HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-10, Page 5I Classified Ads leaaaaaaaaaaa LEQAS.:QAiR,LDS, PROUDEOOT, KILLOttAN, & COOKE, 13arristers, Solicitors, Notaries uare, 2tal Public ofrrom Office, ou t Hamiibon. Sb. ho SgGodorich. Private funds bo loan at lowest rates W. PROW) OOT, K. C. J. L. 1Sn i:o1nrt, IL J. D. Comte. ;d12r. Cooke SabilFriday tudayof eachweek, MEDiC'AL CARDS R A. J. MacKINNON lata sous. Surgeon, Erie County Iiospikal, ,Buffalo N. Y. Leto assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity iltiospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Polyclinic Medical School and hospital. Drug -store in connection. Office, Zurich :Ont. Z, `+ : Mut ii1 itElP Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASK ,FOR SKINS & HIDES Tangbillt &113 naiehert ..mom. The Horne hssuar ce Co Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,5316,177, 25 Insures your barn against damage lby wind or tornado for 40 °ante per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for years. No premium noto and aro extra assessment guaranteed. ■ HOLTZ 11 Agent Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods,2 LOCAL NEWS 4 . • • ,,..•-„..gym UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate;ChaIges Tailor Shop and Laundry Inn e:.tor Tom - of Goderich was, ai to'wn last tFriclayi. Mr, Henry thiel visited relatives in Kitchell er, over Sunclay',. Good imitation Buffalo robe and J ,4 it harness, nearly new, for sale, Henry Gellman, Zurich, AU ,r illinel'y hats, etc., greatly reduced In price for the balance of the tseasom, T. L. Wur m Wi 1 the .paarty who borrowed an epori baggy at the blacksmith shop, or wagon shop return satm,e at en•.e, Jacob Deichert. The hunters. have be.en out seek- + brae:. squirrels tiering the past week. - A number have been bagged. The soason for this game closes on Wednesday of next week,. At ablee1esa, of the war condi'i- on� (will make another change. They wi.l never be as previous to July 1P11. Changes that will surely affect the farming indust- ry wi'l take place. You want 'o be prrl•ared for this change ,The Weekly Sun will do its part for y:ou b'y keeping you posted on the different ;changes that are likely and';ha'w• they will affect the farm- ers: 1t remains for you ; o help a ;paper that has served its suti- seribers and the Ontario termer generals, s) f ithfudy c:u•iag the pear qu:iraer of a century. 'Die aubscripti)n price of .the Sun re- mains the soma as for.nc.riy and is cheap at 1'thc. price. 6', e will be pleased to accent subscr:p'tion.s for The San 'at thio office. COLD LOGIC "Father, gimme a gaped lickin' and make me cry,” was the aston- ishing request Attie Jimmy 'glade ore day. "Whet mak ei you want such an absurd thing:" inquired lather. "You'll hit me and I'll ho_ler with all my might and 'mother will dile my face with her ai.r.:n a.ud give me a penny and I'll bay, u.ndy,' came the logicaliiijciler. W. Hd,',HOFF AN Zurich, - Ontario A EELIABKE AGENT WANTED In every good town and. district in Ontario, where we are not represented. Territory reserved for the right man, Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising matter. Splendid List Of New gpecialties for Season 1916 —1917 •ncludinr' the new ever - bearing g Raspberry, F.M. Regis Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) T G I O N T O ••;5 acres Ilalton, County. On <u:tv seen io..d. 13etwoon .Ae- tnn Pn:l Uueph. Acton thre' Al i.es. • lot to be sold at once. $750 cash down, talepee arranged .on amort - gage, PosseSSiO'Tt at once, Hank barn, 60x40, good lien house, silo, fiame pig j en and sheep -pen, frami hcu e. painted white, seven'zooms with good cellar. Also another small house and barn on the farm 85 acres workable land, plenty of wood for years for firewood, bal- ance of land is where timber has been cut off and grass land. Price $5250.00. P lenty of good spring water on the farm. Apply 10 J. A Wi oughlay, Geer,eto'wrn Cut. FAR vi. FOR SALE Fee ifC, a good farm If 100 acres, ueiug lot 26, N. B.; Ray, 2; miles north of Zurich. 'Where. are on the sarin one large bank baro 1 battalions in various parts of:the good driving shed and good fieugs-. countryand who are servingtheir h u.0. laua ethe^. Fame.' oalb _i.dings I Two goon orch:arcrs and all land Kinn.. is 'finable. 