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Zurich Herald, 1916-11-10, Page 4
issued every Thursday ahem 1st the t Mr. Roy Keys has gone >HER fi�>p PRINTING FF'1SCE Victoria 6t, Zurich, Uy , 1sIDREW F, kiZ5S wad CIIES r ER L. SUI fi to 't London to take a position with the Q. P, R. Mr. -Nelson Yee and f anally of Goderieh visited at H. Eiratt's and Robert McLinehey's over Sunday Mr and Mrs. Robt. McKinley of Seaforth have been spending a few days with friends in Stanley, Mrs. Erratt of the Deacosrese Horne, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. E, Robinson, ;.his week, fi`h.ere passed away at her home in Bayfield, on tTuesday, Nov. 7th, Mrs. •:Caged McEwen, after a short illness. Quartely sacrem•ental services were held in the Methodist church' Verde., on Sunday last, A ,good Congregation was present from all parts of the circuit.. !The Kipper, Methodist church will have its anniversary • services next Sunday ;afternoon and even- ing Inspector !TOM, of Goderich paid his half -yearly visit to our school .last week, Stanaey council !met at Varna last 'Monday, IThe Orangemen of Varna held; their annual oyster sapper ,at. their hal on Monday evening,Nov 0th. r"SUBSCRn.T2i.)t1i PRICE741.00 A YEAR subscriptan $I,50 rtrictly In advance, ADVERTISIt3C TERMS Race for display and contract advet tisaut :pts will be iven on appation.. $ Transient notices such as legal, cut pot'tttiuti,:'ori oto., an cents per hat, for first t +sertirn and 5 cents r fee for each subsequent insertion, Notices of entertainments, socials etc. at which an athnfss ion fee is charged or a special collection taeen will be charged tar at the regular advertistng rates Uoticesofreitgtons or other meetings the object o which is the benefit of the community and not for per anal or sectarian interest or gain, will be cheertuly ans.rted free. Advertistnents without specific ditecttons will be is.txted angst forbid and charged accordingly. Tran SieAt advertlsmenrsmust be paid for in saranco. $ stray .ivs. $r far three insertions, 0, paper discontinued until all arrearages at•epaid. .whnnges for contract.tdvertisenteats must be in the tkffr;e by 5 Is. in,, rae:;day, otherwise thy will be left over un:l ithe following week. Address all communice tons to THE HERALD, Zurich, Qat. NOV. 9, 1916 !THE PRICE OF NEWSPAPERS The increase in the price of printing paper has become so seri- ous that publishers :are gettingt o- gether to devise :measures to meet the •sLuation. Many have a'ready increased their subscription rates land some have be, -en forced to sus- pend publication.. We are advised however, by the publishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal that for the present, anyway, there trill be no'inerease in the price of that paper, and we are permitted to offer the Family Herald and Weekly Star along with the Zurich Herald for the small sum of 3;1.85, that is one year's slibseription to. each paper, (This :offer is good only until Nov. 30-1916, as it .may be found necessary to make a change then. 'the publishers of the: Family (Herald and A,Vvk1y Star not -with eta;n - ing -the e:.o t,m u + i:.creas3 in cost of production, have decided lto spend mc,re money than e'er im ipro,iLIg the paper, and to ;ire thei • great army of readers great- er •, aaue than ever. AA, tui! e•.r's subscription to the •,urieh Herald and The Family Hier- laid"anal Weekly Star sti.l ccst on:y, $1.85, erovi.iel orders are eeceiv-, ed before Nov, 30-1916. Send your subscription to this office. STRAYED A two-year old roan heifer, :with pig ring on left ear. About iSept. 