HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-17, Page 1URICH Vol. ;ACV 11 Seasonable HARNESS Goods See our .large range sof SWEAT PADS BLANKETS ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS of all kinds Our prices will be fouled re - sortable. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, R. F.STADE. tcrienosommomomill 'Alto' a full line of MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and, sizes. !TRUNKS SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS, etc. Axle Grease, Gall Cure ZURICH tompillitt 10++++++•3•++++++•IIS+'3++++++•1•++ 4. 4 e++•l•+÷4 444 e+++++++4. 4 4. 4. 4" Men's and Boys' 4. * Fall Suits and K vercn.s 4. K. , t We are showingexceptionally good 4. values in the above lines. i' Selling prices are lower than actual cost price at the present time. Shrewd buyers will appreciate this, as everything + • has gone up in price. While the stock lasts we will sell at less than 4' the old price. Come early and make your choice while the stock 4. is well assorted. .,;4. 1 Suits to measure $20 and upCf.. 4' 4 Our Gents Furnishings have been 3 D ZU1F1C1-1', FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1916, N 2 _. --. LOCAL NEWS 114.s' Vire Vwil 14,10 Potatoes forsale. Any quantity, 0. Fritz. Mr John Hey, Sr., attended the Galt horse races. last week. 11Sr .Louis Weber is visiting re- latives in Detroit this week. Mrs. G. Campbell is visiting latives in Kitchener at present. Miss Lydia Brown of London: spend a few days at her home here this 'Week,. Highest price paid for hider and #iwi.00110/*lf9rrlwell Nr4i !faellselleffie414414.04.414ice raw funs. JD .Koehler, Zurieh. Mr. G..Edighoffer, of Dashwood + was i:4 business visitor in town on rpita3' Mies Verdi Puss, who has spent some months in De'rbit returned; te her home here on Friday.. Mr. tend Mrs. j. C. Perk, of Lon - 1 d'om tY+' anted at the home of their cous'n•. Mr. Cyrus Colosky, on Sun- day,. Mrs..0 .Pritz, and daughter, I Dorothy., returned home on !Vlon- day after visiting with Mrs. M. Mr G:iter Davis, of the Mo.:son int Sunday ,at his Fritz, Loudon; fora Pew days, Beak etafi epe hone in . Exeter. This is a lean year for American Mr. Sen Oeseh left for Detroit on Wetkesday where he Will: re main for the iwinter, as well as Oai+tariofarmers, in so Jar as volume of sari deteetion• is con- eerned at all events. Across the tele , as hee•e play is the only statxle, Messrs. Chias. Steinh+agen and trep that has' given a really satis- Elmore Willert of Dashwood were 1aactory y e`d. The Amen:le:1u in town Monday on' busine.,s Wheat crop it is estimated is Dr. E. S. Hardie, dentist, at the Dominion tr-..-_- Zurich will,be ..li''r: prac,ti:ally 409 -million eush- . . cels, oat a-o'.her ;Oil+tni"'luiorscorn iits1iort 600milIuons and the yield l�uley`is the ,s!naallest inrniany is The ,potato crop isonly tit half of the average crop. edn:esday, and Wednesday ' df ""• ; the following week.. Mr Louis Poster and familyere moving to Kitchener this weeks. 'where Mr. Foster is employed iii,. the Dominion Rubber works ;The Ronnie slater quartet'ee e been engaged to take pram off.hl` anniversary s bei:es in the Met: 'odiet church at Ingersoll on Si day. Merl. 19th. The Xmas. S a,nday School c.,,' .tertainm,ent or the Evangelec411;'. school, Zurich, will be held .'ease Christmas night, Dec. 25t11. fine program is being prepared. 1 1 tfs+lffllllfil4 fl f4 1811111111111181111111111111111111111111111flN11111111111111111111111111111111111111$11181111111111118111118111111111111111111(1111111111111)1)11111111111li111111111111111111114111111111III(8111111ii888IIIN8Ne11111111111fiN POTATOES For Sale, Any Quantity Dutch Setts. Wanted, Price Guaranteed Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in "exchange for shoes. e. FRITZ, Zrr The Hoene of Good Shoes E'eTVo• {' -1 '.. a.:.. Woodrow, . ,; ; bought for particular men. We have what you want, ' of `a`E 118th. Eatti'len• .now eta'ioned : o ,I Lom�3on • Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods ,and M. , Lney u � e use, Imee'oe> e -.ea. '4,4' a° the T. ti, , Q } •_. ■ ' d .:QS"i."�+i'-"'. t. ._ tv '� �x,;K'"',�'�'�f'"iTRIC THE 1103/IE OF BETTER VALUES .. e.' !▪ II ±3:"3!.24.4.44+ +++++++4'+E .4.4 4.4+•>~++: ++++++'IIS+++++drA+++'i+ • -4 -4 •.4* .4. 41* :. -4 4 . 4. .- 4. -4 -4 •▪ v¢• 40 44 *d- 46 4.4. 4. +•1"� + 'r ‘21. town Ultt'eY; DA. a Mr. G. S. Hall, who has heeni foreman of the Clinton New Era; for the past six years has pinches, ed the Clinton News -Record fro+mi. 'the estate of the late- W. .,T Mitch we xit our best wishes. •ell • eemd to Editor Hall 1.