and see )how much better you feel. Wholesome and strengthen- iing for any meal with milk or cream or in combination with fruits. Made in Canada 1332ED POTATOES, QEED POTATOES, belle COB - biers. Delaware, Carman. Order et once, Supply ]irhited- Write for quo- tations. B. W. Dawson. Brampton. NEwSPAPEDS POD SALE DROFIT-M3.ISING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario - towns. The most useful and interes,'tin>t of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publlshing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. (1ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC. �dLLJJ Interna] and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Be]lman io edical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. America's Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Deg Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York BOCK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTT K GE L►s PIANO ACTION ION • IL !ARDS— Thase long winter nights you will need indoor recrea- tion. Why not instal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms. i urroughei & Wafts, Ltd. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., 't orcnto a 66 y Seat direct Prase E'en. J ng., g �t�oaching the Trenches or Eoepi-, tale in about 38 hours perfect and fresh. Send for our Special List of 'XMAS'OXES From $2.00 to $5.00 Some recent orders : Westmount Sol- diers' Wives' League, 1.606 boxes : 73rd ;Regiment, 960 boxes, &c., &c. Quickest ! Surest ! Cheapest 1 We Can Send. Anything 1 Can. Soldiers' Supply IIss'o Drummond Building, Montreal. YOU CAN'T ctrr otrr A Seg Spavira or Thorcaughpi,,: but you can clean them off promptly with Rts and you work the horse sante time. Does not blister or remove the hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. %Vi11 tell you more if you write. 'Book 4 M free. ABSORB1NE, 112., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Muscles or Lignments, Enlarged Glands. went, Cysts, Allays rain Quickly. Price 81 and 82 aback et druggists or delivered. Mede in the 11. 5. A. by H F. YOUNG, P.13 F., 516 Lymene Bldg., Montreal, Can. +413sorbine and Absorblee, Jr., are made in Cxw.ti. Men Wr 4x. For All Oopartments Steady Erriploymxi e q • Good Wages APPLY ld8pllld.ert T 18t co , LP, MfE 4 i TT ON, ON T. 11). 7. ISSUE. a