0pnvenaent to school. and church. Fa 1 plowing all done For parti.u'nre apply to the prop- rietress, /airs. J. Quackenbush, tt. R No. 2, Zurich,. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANOIO PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich I70TTOR OLL 161st BATIAALI�}OpN/,, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" crone .the gxo'xiestnu.n- G'r€i ,_ taiea at any 00time xt i `ie hi ,,t. O000 time of the Czan a loan P ar lain 1. Elut these are a. at try trdean r ei 3. Of the on, .a.ni„'ies five are ia ,r'b e. five in t' e M time. Pray; rites, four in Ontaelo, and 'two :n Manieob'ac • ''ollowi:ng is present 'picas we, are paying for live fowl: Young 'Turkeys -•- Old iTurkeee Young Chickens � •. . Old Bens ... :•-a ..,. Roasters ...... Ducks ... .,. w a Geese c... ,... 9c. Taken every Thursday and Sat- trday f re.iuon, J. Preeter,Zn ieIi Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride Milton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice \\Teter We have beenTaslied to add to the Honor Roll.the names' of the boys f}•om Zurich, who have enlisted in 17c, --- 110. 12e, 100. ... 8c, ... 1Oc. WHAT EVERYBODY NEEDS 1'IIE BEST LOCAL PAPER AND iTHE BIG CITY DAILY While ewe =Lend that the great- est imc.at'urc of chcuration of your local paper in your own community is essential to the best ends, inter- ests and enterprises al the distr:et we n'sa realize the necessity ')f tine metropolitan •daily newspaper to keep in touch with markets, out- s:de happenings wor:d-wide and war news. We have made eeeciitl airu•ngemcnts with. the Daily Mail and Empire, by which we can off- er it and our own paper, the .;vo together, lfor twelve months for $3.75. .this is an opportunity by which you get the two heat papera con- cerning news of home_ and abroad. Send 11:1 orders to o"fico of this Paper, HICKS' • FORECAS a S , A Regular Storm Period is cen- tral on the 12th, extending from, the 10th to l5th, Cloudy :'Vfercuri al weather will prevail, generally. as this period comes iini, By the 12th, the barometer will make a decided fall in western to central se.tiens, cloudiness will thicken in- to general rain storo e in the same sections. and as the rain areas reach the great central valleys, they will turn; to violent sleet and snow ,under pr_ssuro of the nortihiwest.From about Satur- day the 12th, to Wednesday, the lath, these storms will force their (day eat tw ward to the At antic sca- bc•a:'d, leav;mg a trail of r'a'n, sleet and snow behind themselves over tnost parts of the country. No meter if navigation is -still open on the lakes, and the beginning of this period is warm and nice, all concerned should "think twico,"• before committing themselves to the threatening storms, turbulent weather and .sovere change to 'co:de., ;1•ro:t cert: la to n:iatcr`ali ire—and 'that with great audden- R 7t'ess—at iahis period. . Arne Brenner (killed in action)) J± mersnn Brmvi, Peter Randall Emanuel li of lrnersn Abe Bender Albert Bender David Stelck Frank tTttley Ed. Fisher Norman Prang IIy. t icuuau Arnie Ili1c1 '.':•antit Marshal e tF,r Norman Johnston W. Liviagood in action) Roy Geiger Alvin Snrerus. In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 131st but were re- jected as physically unfit, .1i If the above list is not complete kindly inform us and evewill be pleas - el to add any names we have omitted +:••k++++++ ++++baa+++:"+++:'••t Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAG 1 aim now selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one wishing to use some can pur- chase same from me. Mr S. T. Palter, Northfie:d, Stor- mont Co., Ont., writes on March 1st., 1915:— "I used Basic Stag en a piece of low snuck ground last Spring, and could see quite an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aftergra'ss. I think the results would have been much better had the season not been so dry. I ap- plied some last Fall and have al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring. ' 1 have also the Agency foie the !,',ntario "Fertilizer=anyone :vid.ing' to buy same can ..do so fro•a.i ine, JOSEPH RAU R.L'f. 2, LOQ K! Why not use Ibe best coal? SCRAl'`TON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Bi