1st, Fin+ier will please notify Mr, Sol. Gingerich, R. R.No 3, phone 3 on 84, Zurich, Ont. STRAYED Onto my premises, a roan heifer, aged about two years. Owner can procure same by proving property and paying expenses, Ed. Reichert, Blind Line, Hay. FOR RENT Premises in Zurich owned by Mrs 'McCormick For particulars apply to A. Mitteiholtz or A F (less. CLUBBING LIST 'erald and Daily Globe Weekly Globe 175 Daily Mail and Em- pire Weely Mail and Empire 1 75 Toronto Daily Star 2 85 " Daily News 2 85 " Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition Evening Edition Weekly Edition London Advertiser Morning Edition Evening Edition Weekly Edition " arrn tC; Dairy Weekly Sun Farmers Advocate Montreal Fatally Herald and Weekly St it '1 it it it tt St tt it ii it :t t It tt $3 75 BLAKE Mr and Mrs. Geo. Sparks spent the week end with friends.in Hen sail. Mrs .J Manson, and little son, visited friends in Seaforth and Fgmondville recently. Mrs, Peter Douglas is at present ent zisiting her daughter, Mrs, Alex Sparks of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs, John Johnston and family of Brucefield called t�,n frit ..ends in this vicinity on Sunday' ?lir. and Mrs. Ed, Boyes of Bruce field spent a few days last week at the home of 1YIr. Robert J3oyes' Mr, and Mrs. Chis Schrag and family are v.s:ting friends down east this week. Mrs. A T. Douglas and daught er spent Thursday with friends in Hensall Mr and. Mrs, Wm .Schenk spent Sunday with friends in Zurich. Mrs H Zapfe has returnedhom.e after spending several days in Zurich with her ,mother, who is. poorly, t ; j Mr and Mrs, Val. Gerber spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Saar I Hey, t • COUNTY NEWS IE. `Watson), of Bayfield suffered the fracture of three ribs. and other inu:i.- _he other day when the steering gear of his auto .beca•me displaced and overturning the Imiaeh.in,e in the ditch pinning him underneath. During is terrific lightning,rain snow, and hail storm wlich passel over the Wingham district on ,Thursday bvening, the large barn of Steven King on the 4th concessi- on of 1urnbury was struck by a bolt and burned to the ground. IThe funeral of William D-aV:,s was held at his home he Exeter on Monday. November, Gth 1961, De- ceased had reached the advanced !age of 81 years.. Ho hsd been a resident of Exeter for th.e last 40 years and was we 1 and favor- ably known. Capt. C. S Dowding, of Clinton who was ordered to Eng'.andeow.e ttee.kslago has been appointed pay ;master of the • Canadian MIN:iary School at Shorneliffe, and accord- ing 1.0 last reports, has between nine-lnindred land one thousand ;men on his pay roll. For the time be:,ngihe has a 1 the work to clo pini self, though assistance has been ,promised lzian, 3 75 PARKHILL YOUITH SHOT _t.ND KILLED SQUIRREL HUNTING Gordon Grayham of Parkhill, aged 18 years, was shot through the stomach on Monday while out hunting squirrels, and died almost instantly, Coroner Anderson, aft er investigating the circumstanc- es thoroughly decided that the shooting was purely accidenaland that no inquest is necessary. Greha:n arid a chum, named Haw 3 TO key were looking for squirrels on 8 00 the farm ' of Christopher Hutton) 1 75 nr+ar .Ailsa, Craig. Hawkey had n; 1 75 double-barreled shot -gun, and 1.80 seeing a, squirrel running ,down a 2 40 tree shot at and wounded it. Run- i n'ng over Ile was I it' Aug the an - lineal with the butt of his. gain when it suddci.ily discharged. Graham was running over to get the squirrel, and was only .a few feet away, He received the char- ge In. the stonmlach and died in is few segc!u,cls. , St ti CI leo it Star Weekly Montreal Witness Canadian Coun4ry• man '3 GO 3 GO 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 50 • L 0 ESP° C ST, JOSEPH 'A sad death took 'place at 1(oa- stili last Saturday, when Mrs: Geo, Tomlin passed ;?way{ in • her 28th a: •,ar Deceased was 111 for only c: day. She leaves to .dnc,aXrn her •Loss, her husband, and three children, the oldest being three years fait/ and the youngest was born on Saturday. Also her par- ants, r+" Mr, Wad Mrs. Oscar Du- ebarme, Sr., .and three sisters, gyps, lJt. U•eroraa,ette and Mrs. S. Williams Hensall; Mrs, F. Runspf, 1Ihedford; and three l rc+thers ; Fred..E„ Wm. ; and Oscar, all of the Bauble I.iihe. The funeral was held on Monday, i!ntorlu nt taking pla_o in S!