HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1916-11-10, Page 1URI Vol. XV I ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 10, 1916, Se ••St sonable HARNESS Goods See ,our large range of SWEAT PADS BLANKETS. ROBES, RUGS, HARNESS and HALTERS of all kinds Our prices Will be fournd re- sonable. Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, R. F. STADE Also a frill line if MITTS and GLOVES, all styles and sizes. • TRUNKS SUIT CASES, etc. Axle Grease, Gall Cure ZURICH '41=7=1:12.151=irrillIEZIGIR231602922325511=19150121. EXEREEIP2MOUIREM01 4++++++4++++++++++++++++++ 4. 4. 4. 4. Men's a MILFrAMIelii.I.C=11•111. d oys' Fail Suits and Overcoats IkXre are showing exceptionally good values in the above lines. ww Selling prices are lower than actual -cost price at the present time. Shrewd buyers will appreciate this, as everything has gone up in price. While the stock lasts We will sell at less than the old price. Come early and make your choice while the stock ismell assorted. Suits to measure $20 and up. Our Gents Furnishings have been bought for particular men. Wo have what you want. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods PPEL ZURIC N I 9 cre.tre.or-earmmre...‹.4.4s4-Leee,474 LOCAL NEWS. '4.1) Potatoes for sale. Any quantity: a Fritz, Mr. Alex Foster has, moved flom. St Joseph it with Mr. Alfon Poet- er, of this village). Mr Ezra !Tiernan and Wm,. Zim- mero Dashwood were in, town Monday on business. Special Bois riaea in commemorati- on of Reformation will be holdin the Lutheran church next Sun-. clay. Dr, E, S. Hardie, dentist, will be at the Dominion House, Zurich, on Wednesday, and Wednesday of the following week. Mr. Paul Bell, Sr., Mrs, C. Fritz and children, Miss Margaret La - mon t MO tont I to Le d .1 i :h. Mr. Pct.sr Iamon,ton Wednee lay. 1V1r, and Mrs. J. F. Rickbeil Ieft 02i 'Wednesday for Starkwatcr, N. 4. D., fivhere they will visit their 4, daughter, Mrs. !Sweitzcr. They expect b remain some 'months. 4. 8. 4. 8. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + • 4. * ,,,... T + 4. 4. ., THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES 4. + + .01401•SI. !The services in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening wore in the form of a farewe:1 to Ptes. R. Geiger and A. Surerus, who %eerie home on their last leave, Rev. F. Meyer, the pastor, speke, in• un interesting sentn.on of the , cauee and mission upon which they were g Ang. The two young gentlemen •also gave short ad -i: dresses which were timely anci' appropriate. . PLEDGE OF THE SAFETY PATROL' I will work for the safety of ethers as I would want then to work for my eafety, will work for the pub'i safety' tie Iwould for thos,e apponted • ,s,7,tegl-LaJlrl Ow pity, to *ei.e,t fir ri and niy fainney and friends. try b. protzet myself and those. !with whom I come in con- tact frara the risk of .unneeossary c,hatnees: wi 1 do my part to help reduce the number cy: accidents and fires this (year. Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho vis- ited, friends in Exeter last week. Mr C.Ilarencte Kellerman of 'Dash- wood was in town on business !Tuesday, Mr McGee agent of the Grey Oh, made a call on L. Prang on Wednesday, Mrs. Thomas Klumpp and Mrs. R. Baker, of DaWhwood were in 1LOST-An automobile tail town one day last week. lamp and license number 21O,00. Finder .notify • or leave with. Dr. E. tW Staskapf, Zurtch. 1-, Live fowl taken every Suture day forenoon. Dressed fowl taken any any time. Highest cash price paid., I, Hudson, Zurich. Christmas mail for the soldiers should be in the Post Office not later than Nov. 15th, as it is not eure that later letters or areels will be in time. 1 Potatoes •are very scarce this season Still have some left, and you should get your supply at once. (Telephone or call. C. Fritz. Zuriclal. ptiaiMUiltrEsmicaumsmnairaftEssimarate Incorporated 1855 The i LS NS BANK :CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A Genera, Banking Business Transacted '17-reibUL4R LETT-ER OP- CREDIT • • BANK MONEY ORD E Savinus Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager oasatimmavammamir=m-maru IlveleffeelleSie•eittettlealifeeffeselecelf; P For Sale, ny Quantity Dutch Setts W.Intecl, Price Guaranteed Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. FIT Z'ric The Home of Good Shoes