ack= smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. C. F.SE SON PHONE N E S A LI_ Ring F•tr.ger the Weakest. The linger on which the wedding ring is worn is anatomically the weak- est of the ten. Piauists have to give the, third finger twice as much drill as the others. Place both hands together, palms facing, and all but the middle fingers stretched, you will be able to separate all couples easily but the two third lingers. The anatomical explana- tion of this weakness is that the ten- don of t.lie ektensor muscle of the third finger i; attached by a cross slip to that of the second and sometimes of the fourth. This slip is sometimes cut in violinists, who need all the freedom and power they eau get. A Witty Sulgostion, At the time whet Thaddeus. Stevens r, as a representative in congress a member of the house who was noted ,or his uncertain course on all ques- tions and who confessed that he never .e,vesti„ltecl a point under discussion without finding Himself neutral asked 1:11e tray for leave of absence. "Mr. Speaker,” said Stevens, "I do pri -rfee to object, but to suggest tbat the honorable'member need not ask this favor, for he can easily pair off .rith himself." WATER BOWLS Litter Carrier STATv'OHIONS ETC,, ETC. We handle and install all th modern ' conveneiencos 4 for ycu I. stables, See our lines. English Injustice. An Australiau tourist traveling in the west of Ireland asked an old wo- men how far it was to the nearest Lowe. Slie sadly looked at him, then sigbed and said: "It was five nice miles two years ago, but some English brute came over with cb€iins and made it seven, and our hearts are broke walking it ever since. Bad luck to them!" And she disappeared into the house, leaving him there.—Illustrated Bits. Talking and Looking Backward. I3ess—Can't you do this as I do it? Slaves—If I could I'd have your job as president of the company and you'd be looking for the one I gave up when I came here. Praise With a Purpose. "I heard.11r. yubbubs speaking most beautifully of his wife to another lady on the train just now. Rather unusual in a man these days." "Not under the circumstances. That was a new cook he was escorting out." The heart of a loving woman is a golden sanctuary wbere often there reigns an idol of clay, Limarsa, ' Keep it Awake. "My boy," said the successful mer- chant, "never let your capital lie idle. Remember that money talks, but it doesn't talk in its. sleep." iaeerea Ups and Downs. "Oh, well, everybody has his ups and downs!" "That's right. Just at present I'm down pretty low because I'm hard up." Happiness is -a bird we pursue our life long without catching it.—Vir•oy. • Z3 --T Just Men. .. • If any one says that he has seen a ,lust man in want of bread I answer that it was in some place where there was no other just man. -St. Clement. No Skop There. ';Porter, this berth has been slept int" "NO, sah; I asstuth you, sah. 'Merely occupied.., It's the one over the wliees, it.Zurich. b lPue1G .,rte:.. ..<A .a :t. a,r:t •_ a.'4 'tracks ` and Cars Let us hastall your hay track for you now. same at if installed next spring, viz ; Sept. :.�,.. 7e handle purtl ;E, hat 21 Terms are lst, 1917. Ensfos t " vervone ITeeds THE- BE ST LOCAL AND THE B MST CITY PA PER DAIL iT By Special Arrangement We Are Ab'e to Offer the Zurich Herald and the Daily Mail ord Fm tire, the Two Together, 12 Mcnths for.2.1 5 iMeaSaate Get All the News While it is News From World-wide to 3'cur own Door. 1-37, ; SEND OR BfINC BALL ORDERS TO OFFIOE OF TPIS PAT re .v..i..1..a ; .l..Y. +.i.:G+ ''t' 'My,i 'i+ .l. .'s..!..§..,. A' ."L "a ''a• . . . . . "-' + + 4. r 4. +- 1- 4. + 4. "'r + ti .;.+l" ,-- JOB WORK Z r The improvements in our print shop ;- enable us tado any kind of job walk ;� at shortest notice. No matter how '4 large or small the order may be, we will be pleased to quote you prices o€t sane. Our utak is neat and tasty and 4 4. we can give your any quality of paper. 4 - Let Let us have your next order and std .l. if we "make good". ;l' We sell Appleford's counter check 4. books, any style. n4 .+: 4. ti i + -" o c , L o� 1• .u. «A. 4. 4 elt p r era d . i ess .l.S+4'1-. ' ,e1. . , ••n .! ,agile•,, iy 1 ''iv.',l.-', a+++++4'i-i' . r �, . � `iF'1c