•,Peter's cemetery, Drysdale. - HEN ALL• Mr R 3. Drysdale left last Thursday for Marlette, Mich.,' to attend the funeral of the late Wtn. Stephenson, He will visit for al visiting relatives in Stratford, enont with relatives in Vassar and' Mrs, A. Birk, and daughter, 21iss Fairgrove before returning. j Verna, spent a few days in Lon - A large quantity of beans havol don last .week, . been marketed here the past feAv Pte. J. Grigg, o-£ London spent a weeks. Over 85 a bushel is bt lig ,Eery days in town this week;. DAS11•IW00D Miss Matilda Miller of Crediton Spent the twee!, end with her moth er hero', 1V7rs. D. S. Pallet is rather lit at present. We hope for a speedy repo 'eay. Miss Elle Zimmer and Mrs. Wm, Eleinstiver gar visiting with. Mr. and Mrs ,Berman Zimmer in Strat- ford this week. Rev. Greupner spent a few days in Kitchener last weeke Mr Norman Brown left for Au- burn on Monday where ho has.eur- ciaased a business. Mr and Mrs. Jno. Hoffman and family of :Ta's istoek spent Sunday in town, iMss Nina Ellers of Exeter spent the week end at her home here. Miss Pearl Tiernan, is this trc•ek paid for them. • Word was received last week of the death of Mrs, John W eismiller of Beverly, ,Sask. Mr J. W. Ortwein attended the IS S. convention at Kitchener last week. Nelson Blatchford has moved in- to 1.Dr. Bean's dwelling on Rich- mond Street. . Rev. Mr, Moore preached to the .nielubers of the L. O. L. in St. Paul's church last Sunday. Miss Fanny Preeter of Stratfcr3 is visiting ;at her home here at peesenit, Mr. and Mrs. L, Hayauaker stent Sunday in Exeter EXETER: T. H. Newell has taken the agesm- cncy- for the Grey -Dort auto. His territory covers the townships of Percy Boles recently reeei"red .Ilay� t_taaney, Usborne and Tuck - word of the death of his brother, r Ernie, ti ho had been wounded while fighting in the trenches in France Mrs T. O. Southcolt has receiv- ed woad that her brother, Pte. A, The D. D. G. M. visited Ibo Hobbs has been Wounded). Tie is a graduate of Toronto Univer- t sity. Masonic lodge here last Monday evening, After the evening's work had been perforimed la ban- 0 eeeiGEOCSGS ® DOOM9 CO b Square Deal 06© m rs► e�3 t'Qbt/'t1BooecD6iDen,^o‘oloiseo$ $0030.0 ooem .' 4povigoav tnoo 3' MaseyEarrjs Jmplements t• We have been re -appointed Agents for the ahove named Implements and are prepared to take ortlere of at[ kinds of Masaey_I1arrisanachines for neat season. WE ALSO KEEP IN.STOCK ALL BINDS OF MASS'LY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs anti Cutters, and We repair the saline class of gooda, Our Prices are always right 41.0 0 • 0 w' 09 0 0 o. 00. t0 0 w 0 0 0 0 11. DATARS, Travelling Salesman 0 0F.. Hess 4 Son • ®4D@ 181§QM0000600&066116 The• Old Stand tl MVVj($D PL asENSIlt J M]UL We carry large sock of storm sashes and storm doors made all size or style. Shingles, lumber, laths and all planing mill products. Estmates given and contracts taken. Office Lt planing mill. . KALBFLE'mc P SC:NE if9 -•�;uvaavao Messes. S. M. and D. B. Sanders quet was held. ! were in Toronto last week taking CIDER MILL ZURICH Miss training for a nurse in a Toronto! ticles heretofore :manufactured in • hospital, is home on account of Germany, but • not in this country illness. -ande which is on exhibition in that