HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-10, Page 3ACROSS THE BORDER "The hate Flour �l PL1CI,c 'I""" -'have you felt , E.tglieliwomtn Wants to Icnlis it ? With the advancing Go to the .Font. t, ous '"s'4) 1'7f.arr. WHAT IS GOING ON OVER IN , THE STATES - Latest Happenings in Big Republic Condensed for Busy Reac:exe. Two California girl students lived on peanuts for three months as an ex- periment. Electric fans and running water are provided for fowls on a poultry farm in 1\tissouri. Three daughters of Mrs. Tillie Ber- kowitz of Pittisburg, Pa., gave birth to children on the same day. The Board of Health of New Bed- ford, Mass,, announced that a case of beri-beri had been discovered in the city. Mrs. Margaret Claire Beutinger, on trial in Newark, N.J., as her husband's murderer, declares she killed him to save her own life. Detectives investigating the $50,- 000 burglary at the country home of Frank Gray Griswold in New York, are trailing a discharged servant, `now in Philadelphia. For seven weeks Eva Booth, of the Salvation Army, has been ill with neuritis at her home, in Hartsdale, N.Y.,. and there is much anxiety over her condition. North American fur trappers made $20,000,000 in the last season, De- partment of Agriculture experts esti- mated to -day. The output was 50 per cent. below normal.. Dancing is the most popular form of entertainment ab the social centres of the Chicago public school system, ac- cording to a report made public by the Board of Education. Jacob Luana, Herman Maki, Henry Antilla and John Luana were fined $10 and costs at Mass City, Mich., for ac- cidentally killing a hunter, John Tik- anen, on Oct. 19. Tikanen was using a head light, which was mistaken for a deer's eyes. A. M. Trost, night ticket agent at the Lake Shore depot, in South Bend, Ind., was robbed of $1,040 short- ly after midnight. He was on his way to the express office with the price of wheat "the seven- cent loaf is doomed," say the bakers. In its place we have the eight -cent loaf—in many cities only the sixteen -cent loaf. A loaf of white flour bread is not a complete ration. .However wholesome and pure, it does not supply all, the proteids the human body needs. In Shredded Wheak Bisci at you have all ,the body-building nutriment M the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form. It is always the same price, always the same high quality. Eat it for breakfast ,with milk or cream or with fruits. Made in Canada PEAKS 11,000 FEET HIGII. and A remarkable letter from a mar- ri(ad, woman who deeires to become a soldier was read to the Blackpool, 1"an;l:znci, tribunal the other day. The letter bore the name and address of a Local woman, and, referring to the large number of appeals, suggested that the shirker;, should stay at home to do civilian work. "Why can't we women," it asked, "go to the war when we are anxious to? . We can use a rifle, as well as any man, and T. should be delighted to go into the infantry, artillery, or any service, having wanted to go since the war began. I have very strong nerves, and have been in several aero- ' planes. Why can't we he soldiers like Russian women? I have been in the 1 Women's Training Corps, but walking about in khaki with nothing to do is ! no use to me. I have never done household drudgery, which is hateful and a curse." t Made Accessible by Kootenay Central Branch, C.P.R. 1B ABY'S MIN TABLETS USED TEN YEARS The wonderful iceflelds and eleven- Mrs. C E Stilwell Winthrope; thousand -feet -high peaks of the Pur- cell range, which . the construction of the Kootenay Central branch' of the Canadian Pacific Railway has ren- dered accessible to mountain climbers, are described and illustrated. by Mr. C. W. Stone in the Canadian Alpine Journal fofr 1916. The approach to Mount Ethelbert, a peak which arrests the attention at Spiliimacheen Sta- tion, seems almost to have over- whelmed the writer with its beauty. "Before us," he says, "lay a lake of exquisite blue color resting like a jewel in a setting between two rug- ged peaks, which mirrored in the clear water, rose abruptly thousands of feet on either hand like grim guard - ted on a He had no stomach for the army, Prado Mark amp Ora1 r 'i For chapped hands and lips and all irritations of the skin. All the virtues of "Vaseline" Camphor Ice, in the form .of.a cream, For elle at chemists and general stores everywhere, in clean, R bandy tin tubes, Refuse