Zurich Herald, 1916-11-03, Page 5.,..,...A-. -R- ,--• ,.— ..._. .. Classified MSI fids l it LEGAL- :CARDS., PROUDk'0AT, IULLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public&o, Office, on the Square, 2nd door from nen iiton St. Goderroh, Private fund bo loan at lowest rates W. PROUDFOOT, K. 0. J. L. KtLLOttAN, It J. D. Cooke, in Hensel]. Mr. Cocoa Saturdayo each1week, Friday MEDICAL CARDS nR A. J. MaoIXNNON late lfoue4 Surgeon, Erie County hospital, Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinio Medical School and, hospital... Drug store in connection. Office; Zurich Ont. Zuriet, meet til EP Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price, for Wool OAgSII e ORggSKINS HIDES 18t aa o metb=t ' la &4§ I ioh t The Home i. his arnce C ® Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents uar $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. Gs LTV ' : ,II Agent . Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods" fi4 .'.r1} A J•Jt2 rt, senestanwammisraznattosuonmUNDERTAKING. Iii ' ,qFW • , Prompt Service ModerateCha•rges }: Tailor Shop and Laundry • • W. HAI'i,HOFFMAK Zurich, - Ontario r' 0111111111 A RELIAl3KE AGENT WANTED ala every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not represented. Territory reserved for the right man, Highest commissions paid Attractive advertising matter. Splendid List. Of New Specialties for Season 1916 — 1917 :includinI the new ever- hearing Raspberry, St. Regis Stone & * l igitor '1 hs• l oni:ltiil Nurseries (,>t,ptfpli91).ed, 1837) It daft;T 0 C'1' LOCAL NEWS' .NY - Y..W • New al's—J. Preoter, `i', la, lxv'tti in, Mr. John Deiehert • v'e..ted friends intAuleurn over Suiid'ay„ A number of the' boys visi.olin KEttle Point on Su(ndiay. ,Mr and Mr,. Andrew Mittelholtz visi'ed re_ativoe in Detroit last weekKEttie. LOST—A gent's gauntlet in Zurich. Finuer return' to the Herald Orate The inolice drus'tces are repair- ing the +town. streets with a coat - ng of gravel. Good imitation buffalo robe and light harness, nearly now, for sale, Henry Gellman, Zurich. Hay pound' will meet in the ,Town :Hall' to -;morrow, for the regular 'monthly meeting. 14Jr. and Mrs, F. F: Hess, of Lon- donnisited At the borne' of the for- mer's Parents, in town on Thursday The storm an the lake is driving the twild geese and ducks inland Aantiember have been shoat by hunt- ers . Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Stoskopf and Misses PSusie and Alice Johnson, visited friends in Stratford and Mitchell over Sunday. Hallowe'en was celebrated in the usual way There by the youngsters committing numerous minor pranks. No ac.ual c.a•.r.age was done. A Hallowe'en Social is to beheld on 4tuesday eve:ing Nov. 7th, at the home of Miss Muriel "i?reetor .under the. auspices. of the Sr. Y. P. A. All members are e reially invited. • M,•. 'A 1Vlittelholte narrowly es- eaped the loss of ono of his eyes the lothei defy whom the plunger of the 'nipple of his gun blow back caus ng a hasty wound just below the left eye. 30 ao,3r:.n..a one s; 9utseee.s.pY„ the public as co what you are, eh -re you are, and wheat you have to offer, in the way of ski 1, tal- ent, and commodity. The only• man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer the w cr.d in the way of commodiyi Or service... Char;ee (rage. Russell, known as "pastor Russell," an independent minister, editor of "The Watch 1 ower" end prominent author of s_u.dies on the scriptures diedon 1 uesday on a passengor train, en reuse from. Los Ang,es to Now York• ' Heart disease was given its the cause. J. Hey, Jr., has just finished a. successful racing season with. his mare, ''Rosin `'inters.' The mare was Started in 14 races and was in, the :money at all of then. N.ir. Hey alias a good piece: of horse- flesh and feels justlyproud of her. record. At Georgetown she took, '.03. ;money in 5 heats; at Hiccarcl- In•e 1st in 5 thea cs ; at ,Port Elgin 1st in 3 heats; at 3-al't 2nd hi 8. heats; at •E?imira 1st to 3 heats; at Milverton, 2nd in 5 heats. at: seueiph ist in 3 heats; .i t a3 mcou mrd en 5 heats; at Mt. Forest 4th in 5 heats; at Linwood 1st. in 3 heats; at Cayuga 2nd in 3 heats; czt Ancriletee 2nd in 3 heats, Here ,are a few questions every fanner should ,answer satisfactory; What are eo it g,. ing to do • with your Sari implements this fail? Are you going to leave your p1owi and harrows on the summer fal- low just where You unhitched he - fore the harvest? Do you intends to leave the rake and mower in the las,. fd:ld WLich you cul:' Will you deem the binder up near the, sable take the knife"outand the cell vas to f 1t and leave it all winter If you do y, u are waisting ,your money. Keep the implements you have purchased with lard earned •money, away from the dam aging effect of sun, snow, and rain. The lona] daunting fraternity have been in a fever of excitment the past week owing to the ap•- :pearantce in the fields along the lake share of scores of wild geese Many are 'the stories told of geese hong hi but nir,t ki led, of bunehos of feathers filling the air' when a s"iaot was fired, but .,early always the hunter r e. urned empty hand- ed. Such however is not the case with Me;s::a's. L. j. Kraft and R. F. Stade. (They delve •e1 the goods GB:Monday forenoon they were s'uc Fessful in bagging six of the geese Mr Kraft gettinig three in one phot. 