Mr. Ben. Caldtt ell, of Carbt x ,e,J earn for the purpose of exhibitions 'fo`• manufacturers . to induce them t -to take .up the manufacture of thein; in thi3 country. The exhibit is an excellent one and is attract- ing laige crowds from different parts of the Dominion,. The death took place in Toronto on Oct, 26th of a former resident of Exeter, in the person of Wil- liam ,Eacrett, sin, of the late Chris tie Eacr•ett of Hay Tow:nship in his 59th yeiar. Manly years ago khe deceltused-worked in Verity's 'nu•n.dry here, later moving to London where he conducted "Bac- rett'•s Fair" several years and after wards moving to Toronto W. 'Treble purdhalsed the D. 1Hartletb house at the stale for Mrs. Hart-e'b and family have momve I Woodstock. A •tshtorta,ge of coal is reported by the dealers of town. Floss ie Borlthron, who isi in the Government' exhibit of ar- Man,, recently vlei'.ed his ta:eats Mr and Mrs. W. T. Caldwell, here. IThe 16lsti Battalion. have left Camp. Borden for points east. A quick voyage and a safe home- coming is the wish for them by their many friends here. CREDITON M ss C1ar:ssa Hill of London ,t':s- ited :at her home here 1atst week. Mr. tAl ins, ,of the bank eteff, has been trans (erred to 'Goderich, and Mr Stewart of Oshawa istak in:g Ibis piaee here. Mrs C. Ras antd, Mrs. D. Mcisaac �i itedfe end3 in De'.rnit last w.ej'1. 1S. Ei:lier, M. P. P., left for Parry Sound last week on a deer hunt. IIIc ,Sate. Eisner) has been under the dtc':or's care the past week. TAP rWe carry a fulliline of Stove Pipes, Elbows, Lanterns, Apple m Payors, Sweat Pads, Etc. t5I-10ES We have a nice line of shoes for young hien. Come in and see these styles. Also everyday shoes for men, women and children at right prices. Carhartt's Overalls We handle the celebrated Carhartt's Overalls and lthalti trousers for risen and boys. No better made. Get our prices, of Live fowl taken every Thursday forenoon for which we pav highest irnarket prices Shoe Repairing of all kinds ALL KINDS PRODUCE TAKEN. L1 BRISSON Maimmirmlasi Our cider mill is now running. Arrangements can be made l,y phoning to 2 oh 83 Hensall Cen- tral. W. B. Elder, ,Lot 16, And. con. }Flay. P'EP RDNESS Thera are cold days coming Prepare for them now by sec- uring your supple of the celebrated D. & H. Lacka- wana Anthracite Coal We have a supply of all sizes: Egg, Stove and Chesnut D'tA.o Cantelon Hensall Phone 10, House Phone 1Qa The . Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH BERWOES ACES Sunday, German ... . 9.45 a. nee '' Sunday School 11.00 a. snit. " Service, F.ng:ish ---7.30 p. ;nr. Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. --- 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, Y. P. A. ... ... 8.15 p. rn 'Thursday Prayer Meeting 8,00 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice --- 8 30p. na. Ladi.s' Aid, First Wednesday of each Month. 7.80 'p.m LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schlool ..- --- .-- 2 n•.m;. German Services, Sunday 10.30a.m. English Service Sunday 7.30 p.an. Luther League, Friday 8. p. an. Ladies' Aid (meets first Tueed•ay of each month s t 2.30 p. mu, nbctor THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DU MGR OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, lst April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, • as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of thisstorak arer purposes only. A'aotnmission of, ne-qua one pear cent will be allowed to recog- nized'bond•and stock broker§ oxo"Ointments made in respect of applications for 'ibis stock which tear tTieir-starnp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of rinance, Ottawa: DEPART`MENT'`Olt FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER nth, 1916.