Sub- stitutes. Booklet mailed free on request. r swig' ' ""_ +gale ilGUmloienrraCi sgnesteserles Ise- se Cf -1a. SE3ROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Ave. Montreal The Carse of Mary. Mary had a little lamb, Her fiance, you know, And everywhere that Mary went The &offer had to go. Sask., writes: "I have used Baby's He followed her to pale pink teas Own Tablets for the past ten years • In truly lamb -like style. and have found them so good for my ` He was as docile as you ple_.se little ones that I always keep. a box For grite a little while. in the house." Mrs. Stilwell is one 1 of thousands of mothers who always'! But after marriage seems the gent keep the Tablets on hand. Once a 1 Assumed another tone. Then everywhere that Mary went She had to go alone. mother has used them for her little ones she would use nothing else. They are absolutely free from opiates and injurious drugs and cannot possibly do harm to the youngest child. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Trapping a Slacker. ians of a lovely treasure. Beyond the lake the lifte y terrace stretched across the valley but had presented himself for examin- like a giant curtain eighteen hundred ation with a "sure trick" up his sleeve feet above the lake, down whose ver- to "work his ticket." He was physical - dant slopes two gleaming cascades ly perfect, but his eye -sight was shock traced their foaming course and filled ing—so bad, indeed, that the sergeant thought the doctor should see him. "First class physically," pronounced the doctor, but when the medical man applied the eye tests the would-be re- cruit's sight appeared much worse than when the sergeant had him in hand money when he was attacked from the whole am behind. i sounds of falling water. Still farther Henry J. Dorgeloh, assistant cash -and higher in the background, great phitheatre with the ler of the Coal and Iron National Bank, New York, was arrested on a charge of embezzling $20,847.10. Fed- eral authorities and officers of the 'bank state that the amount stolen really totals $92,000. The Southern Railway Company plans to create a new mortgage of $500,000,000, maturing at various dates prior to October 1, 1999, the in- terest rate to be fixed by the directors according to the money conditions pre- vailing at the sale of each series. LADY POLE CAREW. Most Beautiful Woman Has Hand- somest Husband. That the distinction of being so- ciety's most beautiful woman belongs to Lady Pole Carew, whose husband has retired from politics, is the opin- ion of many people in England. Fur- thermore, Gen. Sir Reginald Pole Carew has been declared the hand- somest plan in the British Army. And "Polly Carey," as he is often referred to, is as popular as he is handsome, while he has a splendid record for ser- vice behind him. the pensions. snow is one of Roberts' men, accom- snow crests appeared, inscrutably looking down upon us." Three considerable parties of Alpine climbers, numbering nearly forty in all, mostly from the United States, made ascents in this region during the past summer on the invite- ation of Mr. A. He MacCarthy, an enthusiastic member of the Canadian Alpine Club, who has a fine ranch at Wilmer in the Windermere district. Under Mr. MacCarthy's leadership important explorations have been made up the various creeks, piercing the eastern slopes of the Selkirk and Purcell ranges, Mr. MacCarthy being of the opinion that for interest and (variety and spectacular beauty this mountain region is without rival on the North American Continent, and as soon as roads and trails are built will attract many tourists who have hitherto been content with the more beaten path of the C.P.R. main line. For Universal Peace. Willie—I wonder if there will ever be universal peace? Gillis—Sure. All they've got to do is to get all the nations to agree that in case of war the winner pays parrying "Bobs" on his march to Kan- dahar. In the Boer War Sir Reginald earned distinction. He is rather fond, by the way, of telling the following story, illustrat- ing the energy of the British soldier.' A German attache in the South Af- rica war was amazed at the spectacle . of the British soldiers, after a fight, staggering into ca np, but rushing in- stantly after a fotball which was thrown on the veldt. Saicl the attache to Sir Reginald: "Well, you are the most extraor- dinary people in the whole civilized world. I have been