'The ,afoiimer has now bag- geci seven 4V414 geese this season . Itar. she syo410• like' to hear of :ley -R kl to eAru144 iii record. FARM. D;:)1 SALE i5a acres Balton C fifty Gn .cttety stene ao'd. Between Ac- ton ane 0ur'ph .4 eton three it i'eq riot to be sold rat once. $750 cash clown, talrn.e• arranged on a Mort- gage. Posst,ssir.n at °nee. Bank barn, 00x40, goad hen house; silo, frame pig r en and sheep -Pen, fraln hetie, painted" \vl i' e, ;even rosins with good cellar. Also another small house 'and barn on the farm. 85 acres workable land, plenty of wood for years for firewood, baI- ance of land is' where timber has teen cut off and grass land .Pr:co $5250:00. P lenity of good spring water on the farm. .'Apply. to J. . W'ougl•,by, Eear,;etoese Cnt. camseasoursempam Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCR PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT LoAN Co. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich HONOR ROLL 161st BATTALION, C. E. F. "THE HURONS" Andrew Price Thos. Davidson Leonard Davidson George McBride 11lilton Johnston Daniel Bennett Maurice Weber AVe have been asked to add to the Lion J_L+ill the names' of the boy: from 7.=+';car, wbo have enlisted in battalions in various parts of the country and wbo are serving their Icing. Arne Brenner (killed in action) Emerson Brown. Peter Randall Emanuel HIoltzman Ab3 Bender Albert Bender David Stelck Frank Uttley Ed. Fisher Norman Prang Ey. Sidman Arnie Hildebrandt Marshall Zeiler Norman Johnston W. Livingood (killed in archon) Roy Geiger Alvin Barents. In addition to the above five from Zurich joined the 161st but were re- jected as physically unfit, If the above list ie. not complete kindly inform us and we will be pleas- ed to add any names we have omitted 444-14++++++++++4444444-44+++ Cross Fertilizer Co. W. BASIC SLA I am mow selling the Basic Slag for spring pasture and grass, any- one wishing to use some can pur- chase sande from me. Mr S. 3. Eaker, Northfie;d,=tor- moat Co., Ont., writes on March 1st., 1915:— 'cI used Basic S'ag on :a piece of low muck ground last Spring, and could see quito• an improve- ment in the hay and also in the aftergrass. I think the results would have beea much better had the seetien not been so dry. Iap plied some last Fall and have al- so ordered a quantity for this Spring. 1 have also' the Agency for the Gntario :c+''ertilizer—anyone :edging to buy -same can do so fro•tn me. JOSEPH R. N f. 2, RL J TEMPORARY Ial$ANITY, •O.:rased by Mental Trouble Somewhst Akin to.; l'pilepsy, • to there such a :t11In av tt'inlwrary iun,aurtI ? itilan peopit thiut, that the eXllres• Won 1•1G 1'>]% t.Ot C1'_•r i lie kindly luted tione of 0 jury to save nehttives pain, but ii ,.alit:- of deeture it'110 haven -mac a stl?Cly of amental disorders eniphati• early else Jure It is no Jule tarn. find luctar has stated that temnpo- rary,in,iiity is a cunditiou of double consciousness, not dleslnitler to epi• lepsy. A person normully quite sane miry .have attacks of temporary aber- ration lasting, little more .than a few minute^, especially after long bouts of hard, conti111,1ous Dental work:, being N rile Anal+' liable if insomnia super- e n'%1. Crimes have been committed in the early horning, When the perpetrator has not really been properly awake and has been horrified to rind what he has done. 'i'hia Is a true ease of temporary insanity, but It is foal"paretively rare, and a man in normal health would not suffer in this way. A specialist in mental diseases has stated that lie knew a ease in which a person was insane during a certain time each day and that others have been known when the patient was quite normal at ordinary times; but suffered from a temporary fit of mania r'egular'ly once' a mouth.