+44.411.444+++++++++++++++++!:4++++++++4+++++++++++%e l+++4'4.411.44d'+o' +d -+o+•4+ ++.;.++4++4++++F+4•+4s;4•+2+4 ++++4.+II+4++II++++++++•4 3+oe es Transacted s < CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY CRDE Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. 'T. DUNLOP, Manager u sozzamoseasimmtamums F alt d int + u We are prepared to meet your wants with a full stock of Dress Goods, Wrapperetts, Flannel= ettes, Sweatercoats and Blan= kets. Our other lines of Shoes, Hardware, Gro- ceries, etc., are filled up with seasonable . goods. IDPoultry taken every Thursday form„arj,.- 9•Y114 `#�Q�£ialri.�.�ar-S..-. .t.-Y.x-..'.tY'vT•p .4^^ .y �i he st sf��` � p Farms:Produce Store closed Tuesday and Friday nights at 6 DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE. • 81 I N111I11N111111111111118111111111111111111181811181181111188111!811111i111111111111111111181i118INIII111111111111111118111111111111111111111111111811111111111111M1011M111111811i11111811111111111111111111011MIMPl . .e`+e ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++4+4+++444++++++++++++4.4+++41.44+I a ++++++++++tio.,oyL.g.++++++ ++4 4 4 4 over.- +▪ ; 13ILr, ,> 4. 4 4. 4- 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4 .5. 4- 9 e4, 4. tN 4.4 444 1.4.44444 4a a It S Prices owest for Reliable maintain a high standard of quality, not barring outinespensive oafs bWe satisfactory service, and guaranteeing that Oi1r customers shall haver p any means but absolutely rejecting all which do not pr wide grade. ' We sometimes see certain, articles advertised as baraain� , offered low grade goods masquerading as goods of higher . describing articles of decidedly higher grades, but which are shown bycon +l, described in the same terms as would be necessarily used in Be assured that eso store can gather and distribute merchandise move adv `" y inferior. and price will invariably ar soy or morebe decided! y prove the advantage of de ell pinantageouly or economically and that comparison of both quality b p 1 � upon this store. ' ��,�/ WNNviILe, er.404 Trcoomm R. -• fAT Jpm' AU:FALO, xew wwy„ Corded Velvet Do not forget that 'we are show- ing the finest assortment in cord- ed velvets in all colors, :17 lichee wide at 60e, 65c and 75c a yard. Ladies' Coatings 54 inches wide, in green, grey nary, black and white, Extra 'value priees ran -ging from $2. to $3,53 a yard Sweater Coats We ran at •presrnt showing the finest and Largest assortment of men's boy's woman's and el'f dro,as sweater cults. All at the old prices. WetretY. --.-.. 44+44444 E. , -„. ric„,, 4 IE itIC1. 4 Woollen Blankets 1 dozsn pair of fine wool blan kets at the olcl pr:ccs, $3.50, :55,25, :an•d $7.50 a pa:r. Flanneiilette Blankets FURS Ladies' Pur bluffs and fur setts, to clear out at a BIG RED UCTI ON. Come and see these furs be-, fore belying eise.where. OVERCOATS Men's and boy's winter coats to be sold at !a REDU:C LION 73 pair of tanelette blankets to clear at $1.75, and $2. a pair. FLANNELETTE A sp'endil showing of f'anne:et- tes le plain or striped; all at last year's iprices, 12%c, 15c, 18e, 20c a yard A'so flannelette shirtings at 12Xe 15e, 20e a yard,- -• Ladies Cloth Coats A few ladies' coats from Iast year's buy, 'which the are &taring out eat HALF PRICES. Children's Cloth coats, sizes from 2 to 14 3 -ears at reduced prices. Mens Felt Hats Mee's telt hats to clear out at greatly rcdut ed prices. ST ES AND RANGES On the wall of every ititchenin'every home is written theWardEnamel, hard white ePorcelain nthe 1. lit is good becauseit is bright, It is good because itis clean. It is good because wo- n •tlunlc it le good. mToday ranges must' have panels of Porcelain Enamel, two main items of style in ranges in demand this year. - White Porcelain Enamel and simple plain designs in Nicklotrimming, these up to the minutetouches are combined in our 1916 Pecr est Range, which hal provena big seller with us for years pasture are showing this range in def ferenit styles, also in. aleft handrange. Besides the Peerless Weare showing 'the Gilt Edge, 'Fla,ti py Thought, Othello, o and the go ineh oo° Ile terssula Basehat ia BurnersrandP<t'oreCoo s that Our special in ` h• Wo arm also sltotri � a arWo.' ;. .�s�. this lune is the Regal. Peninsula, tt-hi h we will put up against any thing on the market. A call wi11 convince p; p. place.... you that this is `lue o cr to buy a range or !neater when you need one, 3 ,;� "� '�'' " ighest Prices for " roduce. Phone +++44 :4444 14444444444+++$4441 ++++444 1r. ++" s = +•.'. }44:14+44i-1. l•I' ++ 4,44+•9 +44444444++++++4444+++++.14 14.1.4.!