with your men all day. I know what they have done. I know they have hail scarcely any- thing to eat or drink, and I know of no other troops in the world that would not have been lying down asleep." Lady Pole Carew is the eldest daughter of the famous yachtsman and sportsman, the Marquess of Or - monde, and shares her father's love and enthusiasm for the sea. She is also a great lover of foreign travel, and some time ago made a tour of the world. It is fifteen years ago since she married Sir, Reginald. Car- ing little for society life, she divides her time between Antony House, her Cornish home, the gardens of which she has made famous, and her beau-, tifui estate -in Tipperary. Age brings us wladom teeth ac- cording to the price we can afford to pay a dentis.. A Growing Custom The. cus . or of placing Grape -Nuts on the table at all meals is growing in Canadian homes. Both children and grown-ups help them- selves to this delicious food as often as they ]like. I't contains the entire nutri- ment of wheat and harrier, digests quickly, and is wonderfully energizing. Every table should have ita daily ration of Grapc Nuts There's a Reason " (%).(18.( Ian Post.lm Cereal Co„ Ltd„ Windsor, Ont, •CAN'TT al;;E O Aaneriean Youth Resists Ail Efforts to Send Ilim Home. Norman Bruce Wallis, an eighteen - year -old American from New Orleans, enlisted as a private in the British Army some months ago. Three at- tempts have been made by his family, through American Embassy In l the Am London, to get flim back to the United States, but the lad is still in the army—fighting in France with a Scot- tish regiment. When he was released from his regiment the first time and arrange- ments made for his passage to Am- erica, he "missed the connection" by enlisting in another regiment. All the formalities for his release were again gone through, and an official of his embassy personally installed him in the home of some friends to await the sailing date of the boat in which his passage had been taken. Wallis, however, returned to his old regiment, where, through a misunder- r standing, he was arrested for deser- tion. Punishment was averted by of- ficial explanations, and to -day Wallis —now known as Norman Macgregor Bruce—is with his unit in France. How to Get Rid ' Of Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness or Head Noise. 0 No Gift. A business -like man stepped into a butcher's shop. "A piece of beef for roasting," he ordered, briskly. The meat, mostly bone, was thrown on the scales. , "Look here," remonstrated the man, "you're giving me a big piece of bone." "Oh, no, I ain't," said the butcher, blandly, "yer payin' for it." The FoUy Of 'Taking � Digestive Pills nes or ha bo th tir 01 ea, tle nu Th Tal ho su to el of in he th th of In th ge ar tr al can f you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf - s or head noises caused by catarrh, if phlegm drops in your throat and s caused catarrh of the stomach or wels you will be glad to know that ese distressing symptoms can be en- ely overcome in malty instances by e following treatment which you can sily prepare in your own home at lit - cost. Secure from your druggist 1 nee of Parmint (Double Strength) is will not cost you more than 75c. to this home and add to it 4 pint of t water and 4 ounces of granulated gar ; stir until dissolved. Take one blespoonfui Pour times a day. A de- ded improvement is sometimes noted ter the first day's treatment. B3reath- g becomes easy, while the distressing ad noises, headache. dullness, cloudy inking, etc., gradually disappear under esm ell, ic tastes dection of fectihe e treatment. aing and ueus dropping in the back or the coat are other symptoms which sug- st the presence of catarrh and which e often overcome by this efficacious • eatment. Nearly ninety per cent of 1 ear troubles are said to be directly A Warning to nyspeptics. The habit of taking digestive pills after meals makes chronic dyspeptics of n'lany thousands of men and women bee use artificial digestents, drugs and flnenrtw "No, no, my man; with sight i.rllcer eesescines• have !practically no in that you're no use for the army," said (upon the excessively acid coedit the stomach contents which is the • ion of cause the medico. "But you ought to get of most forms of indigestion and d�s- lasses. Stay, I've a pair like micro- pepsic, g The after dinner pill merely lessens scopes and if you see with them