—Pearson's Wc4kly. Secrecy In Parliament. Heavy penalties are inflicted for the revelation of parliamentary secret ses- slo:i or cabinet decisions, but they cannot well be heavier than those which the parliament of Henry VII. in - Meted .for a similar offense. One mem- ber of the house of commons was fool- ish enough to tell the king himself what the commons had been debating. He was sent to the tower, and a spe- cial act of parliament was passed by which He and his posterity were barred from sitting in the house of commons as the ."representative of any place whatever." In the days of Queen Elizabeth a certain Mr, Hall, 11t. P., was found guilty of revealing the de- bates in the commons. He was ex- pelted from the house, sent to the Tower for six months and fined £500—a con- siderable fortune in those days. Lon- don Spectator. Dark Nebulae. A new astronomical belief is that there.are not only dark stars in space, but dark nebulae. The dark. stars are Invisible, revealing themselves only by their effect on the motion or right of bright stars, bat durk nebulae may be ,visibte,,,;0,, enligbted masses showing `against the feebly huuinous background of space.', Professor E. E. Barnard notes that many striking dark patches of sky Hitherto supposed to be simply starless regions may be really dark nebulae., *The case of Hind's 'nebula in Taurus, which is now feebly visible after completely fading away I'romn a state of conspicuous brilliancy shows that a nebula may lose its light, and perhaps many have never had any Light. - Gave Him Away. With a stormy look on his face, the master of the house waylaid the servo net in the kitchen. "Look here,,, he began angrily, "how 9are you tell my wife what time 1 came home this morning, after I had told you not to?" The Irish girl eyed Trim steadily. "Shure, an' 01 didn't!" she replied Wilily. "She asked me phwat toime fez came in, an' Oi only tould her that 01 was too busy gettiu' the break. Past ready to look at the clock,"—Lon, ion flail. 'A Proud Moment. "The proudest day of her life this .s," said the woman who watched the third floor bride go out dressed in her prettiest frock, "How do you make that out?" said another woman enviously. "I thought last Thursday was her proudest day, She got married then." "Ah, yes, but today she goes calling for the first time and leaves one of hen husband's cards with her own. Any married woman who can remembee back that far will tell you that the first time, she distributed the calling lards of some than who belonged to her was the day she truly felt her im- portance "-New'York Sun. Precedent. "Have you ever had any experience In this business before?" "No, sir." "Ever thought anything about it?" "No, sir." "And yet you want me to appoint you general manager of this company. Where did you. get the idea?" "Well, you know that's the way our government appoints its cabinet ofri cers.". The Lesser Evil. Old Grump — Why doesn't Ethel marry that young Idiot? I'm getting blanked tired o! his coming here so mach. His Wife -1 believe I'd prefer to have him come here. I. sive mzcrriet 1.1 him hell stay here. .WATER BOWLS I,t er Ca .r.iers STANCHIONS ETOE, 'TOr We .fund}e and install all the modern eonveneiencos for your stabled, See our lines -T M1 a: `' a d / rs Let us install your hay track for ,you 310'W. Terms are same at if installed next spring, viz: Sept. lst, 1917. We phandle pump s, :' i ig, tete L. P ISMtEMBEI ZkrilCH IOW MOOING LST Herald and Daily Globe $3 75 `` " Weekly Glol,e 1 71 Daily Mail and Em- pire 3 75 'Neely Mail and Empire it IL ii tt If ii t, tt it ti ti It it 1 75 Town) lel 1)n,i)V Stwr 'l• 85 2 85 1 '75 " Daily News 'Weekly Star.. London Free Press Morning Edition.... 3 60 Evening Edition.... 3 60 Weekly edition 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition..•"3 60 Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition 1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly Sim 1.80 Farmers Advocate... 2 40 Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star ,. 1 85 Weekly Montreal Witness 185 Canadian Country- man 150 F.,kk..,VlS FOR SALE 50 -acre farm, on 14th con., Hay Township, Will he sold on re- semble ,terms as owner is living out west.and wishes to dispose of the property. For particu'ars ape- pie- to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. Fine 150 -acre farm for ,sale in, Township of Stanley. AU first class land, good buildings and plenty of good water. Conveni- ent to church and school. For particulars apply to Andrew Fe Hess, Herald Office, Zurich. FOR SALE Desirable business preperter, known as McCormick's Confection- ery, offered for sale. One of the man corners in Zur:eb. For par- ieulars apply to A. Mittelhoitz or A P. Hess. Zurich. L X: Why not use the hest coat? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black= smith and soft coal. Good supply on hand. C. E CASE 8( SON PHONE 35 HENSALL Tho improvements in cur print shop enable us to do any bind cf jolt work at shortest notice. No maw!, how large or small the order inay be, we will be pleased to quote you brie's en same, Our work isneat end t.-0,! V rind we can give your any quality of paper.. Let ns have your; next cider and see if we "make good". We sell Ai5pleford's counter check books, any style. Herald Press Zurich 4. i F,y' ' ,f-.fr. .t i : 1 <i i• 74'1 rSeleiiet'i