Flaseets2ifftelesalletiliireeeteeliffeeletefell-4fereteeelet+SecetIorraJA42eet)esTifittletiacet* teeieleilli111111i11.1111INIIIIiillill11111lieeM111111111111il!MIN1111111011$111111111111111111iillillillilITIMPEKV,In•!1;3:i!!:;!IVA,:l!!!!!!eilailIldeneet, ����������ii��E�����������i�fi�����I���Eil�l��ff'��Ilj�k ii=.li: �:j'. -et . F We re prepared to meet your wants with a full stock of Dress Goods, Wrapperetts, Rannel= ettes, Sweatercoats and lan= kets. Our other lines of Shoes, Thrdware, Gro- ceries, etc., are filled up with setw•onable goods. Poultry taken every Thursday f(it-, ..r)on, until fur.. thur notice, pricesfor Far roduce 'crhts at 6 Store closed Tuesday and Fr PHONE PHONE 11 V, 001: :73n 82 • + b++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++ 44-444++++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ++++++++ 4- -4. .4 -4 -,+ j,* -.4 -4 -4. .4. -+ -4. -4. 44. .4. 41. reeter's nce ver ge west For eliable BLAKE .te=e -L 'me /1MusIMMINISINIIII•111•11,3. •++++++++++++ 4. 4. 4- 44 4. 4 44 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 8. 4. 4. 4. 4. 8. 4. 4 44. 8. ths 8. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 8. 4. +' +. 8. 44' 4s, +, 4s. 4- 44 •01 •e!le , /6 maintain a high standard of quality, not barring out inexpensive goods by any means, but absolutely rejecting all which do not p_ _I satisfactory service, and guaranteeing that our custorners shall never be offered low'grade goods masquerading as goods of hioier grade. We sometimes see certain articles advertised as barbartimi described inthesame terms as would be necessarily used in describing articles of decidedly higher grades, but which are shown by compcaris'on to be decidedlyinferi9r. Be -assured that no store can gather and distribute merchandise more advautageouly or more economically and that comparison of both quality and price will invariably prove the advantage of depenping upon this store. Corded Velvet Do not forget that we areshow- ing the finest assortmont in cord- ed velvets in all colors, inches wide at 60c, 65c and 75c a yard. ileij(7aCtikAjae) DUNNVILLE. .„ Ladies' Coatings 54 inches wide, in green, grey navy, black and white, Extra value prices ranging from $2. to $3,51 a yard • Sweater. Coats • , We Imo, at. pros -Mt showing the finest and largest: assortn-wnt Of men's boy's wcur:n's and el -I drc.ns sweater cuArs, All a' the old prices, .....-^treutrAmrnegm.a.sam.arocco 8. 44- 444.41.4.44+++++++++++i•+++++11 Woollen Blankets 1 dozn pa:r of fine wool blan- kets at the old prices, V.50, $5,25, and $7.50 a par. Flannellette Blankets 73 p:A.r of 4. aneletto blankets to clear at $1.75, and $2. a pair. FLANNELETTE .4 sipw :o:id showing of flanneet- tes is plain or Striped, *Wet last year's !prices, 12%c, 15c, 18e, 20c a yard A'so flannelette shirtings at 12%e 15c, 20c a yeed. FURS Ladies' Fur Muffs and fur Batts, le to car out at a BIG REDUCTI ON. ,Come and see these furs be- fore b),aying elseWhere. Ladies Cloth Coats . A few ladies' coats from. last year's buy, which we aro clearing out at HALF PRICES. Children's Cloth. noats, sizes from 2 to 14. years at reduced prices. Mens Felt Hats Men's felt hats to clear out at greatly tuba( ca OROMON. ii.MMI/OiW,mmmw TOVE.S AND RANGES moileatamOcrote. On the wall of every kitchontn every home is 'written theWardEnarael, hard whitePorcelaini Enamel. It is good becausoit is bright, It is good because itis clean. It is good because wom- en think good .Today is goo. Reins of style in ran,g03 in demandthis year.Enamel and simple plain designs in Nickletrimming, these up to the minuteteaches era combined. in our 1916 Peerless Range, which has provena big seller with us for years pastWe are owing this range in dif forent styles, also in aleft handrange Besides the Peerless Weare showing the Gilt Bale, Hap py Thought, Othello, and the High Oven Pcn'nsula that is attract-ing everybody that sees it, m.nomaTte We era also shewi •g a argo Inc of Heaters Base Burner a andPar'or Cooks. Our special in this line is the Regal Penineela,whish we will put up against eny thing on the market. A call w!ll convince you that this is I•hepeoper place to buy a range or heater whop you need one. Highest rices f r D-croduce. '31ionzi:, 9 +14* eeeee!e• eeee eeeeee:ete-e-e e Z-4-} i.' -i-4-41•44+++++ +++•:- +++ ++4 1'++.+++.+4 ++++4++++3 +444 /•4.- s OVERCOATS Men's and boy's winter over- coats to he sold at a, BIG; REDUC IICN