you the sensitiveness of the stomach nerves can have them." and thus gives a false sense of freedom from pain. if those who are subject to indigestion, gas, flatulence, belching, bloating, heartburn, etc., after eating would get about an ounce of pure bis- urated magnesia from their druggist and take a teaspoonful in a little water after meals, there would be no further neces- i- sity afor t d magness ia r instantly s because alines stomach acidity, stops food fermenta- tion and thus insures normal, painless digestion by enabling the stomach to do its work without h.ndrance. The spectacles were produced and fitted on, the recruit at once cried, "Oh, I see splendidly!" "Do you now?" said the doctor, with sarcasm. "Take him.along, sergeant, and get him sworn in. There's no glass in the spectacles." Granulated Eyelids, 'Eyes inflamed by expo. sure to gun, Dust and Wl ld quickly relieved by Minnie vra Remedy. No Smarting, ma just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. iiHur4ne Eye Salve i 711bea25c.ForHlookoltheEyefreeask Druggists orMurine Eye lleancdy &o. , Chirage BRITONS AREER. Hard Work and Plain Living Reduce John Bull's Girth. The medical experts are telling u8 that the British, since the war be- gan, have become leaner, says the London News. Generally speaking, John Bull, owing to hard work and plain living, is now able to take in his belt three holes. The well-known vendor of a "figure reductor" for self-conscious persons, questioned on this by a Daily News interviewer, admitted a decline in sales. A test case was obviously "Twenty Stun Bill," who used to loiter, fairly actively, at a corner where bus horses assembled in South London, and still haunts the place. "Old Bill?" queried. a motor -bus driver. "Not so staht? Not 'arf. No treating nah.- Not so much beer." Food for thought there. A panel doctor, in a large way of business, confirmed the general state- ment of a leaner Britain. "I don't think there's either loss or gain in it. Many people are thinner because they are in poor condition, owing to worry, or high food prices, or both. Noth- ing kriocks the tissues about like worry. And then a large number of well-nourished people are working so much harder than usual that they've lost a good stone in the past year. But they're the bettor for it, like the sound Man who gets lean in his army training—if that isn't overdone`or hurried, as I fear it is, however, in not a few instances." A long pedigree doesn't prevent horse from losing a short race. Like Herself. Mrs. Youngbride (in fish store)— Haven't you any lobsters that are riper? These look so green. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. They say money talks. Perhaps that is why a doctor examine a pa- tient's tongue the first thing. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. &c. e sed receive highest caulk Prl000. 5 5 oond money the sane dal file furs are received, harp no eommlcetons^end pay 011 ehart{es, h We maga Paid but 1,, Canada of (lettere to thew Bands of trapperbecause a knows w7oteed 5que O tor end because more knowtheyr:ttea a,... des], find raaalye mora money too their taro, or oasisalso. We vbuy othermore lllirlromtraneda or Dactil than en ' other five Stir!. in 050515. FREE$ati,m�e Traptim. '5 Celelpgue)' 6G4 8allam'a BPoFtwxaen q tatiouti e Ifailarn's itew Pur Qltotaticlla iXe1l al's t • style Book (sa 51�otea) ,` Seat free en request • .6ddreRe asRolro'W5 1 JOHN !FHALLAM Limited 120 Hallam Building, Toront,; !MVP POTXTOEE S BED irs. POTATOES, Carman: Ordt at once. Supply limited. Write for.quo- tations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton. i'OR SALE ES 1���� !rat wholesale prices.ESend l for free sample offer and 1917 catalogue. Peoples Wholesale Supply, Dept. A, Barrio, Ont. 7EWSPAPLES roes SAX. ROFIT-t11AKING NEWS AND JOE Offices for Sale in good Ontario towns. The /nest ueefril and interestin>; of ell bnsinns"'Q Full information on application, to Wilson Publishing Com- pany. 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. messom.L•&.l1rrzoVss, ' r- e eeseei '_. Tueiciits, LUMPS, ETC., internal r. nd external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. us before too late. Dr, Bellman Medica! Co., Limited, Coilingwood, Ont. $4,9 e� p ri e't GZ�fEPi AW.SX xrS , C7,90 9,Y 4E g'nI'ZE II3O11 Classes forBoys, Farmer, Breeders and Feeder. Seventh Annual TO11.0NTO rI7.T ST'OC22 sinew noon Ft,,ck \'un'i'ts L -ace rb r a and 9, 1916. Enter now mei secure highest pn °Jree price in marketing e ting Your Iu. •" tart's address, case t: ulna Stock lards, Toronto. used by catarrh, therefore, there ust be many people whose hearing can �. Tile Soul of a p'ianu is the Action. insist on the ��`� H G E LV PIANO ACTION BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And }low to Feed ce }L'alted free to any address 1,y America's the Author Pioneer Il CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Bag Remedies g 118 West 31st Street, New York rn be restored by this simple home treat- ment. Hair Tonic Needed. Lodger—I wish you woald put an- ther mattress on my bed. Landlady—Why, that is a genu- ne hair mattress you have? j Lodger Well, perhaps it was once, I, -- 0 i b Saps Abroad. About 358,000 Japanese subjects are living abroad. In the United States are 80,000, Ilawaii 90,000, Philippine Islands 5,000, China 119,- 000, Australia 6,000, Canada 12,000, France 129, Great Britain 478, and Germany 434, a tir' 4y . ,• to send some Zan1-Bak to your Soldier friend at the front. With glen in the e trenches sda auger, of cold morQ or less, with chapped hands, cod Cracks, chilblains and cold sores, and the soldier 'who has s d0 Zam-Bulx on hand to apply ato1Y any of these painful ailments make their appearance, will be saved hours of suffering. Pte. 4, Westfield of "C" Cosa. WILY, IRA 'Worcester Regiment, writes; "We wish. our friends Would send ue out more Zara -Bak. it is splendid for !lore Bands, cold craeke, cold sores, etc. Nothing ends pain and heals sol quickly as Zatn-Bak, and being germicidal, it prevents blood -poisons lug, 517o. box, 3 for $1.25, all drug* gists or Zam Buk Co., Toronto. lt ut it's baldheaded now. A Home Billiard SiSiRTTE ,e• enotrCAL1G TL&. wIldis.i�" i! Table Get away from the cold, disagreeable winter.California degreesithtemperature year a round. from is not expensive e winter there. Bungalowsspend rt rentfrom frolhe e .$2 1 3.0per month up. Special Winter Tour Fares. The famous Los Angeles Limited, a fast, re- fined and exclusive through train from Chicago p.m. and Angeles, aleavesoAngeleos 4.30 p.m. the third day—less than three days en route. Write to 13. II. Bennett, (len. Agt.. Chicago & North Western! lty., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. IIe will send you dig- eriptive literature and train schedules. help you plan an attractive trip, and make reservations for you clear through to the Pacific Coast. Will provide you and your family with the finest form of indoor recreation during the long winter even- ings. Our Famous Maisonette Table Is made specially for the home at a reasonable price. Cash or on terms, SUF;ROUGHES & WATTS; t+d. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., Toronto It's An Ill -Wind— / „ "I see that there's a great scarcity of paper." , "Glad of it! My creditors may have to stop sending me bills." MRinard's Liniment Cures Ot-artret in Cows Unfeeling. Romantic Bridegroom (on the honeymoon)—Suppose we had never met! She—Oh, I should simply have mar- ried another man. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—In July 1915 I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was ob- liged to use a crutch for 14 months. In Sept., 1906, Mr. Wm. Outridge of Lachute urged me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the most satisfactory results and to -day I am as well as ever in my life. Yours sincerely, his MATTHBW x BAINES. mark Potent Love Charm. A young woman who thought she was losing her husband's affection went to a seventh daughter of a sev- enth Baugh` er for a love powder. The mystery woman told her: "Get a raw piece of beef, cut flat, about an inch thick. Slice an onion in two and rub themeatondboott� 'sides of it, Put on pepper ppeaa and toast it on each side, over a red coal br, Drop on it three lumps of 4utter and two sprigs of parsley, and get hien to eat it." The young !wife did so, and her husband loved der ever after, • Methuselah completed nine cells turies and never rode in an aubenla- bile. liaitiard'a Itiamlmont tunes Disteremer C r o For Ali Departments Steady Employment Good Wages APPLY Mop &llnor Co., Ltd. 64,7irtR>RITTO'N, O1'9T. Practical Advice. Edith --Oh, dear! With the rich old man that I don't love and the poor young man that I do love, I am be- tween the horns of a dilemma. Marie ---Then choose the horn of plenty, my dear.